WP – How to clean out malware + Security Steps

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How to Clean a Hacked WordPress Site

Steps to removing malware, spam, and other hacks from WordPress.

Sucuri has devoted years to helping WordPress administrators identify and fix hacked websites. We have put together this guide to walk WordPress owners through the process of identifying and cleaning a WordPress hack. This is not meant to be an all-encompassing guide, but if followed, should help address 70% of the infections we see.

Find & Identify the WordPress Hack

1.1Scan Your Site

You can use tools that scan your site remotely to find malicious payloads and malware. Sucuri has a free that you can find in the official WordPress repository.

How to scan WordPress for malware with :

how to scan wordpress site for malware step 1

how to scan wordpress site for malware step 4

how to scan wordpress site for malware step 5

  • Visit the website.

  • Enter your WordPress URL

  • Click Scan Website

  • If the site is infected, review the warning message.

  • Note any payloads and locations (if available).

  • Note any blacklist warnings.

Don’t want to do this yourself?

Our professional incident response team can have your WordPress site cleaned quickly. We’re here for you 24/7/365!

If the remote scanner isn’t able to find a payload, continue with other tests in this section. You can also manually review the iFrames / Links / Scripts tab of the Malware Scan to look for unfamiliar or suspicious elements.

If you have multiple WordPress sites on the same server, we recommend scanning them all (you can also use to do this). is one of the leading causes of reinfections. We encourage every website owner to isolate their hosting and web accounts.

A remote scanner will browse the site to identify potential security issues on your WordPress site. Some issues may not show up in a browser. Instead, they manifest on the server (i.e., backdoors, phishing, and server-based scripts). The most comprehensive approach to scanning includes Learn more about

1.2Check Core WordPress File Integrity

Most core WordPress files should never be modified. You need to check for integrity issues in the wp-admin, wp-includes, and root folders.

The quickest way to confirm the integrity of your WordPress core files is by using the diff command in terminal. If you are not comfortable using the command line, you can manually check your files via SFTP.

If nothing has been modified, your core files are clean.

Both the Sucuri free and the help with website auditing and monitoring.

You may want to use an FTP client to quickly check for WordPress malware in directories like wp-content. We recommend using FTPS/SFTP/SSH rather than unencrypted FTP.

1.3Check Recently Modified Files

New or recently modified files may be part of the hack.

You can identify hacked files by seeing if they were recently modified with the following steps.

How to manually check recently modified files in WordPress:
  1. Log into your server using an FTP client or SSH terminal.

  2. If using SSH, you can list all files modified in the last

    15 days

    using this command:

    $ find ./ -type f -mtime -15

  3. If using SFTP, review by the last modified date column for all files on the server.

  4. Note any files that have been recently modified.

How to check recently modified files using terminal commands on Linux:
  1. Type in your terminal:

    $ find /etc -type f -printf '%TY-%Tm-%Td %TT %p\n' | sort -r .

  2. If you want to see directory files, type in your terminal:

    $ find /etc -printf '%TY-%Tm-%Td %TT %p\n' | sort -r .

  3. Unfamiliar modifications in the last 7-30 days may be suspicious.

1.4Check Google Diagnostic Pages

If your WordPress site has been hacked and or other website security authorities, you can use their diagnostic tools to check the security status of your website.

How to check your Google Transparency Report:
  1. Visit the website.

  2. Enter your site URL and search.

  3. On this page you can check:

    1. Site Safety Details: Information about malicious redirects, spam and downloads.

    2. Testing Details: Most recent Google scan that found malware.

If you have added your site to any free webmaster tools, you can check their security ratings and reports for your website. If you do not already have accounts for these free monitoring tools, we highly recommend that you sign up:

  • wordpress site hacked

    Remove Malware from Your WordPress Site

    Now that you have information about malware locations, you can remove malware from WordPress and restore your website to a clean state.

    Pro Tip: The best way to identify hacked files in WordPress is by comparing the current state of the site with an old and known to be clean backup. If a backup is available, you can use that to compare the two versions and identify what has been modified.

    Some of these steps to clean your WordPress site require web server and database access. If you are not familiar with manipulating database tables or editing PHP, please seek assistance from a professional Incident Response Team member who can completely

    2.1Clean Hacked WordPress Files

    If the malware infection is in your core files or plugins, you can fix it manually. Just don’t overwrite your wp-config.php file or wp-content folder and be sure that you make a full backup beforehand..

    Custom files can be replaced with fresh copies, or a recent backup (if it’s not infected). Here are some that you can use with WordPress.

    You can remove any malicious payloads or suspicious files found in the first step to get rid of the hack and clean your WordPress site.

    How to manually remove a malware infection from your WordPress files:
    1. Log into your server via SFTP or SSH.

    2. Create a backup of the WordPress site before making changes.

    3. Identify recently changed files.

    4. Confirm the date of changes with the user who changed them.

    5. Restore suspicious files with copies from the official WordPress repository.

    6. Open any custom or premium files (not in the official repository) with a text editor.

    7. Remove any suspicious code from the custom files.

    8. Test to verify the site is still operational after changes.


    Manually removing “malicious” code from your website files can be extremely hazardous to the health of your website and your computer. Never perform any actions without a backup. If you’re unsure, please seek assistance from a professional.

    2.2Clean Hacked Database Tables

    To remove a malware infection from your WordPress database, use your database admin panel to connect to the database. You can also use tools like Search-Replace-DB or Adminer.

    How to manually remove a malware infection from your WordPress files:
    1. Log into your database admin panel.

    2. Make a backup of the database before making changes.

    3. Search for suspicious content (i.e., spammy keywords, links).

    4. Open the table that contains suspicious content.

    5. Manually remove any suspicious content.

    6. Test to verify the site is still operational after changes.

    7. Remove any database access tools you may have uploaded.

    Beginners can use the payload information provided by the malware scanner. Intermediate users can also manually look for common malicious PHP functions, such as eval, base64_decode, gzinflate, preg_replace, str_replace, etc.


    Note that these functions are also used by plugins for legitimate reasons, so be sure you test changes or get help so you do not accidentally break your site. When dealing with database records, the data may not always be plainly simple to replace especially if its in the wp_options table.

    database record example

    Database Scan Example

    2.3Secure WordPress User Accounts

    If you noticed any unfamiliar WordPress users in your website, remove them so the hackers no longer have access through them. We recommend having only one admin user and setting other user roles to the least amount of privileges needed for the task that needs to be carried out by that person (ie. contributor, author, editor).

    How to manually remove suspicious users from WordPress:
    1. Backup your site and database before proceeding.

    2. Log into WordPress as an admin and click Users.

    3. Find the suspicious new user accounts.

    4. Hover over the suspicious user and click Delete.

    If you believe any of your user accounts were compromised you can reset their passwords. One of the ways to do that is using the .

    2.4Remove Hidden Backdoors in Your WordPress Site

    Hackers always leave a way to get back into your site. More often than not, we find multiple backdoors of various types in hacked WordPress sites.

    Often backdoors are embedded in files named similar to WordPress core files but located in the wrong directories. Attackers can also inject backdoors into files like wp-config.php and directories like wp-content/themes, wp-content/plugins, and wp-content/uploads.

    Backdoors commonly include the following PHP functions:

    • base64

    • str_rot13

    • gzuncompress

    • eval

    • exec

    • system

    • assert

    • stripslashes

    • preg_replace (with /e/)

    • move_uploaded_file

    These functions can also be used legitimately by plugins, so be sure to test any changes because you could break your site by removing benign functions or by not removing all of the malicious code.

    The majority of malicious code we see in WordPress sites uses some form of encoding to prevent detection. Aside from premium components that use encoding to protect their authentication mechanism, it’s very rare to see encoding in the official WordPress repository.

    It is critical that all backdoors are closed to successfully stop a WordPress hack, otherwise your site will be reinfected quickly.

    2.5Remove Malware Warnings

    If you were blacklisted by Google, McAfee, Yandex (or any other web spam authorities), you can request a review after your WordPress site has been cleaned and the hack has been fixed.

    How to remove malware warnings on your site:
    1. Call your hosting company and ask them to remove the suspension if your website has been suspended by your hosting provider.

      • You may need to provide details about how you removed the malware.

    2. Fill in a review request form for each blacklisting authority.

      • ie. Google Search Console, McAfee SiteAdvisor, Yandex Webmaster.

    With the , we submit blacklist review requests on your behalf. This helps ensure your site is absolutely ready for review. Some reviews, however, such as web spam hacks as a result of manual actions, can take up to two weeks.

    See the Sucuri Dashboard in action.

    remove malware wordpress

    Protect Your WordPress Site From Future Hacks

    In this final step, you will learn how to fix the issues that caused your WordPress to be hacked in the first place. You will also perform essential steps

    3.1Update and Reset Configuration Settings

    Out-of-date software is one of the leading causes of infections. This includes your CMS version, plugins, themes, and any other extension type. Potentially compromised credentials should also be reset to ensure you are not reinfected.

    How to manually apply updates in WordPress:

    1. Log into your server via SFTP or SSH.

    2. Backup your website and database (especially customized content).

    3. Manually remove the wp-admin and wp-includes directories.

    4. Replace wp-admin and wp-includes using copies from the official WordPress repository.

    5. Manually remove and replace plugins and themes with copies from official sources.

    6. Log into WordPress as an admin and click Dashboard > Updates.

    7. Apply any missing updates.

    8. Open your website to verify it is operational.

    Reset User Passwords

    It is critical that you change passwords for all access points to your WordPress site. This includes WordPress user accounts, FTP/SFTP, SSH, cPanel, and your database.

    You should reduce the number of admin accounts for all of your systems to the absolute minimum. Practice the concept of Only give people the access they require to do the job they need for just as long as they need it.

    All accounts should use strong passwords. A good password is built around three components – complexity, length, and uniqueness. Some say it’s too difficult to remember multiple passwords. This is true. That’s why password managers were created!

    Generate New Secret Keys

    Once the passwords are reset, you can force all users to log off using our plugin. WordPress uses browser cookies to keep user sessions active for two weeks. If an attacker has a session cookie, they will retain access to the website even after a password is reset. To fix this, we recommend forcing active users off by resetting WordPress secret keys.

    How to generate new secret keys in the wp-config.php file using Sucuri:
    1. Open the WordPress wp-config.php file.

    2. Add a value of 60+ unique characters for each key and salt.

    3. You can use a

    4. Save the wp-config.php file.

    It is advisable to reinstall all plugins after a hack to ensure they are functional and free of residual malware. If you have deactivated plugins we recommend you remove them from your web server altogether.

    To To reset your plugins using the Sucuri WordPress plugin:

    how to generate new secret keys in wp-config.php

    how to reset installed plugins in wordpress

    how to reset installed plugins in wordpress step 2

    how to reset installed plugins in wordpress step 3

    • Log into WordPress as an admin and go to Sucuri Security > Settings > Post-Hack

    • Go to the Reset Installed Plugins tab.

    • Select the plugins you want to reset (it is recommended to select them all).

    • Click Submit to reset selected items

    Premium plugins will need to be reinstalled manually as their code is not available on the official WordPress repository.

    Caution: Be careful not to touch wp-config or wp-content as this could break your site!

    We recommend manually removing and replacing core files instead of using the Update feature in the wp-admin dashboard. This ensures any malicious files added to core directories are all accounted for. You can remove existing core directories (wp-admin, wp-includes), then manually add those same core directories.

    3.2Harden WordPress

    To harden a server or application means that you take steps to reduce the attack surface or entry points for attackers. WordPress and its plugins can be harder to hack when you take these steps.

    How to harden WordPress, you can use the Sucuri plugin:

    how to harden wordpress with sucuri step 1

    how to harden wordpress with sucuri step 2

    how to harden wordpress with sucuri step 3

    • Log into WordPress as an admin and go to Sucuri Security > Settings > Hardening.

    • Review the options to understand what they do.

    • Click the Harden button to apply recommendations.

    There are countless ways to harden WordPress depending on your needs. We recommend reviewing the if you want to research additional hardening methods. See the section below for more information about how we offer virtual patching and hardening.

    3.3Set Backups for your WordPress Site

    Backups function as a safety net. Now that your WordPress site is clean and you’ve taken some important post-hack steps, make a backup! Having a is at the core of a good security posture.

    Here are some tips to help you with WordPress backups:

    • Location

      Store WordPress backups in an off-site location. Never store backups (or old versions) on your server; they can be hacked and used to compromise your real site.

    • Automatic

      Ideally, your backup solution should run automatically at a frequency that suits the needs of your website.

    • Redundancy

      This means that your backup strategy has to include redundancy, or in other words, backups of your backups.

    • Testing

      Try the restore process to confirm your website functions correctly.

    • File Types

      Some backup solutions exclude certain file types such as videos and archives.

    Did you know:

    Sucuri offers its customers an affordable system for secure website backups.

    3.4Scan Your Computer

    Have all WordPress users run a scan with a reputable antivirus program on their operating systems.

    WordPress can be compromised if a user with an infected computer has access to the dashboard. Some infections are designed to jump from a computer into or FTP clients.

    Paid Antivirus Programs:

    • Bitdefender

    • Kaspersky

    • Sophos

    • F-Secure.

    Free Antivirus Programs:

    • You should have only one antivirus actively protecting your system to avoid conflicts. If your WordPress Dashboard user’s computers are not clean, your site can get reinfected easily.

      3.5Use a Website Firewall

      The number of vulnerabilities exploited by attackers grows every day. Trying to keep up is challenging for administrators. were invented to provide a perimeter defense system surrounding your WordPress site.

      Benefits to using a website firewall:

      • Prevent a Future Hack

        By detecting and stopping known hacking methods and behaviors, a website firewall keeps your site protected against infection in the first place.

      • Virtual Security Update

        Hackers quickly exploit vulnerabilities in plugins and themes, and unknown ones are always emerging (called zero-days). A good website firewall will patch your holes in your website software even if you haven’t applied security updates.

      • Block Brute Force Attack

        A website firewall should stop anyone from accessing your wp-admin or wp-login page if they aren’t supposed to be there, making sure they can’t use brute force automation to guess your password.

      • Mitigate DDoS Attack

        Distributed Denial of Service attacks attempt to overload your server or application resources. By detecting and blocking all types of DDoS attacks, a website firewall makes sure your site is available if you are being attacked with a high volume of fake visits.

      • Performance Optimization

        Most WAFs will offer to cache for faster global page speed. This keeps your visitors happy and is proven to lower bounce rates while improving website engagement, conversions, and search engine rankings.

      Did you know:

      We offer all of these features with the Sucuri Firewall.

      WordPress Hacks FAQ

      How do WordPress sites get hacked?

      Malicious users crawl the internet looking for vulnerable WordPress sites to hack. If your website is not protected with a and if you do not follow , your website can become a victim.

      How do I scan WordPress plugins for malware?

      You can use to scan your WordPress site for malware for free. We highly recommend updating all WP plugins regularly and that you remove all plugins that are not being actively used. Sucuri also offers a in which you will find website monitoring, protection, and response.

      How do I find malicious code in WordPress?

      You can use to scan your WordPress site for malicious code for free. We recommend reinstalling your core files with a fresh copy if you suspect there is malware in your WordPress website. If you want to be sure that your website is clean, you can and submit a malware removal request.

      How do I protect my WordPress site from malware?

      You can secure your WordPress site by following , such as:

      • Having a

      • Using the latest version of WordPress, plugins, themes and third-party services

      • Enforcing strong password requirements

      • Only granting the type of access that someone needs





WordPress Security

Last updated on: Jan 20th, 2020

WordPress is renowned for its usability and ease of access, however it’s popularity also makes it an attractive target for bad actors. This WordPress security guide is an introduction into how to protect visitors, mitigate threats, and create a more secure WordPress site.

Recent statistics show that over 28% of website administrators across the web use WordPress. Its popularity comes at a price; often targeted by malicious hackers and spammers who seek to leverage insecure websites to their advantage.

WordPress security is about risk reduction, not risk elimination. Because there will always be risk, securing your WordPress site will remain a continuous process, requiring frequent assessment of these attack vectors.

Protect your Site

Is WordPress Secure?

The question of whether WordPress is secure or not depends entirely on you, the website owner. Website security is about risk reduction. Follow our WordPress security best practices to harden and protect your website from threats.

How to Secure a WordPress Site

This guide is intended to educate WordPress administrators on basic security techniques and actionable steps that will help to secure your WordPress site and reduce the risk of a compromise.


WordPress Software Vulnerabilities

Keep WordPress, Themes & Plugins Updated

The WordPress security team works diligently to provide important security updates and vulnerability patches. However, the use of third-party plugins and themes exposes users to additional security threats.

By regularly installing the latest versions of core WordPress files and extensions, you can ensure that your website possesses all of the prevailing security patches and your WordPress site is more secure.

1.1 – Regularly Audit WordPress Plugins & Themes

Plugins and themes can become deprecated, obsolete, or include bugs that pose serious security risks to your WordPress website.

To secure your WordPress installation and improve security, we recommend that you audit your plugins and themes on a regular basis.

Assess Your Plugin Security

You can assess the security of WordPress plugins and themes by reviewing a couple of important indicators:

  • Does the plugin or theme have a large install base?: Check the number of installs before adding a new plugin to your WordPress site.
  • Are there a lot of user reviews, and is the average rating high?: Check WordPress plugin reviews and ratings before adding a new plugin.
  • Are the developers actively supporting their plugin and pushing frequent updates or security patches?: If a plugin has not been updated in a long time it can have vulnerabilities used by malicious users to compromise WordPress websites.
  • Does the vendor list terms of service or a privacy policy?: It is important to check if the plugin has a privacy policy or TOS.
  • Does the vendor include a physical contact address in the ToS or from a contact page?: Having a physical contact address adds credibility to a WordPress plugin.

Carefully read the Terms of Service – it may include unwanted extras that the authors didn’t advertise on their homepage. If the plugin or theme doesn’t meet any of these requirements or has recently changed owners before the latest update, you may want to look for a more secure solution for your WordPress site.


Sometimes bad actors will purchase a plugin to add malicious or unwanted functionality. Exercise caution when installing plugins that have recently changed owners before the latest update.

Remove Unused WordPress Plugins & Themes

When it comes to unused plugins, less is more. Storing unwanted plugins in your WordPress installation increases the chance of a compromise, even if they are disabled and not actively being used in your installation. Removing unused plugins and themes helps improve security and protects WordPress from hacking.

Not using that WordPress plugin? Remove it from your installation.

Get Protected

Keep your WordPress website healthy and protected from threats.

1.2 – Keep WordPress Updated

Updating WordPress

When a new WordPress update is available, you’ll be notified in the Dashboard > Updates menu.

You should always apply updates as soon as possible to keep your WordPress site safe & secure. Logging into your site on a frequent basis will ensure that you’re aware of updates as they are released. If you cannot update your site for any reason, consider using a website firewall to virtually patch the problem and minimize the risk.

To set up automatic updates in WordPress:

  1. Log into your server via SFTP or SSH.
  2. Locate the wp-config.php file, normally located in the document root folder public_html.
  3. Add the following snippet to the file: define( ‘WP_AUTO_UPDATE_CORE’, true );


Some updates can break your website, so be sure to verify your site is fully operational after an update is applied.

Advanced users can refer to the WordPress Codex’s guide on updates using subversion.

To manually apply updates in WordPress:

  1. Log into your server via SFTP or SSH.
  2. Manually remove the wp-admin and wp-includes directories
  3. Replace the core files from the root directory, /wp-admin/ and /wp-includes/ using copies from the official WordPress repository.
  4. Log into WordPress as an admin – you may see a prompt to update the database.
  5. Click on Update WordPress Database.
  6. Once the database has updated, navigate to Dashboard > Updates.
  7. Apply any missing updates.
  8. Open your website to verify it is operational.


Before updating your website to the latest version of WordPress, we recommend taking the following precautionary steps:

      1. Back up your website, especially any customized content.
      2. Review the release notes to identify if changes will have any negative impact on your website.
      3. Test the update on a development site to verify that your themes, plugins, and other extensions are compatible with the latest version.


Database Update Required

Database Update Required sucuri wordpress security guide

Keep WordPress Plugins Updated

WordPress may not be able to update the extension if it has been downloaded from a third-party website. If this is the case, you may need to manually update the plugin using FTP or use an included updater to keep your WordPress secure.

To manually apply updates for plugins in WordPress:

  1. Verify compatibility between the plugin and your current WordPress version.
  2. Download the latest version of the plugin from an official source and save it on your local machine.
  3. Check for special update instructions from the plugin developer or vendor. If none exist, proceed with steps 4-9.
  4. Log into your server via SFTP or SSH.
  5. Navigate to /wp-content/plugins/ and download this folder to your computer to serve as a backup.
  6. Locate the directory of the plugin you want to update and delete it from FTP.
  7. Upload the latest version to the same location.
  8. Log into WordPress as an admin and click Dashboard > Plugins.
  9. Locate the plugin you just updated from the list and click Activate.

Keep WordPress Themes Updated

Keeping themes updated is another important aspect of WordPress security. If you are not using a child/parent theme for customizations, you’ll need to copy your modifications to a new theme folder, then update it to FTP.

To manually update themes in WordPress:

  1. Connect to your website using FTP and go to /wp-content/themes/, then download the current theme folder to your computer.
  2. Visit the theme’s website to download the latest version of the theme and save it on your local machine – you will now have two copies of the theme folder.
  3. Copy any customizations and code changes from your old theme and add them to the new theme files.
  4. Upload the newest version of the theme directory, complete with customizations to WordPress using FTP.


If you are using a customized child theme that is inheriting functionality from a parent theme, then updating your theme is fairly straightforward. Simply overwrite your copy of the parent theme with the latest version from the official source. Your customizations will remain intact in the child theme.


Limit Access to Your WordPress Site

Attackers frequently exploit weak user credentials to obtain access to WordPress websites. Locking down your WP Admin access can prevent hacking and secure your WordPress site.

Increase security to your WordPress website by utilizing strong, unique passwords restricting the privileges available to users through assigned roles, enabling two-step or multi-factor authentication and limiting user sessions, you can reduce the risk of a website compromise by a bad actor.

2.1 – Managing WordPress User Accounts

Remove Default WP-Admin

A large majority of attacks target the wp-adminwp-login.php, and xmlrpc.php access points by using a combination of common usernames and passwords.

By using a unique username and removing the default admin account in your WordPress installation, you make it much more difficult for attackers to guess (brute force) their way into your website.

How to replace the default “admin” account:

  1. Log into WordPress as an administrator.
  2. From the Dashboard, select Users > Add New.
  3. Using a new email address, create a new account and set the Role to Administrator.
  4. Save the new user, then log out and log back in with your new Administrator account.
  5. From the Dashboard, select Users > All Users.
  6. Hover your mouse over the username admin, then select Delete.
  7. Attribute old posts to the new Administrator account.


Create a nickname that’s different from your existing username and set it as your public display name. This will make it more difficult for attackers to brute force your login credentials.

User Roles & the Principle of Least Privilege

The principle of least privilege is composed of two very simple steps:

  • Use the minimal set of privileges on a system in order to perform an action.
  • Grant privileges only for the exact duration that an action is necessary.


With this concept in mind, WordPress includes built-in roles for Administrators, Authors, Editors, Contributors, and Subscribers. These roles specify what can and cannot be accomplished by a user.

Follow these access control recommendations to secure your WordPress:

  • Create new user accounts at the lowest level of permission.
  • Grant temporary permissions and revoke access when they are no longer needed.
  • Delete accounts that are no longer being used.
  • Ensure that the default user role is set to Subscriber:
    1. Log into WordPress as an Administrator.
    2. Verify that your Subscriber permissions include only the ability to log in and update a profile.
    3. From the Dashboard, select Settings > General.
    4. Set the New User Default Role to Subscriber.

2.2 – Use Strong Passwords

WordPress password security is an important factor in hardening your website and increasing your WP admin security. Password lists are often used by attackers to brute force WordPress websites. This is why you should always use strong, unique passwords for all of your accounts to improve the security of your WP site.

Strong passwords should meet the following standards:

  • At least 1 uppercase character
  • At least 1 lowercase character
  • At least 1 digit
  • At least 1 special character
  • At least 10 characters, with no more than two identical characters in a row


Using a password generator to generate a randomized string of letters and numbers is one of the simplest ways to create a secure password.

Password Generation Options

Password Generation Options Sucuri WordPress Security Guide

Use Two Factor Identification (2FA) / Multi Factor Identification (MFA)

Two-factor authentication provides a second level of security for your WordPress account. This feature requires a user to approve a login via an app and protects your WordPress account in the event that someone is able to guess your password.

How to add 2FA to WordPress using Google Authenticator:

  1. Download and install Google Authenticator on your iPhone or Android.
  2. Install and activate a 2FA plugin for WordPress like miniOrange’s 2FA.
  3. Select miniOrange 2-Factor from the left menu and follow the instructions.
  4. Once you have obtained your QR code, open Google Authenticator and click on the Add button on the bottom-right hand side of the application.
  5. Scan the QR code displayed by the plugin using your phone’s camera.
  6. Verify the code on the plugin page.

Sucuri’s Website Security Platform includes a feature that helps you easily password protect or implement 2FA on any page of your website.

To add 2FA to any page on your website using Sucuri:

  1. Download and install Google Authenticator on your iPhone or Android.
  2. Log into the Sucuri Dashboard and navigate to Website Firewall.
  3. Click on the website you would like to protect, then select Access Control from the top navigation.
  4. Enter the page name that you would like to protect (ie. /wp-login.php), then select 2FA with Google Auth from the drop-down menu.
  5. Click Protect Page and scan the QR code with your mobile device using Google Authenticator.

Add 2FA with Sucuri

Add 2FA from the Sucuri dashboard

2.3 – Limit WordPress Login Attempts

WordPress allows users to attempt a login unlimited times by default, but this leaves your site vulnerable to brute force attacks as hackers try to attempt different password combinations.

You can add an extra layer of security by limiting the number of login attempts against an account through a plugin, or by using a Web Application Firewall (WAF).

Some popular plugins that provide you with this feature include Limit Login AttemptsWP Limit Login Attempts, and Loginizer.

2.4 – Use Pre-Login CAPTCHAs

The acronym stands for Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart. This feature is extremely useful for stopping automated bots from accessing your WordPress dashboard, as well as submitting unwanted spam through forms.

Popular plugins that add a CAPTCHA to your WordPress login page include Captcha and Really Simple Captcha.

Pre-Login Captchas

Pre-Login Captchas WordPress Guide Sucuri

2.5 – Restrict Access to Authenticated URLs

Limiting the access to your WordPress login page to only authorized IP’s will prevent unauthorized entries and better secure your site.

There are plugins available that can do this. If you are using a cloud-based WAF like the Sucuri Firewall, you can restrict access to these URL’s via your dashboard without having to mess around with .htaccess files.

Whitelist IP Addresses

Whitelist IP Addresses from the Sucuri dashboard WordPress Security Guide

WordPress Monitoring & Detection

In the field of Information Security (InfoSec) we like to use the phrase defense in depth.

To appreciate this ideology, you have to subscribe to a very simple principle: There is no 100% complete solution capable of protecting any environment.

In this section, we’ve listed a number of solutions you can employ on your WordPress website to provide an effective defense in depth strategy. By layering these defensive controls, you’ll be able to identify and mitigate attacks against your website.

3.1 – WordPress Security Plugins

If you go to the official WordPress repository and do a quick search for Security, you will find over 4,298 plugins with distinct categorizations and feature sets. If you’re looking for a smaller list, be sure to check out our list of the best WordPress security plugins to help keep your website safe.

We’ll break down the categories and explain their importance so you can find the right solutions for your needs.

WordPress Security Plugin – Prevention Category

These plugins look to provide some level of prevention, otherwise known as a perimeter defense for your website. Their objective is to stop hacks from happening by filtering incoming traffic.

Prevention plugins are often limited to working at the application layer, meaning the attack has to hit the WordPress application for them to respond. Attacks against server software cannot be prevented with security plugins, which is why we recommend considering a cloud-based WAF instead.

WordPress Security Plugin – Detection Category

Protection is great for known issues, but not so great for the unknown. Being able to detect anything that gets past your perimeter defense is extremely valuable, which is where detection comes into play.

These plugins will attempt to identify intruders through File Integrity Checks, scanning for indicators of compromise, or a combination of the two mechanisms.

The effectiveness of these plugins is strictly determined by the order in which they are installed. For instance, if the plugin is based on integrity checks, then it needs to be installed on a fresh, known-good environment so that it can create a baseline to check from to keep your WordPress secure.

Some plugins may compare known third-party themes and plugins to their own repository in order to work with websites that have already been compromised, but these are not compatible with customized or little-known files.


Detection plugins are important in identifying if something has gone wrong on your website. These tools ensure that you’re informed when a security incident occurs.

WordPress Security Plugin – Auditing Category

Contrary to popular belief, WordPress security is not a set it and forget it undertaking. You have to invest time into the process and get acclimated with what is going on, who is logging in, what is changing, and when the changes are being made.

Auditing plugins can help you answer the questions above by offering basic administration features that help you identify, thwart, or respond to a compromise.

WordPress Security Plugin – Utility Category

This is perhaps the most diverse bucket of the entire WordPress Security Plugin ecosystem. Some plugins are those we consider to be the Swiss Army knives of the security landscape. These utility plugins have a much smaller set of functionality.

These plugins can be exhaustive in their security configuration options. They have every possible configuration you could or might ever want to employ and are best suited for users who like to tinker or want the ability to configure specific options to meet their needs. For example, some security plugins simply disable XML-RPC or move your login page.

We also reserve this category for toolsets like backups or maintenance plugins that address specific security functions.

3.2 – Website Hosting Security

Website hosting security has matured in recent years, and it’s a complex topic.

Most hosts provide the security you require at various levels in the stack, but not for the website itself. There are a number of hosting providers that offer security for an additional fee, but unless you’ve purchased a security product from them, it’s unlikely that they’ll resolve a compromise for you.

There are four main hosting environments that can be used for your WordPress installation:

  • Shared Hosting Environments
  • Virtual Private Server (VPS) Environments
  • Managed Hosting Environments
  • Dedicated Servers

In theory, the environments that remove the most dependency from the user will offer the most security. If you have the time and skill to secure your own environment, then you have more options but also more responsibility.

In reality, however, the type of hosting environment you choose should be dictated by your needs and expertise:

  • If you’re someone that has little understanding of how websites work, then it’s in your best interest to go with a managed environment.
  • If you’re an organization with your own network operations center (NOC), information security operations center (SOC), or dedicated sysadmins, then a VPS or dedicated server provides better isolation of your environment (assuming it’s properly configured).

You can also initiate a conversation with your hosting provider to identify what their stance is on security. Some key points should be addressed:

  • What security precautions are they taking to protect your website (not just their server)?
  • What actions will they take if they identify malware on one of your websites?
  • How often do they look for malware?
  • Do they offer incident response services?
  • Will you need to reach out to a third party if your site is hacked?


Use carefully isolated FTP and user accounts on Shared Server environments to prevent cross-site contamination.

SFTP/SSH Connections

Secure file transfer to and from your server is an important facet of website security in your hosting environment. Encryption ensures that any data sent is protected from prying eyes who may be sniffing your network traffic.

We recommend using one of the following methods to connect to your server and keep your WordPress secure:

SSH: Secure Socket Shell is a secure network protocol and the most common way of safely administering remote servers. With Secure Socket Shell, any kind of authentication, including password authentication and file transfers, is completely encrypted.

SFTP: SSH File Transfer Protocol is an extension of SSH and allows authentication over a secure channel. If you are using FileZilla or some other FTP client, you can often select SFTP instead. The default port for SFTP in most FTP services is 22.

3.3 – Backup Your WordPress

Maintaining backups of your WordPress site should be one of the most important recurring tasks for an administrator in order to improve security.

A good set of backups can save your website when absolutely everything else has gone wrong. If a malicious attacker decides they want to wipe all your site files or corrupts your site files with their buggy scripts, the damage can be undone by restoring your site from your backups.

There are four key requirements for employing a successful backup solution:

  1. Offsite Location: Your backups should be stored offsite and not on the same server as your website. Backups stored on your web server pose a serious security risk because they often contain old unpatched software with vulnerabilities, and due to their publicly-accessible location, anyone can exploit them to attack your live website. Off-site backups also help protect against hardware failure. If your web server hard drive fails, you can easily lose all your data – the live site and the backups.
  2. Automatic: Backup systems should be completely automated to ensure that backups are made on a regular basis. Humans are lazy and forgetful so you can mitigate user error through automation. If a manual solution is your only option, then make sure you schedule a time to perform the backups regularly.
  3. Redundant: Schofield’s Second Law of Computing states that data doesn’t exist unless there are at least two copies of it. This means that your backup strategy has to include redundancy or backups of your backups.
  4. Tested & True: Make sure that the restore process actually works. Start with an empty web directory and then make sure you can use those backups to get all your data back and the website back online with a test domain using nothing but the backup file.

3.4 – Intrusion Detection Tools

There are a number of tools you can use to help identify when something has gone wrong on your website. To help you respond quickly to a security breach, employ a tool that includes the following services.

Integrity Monitoring

Integrity checks are an important aspect of auditing your WordPress installation and can give you an early warning of an intrusion on your website.

File Integrity Monitoring tools are normally installed on a server where they create a baseline cryptographic checksum of the critical files and registry entries. If a file or record is modified in any way, you’ll receive a notification of the changes.

You can install the free Sucuri Scanner plugin for WordPress to use our core file integrity monitoring system.

Auditing / Alerts

Auditing tools give you visibility into user activity on the website.

As the administrator of your website you should be asking questions like:

  1. Who is logging in?
  2. Should they be logging in?
  3. Why are they changing that post?
  4. Why are they logging in when they should be sleeping?
  5. Who installed that plugin?

We cannot stress enough the importance of logging activity. Use a tool that logs and alerts you of any actions taken on your website, including:

  1. User authentication success and failures
  2. User creation/removal
  3. File uploads
  4. Post and page creation
  5. Post and page publishing
  6. Widget modification/activation
  7. Plugin installation
  8. Theme modifications
  9. Settings modifications

WordPress Integrity Monitoring Alerts

Integrity alerts with the Sucuri Plugin

Create a Response and Recovery Plan

Response and recovery aren’t just about responding to a compromise or incident, it’s about analyzing the impacts of an attack to understand what happened, and implementing controls to prevent it from happening again.

Secure & Clean Your WordPress

We actively maintain a free WordPress Security Plugin that includes all of the features listed above to enhance security and identify indicators of compromise.

If you believe your WordPress site has been hacked, read our How to Clean a WordPress Hack guide or reach out to our Malware Removal team. Our professional Security Analysts are available 24/7/365.

Hardening Your WordPress Site

Caution: The following recommendations are for server administrators with knowledge of how these files work. If you do not feel comfortable with these suggestions, we recommend using a website firewall that includes virtual hardening instead.

4.1 – Secure basic .htaccess Configurations

The .htaccess file is what most vendors will modify when they say they are hardening your WordPress environment.

This critical configuration file is specific for web servers running on Apache. If you’re running your WordPress instance on a LAMP stack using Apache, then we recommend hardening your site by updating your .htaccess file with the following rules.


Some of the rules below are dependent on the version of Apache you are running. In those cases, we have included instructions for both versions 2.2 and 2.4 of Apache Server.


Rule Explanation

Rewrite Rule:

This rule is generated by WordPress if it has write access to your server, most notably to fix issues with pretty permalinks.

If it isn’t at the top of your file, place at the top of your .htaccess file. Any other rules should go after the # BEGIN WordPress and # END WordPress statements.

  1. # BEGIN WordPress
  2. # Rewrite rule
  3. <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
  4. RewriteEngine On
  5. RewriteBase /
  6. RewriteRule ^index\.php$ – [L]
  7. RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
  8. RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
  9. RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
  10. </IfModule>
  11. # END WordPress


Restrict Logins to IP Range

This rule restricts access to wp-login.php to an IP, protecting you from unauthorized login attempts in other locations. Even if you do not have a static IP, you can still restrict logins to your ISP common range.

Use this same entry on other authenticated URLs that you’d like to restrict, including /wp-admin. If you are using a dynamic IP, you can refer to our instructions: How to lock down WordPress Admin Panel with a dynamic IP

  1. # Block IPs for login Apache 2.2
  2. <files /wp-login.php>
  3. order deny, allow
  4. allow from MYIP
  5. allow from MYIP2
  6. deny from all
  7. </files>
  8. # Block IPS for login Apache 2.4
  9. <Files “wp-login.php”>
  10. Require all denied
  11. </Files>

Protect wp-config.php

This rule restricts visitors from accessing your wp-config.php file, which contains sensitive information about the database, including name, host, username and password. This file is also used to define advanced settings, security keys and developer options.

  1. # Protect wp-config Apache 2.2
  2. <files wp-config.php>
  3. order allow,deny
  4. deny from all
  5. </files>
  6. #Protect wp-config Apache 2.4
  7. <Files “wp-config.php”>
  8. Require all denied
  9. Require ip
  10. </Files>

Prevent Directory Browsing

This rule prevents attackers from viewing the folder contents of your website, restricting the information they have to exploit your website.

  1. # Prevent directory browsing
  2. Options All -Indexes

Prevent Image Hotlinking

This rule prevents other websites from using images hosted on your website. While hotlinking won’t get your site hacked, it can result in a damaging exploitation of your server resources. Change example.com to your website.

  1. # Prevent image hotlinking
  2. RewriteEngine on
  3. RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$
  4. RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} \
  5. !^http://(www\.)example.com/.*$ [NC]
  6. RewriteRule \.(gif|jpg|jpeg|bmp|png)$ – [NC,F,L]

Protect .htaccess

This rule prevents attackers from accessing any files that start with “hta” – this ensures that .htaccess files are protected in all of the directories of your server.

  1. # Protect htaccess Apache 2.2
  2. <files ~ “^.*\.([Hh][Tt][Aa])”>
  3. order allow, deny
  4. deny from all
  5. satisfy all
  6. </files>
  7. # Protect htaccess Apache 2.4
  8. <FilesMatch “^.*\.([Hh][Tt][Aa])”>
  9. Require all denied
  10. </FilesMatch>

Block Includes

This rule blocks hackers from inserting malicious files into any of the four primary folders used for includes:

  • /wp-admin/includes/
  • /wp-includes
  • /wp-includes/js/tinymce/langs/
  • /wp-includes/theme-compat/

If you run a multisite instance of WordPress, these directives may cause issues. Always test and use caution.

  1. # Block Includes
  2. <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
  3. RewriteEngine On
  4. RewriteBase /
  5. RewriteRule ^wp-admin/includes/ – [F,L]
  6. RewriteRule !^wp-includes/ – [S=3]
  7. RewriteRule ^wp-includes/[^/]+\.php$ – [F,L]
  8. RewriteRule ^wp-includes/js/tinymce/langs/.+\.php \
  9. – [F,L]
  10. RewriteRule ^wp-includes/theme-compat/ – [F,L]
  11. </IfModule>



Rule Explanation


Prevent PHP Backdoors


This rule prevents hackers from placing PHP backdoors in the /wp-includes/ and /wp-content/uploads/ folders, two popular locations for malicious file uploads.

  1. # Backdoor Protection Apache 2.2
  2. <Files *.php>
  3. deny from all
  4. </Files>
  5. # Backdoor Protection Apache 2.4
  6. <FilesMatch “.+\.php$”>
  7. Require all denied
  8. </FilesMatch>

4.2 – WordPress Security Application Configurations

Move WP-Config outside the root folder

The wp-config.php file is a very important configuration file containing sensitive information about your WordPress site, including database connections.

If the wp-config.php file does not exist in the root folder, WordPress will automatically look for this file in the folder above the root directory. Moving this file out of the root folder prevents wp-config.php from being accessible from the Internet.

Setup Salts & Keys

The wp-config file includes a section dedicated to authentication salts and keys. These salts and keys improve the security of cookies and passwords that are in transit between your browser and the web server.

You can set up your keys by including or editing these lines after the other define statements in your wp-config.php file:

define(‘AUTH_KEY’, ‘include salt here’);
define(‘SECURE_AUTH_KEY’, ‘include salt here’);
define(‘LOGGED_IN_KEY’, ‘include salt here’);
define(‘NONCE_KEY’, ‘include salt here’);

You can easily generate your salts by navigating to the wordpress.org salt generator or using the reset salts + keys option in our WordPress Plugin.


If you suspect that the secret keys have been compromised, regenerate them as soon as possible. All users will need to re-authenticate.

Disable File Editing

By default, file changes can be made through Appearance > Editor from the WordPress dashboard.

You can increase your WordPress security by disabling file editing from the dashboard. This prevents an attacker from changing your files through the backend or wp-admin. You will still be able to make changes via SFTP/SSH.

To disable file editing from the dashboard, include the following two lines of code at the end of your wp-config.php file:

## Disable Editing in Dashboard
define(‘DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT’, true);


Some plugins disable file editing as part of their hardening process, or as an extra setting.

Virtual Hardening

Virtual hardening is part of a defense-in-depth strategy that protects your web server and database from vulnerability exploitation. Virtual hardening is the act of adding multiple layers of protection to a website to reduce the attack surface.

If a security patch is released but you are unable to update your site, it becomes an easy target for hackers. One effective way to mitigate this risk is to employ a virtual patching service on your website.

Virtual patching can be accomplished through the use of a Web Application Firewall, where vulnerabilities are patched automatically to protect against known security threats.


WordPress Security Services

Protect WordPress with a Web Application Firewall (WAF)

One of the easiest ways to protect your WordPress website from hackers is to employ the use of a Web Application Firewall (WAF) like the Sucuri Firewall.

Website firewalls work to identify, filter, and block malicious traffic from reaching your site. All HTTP/HTTPS traffic is inspected. If a malicious bot or hacker tool attempts an attack, the website firewall blocks it automatically to protect your WordPress website before it even reaches your server.

There are a number of professional services that take care of your website security needs for you. Not all services are the same – some charge more to fix complex hacks, and others provide different tiered feature sets. You should choose the one that best fits your needs.

If your host provides security services, take some time to research exactly what features they include. They’re normally happy to advise you on ways you can complement their baseline feature sets with additional services.

The benefit to employing a cloud-based security service like Sucuri is that it provides complete end-to-end website security. This means protection, detection, and response services are included with an all-in-one platform and no hidden fees.

Our high availability Globally Distributed Anycast Network (GDAN) ensures that websites can efficiently service their global audiences while mitigating DDoS attacks.



SSL has become increasingly important to WordPress security in the past couple of years, not only for securely transmitting information to and from your website, but also to increase visibility and lower the chances of being penalized.

SSL allows a website to be accessed over HTTPS, which encrypts the data sent between visitors and web servers. Since 2014, SSL has been a ranking signal for SEO and Google has now started to flag non-HTTPS websites that transmit password and credit card data.

We’ve put together a free guide on how to implement SSL on your website and a tutorial on how to move your WordPress site to https. If you need assistance, you can reach out to us and learn how we can help you activate SSL/HTTPS via our cloud-based WAF.


WordPress Security FAQs

How do I increase WordPress security?

WordPress website owners can increase their security by practicing strong password security and access control. You should keep all software and third-party components up to date with the latest security patches to prevent vulnerabilities, and employ proactive WordPress security principles for an effective defense strategy.

We also encourage website owners to prevent attacks and protect their WordPress websites from hackers with a web application firewall (WAF) that automatically blocks website attacks and hacks.

What WordPress plugins should I use?

The Sucuri Security WordPress plugin offers a variety of helpful security features, including activity auditing, file integrity monitoring, remote malware scanning, and blacklist monitoring to identify and protect your website from threats.

Other useful plugins include backup, auditing, and utility plugins which address a variety of security functions.

How can I protect my WordPress site from malware?

One of the easiest ways to protect your WordPress website from hackers is to employ the use of a WordPress firewall (WAF), which can block malicious traffic from ever reaching your server.

How do I remove malware from my WordPress site?

We’ve put together a helpful guide on how to clean a WordPress hack to help website owners walk through the process of identifying and cleaning up malware from a compromised website. This guide also includes post-hack instructions to help you protect your site from future infections.

If you need assistance, our security analysts are here to help. We remove malware from thousands of WordPress websites every week.

How do I secure my WordPress site with HTTPS?

SSL certificates do not protect your website, but they help defend data in transit between the host (web server or firewall) and the client (web browser). SSL works as a barrier to prevent data visibility or modification by intruders.

To install an SSL certificate on a WordPress website, you’ll need to either purchase one from a certificate authority, such as GoDaddy, or use a free certificate from Let’s Encrypt.

We’ve written an extensive guide that instructs you on how to add a Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate to your WordPress website and encrypt its data with HTTPS.

Sucuri offers free SSL on the firewall to ensure that visitors reach your website via HTTPS by default.






How To: Lock Down WordPress Admin Panel With a Dynamic IP

There is often a lot of discussion around locking down access to WP-ADMIN and WP-Login.php, specially around restricting it by IP. The issues and retort that often comes up is, “but what if I have a dynamic IP?” Right away the response from folks is, “oh, well then this won’t work for me.” It didn’t click at the time, but then it hit us, that doesn’t make any sense.

This post will teach you how you can lock down access to WP-ADMIN and WP-Login.php by domain name, instead of by IP. Giving you the same level of protection that you would expect if restricting by IP.


The first place you will start is inevitably .HTACCESS. The basic commands you insert are the following:

Lock Down Log In Page
This is often dropped in the .HTACCESS file at the root of your install. This small snippet is often what you would write:

#Secure Access to WP-LOGIN.PHP by IP
<Files wp-login.php>
Order Deny, Allow
Deny from All
Allow from [Your IP]

One very small change and we’re off to the races with domain names in the place of IP:

#Secure Access to WP-LOGIN.PHP by Domain Name
<Files wp-login.php>
Order Deny, Allow
Deny from All
Allow from [Your Domain Name]

Yes, a domain name, don’t worry it’ll make more sense as we go through this post.

Lock Down WP-ADMIN Access
The key here is to place this .htaccess inside the WP-ADMIN directory. This small snippet is often what you would write:

# Secure Access to WP-ADMIN by IP
<FilesMatch “.*”>
Order Deny, Allow
Deny from All
Allow from [Your IP]

One very small change and we’re off to the races with domain names in the place of IP:

#Secure Accesss to WP-ADMIN by Domain Name
<FilesMatch “.*”>
Order Deny, Allow
Deny from All
Allow from [Your Domain Name]

Yes, a domain name, don’t worry it’ll make more sense as we go through this post.

What do you mean Domain Name?

So this is where it gets fun and we have not heard many people chat or writ about it in this community. As we know, a domain name is nothing more than a human readable format for an IP, which is what DNS servers use to map out everything and anything that touches the internet. So the idea is a simple…

Use a domain name to identify with your local machine. But how is this done you ask. Simple. You use a service that binds a domain name with the IP on your local environment. Uh…

Using a Dynamic DNS Manager

If you’re still scratching your head, don’t fret, we’re going to walk you through the process here so that you don’t have to give it my thought.

This is what you have to do…

Step 1. Sign up with a Dynamic DNS Manager

Again, nothing to be concerned with there, you’re not looking at spending $100’s. There are actually a number of free services available to you, they include:

The rest of this post will focus on Afraid.org, mainly because the name is cool and it works very well. Please, don’t be weary of the presentation of the site, their strong suit obviously is not user experience or branding, but that’s ok, because it works.

You can sign up by following this link: http://freedns.afraid.org/signup/

Once you’re logged in, you’ll see the following:

Once sign up you’ll have to wait for the verification email before you can commence using the system.

Step 2. Configure Your Domain

Once you get the verification email, you can follow the link it provides and open a new session. The new page will have a link in the middle that says Add a subdomain.

Go ahead and Add a subdomain.

The interface it presents you with is pretty straight forward.

The three areas you want to focus on include:

  • Subdomain
  • Domain
  • Destination

You really don’t need to understand this, but what its doing is giving you a free subdomain on any one of the available public domains (i.e., the domains in the drop down list).

So from this example I have selected the following:

  • Subdomain – testsubdomain
  • Domain – Mooo.com
  • Destination –

It should look something like this:

Don’t worry about placing too much emphasis on the Destination. I just set it at because it’ll be updated later my your machine. In short, this is the IP that gets applied to the domain.

In case you didn’t catch it, my new domain is testsubdomain.mooo.com.

Once you have that, click Save.

Step 3. Configure with your Local Machine

This is by far the easiest step, although all the steps have been simple.

Simple click on Dynamic DNS in the left hand table of contents. Your screen should look something like this:

Once here, you have a couple of options, but the easiest once I like is using the Direct URL option.

When you click it, it’ll not open in a new window so be sure to use command + left click or control + click so that it opens in a new window.

Doing that then takes the IP of your local machine and applies it to the domain. So if your local IP is, the IP of the domain now becomes This is key if you think back to the .htaccess configuration changes recommended above.

Step 4. Save URL

Might go without saying, but be sure to save the Direct URL link.

You will use this link every time your local IP changes.

Step 5. Update .HTACCESS

Now that you have now set up a domain to correspond with your machine, it’s on you to go back into your code editor and update it to filter not by IP, but by domain.

So looking at the recommendations above, they would now look something like the following:

Protecting wp-login.php:

#Secure Access to WP-LOGIN.PHP by Domain Name
<Files wp-login.php>
Order Deny, Allow
Deny from All
Allow from testsubdomain.mooo.com

Protecting WP-ADMIN Directory:

#Secure Accesss to WP-ADMIN by Domain Name
<FilesMatch “.*”>
Order Deny, Allow
Deny from All
Allow from testsubdomain.mooo.com

Couple Important Take-Aways

First, this is a really easy way to save money, better secure access to your administrator panel and better work with dynamic IP’s.

Second, this will work with any machine you have. If you are like me and have several machines this is key. I have a desktop that I use at home and one that I travel with and several others that I test on. This gives me the flexibility to be as mobile as I need to be. Whether in Canada, US or Brazil, I am always able to access my information by updating the IP for the domain.

Third, this now becomes as crucial a piece of information as your username and password. Do not share your link and / or domain name. Treat your access to the DNS Manager as important, ensure you’re following good practice for creating and managing your access credentials.

Fourth, although I talk specifically to WordPress, this is something that can be applied to a wide array of authentication needs. It can be used internally to restrict FTP, SFTP, SSH access and it can also be used on any number of available CMS’s.

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