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WP-CLI Command for Backup and Restore WordPress in Google Drive

WP-CLI Google Drive Command

If you love the speed in WordPress Management, So you are familiar with WordPress Command Line System (WP-CLI).

wp-cli-gdrive-command is a WP-CLI Package that you can BackUp and Restore Your WordPress Website quickly. this is very important for saving your WordPress Database and files.

wp-packagist/wp-cli-gdrive-commandGoogle Drive Cloud Storage for WP-CLI. Contribute to wp-packagist/wp-cli-gdrive-command development by creating an…github.com

As you know Google Drive is a Best Free Cloud Storage Service for backup of files.


you can install this package with:

wp package install wp-packagist/wp-cli-gdrive-command
Authenticate Users

Step 1: Go to Google Developers console and Create a new project


Step 2: Create an OAuth client ID

Image for post

You can select Other types for the project.


Image for post

Then copy your Client Id and Client secret.

Image for post

Step 3: run command and enter your Client id and Client secret.

wp gdrive auth

if you want change gmail account that saved before. use ‘wp gdrive auth — force’.

NAME  wp gdriveDESCRIPTION  Google Drive Cloud Storage.SYNOPSIS  wp gdrive <command>SUBCOMMANDS  auth         Verify user identity on Google.
  copy         Copy a file or folder.
  get          Download a file.
  ls           List of files and folder.
  mkdir        Create folder in Google Drive.
  move         Move a file or folder.
  private      Private a file or folder.
  rename       Rename a file or folder.
  restore      Restore a file and folder from trash.
  rm           Remove File or folder By Path.
  share        Get Download Link a file or folder.
  storage      Verify user identity on Google.
  trash        List of files and folder in trash.
  upload       Upload a file.

List of WP-CLI Google Drive (gdrive) Commands :

List of files and folder

For show list all files and folder in root dir :

wp gdrive ls

for show list of files from custom path e.g /WordPress/backup

wp gdrive ls /wordpress/backup
Create a folder in Google Drive

For creating a folder use :

wp gdrive mkdir <path>

create a backup folder in the root directory:

wp gdrive mkdir backup
Nested Directory

you can also create nested dir. for example:

wp gdrive mkdir wordpress/new-project/backup
Download File
wp gdrive get <path> <save-to> [--name=new_name] [--e]

Download backup.zip file from root dir in Google Drive:

wp gdrive get backup.zip

Download backup.zip file and save to custom dir with package.zip name:

wp gdrive get backup.zip /folder/ --name=package.zip
Auto Extract after download

Automatic unzip the file after download: (use — e flag) Download Backup.zip file and extract to /folder/.

wp gdrive get backup.zip /folder/ --e
Copy files or Folder
wp gdrive copy <path> <new-path>

new-path is only new dir path.

for example copy file:

wp gdrive copy /backup/wp.zip /folder/custom/

or copy folder:

wp gdrive copy /folder/name/ /custom
Move files or Folder
wp gdrive mv <path> <new-path>


wp gdrive move <path> <new-path>

for example:

wp gdrive move /folder/wordpress.zip /folder/custom/
Remove Files or folder
wp gdrive rm <path> [--trash] [--force]


wp gdrive remove <path> [--trash] [--force]

Path: files or folder path e.g. /backup/wp.zip

— trash: Move the file to the trash.

— force: Force removing file and folder without question.

for example, remove wordpress.zip file in the root directory and move to trash:

wp gdrive rm wordpress.zip --trash
Rename a file or folder
wp gdrive ren <path> <new-name>


wp gdrive rename <path> <new-name>

for example, rename wp.zip files that stored in backup folder to wordpress.zip:

wp gdrive ren /backup/wp.zip wordpress.zip

rename a folder:

wp gdrive ren /folder/folder/ new_folder_name

If you want to share files or folder and get public link use:

wp gdrive share <path>

for example, get download link /backup/wp.zip file:

wp gdrive share /backup/wp.zip
Private a files or folder

After download files or folder by others, you can private again file or folder:

wp gdrive private <path>

for example, disable download link /backup/wp.zip file:

wp gdrive private /backup/wp.zip
List of files and folder in the trash

For showing list of all files and folders in Google Drive Trash:

wp gdrive trash
Clear all files in the trash
wp gdrive trash --clear
Restore Files or folder

use this command:

wp gdrive restore <path>

for example, restore backup folder from Google drive trash:

wp gdrive restore /backup/
Get Your Storage

For getting your Storage:

wp gdrive storage


wp gdrive about
Upload Files or Folder
wp gdrive upload <path> [<UploadTo>] [--name=<file_name>] [--zip] [--force]

path: The path of file or folder for Upload.

UploadTo: The path dir where the file will be saved in Google Drive.

— name: New file name to save.

— zip: Create Zip file before uploading.

— force: Force upload even if it already exists.

Upload backup.zip file to root dir in Google Drive:

wp gdrive upload backup.zip

Automatic create zip archive from the /wp-content/ folder and upload to custom dir:

wp gdrive upload /wp-content/ /wordpress/backup --zip

Upload All files from /wp-content/plugins/my-plugin/docs to wordpress/plugin directory in Google Drive

wp gdrive upload /wp-content/plugins/my-plugin/docs/ /wordpress/plugin --zip

Number Max files in One Request is 100 files

Upload with a custom name.

wp gdrive upload backup.zip --name=wordpress.zip

Get Backup From WordPress Database and Upload to Google Drive:

wp db export backup.sql
wp gdrive upload backup.sql /backup/wordpress


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