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Why You Should Use a Raspberry Pi for a Smart Home Hub

With its energy efficiency and small footprint, the Raspberry Pi may be easily plugged in, tucked away, and left running 24/7. This makes it an excellent choice for a media server or smart home hub. Since there plenty of Raspberry Pi smart home software exists, you've got tons of choices. Top-notch software and hardware compatibility, as well as I/O (inputs/outputs) such as GPIO, Ethernet, and Wi-Fi on the Pi 3 B+ or Pi 4, make it a great board for smart home control.

Why the Raspberry Pi makes a great smart home hub:

  • Small footprint
  • Energy efficient
  • Affordable
  • Excellent I/O
  • Lots of compatible smart home software

Which Raspberry Pi is Best for Smart Home Control?

Virtually any Raspberry Pi should serve just fine as a smart home hub. I suggest using a Raspberry Pi 3 A+, B+, or Raspberry Pi 4, however. The extra processing power might be a bit overkill, but you won't notice any more consumption. Since the Pi 3 A+/B+ and Pi 4 offer the most robust connectivity, including Wi-Fi and Ethernet, they're the best options. Still, the Raspberry Pi Zero and Zero W should work fine, although you'll need to add an Ethernet adapter.

Best Raspberry Pi for a smart home hub: Raspberry Pi 3 A+/B+ or Raspberry Pi 4

How to Make a Raspberry Pi Smart Home Hub with Home Assistant – Hass.io



Home Assistant or Hass.io is an easy to use Raspberry Pi smart home software option. Running Home Assistant on the Raspberry Pi is possible through Hassbian, a standalone Raspbian-based minimal image of Hass.io, or through a manual installation on top of a compatible Linux distribution.

Begin by heading to the Hass.io website. Download the image for your board. Since I used a Raspberry Pi 4, I selected the Pi 4 image, but you could use a Pi 3 B+ as well.

Once you've downloaded your image, flash it to a microSD card with a program such as Etcher. A 32GB microSD card is recommended. Wait for mounting to complete, and when you're done pop it into the Pi and power it on.

You might wish to set up a static IP address or Wi-Fi. With your Home Assistant microSD card flashed, under the hassio-boot partition, create the CONFIG/network/my-network file.

The Home Assistant GitHub has an example of what you can place into the My Network file for wireless WPA/PSK information. You'll need to edit this according to your network information:


# Uncomment below if your SSID is not broadcasted




And for a static IP address, input:


With your Pi powered on and booted into Hass.io, you can begin customizing your system. Initial boot time may be a bit lengthy, over 20 minutes perhaps, because Home Assistant first downloads all new updates.

When the installation completes, you can access your smart home hub over at http://homeassistant.local:8123 assuming you're connecting from the same network as your Pi. If not, use http://homeassistant.PI_IP_ADDRESS:8123 instead.

Install Home Assistant on a Linux OS

Alternatively, you might prefer to run Home Assistant on a compatible Linux distro of your choice such as Raspbian, Ubuntu, or Debian.

On Ubuntu or one of its derivatives, run:

add-apt-repository universe

Then, enter:

sudo -i 

apt-get update 

apt-get install -y software-properties-common apparmor-utils apt-transport-https avahi-daemon ca-certificates curl dbus 

jq network-manager socat 

systemctl disable ModemManager 

curl -fsSL get.docker.com | sh

Next up, install Hass.io with the following script:

curl -sL "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/home-assistant/hassio-installer/master/hassio_install.sh" | bash -s

For various systems, you'll need to add tags. On the Raspberry Pi 3, you'll use:

curl -sL "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/home-assistant/hassio-installer/master/hassio_install.sh" | bash -s -- -m raspberrypi3

And on a Raspberry Pi 4, run:

curl -sL "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/home-assistant/hassio-installer/master/hassio_install.sh" | bash -s -- -m raspberrypi4

A few other Raspberry Pi tags you could use:

  • Raspberry Pi – raspberrypi
  • Raspberry Pi 2 – raspberrypi2
  • Raspberry Pi 3 – raspberrypi3
  • Raspberry Pi 3 64-bit – raspberrypi3-64
  • Raspberry Pi 4 – raspberrypi4
  • Raspberry Pi 4 64-bit – `raspberrypi4-64“`

How to Install Home Assistant Add-ons

Home assistant hass.io raspberry pi smart home hub

With Home Assistant set up, you'll be able to install Home Assistant add-ons, and there are loads to select from. From the Hass.io panel, head to Add-on Store and you can click on any add-on available. For instance, you might want to install the Google Assistant SDK, so click the Google Assistant add-on.

In addition to official Hass.io add-ons, a bevy of third-party add-ons exist. To install third-party Home Assistant add-ons, navigate to Add-on Store and enter the URL of the add-on you'd like to load up.




Ultimate Guide to Home Automation With a Raspberry Pi

Written by Robin Home Automation


Home automation is a pretty cool concept. It essentially gives you the ability to tell your house to do things, and it’ll get it done. But you might be wondering what it takes to make an automated home. Various companies can install these services, but we will focus on home automation via Raspberry Pi.

Here are a few things you should know when deciding to install Raspberry Pi in your home:

  1. Understand what home automation is.
  2. Understand what Raspberry Pi is.
  3. Commercial home automation vs. Raspberry Pi: pros and cons.

This article is an “Ultimate Guide,” so we have a lot of ground to cover. We’re going to discuss what home automation and Raspberry Pi are. We’ll also talk about the types of software you can use in concert with Raspberry Pi to set up your smart home.

Raspberry Pi with Arm Core

1. Understand What Home Automation Is

An automated home is one whose utilities and other features you can control through electronic and automatic means. Automated, aka smart, homes allow you to access and command electronic items in your home from anywhere at any time.

Garage doors, lights, sprinklers, heaters, and air conditioners, you can connect all these devices to a remote-controlled network.

To specify, your home is controlled by an integrated system linked together by WiFi that lets you manage things from smartphones and tablets no matter where you are.

There are three principal components you need for a smart house to function: actuators, controllers, and sensors.

  • Actuators are pieces that control the multiple functions in your home. These range from light switches to motorized valves (like garage door hinges), and you use controllers to manage them remotely.
  • Controllers are any device you use to toggle smart house features as well as receive or send updates about your house’s condition. A controller can be a smartphone, tablet, or computer.
  • Sensors are objects that allow you to monitor your home for changes. Some monitoring options include fire, motion, temperature, and sunlight. You can have your system software modify its settings according to your desires.

The Internet of Things

The “internet of things” (IoT) is a term that describes the relationship between physical objects that can share and transfer data with other devices without human intervention.

“Things” that are part of the internet of things can include heart monitor implants, drones, and of course home automation devices like motion sensors, alarms, and lighting.

IoT networks work by utilizing smart devices made with embedded systems that connect to the web. Embedded systems are computer systems with a specific function inside a larger mechanical or electrical structure. They’re referred to as embedded because they’re integral parts built into mechanized or electrical constructions.

Processors and sensors are some of the devices that utilize embedded systems. These devices gather, employ, run, and share data by sending it to an IoT gateway (a device that connects controllers and other smart devices to the cloud) to be analyzed.

IoT devices “talk” to other similar objects, and they’re able to act on the data they transfer back and forth. While the IoT networks can do most types of work without human help, people can install and program connected devices.

Internet Of Things Control Isometric Poster

2. Understand What Raspberry Pi Is

Now that you have a cursory understanding of home automation, I’ll tell you about Raspberry Pi (RPi) and how it can help you attain a smart home. Raspberry Pi is a single-board computer (SBC) whose original function was to teach computer science in developing countries and schools.

It is a comparatively cheap computer about the size of a credit card and can plug into any computer monitor or television. You can also connect a keyboard or mouse to an RPi, depending on what you’re using it for.

People have since found various purposes for this United Kingdom native SBC. Retro gaming, video streaming media, desktop computers, controlling robots; you can accomplish all this and more with a Raspberry Pi. It goes without saying that you can make your house a little smarter with one too.

Raspberry Pi can use many different operating systems and primarily uses Scratch and Python as programming languages but supports other third-party ones. The Raspberry Pi Foundation offers the Raspberry Pi OS, but Windows 10 IoT Core, Android Things, Ark OS, RetroPie, and Kali Linux are a few other available operating systems.

3. Commercial Home Automation vs. Raspberry Pi: Pros and Cons

I discussed home automation in generalized terms earlier in the article. Still, there are a few differences between a smart home created by commercial means and one made by a Raspberry Pi. Most of the benefits and issues are the same regardless of which you choose.

First, we’ll go over the general perks you get from having a smart house. Next, we’ll discuss commercial installation cons, Pros for RPi automated homes, and finally shared cons for commercial and RPi automation.

raspberry pi 4

General Home Automation Advantages

Easy Access

If you have a working internet connection and a smartphone (and a tablet or computer), you can control all your smart home features from a single place.

Total automated control can be helpful if you’ve forgotten to close the garage door or turn off the air conditioning while leaving for vacation.

Convenient for Patients

Some everyday tasks can be difficult for people with specific disabilities or the elderly. Smart homes can make living at home much easier. Closing blinds and locking doors from your favorite chair can be an enormously helpful advantage.

Instantaneous Notification

Anything can happen to your house while you’re gone, and you may never know. With home automation, lack of information isn’t a concern. In the event of an emergency, like a fire, carbon monoxide leak, or break-in, you’re immediately notified and can take action to mitigate any damages.

Energy and Money Conservation

Utility bills can become costly over time. If you’ve got a smart house, you can use your electricity much more efficiently. An automated home and various smart devices can sense when you’re not around and power specific objects off.

Commercial Pros and Cons

  • Professional Installation: Many smart home hubs can be professionally installed. Expert installations may offer a sense of security that a DIY installation probably won’t. You can be confident that your automated house will run properly with an expert handling things.
  • Professional Maintenance: You can have a professional come out and fix your automated system if it breaks. If you can handle whatever’s wrong yourself, great. But if not, you can enlist help from your service provider.
  • Upfront Fees: Perhaps the biggest issue you’ll have to face with a professionally installed smart home hub is labor and equipment fees. Eventually, you will see lowered bills each month, but the upfront costs to automate your home can be expensive—about $2000 to $7000 on average. Depending on the kind of house you have, you can end up spending upwards of $20,000 for installation and equipment.
  • Maintenance Fees: You do have the benefit of a professional repair person coming out to fix your smart hub, but keeping it in working condition can get costly. That said, it’s still best to have your system looked after by a licensed agency or repair person as you could end up with malfunctions if not.

Raspberry Pi Up Close

Raspberry Pi Pros

Inexpensive Cost

Unlike setting up an automated home with an established commercial company, you’re not going to pay very much for an RPi smart home. There are six Raspberry Pi models, and the most you’ll pay is about $75 (for the RPi 4B 8Gb).

You can find RPi kits on Amazon.com if you’re interested in assembling one for whatever purpose. The Raspberry CanaKit comes with most of what you’d need to set up your home automation.

DIY Installation

Sometimes, DIY is the cheaper option, as I’ve mentioned before. You may also have your smart house up and running much quicker than if you waited for someone else to do it for you. Self-installed home automation gives you more customizability as well.

General Automated Home Disadvantages

  • Susceptibility to Power Outages: While some automated systems have more considerable power requirements than others, commercial and Raspberry Pi systems are vulnerable to power outages. If the electrical goes out, so does your home automation.
  • Potential Security Breaches: Hackers can breach home automation. There’s also the matter of password authentication – or rather, what happens if someone gets your password. People can use your credentials for all sorts of nefarious purposes if they get into the wrong hands.
  • Dependence on Internet: This drawback probably goes without saying, but your home won’t be so smart without a strong, consistent internet connection. Both Raspberry Pi and commercial home automation require the internet to connect with each piece of the system.

Raspberry Pi Smart Home Software

The wonderful thing about Raspberry Pi is that it’s customizable. There are plenty of RPi smart home software options to choose from, and some of them have different aims than others.

For example, one application may let you integrate with a smart assistant like Amazon’s Alexa while another turns on your sprinkler system.

Amazon Echo voice recognition


MisterHouse has both remote control and voice activation capabilities. You can record TV shows, announce phone calls, open curtains, and even track your car. MisterHouse accomplishes all this by using Perl script, a programming language that allows you to input commands for specific items.

MisterHouse works with Raspberry models 2, 3, 3 A+, 3 B+, and Raspberry Pi 4

Home Assistant

What makes Home Assistant so remarkable is that it has various add-ons. If you want Google Assistant, there’s an add-on for that. If you’d rather use Alexa, there’s an add-on for that as well. You can integrate Samsung SmartThings, Plex, and Zigbee as well.

Home Assistant is compatible with Raspberry models 2, 3, 3 A+, 3 B+, and Raspberry Pi 4


Mycroft works a lot like Google Assistant or Alexa and is pretty easy to assemble. You’ll need an RPi, a USB microphone, microSD card, and Mycroft image or run Mycroft in Raspbian (operating system optimized for RPi systems). If you’re not a fan of DIY, you can just purchase a Mycroft unit.

Once you’ve assembled your voice assistant, you can request media regulation, web searches, news, and many other things.

Mycroft is compatible with Raspberry models 2, 3, 3 A+, 3 B+, and Raspberry Pi 4


Jeedom is another open-source home automation application which can control lighting and media devices. This software is compatible with Zigbee, Z-Wave and has mobile apps for Android and iOS if you need to change any home settings while you’re out.

Jeedom is highly customizable and allows each user to modify their smart hub to suit their needs with widgets. Like Mycroft, Jeedom comes with ready-made models if you’re not interested or able to set it up yourself.

The platform works with Raspberry models 2, 3, 3 A+, 3 B+, and Raspberry Pi 4


MiPi is easy to use and has Android and iOS apps for on-the-go smart home control. MiPi enables you to connect and synchronize four Raspberry Pi boards. The software works by giving remote control over GPIO (general-purpose input/output). GPIO has no specific purpose unless given one. You’re able to assign them functions with the MiPi software.

MiPi operates on a number of Raspberry models, including 2, 3, 3 A+, 3 B+ and Raspberry Pi 4

Smart home Automation Control System

Closing Thoughts

If you’re serious about getting home automation installed, you should have some idea of what it is. Home automation gives you the ability to control your home electronically and automatically.

The Internet of Things connects every part of your smart home system. The IoT is a network connecting physical items that share data without human aid.

Raspberry Pi is a quick, easy way to set up your home automation system. It’s a cheaper alternative to having a commercial company come to install it for you, and you have much more customization options than if you’d bought smart home services.




I'm Rob, the founder of theonetechstop.com. I’m a Marine Corps vet with a master’s degree in Information Systems and have been working in the technology field for over a decade.

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