Basic Code Wrapper – Prismatic<pre><code class="language-javascript">
pick a language – wrap code in it
“language-markup” / “language-html” / “language-mathml”
Adding tags to page – tags are added to body_class so they style the prism area as well
- rainbow-braces
- line-numbers
- match-braces
- no-brace-hover
<pre><code class="language-javascript">
var myObject = {
property1: "something",
property2: 5,
property3: true
[ ]
[ and ]
- EntryOne
- EntryTwo
- EntryThree
- SubListEntryOne
- SubListEntryTwo
- SubListEntryThree
- SubListEntryFour
<!-- ||||||||||||||||||| TopOfPageResources -->
<div class="TOPResources EditusIgnore">
<ul class="topr-list">
<li class="TRSubHead">TOPRESOURCESHEADONE</li>
<li class="topr-presublist-li">
<ul class="topr-list-sub">
<li class="TRSubHead">TOPRESOURCESHEADTWO</li>
</ul><!-- endtopr-list-sub -->
</li><!-- endsubtable -->
<!-- ||||||||||||||||||| ENDTopOfPageResources -->
Heading – su_heading
[su_heading style="default" size="13" align="center" margin="20" id="" class="EditusIgnore"]Heading text[/su_heading]
Tabs – su_tabs
[su_tabs style="default" active="1" vertical="no" mobile="stack" anchor_in_url="no" class="EditusIgnore"]
[su_tab title="Tabbbbbbbb" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class="EditusIgnore"]
[su_tab title="Tabbbbbbb" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class="EditusIgnore"]
[su_tab title="Tabbbbbbb" disabled="no" anchor="" url="" target="blank" class="EditusIgnore"]
Spoiler – su_spoiler
[su_spoiler title="Spoiler title" open="no" style="default" icon="plus" anchor="" anchor_in_url="no" class="EditusIgnore"]Hidden content[/su_spoiler]
Accordion – su_accordion
[su_accordion class="EditusIgnore"]
[su_spoiler title="Accordion title" open="no" style="default" icon="plus" anchor="" anchor_in_url="no" class="EditusIgnore"]Hidden content[/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title="Accordion title" open="no" style="default" icon="plus" anchor="" anchor_in_url="no" class="EditusIgnore"]Hidden content[/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title="Accordion title" open="no" style="default" icon="plus" anchor="" anchor_in_url="no" class="EditusIgnore"]Hidden content[/su_spoiler]
Divider – su_divider
[su_divider top="yes" text="Go to top" anchor="#" style="default" divider_color="#999999" link_color="#999999" size="3" margin="15" class="EditusIgnore"]
Spacer – su_spacer (empty – adjust height)
[su_spacer size="20" class="EditusIgnore"]
Highlight – su_highlight
Highlighted text[su_highlight background="#DDFF99" color="#000000" class="EditusIgnore"]Highlighted text[/su_highlight]
Label – su_label
Label[su_label type="default" class="EditusIgnore"]Label[/su_label]
Quote – su_quote
[su_quote style="default" cite="" url="" class="EditusIgnore"]Quote[/su_quote]
PullQuote – su_pullquote
Pellentesque in est eget erat pellentesque condimentum nec quis neque. Aliquam gravida pellentesque pellentesque. Ut molestie justo nec urna placerat dapibus. Duis vestibulum hendrerit orci vel rhoncus. Vivamus tortor tellus, tincidunt condimentum turpis ac,DropCap – su_dropcap
D[su_dropcap style="default" size="3" class="EditusIgnore"]D[/su_dropcap]
Columns – su_row / su_column
[su_row class="EditusIgnore"]
[su_column size="1/2" center="no" class="" style="background: #cccccc;" ]Column content[/su_column]
[su_column size="1/2" center="no" class="" style="background: #dddddd;"]Column content[/su_column]
Button – su_button
Button text[su_button url="" target="self" style="default" background="#2D89EF" color="#FFFFFF" size="3" wide="no" center="no" radius="auto" icon="" icon_color="#FFFFFF" text_shadow="none" desc="" download="" onclick="" rel="" title="" id="" class="EditusIgnore"]Button text[/su_button]
buttons linking buttons styles
Service – su_service
[su_service title="Service title" icon="icon: star" icon_color="#333333" size="32" class="EditusIgnore"]Service description[/su_service]
Box content – su_box
[su_box title="Box title" style="default" box_color="#333333" title_color="#FFFFFF" radius="3" class="" id=""]Box content[/su_box]
Note – su_note
[su_note note_color="#FFFF66" text_color="#333333" radius="3" class="" id=""]Note text[/su_note]
Expand – su_expand
[su_expand more_text="Show more" less_text="Show less" height="100" hide_less="no" text_color="#333333" link_color="#0088FF" link_style="default" link_align="left" more_icon="" less_icon="" class="EditusIgnore"]
Lightbox – su_lightbox
Click here to open lightbox[su_lightbox type="iframe" src="" mobile="yes" class="EditusIgnore"]Click here to open lightbox[/su_lightbox]
Tooltip – su_tooltip
[su_tooltip title="" content="Tooltip content" position="top" background="#222222" color="#FFFFFF" font_size="16" text_align="left" max_width="300" radius="5" shadow="no" behavior="hover" class="EditusIgnore"]Hover me to open tooltip[/su_tooltip]
Private Note – su_private
[su_private class="EditusIgnore"]Private note text[/su_private]
Any content wrapped with this shortcode will only be visible to post authors (users with publish_posts capability).
Table – su_table
TD | TD |
TD | TD |
[su_table responsive="no" alternate="yes" fixed="no" class="EditusIgnore"]
CSV Table – su_csv_table
needs url to csv[su_csv_table url="" delimiter="," header="no" responsive="no" alternate="yes" fixed="no" class="EditusIgnore"]
permalink – su_permalink
link by post / page id[su_permalink id="1" target="self" title="" rel="" class="EditusIgnore"]
Members Only – su_members
[su_members message="This content is for registered users only. Please %login%." color="#ffcc00" login_text="login" login_url="" class="EditusIgnore"]Content for logged members[/su_members]
Guests – su_guests
[su_guests class="EditusIgnore"]This content will be available only for non-logged visitors[/su_guests]
Feed – su_feed
needs url[su_feed url="" limit="3" target="self" class="EditusIgnore"]
Menu – su_menu
needs menu name[su_menu name="" class="EditusIgnore"]
List of Sub-Pages – su_subpages
[su_subpages depth="1" p="" class="EditusIgnore"]
Siblings – su_siblings[su_siblings depth="1" class="EditusIgnore"]
Google Map – su_gmap
[su_gmap width="600" height="400" responsive="yes" address="" zoom="0" title="" class="EditusIgnore"]
Image Carousel – su_image_carousel
[su_image_carousel source="media: 141968, 141445, 140344, 139997, 139657, 138467" limit="20" slides_style="default" controls_style="dark" crop="4:3" columns="1" adaptive="yes" spacing="yes" align="none" max_width="none" captions="no" arrows="yes" dots="yes" link="none" target="blank" autoplay="5" speed="medium" image_size="large" outline="yes" random="no" class="EditusIgnore"]
Source: This option defines which images will be shown in the gallery. Images can be selected manually from media library or fetched automatically from post featured images, or even filtered by a taxonomy
media: 1,2,3 (Media file IDs) – DOES NOT DISPLAY SVGs
posts: 1,2,3 (Post IDs)
posts: recent (Recent posts)
taxonomy: book/3,5 (Taxonomy term slug / term IDs)
Gallery – su_custom_gallery
[su_custom_gallery source="media: 141968, 141445, 140344, 139997, 139657, 138467" limit="20" link="none" target="self" width="90" height="90" title="hover" class="EditusIgnore"]
Posts List – su_posts
[su_posts template="templates/default-loop.php" id="" posts_per_page="3" post_type="post" taxonomy="category" tax_term="" tax_operator="IN" author="" meta_key="" offset="0" order="DESC" orderby="date" post_parent="" post_status="publish" ignore_sticky_posts="no"]
Post Example
Measure Flour by Weight
Backup / Update Gitlab instance.
Dummy Text – su_dummy_text
Vivamus eget vulputate odio, id sodales lorem. Nulla ultrices odio et sem ultricies placerat. Nunc dolor lacus, bibendum at ante vitae, consectetur semper quam. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Praesent nec ex vitae enim rhoncus placerat sit amet et quam. Etiam dui sapien, mollis a efficitur quis, scelerisque nec ipsum. Proin nec tristique elit, non vulputate erat. Quisque quis ipsum venenatis nisi porttitor placerat eu ac magna. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla sem lorem, varius at tristique et, accumsan ac lorem. Nulla semper accumsan pretium. Integer commodo magna sit amet odio pretium, mattis posuere ipsum feugiat. Nam blandit tincidunt dui, a scelerisque lorem convallis a.
[su_dummy_text what="paras" amount="1" cache="yes" wrapper="yes" class="EditusIgnore"]
Dummy Image – su_dummy_image
[su_dummy_image width="500" height="300" theme="any" class="EditusIgnore"]
Animate – su_animate
[su_animate type="bounceIn" duration="1" delay="0" inline="no" class="EditusIgnore"]Animated content[/su_animate]
Wrapper – any content will be animated
MetaData – su_meta
[su_meta key="" default="" before="" after="" post_id="" filter=""]
Option name | Possible values | Default value |
key Meta key name | Any text value | – none – |
default This text will be shown if data is not found | Any text value | – none – |
before This content will be shown before the value | Any text value | – none – |
after This content will be shown after the value | Any text value | – none – |
post_id You can specify custom post ID. Leave this field empty to use an ID of the current post. Current post ID may not work in Live Preview mode | Any text value | – none – |
You can apply custom filter to the retrieved value. Enter here function name. Your function must accept one argument and return modified value. Name of your function must include word filter. Example function:
function my_custom_filter( $value ) {return 'Value is: ' . $value;} |
Any text value | – none – |
User Data – su_user
display a user data, like login or email, including meta fields[su_user field="display_name" default="" before="" after="" user_id="" filter=""]
Post Data – su_post
shortcodes ultimate | shortcodes example & code *[su_post field="post_title" default="" before="" after="" post_id="" post_type="post" filter=""]
Option name | Possible values | Default value |
field Post data field name | ID (Post ID) post_author (Post author) post_date (Post date) post_date_gmt (Post date GMT) post_content (Post content) post_title (Post title) post_excerpt (Post excerpt) post_status (Post status) comment_status (Comment status) ping_status (Ping status) post_name (Post name) post_modified (Post modified) post_modified_gmt (Post modified GMT) post_content_filtered (Filtered post content) post_parent (Post parent) guid (GUID) menu_order (Menu order) post_type (Post type) post_mime_type (Post mime type) comment_count (Comment count) | post_title |
default This text will be shown if data is not found | Any text value | – none – |
before This content will be shown before the value | Any text value | – none – |
after This content will be shown after the value | Any text value | – none – |
post_id You can specify custom post ID. Post slug is also allowed. Leave this field empty to use ID of the current post. Current post ID may not work in Live Preview mode | Any text value | – none – |
post_type Post type of the post you want to display the data from | Post type slug(s) separated by comma(s) | post |
You can apply custom filter to the retrieved value. Enter here function name. Your function must accept one argument and return modified value. Name of your function must include word filter. Example function:
function my_custom_filter( $value ) {return 'Value is: ' . $value;} |
Any text value | – none – |
Template – su_template – NON-FUNCTIONING
[su_template name=""]
Use template file name (with optional .php extension). If you need to use templates from theme sub-folder, use relative path. Example values: page, page.php, includes/page.php
QRCode – su_qrcode
[su_qrcode data="" title="" size="200" margin="0" align="none" link="" target="blank" color="#000000" background="#ffffff" class="EditusIgnore"]
Option name | Possible values | Default value |
data The text to store within the QR code. You can use here any text or even URL | Any text value | – none – |
title Enter here short description. This text will be used in alt attribute of QR code | Any text value | – none – |
size Image width and height (in pixels) | Number from 10 to 1000 | 200 |
margin Thickness of a margin (in pixels) | Number from 0 to 50 | 0 |
align Choose image alignment | none (None) left (Left) center (Center) right (Right) | none |
link You can make this QR code clickable. Enter here the URL | Any text value | – none – |
target Select link target | self (Open in same tab) blank (Open in new tab) | blank |
color Pick a primary color | #HEX color | #000000 |
background Pick a background color | #HEX color | #ffffff |
class Additional CSS class name(s) separated by space(s) | CSS class name(s) separated by space(s) | – none – |
Scheduler – su_scheduler
[su_scheduler time="" days_week="" days_month="" months="" years="" alt=""]Scheduled content[/su_scheduler]
Option name | Possible values | Default value |
time In this field you can specify one or more time ranges. Every day at this time the content of shortcode will be visible.Examples (click to set) 9-18 – show content from 9:00 to 18:00 9-13, 14-18 – show content from 9:00 to 13:00 and from 14:00 to 18:00 9:30-10:15 – example with minutes (content will be visible each day, 45 minutes) 9:00:00-17:59:59 – example with seconds | Any text value | – none – |
days_week In this field you can specify one or more days of the week. Every week at these days the content of shortcode will be visible.0 – Sunday 1 – Monday 2 – Tuesday 3 – Wednesday 4 – Thursday 5 – Friday 6 – SaturdayExamples (click to set) 1-5 – show content from Monday to Friday 0 – show content only at Sunday 0, 3-5 – show content at Sunday and from Wednesday to Friday | Any text value | – none – |
days_month In this field you can specify one or more days of the month. Every month at these days the content of shortcode will be visible.Examples (click to set) 1 – show content only at first day of month 1-5 – show content from 1th to 5th 10-15, 20-25 – show content from 10th to 15th and from 20th to 25th | Any text value | – none – |
months In this field you can specify the month or months in which the content will be visible.Examples (click to set) 1 – show content only in January 2-6 – show content from February to June 1, 3, 5-7 – show content in January, March and from May to July | Any text value | – none – |
years In this field you can specify the year or years in which the content will be visible.Examples (click to set) 2014 – show content only in 2014 2014-2016 – show content from 2014 to 2016 2014, 2018, 2020-2022 – show content in 2014, 2018 and from 2020 to 2022 | Any text value | – none – |
alt In this field you can type the text which will be shown if content is not visible at the current moment | Any text value | – none – |
Splash Screen – su_splash
[su_splash style="dark" width="480" opacity="80" onclick="close-bg" url="" delay="0" esc="yes" close="yes" once="no" class="EditusIgnore"]Splash screen content[/su_splash]
Option name | Possible values | Default value |
style Choose splash screen style | dark (Dark) dark-boxed (Dark boxed) light (Light) light-boxed (Light boxed) blue-boxed (Blue boxed) light-boxed-blue (Light boxed blue) light-boxed-green (Light boxed green) light-boxed-orange (Light boxed orange) maintenance (Maintenance) | dark |
width Width of splash screen content | Number from 100 to 1600 | 480 |
opacity Background opacity in percents | Number from 0 to 100 | 80 |
onclick Choose splash screen behavior when it is clicked | none (Do nothing) close (Close splash screen (click anywhere)) close-bg (Close on background click) url (Go to specified url) | close-bg |
url Enter url to go when splash screen is clicked (this option must selected in dropdown list above) | Any text value | |
delay Specify the time in which the splash screen will be shown (in seconds) | Number from 0 to 120 | 0 |
esc Close the screen by pressing Esc | yes or no | yes |
close Show Close button | yes or no | yes |
once Show this splash screen only once on this page | yes or no | no |
class Additional CSS class name(s) separated by space(s) | CSS class name(s) separated by space(s) | – none – |
Exit Popup – su_exit_popup
[su_exit_popup style="dark" width="480" opacity="80" onclick="close-bg" url="" esc="yes" close="yes" once="no" class="EditusIgnore"]Exit popup content[/su_exit_popup]
Panel – su_panel
[su_panel background="#ffffff" color="#333333" border="1px solid #cccccc" padding="15" shadow="0px 1px 2px #eeeeee" radius="0" text_align="left" url="" target="self" class="EditusIgnore"]Panel content[/su_panel]
Photo Panel – su_photo_pane
[su_photo_panel background="#ffffff" color="#333333" border="1px solid #cccccc" shadow="0 1px 2px #eeeeee" radius="0" text_align="left" photo="" alt="" url="" target="self" class="EditusIgnore"]Panel content[/su_photo_panel]
Icon Panel – su_icon_panel
Uses FontAwesome
[su_icon_panel background="#ffffff" color="#333333" border="1px solid #cccccc" shadow="0 1px 2px #eeeeee" radius="0" text_align="center" icon="icon: heart" icon_color="#333333" icon_size="24" url="" target="self" class="EditusIgnore"]Panel content[/su_icon_panel]
Text with Icon – su_icon_text
Uses FontAwesome
[su_icon_text color="#333333" icon="icon: heart" icon_color="#333333" icon_size="24" url="" target="blank" class="EditusIgnore"]Content[/su_icon_text]
Progress Pie – su_progress_pie
[su_progress_pie percent="75" text="" before="" after="" size="200" pie_width="30" text_size="40" align="center" pie_color="#f0f0f0" fill_color="#97daed" text_color="#cccccc" class="EditusIgnore"]
Progress Bar – su_progress_bar
[su_progress_bar style="default" percent="75" text="" bar_color="#f0f0f0" fill_color="#97daed" text_color="#555555" animation="yes" class="EditusIgnore"]
Team Member – su_member
[su_member background="#ffffff" color="#333333" border="1px solid #cccccc" shadow="0 1px 2px #eeeeee" radius="0" text_align="left" photo="" name="John Doe" role="Designer" icon_1="" icon_1_url="" icon_1_color="#333333" icon_1_title="" icon_2="" icon_2_url="" icon_2_color="#333333" icon_2_title="" icon_3="" icon_3_url="" icon_3_color="#333333" icon_3_title="" url="" class="EditusIgnore"]Type here some info about this team member[/su_member]
Section – su_section
[su_section background="#ff6600" image="" background_position="left top" fullwidth="no" parallax="yes" cover="yes" max_width="960" margin="0px 0px 0px 0px" padding="30px 0px 30px 0px" border="1px solid #cccccc" color="#333333" text_align="left" text_shadow="0 1px 10px #ffffff" url="" target="blank" class="EditusIgnore"]Section content[/su_section]
Pricing Table – su_pricing_table
[su_pricing_table max_width="none" class=""]
[su_plan name="" price="" before="" after="" period="" featured="no" background="#f9f9f9" color="#333333" border="#eeeeee" shadow="0px 0px 25px #eeeeee" icon="" icon_color="#333333" icon_size="48" btn_url="" btn_target="self" btn_text="" btn_background="#999999" btn_color="#ffffff" class=""]
- Option 1
- Option 2
- Option 3
[su_plan name="" price="" before="" after="" period="" featured="no" background="#f9f9f9" color="#333333" border="#eeeeee" shadow="0px 0px 25px #eeeeee" icon="" icon_color="#333333" icon_size="48" btn_url="" btn_target="self" btn_text="" btn_background="#999999" btn_color="#ffffff" class=""]
- Option 1
- Option 2
- Option 3
[su_plan name="" price="" before="" after="" period="" featured="no" background="#f9f9f9" color="#333333" border="#eeeeee" shadow="0px 0px 25px #eeeeee" icon="" icon_color="#333333" icon_size="48" btn_url="" btn_target="self" btn_text="" btn_background="#999999" btn_color="#ffffff" class=""]
- Option 1
- Option 2
- Option 3
Testimonial – su_testimonial
[su_testimonial name="" photo="" company="" url="" target="blank" border="yes" class="EditusIgnore"]Testimonial text[/su_testimonial]
Icon – su_icon
Uses FontAwesome[su_icon icon="" background="#eeeeee" color="#333333" text_color="#333333" size="32" shape_size="16" radius="256" text_size="16" margin="0px 20px 20px 0px" url="" target="blank" class="EditusIgnore"][/su_icon]
Content Slider – su_content_slider
[su_content_slider style="default" effect="slide" arrows="yes" pages="no" autoplay="5" autoheight="yes" class="EditusIgnore"]
[su_content_slide class="EditusIgnore"]Slide content[/su_content_slide]
[su_content_slide class="EditusIgnore"]Slide content[/su_content_slide]
[su_content_slide class="EditusIgnore"]Slide content[/su_content_slide]
Shadow – su_shadow
[su_shadow style="default" inline="no" class="EditusIgnore"][/su_shadow]
[su_shadow style="vertical"]
[su_box title="openssl@3" style="default" box_color="#333333" title_color="#FFFFFF" radius="3" class="" id=""]
Nest [su_shadow] around content
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi scelerisque imperdiet purus. Curabitur pretium, purus nec venenatis vestibulum, quam massa maximus nisi, dignissim pharetra dolor urna et arcu. Nulla erat nisl, elementum sit amet nibh non, hendrerit rutrum ex. Nunc eget nisl nec augue euismod faucibus sit amet viverra felis. Nullam risus ipsum, accumsan nec neque eget, viverra gravida justo. Proin consectetur blandit diam non mattis. Sed eget nulla vel tellus sollicitudin consequat. Donec quis blandit arcu.
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Curabitur non lectus accumsan, cursus libero maximus, vulputate mi. Nunc vulputate ullamcorper mauris id placerat. Mauris ut ipsum enim. Sed sodales magna vitae dui egestas, sed dictum nisi ullamcorper. Nulla porta nisl in ligula congue molestie. Cras faucibus mollis mauris vel dignissim.
Donec rhoncus est erat, ut cursus purus finibus id. Fusce quis mi sem. Donec id tellus sollicitudin, lobortis nisl nec, sodales neque. Fusce facilisis dui cursus, pellentesque neque sed, porttitor dolor. Sed vel urna nec ante ullamcorper rutrum. Phasellus sed libero interdum, convallis massa vitae, dictum lectus. Donec tempor, massa in semper dapibus, purus justo aliquam mi, in porttitor enim purus a eros. Suspendisse non nisi vel neque ultrices placerat iaculis ut leo. Integer risus nisi, facilisis vitae felis sit amet, lobortis consequat augue. Phasellus facilisis convallis vulputate. Praesent in purus a est bibendum consectetur. Phasellus vestibulum dui a velit vulputate sagittis. Morbi hendrerit urna eget magna pretium tempor. Vivamus ut tincidunt odio.
[su_shadow style="default" inline="no" class="EditusIgnore"]
[su_box title="Box title" style="default" box_color="#333333" title_color="#FFFFFF" radius="3" class="" id=""]
Box content