Design – Illustrator Scripts
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Overview / Free PluginsAXO - Vincent - EditingPAID - Design / TextureCinewareIllustrator as CAD


Adobe Illustrator has plenty of tools and features, but advanced users will always need more. Therefore, developers create plug-ins and scripts to help solve various problems and accelerate time-consuming processes.

Today we have prepared an overview of the best free Illustrator scripts on the market. The list is systematized and is divided into several groups according to functionality. Groups include working with paths and points, different types of distribution of shapes, generating objects, working with Layers panel, text object and so on.

Scripts Installation and running

You can install scripts into Illustrator’s Scriptfolder, which is in the following example location (the actual location will depend on your installation of Illustrator and language):

Windows: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe IllustratorCC 2014\Presets\en_GB\Scripts

Mac OS: Applications/Adobe\Adobe Illustrator CC 2014\Presets\en_GB\Scripts

In this case, to run the script go to File> Scripts> …


You can also put the script in any other convenient location on your hard drive. In this case, to run the script go to File> Scripts> Other Script … (Cmd / Ctrl + F12).

It is very convenient to start often used scripts with the help of the Script Bay plug-in. This free plug-in gives access to the list of scripts from the panel which can always be placed in a convenient spot for you.


Now look at the list of scripts which are separated by functionality:

Scripts for working with paths, anchor points and handles

Arc Twister by John Wundes

This script will twist objects selected control handles by the same amounts. After running the script you have an opportunity to choose one of five options for Handle Type, then set the parameters for Handle Lengths and Angles.


For more advanced interactive multi-handle control, please refer to the PathScribe tool as part of VectorScribe.

Fleurify by John Wundes

This script will create flowery shapes from basic shapes. Great for creating interesting patterns, logos, and so on.


This is also something often demonstrated by Astute Graphics when controlling multiple handles using PathScribe. It’s great fun!

Merge Overlapped Anchors by Hiroyuki Sato

The script merges nearly overlapped anchor points and reports how many anchor points had been reduced.


Also refer to the Remove Redundant Anchor Point function in PathScribe.

Close ALL Paths by Vladimir Kapustin

This script closes all open paths in the current document. It does not connect touching paths.


Path One Direction by Yemz

The script changes the direction of the selected paths in accordance with the direction of the top object. That means that after the script is applied all the selected paths will have the same direction.


Find and Replace Graphics TransformTo Fit by Kelso

This script copies the top most object to the position and size of all other selected objects.


Objects distributing scripts

Circle Fill by Jongware

The script fills outline shape with packed circles.


To take this result further, you may wish to look at ColliderScribe.

Distribute on the Path by Hiroyuki Sato

This script allocates the objects in equal distance from each other along the chosen path. You can allocate different objects which are located in one or a couple of groups.


Dup At Selected Anchors by Hiroyuki Sato

This script duplicates the foreground object or group in the locations of the selected anchor points.


Rotate Toward Point by Hiroyuki Sato

The script rotates the objects in the selection toward the center of the foreground object.


Rotate as Top by Yemz

The script rotates randomly located objects at a certain angle of top most object.


Object Grouper by Yemz

This script colors objects in accordance with data that can be presented in absolute and percentage terms. It’s useful for the expressing of data in graphic form.


Flip by Alex Sheingart

This script was designed to perform mirror reflection of object(s) relatively to the selected object(s) and the chosen coordinates.


Scripts that generate objects based on other objects or data

Metaball by Hiroyuki Sato

This script creates Metaball-like shapes.


Common Tangents by Hiroyuki Sato

This script draws common tangents to the selected curved lines, if it is possible.


For interactive placement of tangent and perpendicular paths, download and install the free SubScribe plug-in.

Tangents from a Point by Hiroyuki Sato

This script draws tangent lines from a selected anchor point to selected curved segments. You can use an isolated point as the starting point. In this case, the starting isolated point is removed after drawing tangents.


Again, the free SubScribe plug-in would also be of interest with this.

QR code by Kazuhiko Arase

The script allows generating QR code in Illustrator.


Calendar Premaker by VD

With this script you can create a calendar in just a few clicks. Select the year, name the months and days and you are done. There are some languages integrated: UK, RU, DE, UA.


Scripts with Random functions

Random Select by Loic Aigon

This script demonstrates an easy way of randomizing the selection of a given number of objects. The user can specify a percentage of up to how many objects should be considered relative (percent) to the number of objects in the current selection.


Random Swatches Fill by Yemz

The script randomly paints the objects into the colors that have been selected in the Swatches panel.


Random Opacity by Yemz

The script randomly changes the opacity of selected objects within the range 0% -100%.


Random Rotate Liner Gradient by Yemz

The script randomly rotates a linear gradient angle of all selected objects.


Random Order by Yemz

The script places the selected objects in random stacking order in the Layers panel. I used this script for Realistic Vector Sand and Pebble Texture Tutorial.


Scripts for working in the layers panel

Delete empty layers by Kelso

This script deletes all layers which do not have content in the current document.


Layer Export by William Ngan

This script automatically exports each layer in a document as separate PNG or PDF files.


Scripts for working with colors

Replace Color by Alex Sheingart

This script allows you to change the color swatches for fill and stroke to the other color swatches.


CMYK to Pantone by John Wundes

This script will give you the closest match of a PMS color from a selected CMYK color.


Illustrator CS3 users and later should also take a good look at the Live Color (renamed Recolor Artwork in later versions of Illustrator) function found native in Illustrator. It is much more complex to operate than John’s plug-in, but also offers greater functionality.

Scripts for working with text objects

Divide Text Frame by John Wundes

This script divides multi-line text fields into separate text frame objects.


Join Text Frames by John Wundes

This script will join selected text frames together.


Clear transform text and pic by Yemz

The script allows you to reset the text objects and bitmap images to horizontal position. The script removes the transformation as Scale, Rotate, and Shear for bitmap objects, and Rotate and Shear for text objects.


For the straightening of objects including images, also try the Orient tool found free in SubScribe plug-in.

MergeText_AI by Ajar Productions Animation Studios

The script merges text (including text on a path) into one text object, while retaining the style attributes of the individual pieces, including character styles as well as paragraph styles.


Monoline Text by Jongware

This script generates polyline text.



Written by Iaroslav Lazunov, published on the Astute Graphics blog.

Iaroslav Lazunov is a graphic designer from Zhytomyr, Ukraine who has found the job that allows him to share his extensive knowledge and experiments with Adobe Illustrator and plug-ins from Astute Graphics. Iaroslav was also a key author over at Vector Tuts+ as well as his own website Vectorboom

1,000 free trial uses, no fixed trial period. $10







AxoTools provides the tools for technical illustrators to define an axonometric view (isometric, dimetric, or trimetric) and project flat orthographic art to the left, right, or top planes of that view.

Define common reference points in each view so that projected art appears in place in the axonometric view. This saves much time and guesswork when doing drawings where objects aren’t rectangular and don’t conveniently meet at the corners.

When a reference point is moved in one view, its counterparts in other views are automatically adjusted as well so that the spatial relationship between the views is preserved.

NEW in free update: With the new Transformations panel, you can rotate artwork at any angle along any axis, move it at fixed distances, then project it to your axonometric view where items will appear correctly projected and placed into your illustration.

AxoTools orients your art to match whatever view you need. Illustrations with components that tilt, turn, swivel, and spin are now easier than ever. No more guesstimating to scale and place objects!

The plugin includes five tools:

Axo Tool defines and moves reference points also moves selected art or individual anchor points constrained to the nearest axis.

Axo Rotate tool allows you to rotate an object within the axonometric plane it’s in. The tool displays a protractor for that plane, and allows you to press Shift to constrain the rotation to increments of 15 degrees.

Axo Scale tool can scale an object along the X, Y, or Z axis.

Menu items add the following functions:

  • Project or unproject views with keyboard shortcuts.
  • Navigate between each view with keyboard shortcuts.
  • FREE Paste cube or cylinder clipart into your illustration, oriented to the current axonometric view with options for the drawing style.

Axo Line tool draws lines constrained to the current axes, automatically concatenating them as you go. Use multiple line weights. This feature is FREE, no license required to use the Axo Line tool.

Axo Extrude tool extrudes paths along an axis by dragging, or numerically within a panel.

Extrudes along any of the three axes with options for how the art is drawn.

  • Wireframe
  • Filled with white
  • Filled with the existing art color
  • Shaded with the existing art color
  • Optional preset line weights

How does "Project in place" work?

Requires Adobe Illustrator CS6 or later for Mac or Windows. Notarized for macOS 10.15 Catalina with Illustrator 2019 through 2021. 500 free trial uses, no fixed trial period. $30 (volume licenses also available)

Note: The Axo Line tool and Primitives menu item will continue to work for FREE without a license (paid portions will be disabled when the trial has expired).


This plugin for Adobe Illustrator connects two or more selected paths into one continuous path. You choose how close the endpoints must be to combine the paths, how many degrees from tangent the endpoints must be, and how close to tangent joined curves must be to be smoothed into a continuous curve. The plugin also includes Assimilate, which will search out unselected paths that are within the distance and angle you specify, and concatenate them to a selected path.

Concatenate tutorial video







Requires Adobe Illustrator CS6 or later for Mac or Windows. Notarized for macOS 10.15 Catalina with Illustrator 2019 through 2021. 200 free trial uses, no fixed trial period. $20 (volume licenses also available)

Download Concatenate

  • Cleanup Tool plugin

Quickly clean up vector art to create smooth transitions from one segment to another. With only a click, make a segment straight or curved, blending seamlessly into the adjacent segments. Adjust the control handles of Bezier curves, keeping them tangent to their smooth anchor points. Drag a path to another to assimilate them with a smooth connecting segment. Drag a selected anchor point to move it, constrained to the path’s tangent angle, even if it’s under other art objects. And much ore!

Requires Adobe Illustrator CS6 or later for Mac or Windows. Notarized for macOS 10.15 Catalina with Illustrator 2019through 2021. 500 free trial uses, no fixed trial period. $10 (volume licenses also available)

Nudge Panel plugin

Nudge Panel is a plugin for Adobe Illustrator that allows you to adjust the position of an art object, patterned fill within an object or dash pattern along a path. Clicking the arrow buttons will move the dash or pattern by one point. Holding down combinations of modifier keys will make the distance moved longer or shorter. Click the “Untransform” button to reset a dash or pattern to its default setting, also removing any transformations such as scaling, rotating, etc., that may have been done earlier.

Requires Adobe Illustrator CS6 or later for Mac or Windows. Notarized for macOS 10.15 Catalina with Illustrator 2019 through 2021. 1,000 free trial uses, no fixed trial period. $15 (volume licenses also available)


Square Up plugin

This plugin will convert a selected path’s anchor points to corner points, and adjust the path segments so that lines within 20 degrees of perpendicular will be made square to each other. Use keyboard shortcuts to make quick work of an otherwise tedious task when cleaning up technical drawings, schematics, and diagrams.

Paths can be squared in several ways:

  • Vertical and horizontal.
  • Along the current constrain angle.
  • Along the dominant axis within the selection.
  • All control handles retracted into the anchor points for straight lines with corner points.

Requires Adobe Illustrator CS6 or later for Mac or Windows. Notarized for macOS 10.15 Catalina with Illustrator 2019 through 2021.

1,000 free trial uses, no fixed trial period. $10

(volume licenses available)

Cutting Tools

This plugin adds four tools to the tool panel:

Hatchet tool: Click to use like the Scissors tool, except that it will cut through all paths at that point, not just the top path. This makes it perfect for cutting two lines where they cross. Hold down the Option key to cut through only selected paths. After cutting, you can drag the tool over the unwanted paths to delete them.

Trimmer tool: (NEW) Click to trim a path where it intersects with other paths, or between and endpoint and an intersection. Click and drag to delete multiple path sections.

Table Saw tool: Click and drag to create a straight line. When you release the mouse button, the Saber Saw will do a fence cut through all paths that cross the one you drew.

Saber Saw tool: Drag the tool to draw a free-form line. When you release the mouse button, the Saber Saw will do a fence cut through all paths that cross the one you drew.

Vector Vac tool: Either click on paths or drag through them to delete.

For Adobe Illustrator CS6 or later for Mac or Windows. Notarized for macOS 10.15 Catalina with Illustrator 2019 through 2021. 1,000 free trial uses, no fixed trial period. $10 (volume licenses available)


ToolShed is a collection of utility functions accessed through menus in Adobe Illustrator.

  • Stabilized Pencil tool adds a “leash” to a pencil tool to smooth its travels similar to Photoshop’s smoothed brushes. Create corners where you want them and draw smooth broad strokes with ease. Choose your leader length and path smoothing settings.
  • Offset Open Paths offsets an open or closed path; open paths offset as open, not closed! Use a dialog or tool to offset one or many copies on one or both sides of the target path.

  • Tangent Arc tool draws circular arcs that are tangent to another path or smoothly continues a path at the angle of its endpoint. The extent of the arc can be very small or nearly a full circle. Press the Alt/Option key to draw a tangent straight line, or press Shift to constrain its angle to increments of 15 degrees.
  • Transform tool that differs from Adobe’s in that it will not skew your art and lets you choose an anchor point for scaling and rotating.
  • Stacking order (NEW) lets you change the order of objects based on their position. Options include center, left, right, top, and bottom, ascending or descending. Another option lets you change the stacking order by the size/area of the object.
  • Latitude Lines creates a series of parallel lines distributed as though they were evenly spaced and wrapped around a cylinder, with live preview.
  • Create a Radiant, or a group of lines fanning out like a pie chart at equidistant angles, with live preview.
  • Unscale art will figure the inverse of a scaling factor to restore objects to their original size (or at least very, very close).
  • Scale to Proportion scales art relative to two given values.
  • Scale Stroke Weight will scale the line thickness of selected paths without scaling the art itself.
  • Transform tool allows you to scale and rotate art without accidentally skewing. Rotate just the bounding box in order to stretch the art along any angle you choose.
  • Minimum Stroke Weight will find all paths with a stroke thinner than your minimum and set the width accordingly.
  • Fade will lighten or darken the stroke and/or fill of a path object by a given percentage.

Free features (These features work without licensing, even after the trial period has expired):

  • Unscale
  • Scale to Proportion
  • Scale Stroke Weight
  • Minimum Stroke Weight

ToolShed requires Adobe Illustrator version CS6 or later on Mac or Windows. Notarized for macOS 10.15 Catalina with Illustrator 2019 through 2021. 1,000 free trial uses that don’t expire in time. $15 (volume licenses available)


With the TextSync plugin, you can export text objects, either point text or area text, to a tab-delimited text file that can be opened in a word processor or spreadsheet for editing outside of Adobe Illustrator. If each text object contains, say, a bold head, italic subhead, and description, your spreadsheet would show each callout as a row with a new column wherever the text formatting changes.

When the text is imported back into the Illustrator document, the plugin first locates the original text object and flows the new text in, preserving the original character formatting.

If there is no corresponding text object, each line item becomes a new point text object in the visible document view.

TextSync requires Adobe Illustrator version CS6 through CC or 2021 on Mac or Windows. Notarized for macOS 10.15 Catalina with Illustrator 2019 and 2021 — not available for Illustrator 2020 due to unresolved bug. 100 free trial uses, no fixed trial period. $10 (volume licenses available)


(Formerly Isometric Line Tool, now replaced by AxoTools)

Easily draw straight paths at isometric angles, or at axonometric angles for a projection you specify by double-clicking the tool icon.

Also includes an axonometric mover tool to easily move selected art along any axis.

If you use Hot Door’s awesome CADtools plugin, you can define your axonometric settings there and IsoTool will adjust accordingly.

IsoTool is free for Illustrator CS6 through CC on Mac or Windows.



Select Menu for Adobe Illustrator CS6 through 2020 adds items to the Select->Object menu. Illustrator CC added Point Text Objects and Area Text Objects, so Select Menu adds them for CS6 users as well. In addition, it adds the following items:

  • Legacy Text Objects
  • Path Text Objects
  • Guides
  • Paths
  • Open Paths
  • Closed Paths
  • Filled Paths
  • Unfilled Paths
  • Stroked Paths
  • Unstroked Paths
  • Dashed Paths
  • Undashed Paths
  • Compound Paths
  • Styled Art
  • Unstyled Art
  • Opaque Art
  • Transparent Art
  • Symbols
  • Groups
  • Live Objects
  • Gradient Meshes
  • Raster Art
  • Placed Art
  • Graphs
  • Plugin Art

For Adobe Illustrator CS6 and above, Mac or Windows. Notarized for macOS 10.15 Catalina with Illustrator 2019 through 2021.


Productivity Pack

Set of all paid utility plugins for Illustrator
  • Cleanup Tool
  • Concatenate
  • Cutting Tools
  • Nudge
  • Square Up
  • ToolShed
  • TextSync

(Does not include AxoTools)

Save over purchasing individual licenses. One license enables all Illustrator plugins listed here.

$40 (volume licenses available)

Save $50 or more over purchasing all plugins individually!

Astute Graphics


ectorScribe is the ultimate vector toolkit allowing you to edit and create vector artwork faster, smarter and dynamically through an intuitive and fully integrated plugin system.


WidthScribe is a unique plugin to enhance your vector work enabling you to vary multiple width strokes with both ease and speed. The results bring your work to life and create real depth and impact.

Dynami Sketch

Specifically designed to improve your vector design workflow, the Dynami Sketch tool means you can draw more naturally and intuitively in vector and speed the process up to such an extent that you’ll save up to 30% of your time during the initial drawing process.


Use Inkscribe to replace the Pen and its related tools, and it will revolutionise the way you draw precise and calculated shapes.


SubScribe is a creative workflow enhancement tool for all designers working in Illustrator. It provides simple access to common drawing tasks such as lines to/from curve tangents or perpendiculars and circles and arcs defined by 2 or 3 points.


Mirror your artwork instantly on one single or multiple reflective axes. This will become an essential part of your daily vector design workflow.


Control color directly within Adobe Illustrator! The core tools are live (non-destructive) with Effects and permanent Filters allowing you to adjust color in Illustrator for vectors, text and embedded images.


Rasterino is the ultimate embedded image solution for Adobe Illustrator. Gives you previously unobtainable control directly in your document saving you hours in your common tasks.


Versatile tool for anyone who creates or handles artwork in Illustrator destined for print. It provides a streamlined workflow where the operator can remain within Illustrator to instantly identify and correct print issues. This easy to understand information and feedback on critical aspects of print readiness for your artwork files means you can control printing costs.




Fontself Maker is a plugin for Illustrator and Photoshop CC to quickly turn any lettering into OpenType fonts. This Plugin can let you make professional-looking fonts in minutes.





Stephen Vincent


Kimbo adds 11 new tools in 2 tool groups to Illustrator’s tool pallette. These tools permit the creation of artwork that would otherwise be difficult or time-consuming to create. The main tools are Mirror, Cut, Rectangle Cut, Tile, Rosette and Spike.


Curvius adds 5 new effects and filters to Illustrator. They are Crenellate, Roughen Roulette, Straighten and Arrowhead.


Tessella allows you to create not only rectangular patterns but also rhombic, hexagonal, triangular ones as well.

Mesh Utils

Mesh Utils adds seven commands in the Object menu, one effect and one tool to create, colour, and otherwise manipulate gradient meshes.


This plugin creates natural-looking textures as Live Effects from gradient-filled art. The textures are created as paths ( no pixels allowed! ).

Point Tweaker

This plugin allows you to view and finely adjust the coordinates of path points. Path data is also shown.



Hand-made linocut brushes

Recreate the look of picturesque retro linocuts with this well-made plugin from the guys at Guerilla Craft.


Scanned at super high-res and cleaned up for your vector-editing pleasure, this is a collection of more than 300 ultra-realistic marker brushes to use on your next design.


Ink Streak – Illustrator Actions

Don’t bother getting expensive ink stamps made up. These perfectly imperfect ink streak actions will do the job in half the time.



In short, this product gives you all the metallic, glitter and foil effects in Illustrator that you will ever need. Apply them as swatches in one click, in gold, silver, rose gold, or any color you choose!


Vintage Comic Press – AI Actions

Up in the sky! Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s these beautifully authentic vintage comic book Actions for Illustrator. They overlay your designs with yellow, magenta and cyan layers to give you a convincing offset print look. Also included are halftone variations, 3D shadow and text outline effects.

Watercolor Fantasies Quick Styles AI

Grunge and vintage styles aren’t always what’s required. Want a plugin to lighten up your look? Then check out these awesome watercolor styles. Easy and breezy.

CraftType – 3D Sign Painting Actions.

If you’re a fan of the beautifully-crafted storefront signs of yesteryear, this plugin is what you need. In no time you’ll be able to give your typography the faithful, hand-painted look of a Brooklyn butcher circa 1920.

Inkblock Illustrator Actions

From the makers of the ChalkBox Actions above, another authentic plugin to help you add that subtle grunge texture to next your cafe logo or boutique beer label.

Pattern Studio

Tired of using the same old lame borders and patterns? Then make your own with this powerful plugin. With the included brushes, symbols, swatches actions, any number of rustic, hand-crafted creations are possible.

PosterPress for Illustrator

Give your design the look of an old-timey travel poster or vintage postcard with this finely crafted Illustrator plugin. Includes a range of wonderful old travel photos to help get you started.


The Dot Shop – Illustrator Actions

Replicate the age of retro pop art with this set of 15 custom halftone print Actions. Includes a cheat sheet with examples so you can get inspired before you create your own.


VectorPress: Illustrator Press

After that sought-after vintage look but want to keep your artwork in a vector format? VectorPress for Illustrator lets you apply rough ink, halftone, distressed or gravel looks in seconds.

ChalkBox – Illustrator Actions

Here’s a set of 7 Actions for Illustrator to give your designs a realistic chalk look. Works well on logos, type, icons and more. They’ve also included a great range of raster chalkboard backgrounds you can use as a backdrop.


How to use Cineware for Illustrator

Once you’ve the Cineware plugin installed, you bring in C4D scenes like any other asset – Placing or Opening it in a new document. You can even bring in scenes with animation, selecting the frame you wish to use.

The plugin adds three new panels, plus its own version of the Control Bar. In this Bar, you can switch cameras, pan and zoom around your scene, and adjust the quality of the render that it output into Illustrator (and whether it has a transparent background or not).

The Scene Structure plane gives you a breakdown of what models, lights and cameras are in your scene – and you can hide individual elements if you wish.

The Attributes panel lets you adjust the position, rotation and scale of individual objects, lights and cameras. You can also change material properties here – and drag swatches or complete graphics from your Swatches panel or artboards onto this panel to apply them as materials.

The Materials panel shows all of the materials used in a scene – whether brought in as part of the scene from Cinema 4D or applied in Illustrator – so you can quickly drag them onto objects in the Attributes panel to quickly change their material.

To see CineWare for Illustrator in action, watch Maxon’s videos below.





You can download Cineware for Illustrator here – and Maxon has created a series of videos to help you get started. The plugin requires Illustrator CC 2015 or later, and Windows 10 or macOS 10.12 (but not 10.13, as Illustrator CC isn’t compatible with macOS High Sierra).

Cinewave for Illustrator is based on similar technology to the Cineware plugin for After Effects, that provides a direct pipeline from AE to Cinema 4D and back again. Its latest version also allows you to do simple 3D modelling tasks directly within AE, such as extruding vector shapes and text into 3D.



With the help of this plugin, you can add and edit 3D objects directly within Adobe Illustrator CC. It also provides seamless integration with Cinema 4D,


Select for Adobe Illustrator C6 adds items to the Select->Object menu. Illustrator CC added Point Text Objects and Area Text Objects, so Select Menu adds them for CS6 users as well. In addition, it adds the following 25 items:

  • Legacy Text Objects
  • Path Text Objects
  • Guides
  • Paths
  • Open Paths
  • Closed Paths
  • Filled Paths
  • Unfilled Paths
  • Stroked Paths
  • Unstroked Paths
  • Dashed Paths
  • Undashed Paths
  • Compound Paths
  • Styled Art
  • Unstyled Art
  • Opaque Art
  • Transparent Art
  • Symbols
  • Groups
  • Live Objects
  • Gradient Meshes
  • Raster Art
  • Placed Art
  • Graphs
  • Plugin Art

While opening Illustrator’s Select > Object menu, press the Alt/Option key to have the plugin check the current document for instances of the corresponding object type and disable all item types not found. This can take several seconds in a complex document, so the menu’s default behavior is to enable all items.

Requires Adobe Illustrator version CS6 – 2020 on either Mac or Windows.

To install the plugin, just drop it into Adobe Illustrator's “Plug-ins” folder. It doesn’t matter if you put it in a subfolder you create (just to keep things tidy) or at the top level of the Plug-ins folder.

The correct path to the main plugins folder under Windows (64-bit) is: Windows (C:)\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator[ version]\Plug- ins

The Windows 32-bit path just adds the “(x86)” like this:
Windows (C:)\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator [version] \Plug-ins

On a Mac, the path to the plugin folder is: /Applications/Adobe Illustrator [version]/Plug-ins

For more support information, please visit ——

Because of changes made in Illustrator’s plugin interface with CS6, all Graffix plugins for CS6 and above were totally re-written using the CORE libraries from Hot Door, Inc.

No payment is required, and no guarantees are made. Be sure to check the Graffix Web site for updates and other new products. Your comments, suggestions, and bug reports are welcome.


Illustrator as CAD Program

CADtools 12

CADtools adds 92 drawing, editing, labeling, dimensioning, transformation, creation, and utility tools organized in 10 tool groups in the Adobe Illustrator tool panel.

Hot Door Control

Controls plug-in by Hot Door are a collection of 7 standalone plugins to make things easy for you. They are ArtLabel, NitPicker, FixPix, TimeSheet, ParticuLayer, ArtTags, & DocLabel Plug-ins.


Baby universe


To make your Adobe Illustrator become a highly functional 2D-CAD tool, which is equipped with 8 kinds and 17 highly functional tools, accessed through the Illustrator tool box, including a convenient information palette. You can easily measure free curved lines and objects.


To convert standard CAD DXF files into AI files in Illustrator, and also to convert AI files into DXF files for exporting. By incorporating this great tool, you can import and export files in between CAD and Illustrator with an accurately drawn plan with smoothing technology.


CAD-COMPO 3 includes two softwares, BPT-Pro 3 and EXDXF-Pro 3. To make your Adobe Illustrator become a highly functional 2D-CAD tool and it is possible to convert standard CAD DXF files into AI files in Illustrator, and also to convert AI files into DXF files for exporting.

DB Palette

Great image registration tool with sorting function, that registers both vector and raster images. This plug-in software allows you to easily sort out and organize your files, and even search using keywords. You can also share data written with the software with other users within the same network. This special feature allows you to collect scattered linked data in the documents, and bundle & save it in 1 folder to be utilized when it comes to printing.


DDCSV is the plug-in software, which helps to do the Auto-pagination system within Adobe Illustrator. DDCSV use a CSV file to put on texts and images. It is easy to do Auto-pagination, you just “Drag and Drop” into your Illustrator.

AlphaRay Shader

AlphaRayShader is the Plug-in Software for Adobe Photoshop that makes 3D image from 2D image. AlphaRayShader can process the 3D image as easy as making 2D images. You can give the 3D effects to 2D images instantly by AlphaRayShader without 3D image tool.

AlphaRay Direct

AlphaRay Direct is Adobe Photoshop’s plug-in software, which arange multiple images along text or image path. The AplphaRay direct has inexhaustible settings, so the AlphaRay Direct reveals more of its features as you use.


Software for creating QR codes in Adobe Illustrator. As the QR code generated in Illustrator is a vector, you can use the QR code for DTP purposes that require high resolution data.


Create Barcodes in Illustrator with this highly functional Plug-in software!It is reborn here with new great functions to meet customer demands based on feedback on the previous functions and features.


A highly efficient plot driver Plug-In for Adobe Illustrator, which supports output from Illustrator to Plot machines. This high performance tool can cut smooth curved lines, and moreover it can support a connection with a network!


An Adobe Illustrator TIIP (DXF) File converter Plug-In, which can convert and share TIIP files of Apparel CAD format in between CAD and Illustrator.


A great solution for automatic typesetting with Adobe Illustrator. This system works together with the data base in Adobe Illustrator. With the help of this flexible, automatic typesetting system, you can bring your work to a more advanced stage easily. It provides more sophisticated composition in addition the the former functions of table setting and catalogue typesetting.


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