stop freezes + high window server usage? FIXES!

How to stop your Mac from freezing

Tired of your Mac freezing? Try these tips to fix your Mac

There’s nothing more frustrating than using your Mac computer and it suddenly starts slowing down or freezing. This is especially true if you’re in the middle of a project and have to restart your PC, causing you to lose all your progress. It may seem like it takes forever to complete a task.


Depending on what’s causing your computer to freeze, we’ve listed a few solutions and included in-depth steps to help you get to the bottom of the issue.

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15 minutes


  • Mac or MacBook


Force quit unresponsive apps

The first thing to try if your Mac is unresponsive is checking if an app has frozen, as sometimes this can also lock up your Mac. If an app has frozen and quitting it won’t work, Ctrl+click its icon in the Dock, then hover the pointer over the Quit button. Hold Option (labeled as Alt on some Mac keyboards) until Quit becomes Force Quit; click this.

Alternatively, try pressing Opt+Cmd+Esc to open the Force Quit window. Select the app you want to close, then click Force Quit (or Relaunch if Finder has frozen), then click Force Quit on the confirmation dialogue box.

If your Mac is entirely locked up and the above steps won’t work, press Ctrl+Opt+Cmd and the power button at the same time; this will reboot your Mac.

Reset the System Management Controller

The System Management Controller (SMC) takes care of all sorts of things behind the scenes in your Mac, from battery management to keyboard backlighting. If your Mac keeps freezing, it could be that the SMC needs to be reset.

What you do depends on whether your Mac has a T2 Security Chip. If you’re using a MacBook that doesn’t (meaning you don’t have at least a 2016 or newer MacBook Pro), shut it down, then press Shift+Ctrl+Opt and the power button at the same time. Hold all these keys for 10 seconds, then let go. Now press the power button to switch on your Mac. If you’re using a Mac desktop without a T2 chip (such as an iMac), switch it off, unplug the power cord and wait 15 seconds, plug it back in, then turn on your Mac.

If your Mac has a T2 chip, the process is different. For both MacBooks and desktop Macs, turn off the device, then press and hold the power button for 10 seconds. Let go and wait a few seconds, then press it again to turn on the Mac.

If you’re using an older MacBook with a removable battery, you’ll need to follow the steps on Apple’s website.

apple imac with retina display review 5k hero1Bill Roberson/Digital Trends


Your Mac’s PRAM and NVRAM are small sections of memory that store certain settings that need to be accessed quickly by the computer. If your Mac is freezing, it could be that there’s an error with either the PRAM or NVRAM.

Resetting them could help, and the process is the same for both. First, shut down your Mac, then turn it on and immediately press Opt+Cmd+P+R. Hold these keys for 20 seconds; your Mac may restart during this time, but keep holding them for the 20-second duration.

If your Mac normally plays a startup sound when you turn it on, you can release the keys when this plays. If your Mac has a T2 Security Chip, you can release them once the Apple logo has appeared and disappeared a second time.

Note that if you have a firmware password set, you’ll need to turn it off before you can reset the PRAM and NVRAM. Apple has instructions on how to turn off the firmware password on its website.

how to stop mac from freezing safe mode

Boot up in safe mode

Loading your Mac in safe mode could fix problems associated with freezes or may help you identify what’s causing the issue in the first place. Safe mode verifies the integrity of your startup disk and disables certain apps and processes from running.

To start in safe mode, shut down your Mac, then turn it back on and immediately press and hold the Shift key. Release the Shift key when you see the login window. If you’ve encrypted your startup disk with FileVault, you may have to log in twice — once to unlock the startup disk and the second time to log in to Finder.

Now try rebooting your Mac using the normal startup procedure. If you’re able to use your Mac without it freezing, then safe mode may have fixed the issue. If the freezing persists when you use your Mac outside of safe mode, you may have an issue with login items (apps that load when you first log in), Wi-Fi networking, or an external device, as all these are disabled or limited by safe mode.

Apple’s support page has more information on safe mode, which may help.

how to stop mac from freezing apple diagnostic test

Run the Apple Diagnostic Test (or Apple Hardware Test on older Macs)

If the freezing continues and you think it could be caused by a hardware issue, run the Apple Diagnostic Test. First, disconnect any external devices except the keyboard, mouse, display, Ethernet connection (if you’re using one), and the power cord. Make sure your Mac is on a solid, flat surface and is well-ventilated, then shut it down.

Turn your Mac back on, then immediately press and hold the D key. Keep holding it until a screen appears asking you to select your language. Choose your language, then wait while the diagnostic test is run. This should only take a couple of minutes.

If the test finds any issues, it’ll list them along with potential solutions. It also gives you reference codes for any detected problems, plus ways to contact Apple so it can fix the problem.

If your Mac was released before June 2013, you should use the Apple Hardware Test instead.

How to fix WindowServer high CPU and memory usage on Mac

Manual removal of viruses causing WindowServer high CPU usage problemGet rid of resource-intensive malware in web browser on MacUse automatic tool to fix the WindowServer Mac issueFAQWhy is WindowServer running on my Mac?How do I fix WindowServer high CPU and memory usage Mac?What is Kernel_task on a Mac?How do I make my Mac run smoother?How do I free up memory on my Mac?How do you delete Activity Monitor on Mac?

This guide explains how to address high CPU usage by WindowServer, nsurlsessiond, mdnsresponder, mds_stores, hidd, trustd, and syslogd processes on Mac.

Update: August 2023


Threat Profile 
NameWindowServer high CPU malware
CategoryMac adware, potentially unwanted application (PUA)
Related Processesnsurlsessiond, mdnsresponder, mds_stores, hidd, trustd, syslogd, kernel_task, gamecontrollerd, photoanalysisd
SymptomsUses a lot of CPU and RAM, causes Mac slowdown, Activity Monitor alerts
Distribution TechniquesFake Adobe Flash Player update popups, malware-riddled bundles, drive-by downloads
Severity LevelMedium
DamageSerious Mac performance hit, kernel panics, random reboots
RemovalScan your Mac with Combo Cleaner to detect all files related to the malware. Use the tool to remove the infection if found.

Slowdown issues are a natural upshot of a Mac starting to age and lacking the resources to support increasingly resource-intensive applications. If the machine’s hardware is upgradeable, one decent workaround is to install more RAM and replace the standard “spinning” storage media with a faster SSD drive. But what if the performance of a brand-new or recently released MacBook, iMac, Mac Pro is running slower than usual? This condition requires some insight into the whys. Many users who run into such a situation and open the Activity Monitor to do some reconnaissance discover that a process named WindowServer is constantly using up most of the CPU resources. In many cases, this drag co-occurs with abnormally high memory consumption. This bug doesn’t appear to survive Mac reboots, but this measure has a short-time effect and the issue eventually re-emerges. It’s worth mentioning that the WindowServer related bug is often observed alongside unproportioned CPU consumption by the following processes: nsurlsessiond, mdnsresponder, mds_stores, hidd, trustd, photoanalysisd, gamecontrollerd and syslogd.

WindowServer, nsurlsessiond, and other processes using up too much CPU on Mac

So, what is WindowServer on a Mac? And why does its CPU usage occasionally skyrocket? Let’s try to figure out. First things first, here is some wiki stuff on this matter: WindowServer is a collection of services tasked with window management. It is also defined as a compositing engine responsible for reflecting application behavior on the Mac’s screen. The core macOS process sits in between the programs you run and their graphical manifestation you see on the display. It is executed once you log in and stops running as soon as you log out. Whenever you’re using an app, surfing the web via your browser, seeing an ad online, or playing a game, WindowServer is the entity that enables you to view it all dynamically. Therefore, it is a hugely important and harmless system element. This doesn’t mean that it operates flawlessly at all times, though.

Special Offer Malware causing WindowServer to use a lot of CPU may re-infect your Mac multiple times unless you delete all of its fragments, including hidden ones. Therefore, it is recommended to download Combo Cleaner and scan your system for these stubborn files. This way, you may reduce the cleanup time from hours to minutes. Download NowLearn how ComboCleaner works. If the utility spots malicious code, you will need to buy a license to get rid of it.

One of the widely reported scenarios where WindowServer consumes too much CPU and RAM is related to connecting an external monitor to a Mac machine. The adverse occurrence is more likely if it’s a 4K monitor. Also, a lot of users notice the bug after enabling a scaled resolution on a Retina display. Improper implementation of transparency effects can be another reason for the unwanted activity. A Mac’s home screen clogged up with files and folders may contribute to the adverse situation, too. Furthermore, unused desktops accessible through Mission Control are known to put an extra strain on the system’s windows management service and should be closed. This overlapping of factors suggests that the problem may kick in when the normal graphics rendering process becomes more complex due to a specific set-up and resolution tweaks.

Some users bumped into the quandary right after updating to macOS Catalina 10.15, one of the previous versions of Apple’s operating system. An upgrade to macOS 11 Big Sur or macOS 12 Monterey isn’t always smooth in this regard either. Ideally, a glitch like that shouldn’t be observed in either case, but it’s often there and it needs immediate fixing. The affected machine runs hot for a long time and works slower than it should. Sometimes the buggy activity leads to kernel panics, a condition where the Mac crashes and the user cannot get it back on track easily.

As mentioned above, the WindowServer high CPU usage predicament is often encountered as part of a more unnerving whole. If you head to the Utilities and launch the Activity Monitor, you may notice several more processes collectively consuming the greater part of the central processing unit’s resources. Here’s a brief description of these entities that may turn into CPU hogs out of the blue:

  • Nsurlsessiond. This is a process involved in syncing a Mac user’s images, contacts, and other data with the iCloud server.
  • Mdnsresponder. This one is a zero-configuration networking service that allows Apple devices to spot each other on the same network and share content such as iTunes libraries. Mdnsresponder a constituent of the so-called Bonjour protocol.
  • Mds_stores. It’s a component of the Spotlight search feature. One of its functions is to index files stored on the Mac.
  • Hidd. The acronym stands for “human interface device daemon”. Its role is to interpret all the events associated with your mouse and keyboard usage.
  • Trustd. This is a daemon that manages and verifies digital certificates to make sure the running processes are code-signed and can be trusted. It also checks if websites encrypt the connection and are safe to visit.
  • Syslogd. Maintenance of system logs is what the syslogd process does. It performs, among other things, the compression of these logs to optimize their size and make sure they don’t take too much space on disk.
  • Photoanalysisd. This daemon traverses the Photos library to identify faces and objects. Such analysis may take a long time and consume a good deal of CPU resources if the Mac stores a lot of images and new ones are frequently added.
  • Gamecontrollerd. The gist of this background service boils down to ensuring seamless interoperability between macOS and external devices connected to the computer for better gaming experience.

A whole separate facet of abnormal Mac CPU usage by WindowServer and the processes listed above is in the security area. These bugs may be the way some malware strains signal their presence on a Mac computer. Cybercriminals aren’t likely to engage in extensive testing of their harmful code, which could lead to malfunctions when a system is infiltrated behind the scenes. Adware apps that target web browsers are also known to waste a ton of CPU resources by overburdening legitimate macOS services. Therefore, if your computer’s processing power is being permanently exhausted by the processes described in this tutorial, checking it for malicious activity is just as important as finding and tackling regular system malfunctions.

Manual removal of viruses causing WindowServer high CPU usage problem

The steps listed below will walk you through the removal of this malicious application. Be sure to follow the instructions in the specified order.

  1. Expand the


    menu in your Mac’s Finder bar and select


    as shown below.

    Go to Utilities

  2. Locate the

    Activity Monitor

    icon on the Utilities screen and double-click on it.

    Select the Activity Monitor

  3. In the Activity Monitor app, look for a process that appears suspicious. To narrow down your search, focus on unfamiliar resource-intensive entries on the list. Keep in mind that its name isn’t necessarily related to the way the threat is manifesting itself, so you’ll need to trust your own judgement. If you pinpoint the culprit, select it and click on the


    icon in the upper left-hand corner of the screen.

    Stop malicious process

  4. When a follow-up dialog pops up asking if you are sure you want to quit the troublemaking process, select the

    Force Quit


    Select the Force Quit option

  5. Click on the


    menu icon in the Finder again and select

    Go to Folder

    . You can as well use the


    keyboard shortcut.

    Use the Go to Folder feature

  6. Type


    in the folder search dialog and click on the



    Open /Library/LaunchAgents folder

  7. Examine the contents of the LaunchAgents folder for dubious-looking items. Be advised that the names of files spawned by malware may give no clear clues that they are malicious, so you should look for recently added entities that appear to deviate from the norm.

    As an illustration, here are several examples of LaunchAgents related to mainstream Mac infections: com.pcv.hlpramc.plist, com.updater.mcy.plist, com.avickUpd.plist, and com.msp.agent.plist. If you spot files that don’t belong on the list, go ahead and drag them to the Trash.

    Root-level LaunchAgents folder contents

  8. Use the

    Go to Folder

    lookup feature again to navigate to the folder named

    ~/Library/Application Support

    (note the tilde symbol prepended to the path).

    Open ~/Library/Application Support folder

  9. When the Application Support directory is opened, identify recently generated suspicious folders in it and send them to the Trash. A quick tip is to look for items whose names have nothing to do with Apple products or apps you knowingly installed. A few examples of known-malicious folder names are






    , and



    Application Support folder contents

  10. Enter


    string (don’t forget to include the tilde character) in the

    Go to Folder

    search area.

    Open ~/Library/LaunchAgents directory

  11. The system will display LaunchAgents residing in the current user’s Home directory. Look for dodgy items related to the virus (see logic highlighted in subsections above) and drag the suspects to the Trash.

    Contents of LaunchAgents folder in user’s home directory

  12. Type


    in the

    Go to Folder

    search field.

    Go to /Library/LaunchDaemons

  13. In the LaunchDaemons path, try to pinpoint the files the malware is using for persistence. Several examples of such items cropped by Mac infections are




    , and


    . Delete the sketchy files immediately.

    LaunchDaemons folder contents

  14. Click on the


    menu icon in your Mac’s Finder and select


    on the list.

    Go to Applications screen on Mac

  15. Find the entry for an app that clearly doesn’t belong there and move it to the Trash. If this action requires your admin password for confirmation, go ahead and enter it.

    Drag malicious app to the Trash

  16. Expand the Apple menu and select

    System Preferences


    Select System Preferences

    Open System Preferences

  17. Proceed to

    Users & Groups

    and click on the

    Login Items


    Proceed to Users & Groups

    The system will display the list of items launched when the computer is starting up. Locate the potentially unwanted app there and click on the “-” (minus) button.

    Delete unwanted login item

  18. Now select


    under System Preferences. Look for a malicious item in the left-hand sidebar. Several examples of configuration profiles created by Mac adware include






    , and

    Chrome Settings

    . Select the offending entity and click on the minus sign at the bottom to eliminate it.

    Select Profiles under System Preferences

    Remove malicious configuration profile from Mac

    If your Mac has been infiltrated by adware, the infection will most likely continue to hold sway over your default web browser even after you remove the underlying application along with its components sprinkled around the system. Use the browser cleanup instructions below to address the remaining consequences of this attack.

Get rid of resource-intensive malware in web browser on Mac

To begin with, the web browser settings taken over by the virus exploiting WindowServer process should be restored to their default values. Although this will clear most of your customizations, web surfing history, and all temporary data stored by websites, the malicious interference should be terminated likewise. The overview of the steps for completing this procedure is as follows:

  1. Remove malware in Safari

    • Open the browser and go to

      Safari menu

      . Select


      in the drop-down list

      Go to Preferences in Safari

    • Once the Preferences screen appears, click on the


      tab and enable the option saying “

      Show Develop menu in menu bar


      Advanced tab under Safari Preferences

    • Now that the Develop entry has been added to the Safari menu, expand it and click on

      Empty Caches


      Empty Caches in Safari

    • Now select


      in the Safari menu and click on

      Clear History

      in the drop-down list.

      Clear history in Safari

    • Safari will display a dialog asking you to specify the period of time this action will apply to. Select

      all history

      to ensure a maximum effect. Click on the

      Clear History

      button to confirm and exit.

      Select all history to clear

    • Go back to the Safari Preferences and hit the

      Privacy tab

      at the top. Find the option that says

      Manage Website Data

      and click on it.

      Manage Website Data option under Privacy tab

    • The browser will display a follow-up screen listing the websites that have stored data about your Internet activities. This dialog additionally includes a brief description of what the removal does: you may be logged out of some services and encounter other changes of website behavior after the procedure. If you’re okay with that, go ahead and click on the

      Remove All


      Confirmation dialog

    • Restart Safari

  2. Get rid of viruses in Google Chrome

    • Open Chrome, click the

      Customize and control Google Chrome (⁝)

      icon in the top right-hand part of the window, and select


      in the drop-down

      Chrome Settings

    • When on the Settings pane, select Advanced

    • Scroll down to the

      Reset settings


      Reset settings in Chrome on Mac

    • Confirm the Chrome reset on a dialog that will pop up. When the procedure is completed, relaunch the browser and check it for malware activity.

      Here’s how to reset settings in Chrome on Mac

  3. Stop malicious activity in Mozilla Firefox

    • Open Firefox and go to

      Help – Troubleshooting Information

      (or type


      in the URL bar and press Enter).

      Open Firefox and go to Help

      Select Troubleshooting Information

    • When on the Troubleshooting Information screen, click on the

      Refresh Firefox


      Refresh Firefox on Mac

    • Confirm the intended changes and restart Firefox.

Use automatic tool to fix the WindowServer Mac issue

The Mac maintenance and security app called Combo Cleaner is a one-stop tool to detect and remove WindowServer virus. This technique has substantial benefits over manual cleanup, because the utility gets hourly virus definition updates and can accurately spot even the newest Mac infections.

Furthermore, the automatic solution will find the core files of the malware deep down the system structure, which might otherwise be a challenge to locate. Here’s a walkthrough to sort out the WindowServer issue using Combo Cleaner:

  1. Download Combo Cleaner installer

    . When done, double-click the


    file and follow the prompts to install the tool onto your Mac.

    Download Combo Cleaner

    By downloading any applications recommended on this website you agree to our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. The free scanner checks whether your Mac is infected. To get rid of malware, you need to purchase the Premium version of Combo Cleaner.

  2. Open the app from your Launchpad and let it run an update of the malware signature database to make sure it can identify the latest threats.

  3. Click the

    Start Combo Scan

    button to check your Mac for malicious activity as well as performance issues.

    Combo Cleaner Mac scan progress

  4. Examine the scan results. If the report says “No Threats”, then you are on the right track with the manual cleaning and can safely proceed to tidy up the web browser that may continue to act up due to the after-effects of the malware attack (see instructions above).

    Combo Cleaner scan report – no threats found

  5. In case Combo Cleaner has detected malicious code, click the

    Remove Selected Items

    button and have the utility remove WindowServer threat along with any other viruses, PUPs (potentially unwanted programs), or junk files that don’t belong on your Mac.

    Combo Cleaner – threats found

  6. Once you have made doubly sure that the malicious app is uninstalled, the browser-level troubleshooting might still be on your to-do list. If your preferred browser is affected, resort to the previous section of this tutorial to revert to hassle-free web surfing.



Why is WindowServer running on my Mac?

How do I fix WindowServer high CPU and memory usage Mac?

What is Kernel_task on a Mac?

How do I make my Mac run smoother?

How do I free up memory on my Mac?

How do you delete Activity Monitor on Mac?

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