GTM | arrays in the data layer / proper structure *


    • SubListEntryOne
    • SubListEntryTwo
    • SubListEntryThree
    • SubListEntryFour

In the GTM Preview mode, what you'll see is a reflection of what is happening on the GTM side rather than what is happening within each GA4 property. When you look at the Preview mode, you'll see the single event ('sign_up' in your case) that you've pushed to the dataLayer, and you'll also see that the event triggers the tags you've set up.

Here's how it should work:

  • The sign_up event gets pushed to the dataLayer.
  • GTM sees this event and activates the sign_up trigger.
  • This trigger then fires all the tags that are associated with it.
  • In Preview mode, you'll see one sign_up event, and under that event, you'll see the tags that fired. These tags could send data to different GA4 properties based on your setup.

In the GTM Preview mode interface, for each sign_up event, you should see the list of tags that fired as a result of that event. So if you have three tags associated with the sign_up trigger, all meant for different stream IDs, you will see all three tags fire once each (given they are all set to fire on this trigger). GTM Preview mode will not show the event multiple times; it will show the tags firing based on that single event.

In your GA4 reports, if you have set up three different tags to send the sign_up event to three different GA4 properties (each with its own Stream ID), then you should see one sign_up event in the real-time reports of each GA4 property.

However, it's important to note that GA4 processes the incoming data independently for each stream ID. So while GTM sends the data only once per trigger in its process, GA4 will receive the data as many times as you have tags configured to send that data. Each GA4 property will reflect the sign_up event once for each occurrence of the event being sent to it.

If you see the same event appearing multiple times in a single GA4 property, that could indicate an issue with how the tags or the data streams are configured. In that case, you'd need to revisit your GTM setup to ensure that each event is sent only once per user interaction to each GA4 property.



  1. Event Processing vs. Tag Firing:

    • "Summary" indicates the events GTM has detected. It's possible for the same event to be processed multiple times if GTM receives multiple dataLayer.push commands with the event purchase.
    • "Output" shows the actual network request sent to GA4, which is what "Hit Sent" represents. Only one hit sent means that despite the multiple processings of the event, only one tag fired and sent data to GA4.
  2. Preview Mode Display:

    • Each line under "Summary" does not necessarily represent a separate hit to GA4. Instead, it represents an instance where the GTM container processed an event named purchase.
    • If the GTM configuration is set up such that only one tag responds to the purchase event (or conditions are set such that the tag only fires once), only one hit will be sent, regardless of how many times GTM processes the event.
  3. Data Layer Pushes:

    • Check the implementation on the website to ensure that the dataLayer.push for purchase is only happening once per transaction. If there are multiple pushes or the push is happening in a loop, GTM will process each one.
  4. Debugging:

    • Use the GTM debug mode to inspect each purchase event listed in the "Summary" to see what triggered it and why.
    • Look at the conditions for each tag that fires on a purchase event to ensure they are set up to prevent duplicate firings.
  5. GTM Configuration:

    • Review the triggers associated with the purchase event tags to ensure they are not set up to trigger multiple times for the same user interaction.
    • Verify that your triggers and tags have appropriate conditions to ensure the correct behavior.

The key takeaway is that the presence of multiple purchase events in the "Summary" section of the GTM Preview mode does not necessarily mean multiple hits are being sent to GA4; the "Output" tab provides the actual number of hits sent to GA4. To prevent multiple events from being processed, ensure that the dataLayer.push is correctly implemented on the site, and review your GTM tag configuration for proper trigger conditions.






In GTM, value is a common parameter name that corresponds to the monetary value of an event. GA4, specifically for e-commerce transactions, expects a value parameter to represent the total transaction amount. However, GTM does not have a built-in variable for value because it is typically something you will define based on your own dataLayer structure or needs.

Here's how you can set it up:

  1. Defining value in the Data Layer: When a transaction occurs, you would push transaction details to the data layer, something like this:

    Copy code
      'event': 'purchase',
      'ecommerce': {
        'value': 123.45, // The total value of the transaction
        // other transaction data
  2. Creating a Data Layer Variable in GTM: To capture this value, you would create a Data Layer Variable in GTM:

    • Go to Variables in GTM.
    • Click "New" under User-Defined Variables.
    • Choose "Data Layer Variable" as the variable type.
    • Set the Data Layer Variable Name to ecommerce.value (assuming ecommerce is the object containing value in the dataLayer push).
  3. Using the Variable in Your Tag: When setting up your GA4 event tag in GTM:

    • Under the Event Parameters, you would add value as the parameter name.
    • For the parameter value, you would use the variable you just created ({{ecommerce.value}}).

By doing this, whenever the purchase event tag fires, GTM will send the value parameter's data from your data layer to GA4. Always test your setup with the GTM preview and debug mode to ensure that the value is being pulled correctly and sent with your events in GA4.





Uploaded image

can we just tell the purchase event to wait 1 second before it sends? this is ridiciousl



It looks like you








It seems like you are trying to integrate Google Tag Manager and send a purchase event in a script within a web page. You're using Smarty template engine to inject dynamic values directly in the JavaScript code.

If you're looking to delay the purchase event by 1 second, you could wrap the sendPurchaseEvent function call in a setTimeout function. Here's a modification you can make to the existing script:

Copy code
// Inside your existing script tag where the sendPurchaseEvent function is defined

// Call sendPurchaseEvent after a 1-second delay
setTimeout(function() {
    sendPurchaseEvent(userId, window.location.hostname.toLowerCase().trim());
}, 1000); // Delay in milliseconds

This will wait for 1 second before executing the sendPurchaseEvent function. You need to add this setTimeout where you're calling sendPurchaseEvent after the DOM is ready or at the appropriate place where the purchase event should be triggered.

Remember that delaying tracking events can sometimes lead to inaccurate data collection, especially if the user navigates away from the page before the timeout elapses. It's important to balance the need for the delay with the potential impact on data accuracy.





sendPurchaseEvent(userId, window.location.hostname.toLowerCase().trim()); the sendPurcahseEvent reallly doesn't need to have any dependencies'



If the sendPurchaseEvent doesn't have any dependencies and you want it to execute independently with a delay, you can indeed just use the setTimeout function to delay its execution. Here's how you could modify the code to include the delay without any dependencies:

Copy code
// ... your existing script up to where you define getOrCreateUserId function

var userId = getOrCreateUserId();  // Fetch or create user ID

// Call sendPurchaseEvent after a 1-second delay
setTimeout(function() {
    sendPurchaseEvent(userId, window.location.hostname.toLowerCase().trim());
}, 1000); // 1000 milliseconds delay

// ... rest of your script

By placing the setTimeout call directly after the userId is obtained, you ensure that the sendPurchaseEvent is called with a delay of 1 second, regardless of other conditions or events on the page. This means that even if the page continues to load other elements or if there are other scripts running, the sendPurchaseEvent function will execute after the specified delay.

Just place this code at the point in your script where you want the purchase event to be sent, considering the user flow and the points at which the data you need for the event is available.





is there an easy way to fix the code timing – without adding a ton of extra code. why won't it just go in the order written?



3 / 3





function sendPurchaseEvent(userId, hostname) { const transactionId = '{/literal}{$member.memberidx|addslashes}{literal}'; if (transactionId) { window.dataLayer.push({ this one doesn't count?



In JavaScript, particularly in web browsers, many actions are asynchronous. This means that certain operations, such as loading external resources, sending network requests, or waiting for user events (like DOMContentLoaded), do not block the execution of other scripts. They are scheduled to run once their specific conditions are met, regardless of the order in which they are written.

The window.dataLayer.push method in your sendPurchaseEvent function is synchronous and will execute in the order it's called. However, the condition if (transactionId) { checks for the presence of transactionId which is being populated by the Smarty template engine with the value of {$member.memberidx|addslashes}.

If transactionId doesn't exist or isn't set by the time this function is called, the window.dataLayer.push will not execute, regardless of whether it's synchronous or not. This could be a reason why it's not executing as expected if {$member.memberidx|addslashes} is not populated in time.

If your problem is that the purchase event is not being sent because the transaction ID isn't available yet, you need to ensure that the transaction ID is set before you try to send the event. If your code is not executing in the desired order because it's dependent on some other asynchronous operation, you may need to look into using callbacks, promises, or async/await to handle these operations in the sequence you want.

If you are trying to make sure that the sendPurchaseEvent executes only after certain conditions are met (like the DOM is fully loaded, or some external scripts have loaded), you would use event listeners or callbacks to delay the execution of your code until those conditions are true.

Without a full view of your code, these are general points on why the code might not execute in the written order. If you're facing a specific issue with timing, please provide more details so I can give you a more targeted solution.





or remove the transaction requirement for sending. it is not necessary.



If the transaction ID is not necessary for the sendPurchaseEvent function to execute, you can simply remove the conditional check for transactionId. Here’s how you could modify the sendPurchaseEvent function to always send the event without checking for a transaction ID:

Copy code
function sendPurchaseEvent(userId, hostname) {
    // Removed the transactionId check
        'event': 'purchase',
        'user_id': userId,
        'hostname': hostname,
        // ... the rest of your event data
    console.log('Purchase event sent');

By removing the if (transactionId) check, you ensure that the window.dataLayer.push will always run when sendPurchaseEvent is called.

Remember to ensure that all the necessary data the event needs is present. If you remove the transaction ID, ensure that it is not required by your data layer or any downstream analytics processing. If other properties in the event depend on the transaction ID or are only relevant when a transaction has occurred, you should review and possibly revise the event structure to reflect the removal of the transaction requirement.





wait I only have 1 sendPurchaseEvent and I don't see whrapping itin a timout being good for the code? shoudl I have another one ?



If you have only one sendPurchaseEvent and you don't want to delay it unnecessarily with setTimeout, you should ensure that it's called at the correct time in the page's lifecycle. The sendPurchaseEvent should be called when all the required data is available and ready to be sent.

To ensure that sendPurchaseEvent is called in the right order, without using setTimeout, consider the following:

  1. Asynchronous Loading: If your sendPurchaseEvent depends on asynchronously loaded data (like user information or transaction details that are fetched from a server), you should call sendPurchaseEvent in the callback or .then() chain of that data request.
  2. DOM Readiness: If you need to wait for the DOM to be fully loaded, you're already listening for DOMContentLoaded, which is good practice. Ensure that any DOM-dependent logic occurs after this event fires.
  3. Script Loading: If you are loading scripts dynamically and sendPurchaseEvent depends on those scripts, you should trigger sendPurchaseEvent in the load event handler of those scripts.

Here's an example of how you might handle the script loading dependency:

Copy code
// Assuming you have this function defined somewhere
function sendPurchaseEvent(userId, hostname) {
    // Your logic here

// Assuming gtmScript is a script you dynamically load and need to ensure is loaded before sending the purchase event
var gtmScript = document.createElement('script');
gtmScript.onload = function() {
    // Now that the script is loaded, we can safely send the purchase event
    sendPurchaseEvent(userId, window.location.hostname.toLowerCase().trim());
gtmScript.async = true;
gtmScript.src = '' + yourGTMId;

You don't need another sendPurchaseEvent; you just need to make sure the existing one is called at the correct time. If you provide more context on why the events might not be firing in the order you expect, I could give you more precise advice.





Uploaded image

this and the fact that gtm is not getting nay purchase data are wny I am suspicous



From the screenshot you've shared, it appears that the purchase event is being fired multiple times (151 purchase, 152 purchase, etc.), but there seems to be a concern that Google Tag Manager (GTM) is not receiving any purchase data.

There could be multiple reasons for GTM not capturing purchase events correctly:

  1. Timing Issue: If the purchase events are being sent before GTM is fully initialized and the dataLayer is ready, GTM will not capture those events.
  2. Event Data Issues: The data might not be structured correctly, or certain required fields might be missing when the event is pushed to the dataLayer.
  3. **Trigger Configuration





there are multiple tags on page – AND – the purchase datalayer is empty.



If you have multiple tags on the page and the dataLayer purchase event is empty, this indicates there might be an issue with how the dataLayer event is being pushed or with the configuration of the GTM triggers and tags. Here’s a checklist to troubleshoot the issue:

  1. Ensure GTM Container is Loaded: Verify that the GTM container code snippet is correctly placed (usually immediately after the opening <body> tag) and that there are no errors preventing it from loading.
  2. Check Data Layer Push Syntax: Make sure the window.dataLayer.push call is correctly formatted and contains all the necessary data for the purchase event.
  3. Inspect Data Layer Values: Before the push to the dataLayer, log the data you're about to send to the console to ensure it's correct and not empty.
Copy code
console.log('Data layer push content:', {
    'event': 'purchase',
    // ...other data
    'event': 'purchase',
    // ...other data
  1. GTM Trigger Configuration: In GTM, make sure you have a trigger set up to listen for the purchase event.
  2. GTM Tag Configuration: Ensure the tags that should fire on the purchase event are configured to do so using the correct trigger.
  3. GTM Version and Publishing: Confirm you're working with the latest published version of your GTM container.
  4. Asynchronous Execution: JavaScript executes asynchronously. If your window.dataLayer.push calls happen after GTM tries to read them, the events will not be captured. Ensure the dataLayer is available before GTM initializes.
  5. Event Duplication: If the purchase event is being pushed multiple times, make sure that it's not being accidentally duplicated due to multiple script executions.
  6. JavaScript Errors: Check the browser's console for any JavaScript errors that may be preventing the execution of your dataLayer push.
  7. Ad Blockers or Browser Extensions: Sometimes, browser extensions such as ad blockers can interfere with GTM. Test in an incognito window without extensions to rule this out.
  8. Use GTM Debug Mode: GTM's debug mode can provide detailed information on which tags are firing and which aren't, and why.
  9. Confirm Event Data Presence: In GTM’s Variables tab,





here has to be a simpler way to do this – it's sending 1 event to google. \



To simplify and ensure that you are sending a single purchase event to Google Analytics through GTM correctly, follow these steps:

  1. Verify GTM Container Installation: Ensure that the GTM container snippet is placed correctly on your site. It should be as high in the <head> tag as possible, and the optional <body> tag snippet should be immediately after the opening <body> tag.
  2. Single Data Layer Push: Modify your code to send a single data layer





snippet is placed correctly – no need to bring that up again.\



Understood, let's focus on the specifics then. If the dataLayer purchase event is empty and being sent multiple times, here’s a streamlined approach to troubleshoot:

  1. Consolidate Event Triggering: Ensure that window.dataLayer.push for the purchase event occurs in one place to avoid duplication.
  2. Data Validation: Right before the window.dataLayer.push call, add a console.log statement to check the actual data being pushed.
Copy code
console.log('Sending purchase event with data:', yourDataObject);

Replace yourDataObject with the actual data object you're pushing to the dataLayer.

  1. Use GTM Preview Mode: Activate the GTM preview mode to see in real-time what data is being sent and which tags are firing.
  2. Check Event Configuration in GTM: In GTM, check that the purchase event trigger is set to listen for the correct event name,





waht about adding this to the script {literal} {/literal} {literal} {/literal}



Adding these scripts to the page is a way to dynamically insert the Google Tag Manager (GTM) and Google Analytics (gtag.js) scripts into your web page. These scripts check if the necessary GTM and Analytics scripts are already present, and if not, they add them to the page.

This setup ensures that GTM and Analytics are loaded and configured before you start sending events like page_view and potentially purchase. The scripts are designed to run once the DOM is fully loaded (DOMContentLoaded event), which is a common and suitable point to initialize tracking setups.

However, your concern seems to be about the purchase events not being captured despite the scripts being set up correctly. To address this:

  1. Ensure the dataLayer is initialized before any GTM-related scripts are loaded and before any events are pushed to it.
  2. Verify that the purchase event data object is correctly structured and contains all necessary information.
  3. Check the console for any errors after the page loads to confirm that the scripts are loading without issues.
  4. Ensure that any purchase event is pushed to the dataLayer after the GTM script has loaded and the dataLayer is initialized.

If you're still facing issues, you might want to:

  • Simplify your implementation by removing redundant or unnecessary checks for script existence—GTM is designed to handle its own script loading and initialization efficiently.
  • Check that any conditional logic (such as hostname checks) is correctly identifying the scenarios when you want to send additional tracking data.
  • Use GTM's Preview mode to debug the tags, triggers, and dataLayer in real-time and see exactly what's happening when the page loads and events are supposed to fire.

Remember, the goal is to have a single, correct push to the dataLayer for the purchase event when all the necessary conditions are met. Over-complicating the script with multiple checks and conditions can sometimes introduce errors or timing issues that prevent data from being sent correctly.





I accidentlly hid some messages in console – how do I unhide them?



If you've hidden messages in the browser's console, here's how you can unhide them:

  1. Open the Console: Press Ctrl+Shift+J (or Cmd+Option+J on Mac) to open the Developer Tools and click on the "Console" tab.
  2. Filter Settings: Look for the "Filter" textbox at the top of the Console panel. There might be some text there that is filtering out your messages. Clear any text in that box to see if your messages reappear.
  3. Right-Click Menu: Right-click inside the console and look for any filter options that might be checked. Make sure options like "Hide warnings" or "Hide info" are unchecked.
  4. Console Settings: Click on the gear icon (or three dots in some browsers) in the top right corner of the console panel to open console settings. Here, ensure that all message types such as "Errors", "Warnings", "Info", and "Logs" are checked.
  5. Reset DevTools: Sometimes the quickest way to restore default settings is to reset the Developer Tools entirely. This can typically be done within the settings menu (gear icon) as well.

If the messages are still not showing up, there may be code in your scripts that is calling console.clear(), which clears the console. Check your code to ensure this isn't happening unintentionally.





Uploaded image

even with those – still no purcase event is sent –



The console log messages in your screenshot indicate that the scripts for Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics are being appended correctly, and a Measurement ID is displayed, suggesting that the Google Analytics setup has proceeded as expected. However, you're still not seeing the purchase event in the dataLayer, which is necessary for GTM to send that information to Google Analytics.

Here’s what you can do next:

  1. Check Event Push: Make sure that somewhere in your code, after the GTM and GA scripts are loaded, you have a dataLayer.push specifically for the purchase event. It should look something like this:
Copy code
  'event': 'purchase',
  'ecommerce': {
    'purchase': {
      'actionField': {
        'id': 'T12345', // Transaction ID. Required for purchases and refunds.
        'affiliation': 'Online Store',
        'revenue': '35.43', // Total transaction value (incl. tax and shipping)
        'shipping': '5.99',
        'coupon': 'SUMMER_SALE'
      'products': [{ // List of productFieldObjects.
        'name': 'Triblend Android T-Shirt',
        'id': '12345',
        'price': '15.25',
        'brand': 'Google',
        'category': 'Apparel',
        'variant': 'Gray',
        'quantity': 1,
        'coupon': '' // Optional fields may be omitted or set to empty string.

Make sure to replace the dummy data with actual transaction and product details.

  1. Verify Trigger Configuration: In GTM, ensure that you have a trigger set up for the purchase event. This trigger should fire the corresponding tag to send data to Google Analytics.
  2. Inspect Data Layer in GTM Preview: Use GTM's preview mode to inspect the dataLayer and see if the purchase event is being added. If it’s not there, the event isn’t being pushed correctly from your website.
  3. Check for Errors: Ensure there are no JavaScript errors that may prevent the execution of the dataLayer.push command. Even if other scripts load fine, a single error can stop the execution flow.
  4. Browser Extensions: Disable any browser extensions, such as ad blockers or script blockers, that might interfere with script execution or network requests.
  5. Review GA Configuration: Ensure that in Google Analytics, you have set up Ecommerce tracking and that your property is receiving data correctly.
  6. Network Tab: Open the Network tab in the browser's developer tools and filter by the collect endpoint to see if the browser is attempting to send the purchase event to Google Analytics.

If after checking these





function sendPurchaseEvent(userId, hostname) { console.log('start purchase send'); //const transactionId = '{/literal}{$member.memberidx|addslashes}{literal}'; //if (transactionId) { window.dataLayer.push({ 'event': 'purchase', 'user_id': userId, 'hostname': hostname, 'nats_member_id': '{/literal}{$member.memberid}{literal}', 'hashed_email': '{/literal}{$member.custom9}{literal}', 'ecommerce': { 'transaction_id': '{/literal}{$member.memberidx|addslashes}{literal}', 'value': '{/literal}{$member.spent/100}{literal}', 'items': [{ 'item_id': '{/literal}{$member.optionid}{literal}', 'item_name': '{/literal}{$|addslashes}{literal}', 'affiliation': '{/literal}{$member.memberid}{literal}', 'coupon': 'null', 'discount': 'null', 'item_brand': 'NS', 'item_category': 'Membership', 'price': '{/literal}{$member.spent/100}{literal}', 'quantity': 1 }], 'nats': [{ 'AffiliateID': '{/literal}{$member.loginid}{literal}', 'nats_SiteName': '{/literal}{$|addslashes}{literal}', 'nats_ProgramID': '{/literal}{$member.programid}{literal}', 'nats_SiteID': '{/literal}{$site.siteid}{literal}', 'nats_TourID': '{/literal}{$member.tourid}{literal}', 'nats_CampaignID': '{/literal}{$member.campaignid}{literal}', 'nats_AdtoolID': '{/literal}{$member.adtoolid}{literal}', 'nats_AdToolSub1ID': '{/literal}{$member.subid1}{literal}', 'nats_AdToolSub2ID': '{/literal}{$member.subid2}{literal}' }], 'event_category': 'membership', 'event_action': '{/literal}{$member.optionid}{literal}', 'event_label': document.referrer || 'Direct/No Referrer', 'event_currency': '{/literal}{$transaction.biller_currency|addslashes}{literal}', 'event_value': '{/literal}{$member.spent/100}{literal}', 'currency': '{/literal}{$transaction.biller_currency|addslashes}{literal}' } }); console.log('Purchase event sent'); } {/literal}



The script you've provided looks like it is structured correctly to send a purchase event to the dataLayer which Google Tag Manager (GTM) can then use to trigger tags. I see you've added some logging which is great for debugging. Let’s make sure a few things are in place for this to work:

  1. Data Population: Check that all the Smarty variables (like {$member.memberidx}) are being populated correctly. If they're not, the dataLayer will not have the correct values, which might be why the purchase event isn't showing up.
  2. Trigger Configuration in GTM: Ensure that there is a trigger configured in GTM to listen for the purchase event. This trigger should be used to fire your Analytics tag.
  3. Variable Definitions: Make sure that all the variables used in your GTM tags for the purchase event (such as user_id, transaction_id, value, etc.) are defined in GTM and correctly mapped to the fields pushed in the dataLayer.
  4. Consent Management: If there's a consent management platform in place, verify it's not blocking GTM or Analytics scripts based on user consent preferences.
  5. Tag Sequencing: If you have other tags that need to fire before the purchase event (like a page view tag), ensure they are set up with proper sequencing in GTM.
  6. Check for JavaScript Errors: Use the browser console to check for any JavaScript errors that may be occurring before or during the execution of your sendPurchaseEvent function.
  7. Test in GTM Preview Mode: GTM's preview mode allows you to test and debug your configuration. Use this to ensure the purchase event is being pushed to the dataLayer and that the corresponding GTM trigger and tag are firing as expected.
  8. GTM Tag Firing Order: In the GTM interface, check the order in which tags are firing to ensure there isn't a conflict or an order-of-operations issue.
  9. Review Analytics Configuration: In Google Analytics, make sure that you have configured Enhanced Ecommerce (if you are using it) and that the property is set up to receive and display this data correctly.
  10. Network Requests: Open the network tab in the developer tools and look for requests to or Check if the purchase event is being sent and if there are any issues with the request.
  11. Ad Blockers: Temporarily disable any ad blockers or browser extensions that could interfere with script execution or network requests.

If you've checked all the above and it's still not working, you might want to isolate the issue by simplifying the code to the most basic dataLayer.push that would still send a valid event, and then build from there.





// User ID handling function getOrCreateUserId() { const cookieValue = document.cookie.split('; ').find(row => row.startsWith('user_id=')).split('=')[1]; if (cookieValue) { return cookieValue; } const userId = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function(c) { const r = (Math.random() * 16) | 0, v = c === 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3 | 0x8); return v.toString(16); }); document.cookie = "user_id=" + userId + ";path=/;;max-age=31536000;secure;SameSite=Lax;"; return userId; } var userId = getOrCreateUserId(); // Fetch or create user ID function sendPurchaseEvent(userId, hostname) { console.log('start purchase send'); //const transactionId = 'RGNATIVE:ff3d253ec711901fef39fd99e3bea87f'; //if (transactionId) { window.dataLayer.push({ 'event': 'purchase', 'user_id': userId, 'hostname': hostname, 'nats_member_id': '511740', 'hashed_email': 'f4b36c79cd56c83f4fe4d7e91565f4c3c37156f2c44be6d72a132daa5e32e0f9', 'ecommerce': { 'transaction_id': 'RGNATIVE:ff3d253ec711901fef39fd99e3bea87f', 'value': '14.95', 'items': [{ 'item_id': '3607', 'item_name': '7-Day Trial|$|14|.95| |Try us out!', 'affiliation': '511740', 'coupon': 'null', 'discount': 'null', 'item_brand': 'NS', 'item_category': 'Membership', 'price': '14.95', 'quantity': 1 }], 'nats': [{ 'AffiliateID': '105467', 'nats_SiteName': 'NS', 'nats_ProgramID': '8', 'nats_SiteID': '1', 'nats_TourID': '1', 'nats_CampaignID': '0', 'nats_AdtoolID': '0', 'nats_AdToolSub1ID': '0', 'nats_AdToolSub2ID': '0' }], 'event_category': 'membership', 'event_action': '3607', 'event_label': document.referrer || 'Direct/No Referrer', 'event_currency': 'USD', 'event_value': '14.95', 'currency': 'USD' } }); console.log('Purchase event sent'); } all values are replaced.



Your updated sendPurchaseEvent function now includes hard-coded values, which should eliminate any issues stemming from dynamic content insertion via Smarty templating. This should help in debugging by ensuring that all necessary values are available and correctly formatted when the data layer push occurs.

Here’s what you should check now that you’ve updated the function:

  1. Console Logs: Make sure that "start purchase send" and "Purchase event sent" messages appear in the console, indicating that the function is running.
  2. Data Layer Contents: In the browser's console, you can also manually check the contents of the dataLayer after the push to see if the purchase event appears as expected:
Copy code
  1. GTM Preview Mode: Use GTM Preview Mode to confirm that the purchase event is being detected and that the associated tag is firing.
  2. Google Analytics: Verify in your Google Analytics real-time reports that the purchase event is being received. Remember, it may take up to 24 hours for events to appear in standard reports.
  3. Network Tab: In the developer tools, check the Network tab for requests to Google Analytics after the purchase event is sent. Look for the /collect endpoint and examine the query parameters to ensure that they carry the expected values.

If the event is still not being sent or captured correctly in Google Analytics:

  • Check GTM Trigger and Tag: Make sure your GTM setup has a trigger listening for the event named 'purchase' and that the tag is configured to send the correct information to Google Analytics.
  • Check Event Structure: Ensure that the structure of the data pushed to the dataLayer matches what your GTM tags and triggers are expecting. For example, if you're using Enhanced Ecommerce, the structure must adhere to its requirements.
  • Review Error Console: Make sure there are no errors in the console that might be stopping the code execution before the dataLayer.push.
  • JavaScript Execution Order: Your sendPurchaseEvent should be called after the GTM container snippet is initialized. If it's called before GTM is initialized, the event might not be captured.
  • Ad Blockers and Browser Extensions: Check whether ad blockers or browser extensions are interfering with GTM or GA.

Remember that changes to GTM configuration and Google Analytics property settings may take some time to propagate. Always test in an environment as close to production as possible to ensure accurate results.





Uploaded image

{config_load file="nscash-config.txt" section="NakedSword"} function sendPurchaseEvent() { console.log('start purchase send'); window.dataLayer.push({ 'event': 'purchase', 'nats_member_id': '511740', 'hashed_email': 'f4b36c79cd56c83f4fe4d7e91565f4c3c37156f2c44be6d72a132daa5e32e0f9', 'ecommerce': { 'transaction_id': 'RGNATIVE:ff3d253ec711901fef39fd99e3bea87f', 'value': '14.95', 'items': [{ 'item_id': '3607', 'item_name': '7-Day Trial|$|14|.95| |Try us out!', 'affiliation': '511740', 'coupon': 'null', 'discount': 'null', 'item_brand': 'NS', 'item_category': 'Membership', 'price': '14.95', 'quantity': 1 }], 'nats': [{ 'AffiliateID': '105467', 'nats_SiteName': 'NS', 'nats_ProgramID': '8', 'nats_SiteID': '1', 'nats_TourID': '1', 'nats_CampaignID': '0', 'nats_AdtoolID': '0', 'nats_AdToolSub1ID': '0', 'nats_AdToolSub2ID': '0' }], 'event_category': 'membership', 'event_action': '3607', 'event_label': document.referrer || 'Direct/No Referrer', 'event_currency': 'USD', 'event_value': '14.95', 'currency': 'USD' } }); console.log('Purchase event sent'); } {/literal} Approved – {#siteTitle#}



From the screenshot and the code snippet, it seems you've correctly placed the Google Tag Manager (GTM) initialization code in the <head> of the document and are attempting to push a purchase event to the dataLayer using a sendPurchaseEvent function.

A few observations and suggestions to ensure this is set up correctly:

  1. Script Tag Nesting: Ensure that you're not nesting <script> tags inside each other, which can invalidate your HTML and potentially prevent scripts from running correctly. The GTM snippet should be in its own separate <script> tag.
  2. GTM Container ID: Confirm that GTM-M7XV3FB is the correct container ID for your GTM setup and that the container has the necessary tags, triggers, and variables configured to handle the 'purchase' event.
  3. Function Invocation: Your sendPurchaseEvent function needs to be called for it to execute. If you want this to run as soon as possible, consider calling it immediately after defining it, or when certain conditions are met (like a successful purchase).
  4. Correct Data Layer Structure: Ensure that the structure of your dataLayer.push matches what GTM expects for the 'purchase' event. If you’re using Enhanced Ecommerce with Google Analytics, the structure you’ve used appears correct.
  5. sendPurchaseEvent Call: The sendPurchaseEvent function needs to be called after the user completes a purchase. Make sure that the function call is triggered at the appropriate time in your purchase flow.
  6. Check for Errors: Open the browser's developer tools and check the Console tab for any errors that might indicate problems with your code execution.
  7. GTM Preview Mode: Use GTM's Preview mode to verify that your purchase event is triggering the correct tag.
  8. null Values: You've set 'coupon' and 'discount' to the string 'null'. Make sure these should not be null without quotes if you intend for them to be null values instead of strings.
  9. Validate Event Values: Check the values you are passing, like event_value, to make sure they conform to the data types and formats expected by the receiving tags in GTM and Google Analytics.

Here’s how you can correct the nested script tags and call the sendPurchaseEvent function:

Copy code
<!-- Google Tag Manager -->
new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],
<!-- End Google Tag Manager -->

// Your JavaScript code here

<title>Approved - NakedSword</title>
<!-- Rest of your HTML -->

Place the sendPurchaseEvent code inside the <script> tags where it says "// Your JavaScript code here", and ensure you call that function after the GTM script, once the conditions for sending the purchase event are met (e.g., after the user confirms the purchase).





this is on the approval page – they ahve already bought – all of this is jsut to collect the values of what they bought.



Understood. If the script is on the purchase approval page, and its sole purpose is to send the purchase data to GTM, then it's essential that the sendPurchaseEvent function is called at the correct point in the page's lifecycle where the transaction details are confirmed and available. Here’s how you could structure the script to ensure it gets executed:

  1. Load GTM: First, you have the GTM container loading script in the <head>. That's standard and correct.
  2. Prepare sendPurchaseEvent Function: Then, define the sendPurchaseEvent function within a <script> tag. This function prepares the purchase data and pushes it to the dataLayer.
  3. Invoke sendPurchaseEvent: Since the user is already on the purchase approval page, the transaction has occurred, so you can invoke sendPurchaseEvent as soon as the page loads and you're sure all data needed is present.
  4. Execution: Ensure your sendPurchaseEvent function is actually called. Since you've mentioned the user has already made the purchase and this is the approval page, you can call sendPurchaseEvent immediately after you define it, assuming all the transaction data is ready.
  5. Ensure Data Availability: Verify that all the information required for the sendPurchaseEvent function is available on the page at the time of its call. If the information is dynamically loaded, you might need to wait for those asynchronous processes to complete.

Your updated code structure on the purchase approval page might look like this:

Copy code
<!-- Google Tag Manager -->





I am attempting to send a pre-filled in sevent – no dta collection necessary {config_load file="nscash-config.txt" section="NakedSword"} {literal} {/literal} Approved – {#siteTitle#}



If the goal is to send a hardcoded, pre-filled event to Google Tag Manager (GTM) as soon as the user lands on the approval page, you just need to ensure that the sendPurchaseEvent function is called at the right time. Typically, for hardcoded values that don't depend on any dynamic data loading, you'd call the function as soon as the script is loaded.

Given that you're using Smarty templates, make sure that the {literal} tags are correctly wrapping your <script> tags, and that the sendPurchaseEvent function is invoked after it's defined. Your function definition is correct; it just needs to be called.

Here's a revised version of your snippet ensuring the sendPurchaseEvent is invoked immediately:

Copy code
{config_load file="nscash-config.txt" section="NakedSword"}
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en-US">
   <meta name="robots" content="noindex">
   <!-- Google Tag Manager -->
       w[l] = w[l] || [];
           'gtm.start': new Date().getTime(),
           event: 'gtm.js'
       var f = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],
           j = d.createElement(s),
           dl = l != 'dataLayer' ? '&l=' + l : '';
       j.async = true;
       j.src = '' + i + dl;
   })(window, document, 'script', 'dataLayer', 'GTM-M7XV3FB');
   <!-- End Google Tag Manager -->

   // Your sendPurchaseEvent function
   function sendPurchaseEvent() {
       console.log('start purchase send');
           // Your dataLayer content
       console.log('Purchase event sent');

   // Call the function immediately
    <!-- Rest of the body content -->

Place your actual dataLayer object where it says // Your dataLayer content. This structure ensures that the function is called as soon as it's defined, which is appropriate for an approval page where the transaction has just been confirmed.

Remember to test the page in GTM's Preview mode to ensure that the event is firing as expected and that there are no errors in the browser console that could interfere with the function execution.








It seems like there might've been a mistake in your message. If you have any further questions or need assistance with something else, feel free to let me know!





this seesm to work fine. {config_load file="nscash-config.txt" section="NakedSword"} {literal} {/literal} {literal} {/literal} {literal}



I'm glad to hear that the setup is working for you. It appears you're using Smarty to dynamically generate parts of your JavaScript. With the sendPurchaseEvent function being called immediately after its definition, the purchase event should be pushed to the dataLayer as soon as the script runs, which is typically what you'd want on a confirmation page.

Just ensure that:

  • All the placeholders (like {#whiteLabelGTMID#}) are correctly replaced by Smarty with actual values.
  • The getOrCreateUserId function is executed before you try to use its return value to ensure the userId is available.
  • The sendPurchaseEvent function is using the correct userId and hostname values, which it seems to be, since you're calling getOrCreateUserId() and window.location.hostname.toLowerCase().trim() again inside the sendPurchaseEvent function.
  • There are no JavaScript errors in the console that could prevent the execution of the scripts.

Testing thoroughly in a staging environment with the GTM preview mode will help ensure everything is working as expected before you go live. It might also be helpful to monitor the real-time events in your Google Analytics to confirm that the purchase events are being received.





how do I move the event from the data layer to the streamIDs



To move an event from the dataLayer to the connected Stream IDs in Google Analytics 4 (GA4), you need to ensure that your Google Tag Manager (GTM) configuration is set up correctly to forward the events to your GA4 property. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Configure GA4 Settings:

    • Make sure that you have a GA4 property set up in Google Analytics.
    • Within that property, find your Measurement ID (it should look like G-XXXXXXXXXX).
  2. Set Up a GA4 Configuration Tag in GTM:

    • In GTM, create a new tag of type GA4 Configuration.
    • Enter your GA4 Measurement ID.
    • Set this tag to trigger on All Pages to initialize the GA4 base configuration across your site.
  3. Set Up a GA4 Event Tag in GTM:

    • Create another tag in GTM, this time of type GA4 Event.
    • Configure the event parameters to match the data structure you're using in your dataLayer.push. You'll use the fields you set in the dataLayer as event parameters here.
    • For the Triggering section, create a custom trigger that fires on the dataLayer event that you've pushed (purchase in your case).
  4. Create a Trigger for the Event:

    • Go to the Triggers section in GTM.
    • Create a new trigger that listens for the purchase event in the dataLayer.
    • This trigger should be set to fire on a Custom Event, where the event name matches the one you pushed to the dataLayer (i.e., purchase).
  5. Connect the Event Tag to the Trigger:

    • Assign the newly created trigger to your GA4 Event tag.
  6. Publish the Changes in GTM:

    • Save and submit your changes in GTM.
    • Publish the container to make your changes live.
  7. Test the Setup:

    • Use GTM's Preview mode to test that the GA4 Event tag fires when the purchase event occurs.
    • Check the real-time reports in your GA4 property to confirm that the event is being received.

Here's an example of what your dataLayer.push might look like:

Copy code
  event: 'purchase',
  ecommerce: {
    transaction_id: '12345',
    value: '14.95',
    currency: 'USD',
    // ... other parameters ...

And this is how your GTM setup should reflect the dataLayer event:

  • GA4 Event Tag

    • Event Name: purchase
    • Event Parameters: Use the values from ecommerce object in dataLayer
  • Trigger

    • Trigger Type: Custom Event
    • Event Name: purchase

After this setup, whenever the purchase event is pushed to the dataLayer, the GTM trigger will fire the GA4 event tag, which will send the event data to your GA4 property's associated data stream.





can I configure the stream ids on the page – but still only send the purchase data through the data layer to them? without adding more tags in GTM?



If you wish to send data directly to a Google Analytics 4 (GA4) property without using GTM, you can do so by including the GA4 gtag.js tracking code on your page and sending the purchase event directly through this script. However, this approach bypasses the flexibility GTM provides and means you need to hardcode the GA4 configuration and event data directly into your page, which is less maintainable and scalable.

Here’s how you would configure and send event data directly to a GA4 property with gtag.js:

  1. Include the GA4 Configuration Script: This initializes your GA4 property on the page by setting the config for your GA4 Measurement ID.
Copy code
<!-- Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics -->
<script async src=""></script>
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
gtag('js', new Date());

// Replace with your GA4 Measurement ID
gtag('config', 'G-XXXXXXXXXX');
  1. Send a Purchase Event to GA4: After initializing the GA4 configuration, you can send a purchase event directly through gtag.js using the data you have.
Copy code
// Use your purchase data here
gtag('event', 'purchase', {
  "transaction_id": "24.031608523954162",
  "affiliation": "Google online store",
  "value": 23.07,
  "currency": "USD",
  "tax": 1.24,
  "shipping": 0,
  "items": [
      "item_id": "P12345",
      "item_name": "Android Warhol T-Shirt",
      "quantity": 2,
      "price": '2.0'

You would need to replace the placeholders and dummy data with the actual data you want to send to GA4. Ensure that this script runs after the gtag('config', 'G-XXXXXXXXXX') line so that the GA4 library is initialized before you try to send an event.

Keep in mind that by not using GTM, you're choosing to manage this data collection manually, which can be less flexible if you need to make adjustments or add more tracking in the future. GTM provides a user-friendly interface and allows you to manage tags without altering the code on your website, which is why it's generally recommended for use.





I am using a React site – all content – and php/smarty for sign up and approval pages – I feel like I am duplicatoin tags everywhere to get data vrom both .



In a mixed environment like yours, where React and PHP/Smarty are used for different parts of the site, it's common to feel like there's redundancy, especially with tagging for analytics. However, there's a way to streamline this process to avoid duplication and ensure consistent data collection across your entire site.

Here's how you can approach this:

  1. Universal Tagging with GTM: Implement GTM universally across both the React application and the PHP/Smarty pages. This means placing the GTM container snippet in the global header or template file so it loads on every page, including both the React and PHP/Smarty parts of the site.
  2. Data Layer: Use a consistent dataLayer structure across both React and PHP/Smarty. The dataLayer is a JavaScript array that holds information that you want to pass to GTM. On the PHP/Smarty pages, you can push server-side data into the dataLayer, and in the React application, you can use dataLayer.push() in your components to send data.

Example for PHP/Smarty:

Copy code
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
  'event': 'purchase',
  // ... other purchase data ...

And in React:

Copy code
// Whenever a purchase event occurs
  'event': 'purchase',
  // ... other purchase data ...
  1. Single Source of Truth for Tags: Use GTM to manage all your tags. You configure your tags, triggers, and variables within GTM. This way, you don't hardcode any tracking tags within the React app or the PHP/Smarty templates.
  2. Event Triggers: Configure GTM to listen for events pushed to the dataLayer, like the purchase event. Then, use these triggers to fire the appropriate tags.
  3. Testing: Use GTM's Preview mode to test your setup across both the React and PHP/Smarty parts of the site to ensure that events are being captured correctly.
  4. React Integration: For the React part of your site, you can make use of the React lifecycle methods or hooks to push data to the dataLayer when specific actions occur. Libraries such as react-gtm-module can help integrate GTM into your React app more seamlessly.
  5. PHP/Smarty Integration: In the server-rendered PHP/Smarty pages, you can insert dataLayer.push() scripts within your Smarty templates, leveraging the PHP backend to populate dynamic values when the page is rendered.

By centralizing your tracking logic in GTM and keeping a consistent dataLayer implementation across both parts of your site, you minimize duplication and create a more maintainable setup. This approach also makes your tracking more adaptable to future changes, as you only need to update GTM configurations instead of changing code





it's the configuratrion part of the streamIds I don't get – that is where I am failing. so then the purcahse event doewsn't show up. which is why I wanted to put them on the page – so they would have to be initialized.



I see where the confusion might be. Let me clarify the configuration of Stream IDs and how they relate to sending purchase events.

In GA4, a "stream" corresponds to a source of data, like your website or app. Each stream has a unique Stream ID (also referred to as a Measurement ID when it comes to web data streams), which is used to send data to that particular stream in your GA4 property.

To initialize a stream and send data to it, you typically use the gtag.js library or GTM.

Here’s how you can initialize streams and send a purchase event via gtag.js and GTM:

Using gtag.js Directly:

  1. Place the GA4 configuration snippet in the <head> of your webpage (you'll need to replace G-XXXXX with your actual Measurement ID):
Copy code
<!-- Global site tag (gtag.js) for Google Analytics -->
<script async src=""></script>
  window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
  function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
  gtag('js', new Date());

  // Replace with your GA4 Measurement ID
  gtag('config', 'G-XXXXX');
  1. When a purchase occurs, you can send a purchase event using gtag:
Copy code
gtag('event', 'purchase', {
  "transaction_id": "12345",
  // ... other purchase event parameters ...

Using GTM:

  1. Configure the GA4 Data Stream in GTM:

    • Create a GA4 Configuration tag with your Measurement ID and set it to trigger on all pages.
  2. Create a Purchase Event Tag in GTM:

    • Create a GA4 Event tag to send purchase events.
    • Configure the tag to use the event parameters you want to send.
  3. Set up a Trigger for the Purchase Event:

    • Configure a trigger for the event name you’re pushing in the dataLayer (e.g., 'purchase').
  4. Publish the GTM Configuration:

    • Once you've set up the tags and triggers in GTM, publish the changes.

If the purchase event isn't showing up, here are some common issues:

  • Incorrect Measurement ID: Ensure that you're using the correct Measurement ID for your GA4 stream.
  • Data Layer Mismatch: The structure of the dataLayer.push must match the expected format in GTM.
  • Trigger Configuration: The trigger in GTM must listen for the correct event name as pushed to the dataLayer.
  • Tag Configuration: The GA4 Event tag must be set up with the correct event parameters and associated with the right trigger.

If you're unsure, you can share the configuration you've done, and I can help you troubleshoot further. Remember, changes in GTM and GA4 can take a few minutes to take effect, and using the preview/debug mode in GTM along with the real-time view in GA4 can help verify if the events are being sent and received correctly.





treigger type: pageview fires on – some pages where Event equals purchase then I have my 3 streamIDs I'm using – singular, group, and backup below



It sounds like you've set up a pageview-based trigger that is supposed to fire when a 'purchase' event occurs, which could be the source of the confusion. In GA4 and GTM, a "purchase" is typically a distinct event from a pageview, even though it occurs on a page. A pageview trigger is usually for when a page itself is loaded, not for when an event like a purchase happens on the page.

To send purchase events to your GA4 stream IDs, you should set up an "event" trigger that fires on the custom event you push to the dataLayer (which should be the 'purchase' event in your case), not a "pageview" trigger.

Here’s how you can adjust your trigger to capture purchase events:

  1. Create a Custom Event Trigger:

    • In GTM, navigate to Triggers and create a new trigger.
    • Choose "Custom Event" as the trigger type.
    • For the event name, enter "purchase" (or whatever event name you are pushing to the dataLayer when a purchase occurs).
    • Set this trigger to fire on "Some Custom Events" and specify the conditions that must be met for the event to fire, such as certain variables or conditions that match your purchase event.
  2. Associate the Trigger with Your GA4 Event Tags:

    • Navigate to your GA4 Event Tags (one for each stream ID).
    • Under "Triggering", associate the tags with the custom event trigger you created for purchases.
    • Ensure that your GA4 Configuration Tag is set to fire on all pages so that the GA4 library is initialized before any events are sent.
  3. Publish Changes in GTM:

    • After configuring your tags and triggers, make sure to publish the changes in GTM.

Remember that each GA4 Event Tag should be configured with the correct parameters for the purchase event, and the correct Measurement ID should be used to ensure the data is sent to the right GA4 property.

If you want to track the same purchase event across multiple GA4 properties (hence the multiple stream IDs), you will need to create separate GA4 Event Tags for each Measurement ID and configure them with the same trigger.

Keep in mind that in GA4, events are not limited to predefined names (like 'pageview' or 'purchase')—you can create and use custom event names. Just make sure that the name used in the dataLayer.push matches the one used in the GTM trigger configuration.





custom event – event name purchase – fires on all events



For sending a purchase event to GA4 using GTM, setting up a "Custom Event" trigger with the event name "purchase" is a good approach. This setup should trigger your GA4 event tag whenever a 'purchase' event is pushed to the dataLayer. Here's how to ensure everything is correctly configured:

Step-by-Step Setup in GTM

  1. Define the Event in the dataLayer: Ensure that when a purchase occurs, a dataLayer.push happens in the format:

    Copy code
        'event': 'purchase',
        // Add additional properties relevant to the purchase
        'ecommerce': {
            'transaction_id': '123456',  // Example transaction ID
            'value': 299.99,            // Total transaction value
            // other ecommerce details
  2. Create a Custom Event Trigger:

    • Go to the GTM dashboard and navigate to "Triggers".
    • Click "New" to create a new trigger.
    • Select "Custom Event" for the Trigger Type.
    • Set the "Event name" to "purchase" – this must exactly match the event name pushed to the dataLayer.
    • For "This trigger fires on", select "All Custom Events" if it should fire every time the event is pushed; otherwise, set conditions under "Some Custom Events" based on the requirements.
  3. Set Up GA4 Event Tags:

    • Create a new tag in GTM.

    • Choose "GA4 Event" as the tag type.

    • Configure your tag by entering the GA4 Configuration Tag settings:

      • Configuration Tag: This should point to the GA4 configuration tag that you have set up for initializing GA4 with your Measurement ID.
      • Event Name: Set this to "purchase" or use the variable that captures the custom event name if you are using one dynamically.
    • Enter the parameters and user properties as needed for the event.

    • Triggering: Associate the newly created custom event trigger with this tag.

  4. Publish Your Changes:

    • Once configured, save and publish your changes in GTM.

Debugging and Testing

  • Preview Mode: Before publishing, use GTM's preview mode to test the setup. This mode allows you to see whether the tags fire as expected when the 'purchase' event occurs.
  • GA4 Real-Time Report: Check the GA4 real-time report to verify that the purchase events are being captured. Note any discrepancies or delays.
  • Ensure No Filters: Make sure no filters are blocking the data in GA4.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Mismatch in Event Names: The event name in the trigger must exactly match the event name pushed to the dataLayer.
  • Configuration Issues: Ensure the GA4 Configuration Tag is set correctly and firing on all pages to allow for the proper functioning of event tags.
  • Data Layer Timing: Confirm that the dataLayer.push occurs before the GTM script tries to read from it. This is particularly relevant for dynamically loaded content or single-page applications.

By following these steps, you should be able to successfully capture and send purchase events to GA4 using GTM without missing data across different pages or sections of your site.





gtm configuration tag setup



Setting up a Google Tag Manager (GTM) Configuration Tag for Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is a critical step in integrating analytics on your website. This tag will ensure that the GA4 library is loaded and initialized properly on your site, enabling you to send data to your GA4 property. Here's a detailed step-by-step guide on how to set up a GA4 Configuration Tag in GTM:

Step 1: Access Your GTM Account

  • Open your Google Tag Manager dashboard.
  • Select or create a container for your website.

Step 2: Obtain Your GA4 Measurement ID

  • Navigate to your GA4 property in Google Analytics.
  • Go to "Admin" → "Data Streams" → select your web stream.
  • Copy the "Measurement ID" (looks like G-XXXXXXXXXX).

Step 3: Create the GA4 Configuration Tag in GTM

  1. Create a New Tag:

    • In your GTM container, go to the "Tags" section and click "New".
    • Name your tag descriptively, such as "GA4 – Base Configuration".
  2. Configure the Tag Type:

    • Select "Tag Configuration".
    • Choose "Google Analytics: GA4 Configuration".
    • Paste your GA4 Measurement ID into the "Measurement ID" field.
  3. Set Advanced Configuration (if needed):

    • Send a Page View: Toggle this if you want to automatically send a page view event when the tag fires. This is usually enabled by default.

    • Fields to Set

      : Add any fields you wish to set globally for all events. Commonly set fields include:

      • cookie_domain: typically set to "auto".
      • Other fields based on specific tracking needs.
    • User Properties: Set user properties if you need to send additional identifiers for segmentation or analysis.

  4. Triggering:

    • Set the trigger to "All Pages" to ensure this configuration loads on every page load.
    • Click "Triggering" and select the "All Pages" trigger.

Step 4: Save and Test Your Configuration

  • Click "Save" to keep your tag configuration.
  • Use the "Preview" mode in GTM to test the configuration. Ensure the GA4 configuration tag fires on each page load without errors.

Step 5: Publish Your Container

  • Once you confirm that the tag works correctly in preview mode, go to "Submit" in GTM to publish the changes to your live site.

Additional Considerations

  • Consent Mode: If your site operates in regions with strict privacy regulations (like the EU), consider configuring the consent mode parameters to respect user consent for analytics.
  • Cross-Domain Tracking: If your site spans multiple domains and you need to track users across these domains, configure the cross_domain parameter.
  • Debugging: You can use the "DebugView" in the GA4 interface to see events coming in real-time and ensure that your configuration is correct.

By following these steps, you'll have set up a GA4 Configuration Tag in GTM, which is crucial for any subsequent event tracking and analysis you plan to do with GA4. This setup is foundational and will support all other GA4-related tracking on your site.





creatre ga4 config tag for a react site AND additional pages only in php –



Creating a GA4 configuration tag in Google Tag Manager (GTM) for a site that includes both a React application and additional PHP pages involves a similar setup process for both environments. The key is to ensure that the GA4 configuration is consistent across all parts of the site to ensure unified data collection and analytics. Here's how you can set up a GA4 Configuration Tag in GTM to work seamlessly across your React and PHP pages:

Step 1: Set Up GTM on Your Site

Before setting up the GA4 Configuration Tag, ensure GTM is correctly integrated with both your React app and your PHP pages:

  • For React:

    • Include the GTM snippet in the index.html of your React app or integrate it directly via React components (e.g., using react-gtm-module for more dynamic insertion).
  • For PHP Pages:

    • Place the GTM container snippet in a common header file (header.php) that loads on every page or directly into the HTML structure of each page.

Step 2: Create the GA4 Configuration Tag in GTM

  1. Access Your GTM Dashboard:

    • Select the appropriate container that's linked to your website.
  2. Get Your GA4 Measurement ID:

    • Navigate to your Google Analytics 4 property.
    • Go to "Admin" → "Data Streams" → select your web stream.
    • Copy the "Measurement ID" (G-XXXXXXXXXX).
  3. Create the GA4 Configuration Tag:

    • In GTM, go to "Tags" → "New" → "Tag Configuration".
    • Choose "Google Analytics: GA4 Configuration".
    • Paste your Measurement ID into the "Measurement ID" field.
  4. Configure Tag Settings:

    • Optionally adjust settings such as cookie_domain (commonly set to auto).
    • If your site requires handling user consents (like GDPR compliance), configure the consent settings accordingly.
  5. Set the Trigger:

    • Use the "All Pages" trigger to ensure the tag fires on every page load across both your React and PHP components/pages.
    • This ensures that the GA4 base configuration loads uniformly, regardless of the technology stack of the page.

Step 3: Test and Validate the Configuration

  • Preview Mode: Before publishing changes, use GTM’s preview mode to test the tag on both your React and PHP pages. Check that the GA4 tag fires correctly on initial load and on navigations within the React app.
  • Check Data Flow: Go to GA4's "Realtime" report to verify that data is being received as expected from both parts of the site.

Step 4: Publish Your Changes

  • Once confirmed working in preview mode, publish the container in GTM to make your GA4 configuration live.

Additional Notes:

  • React Navigation: React applications often use client-side routing (e.g., React Router). Make sure that the GA4 configuration is capable of handling these route changes. You might need to implement additional event tracking to capture page views on route changes if the standard "All Pages" trigger isn't sufficient.
  • Cross-Domain Tracking: If your setup involves multiple domains, make sure to configure cross-domain tracking in GA4 settings if required.
  • Consent Management: Implement necessary consent management solutions if your audience is from regions with strict data privacy laws (e.g., EU, California).

By following these steps, you'll ensure that your GA4 Configuration Tag is correctly set up in GTM and effectively handles analytics across your mixed technology stack, providing comprehensive coverage of user interactions throughout your site.





here is where I get confused. all pages does not work for react. so then I make 1 with all pages – initialzie – and a second with history change – but then neihter of those seems to show up on the php pages.



Ah, I see where the confusion lies, especially when dealing with a single-page application like React alongside traditional server-rendered pages like PHP. Let's tackle this step-by-step to ensure both environments are correctly configured in Google Tag Manager (GTM) for Google Analytics 4 (GA4).

Setting Up GTM for Both React and PHP

You're right that the "All Pages" trigger doesn't work as expected with React because React applications don't reload the entire page when navigating between routes, which is typical behavior in single-page applications (SPAs). This necessitates a different setup for React compared to traditional PHP pages.

1. GTM Setup for React

For React, you'll need two triggers:

  • Page View Trigger: This is used for the initial page load.
  • History Change Trigger: This is used for subsequent route changes (navigations within the React app).

Here’s how to configure these triggers:

  • Page View Trigger:

    • Go to Triggers in GTM.
    • Create a new trigger.
    • Choose "Page View" as the trigger type.
    • Set it to fire on "All Page Views". This will capture the initial load of your React app.
  • History Change Trigger:

    • Create another trigger.
    • Choose "History Change" as the trigger type.
    • Set it to fire on "All History Changes". This will capture in-app navigation in React.

Each of these triggers should be attached to the GA4 Configuration Tag if you want GA4 to be re-initialized on each page view or route change, which is useful for accurately tracking user journeys in a SPA.

2. GTM Setup for PHP

For PHP, the "All Pages" trigger should typically work because each page load is a full HTTP request:

  • All Pages Trigger


    • You already have this trigger set up.
    • Ensure it’s linked to the GA4 Configuration Tag.

Why Triggers Might Not Work on PHP Pages

If neither the "All Pages" nor the "History Change" triggers seem to be working on your PHP pages, consider the following:

  • GTM Snippet: Ensure that the GTM snippet is correctly placed in the <head> (or just after the opening <body> tag) of your PHP templates or pages.
  • Trigger Configuration: Verify that there's no additional configuration or filtering set on the "All Pages" trigger that might prevent it from firing on PHP pages.
  • Debugging: Use GTM’s preview mode to see what’s happening when you navigate to the PHP pages. Check if the triggers are firing and if the tags are executing as expected.

Solution Approach

  • Consolidate Tag Configuration: You can use the same GA4 Configuration Tag for both triggers. Just make sure to add both triggers to the tag, so it fires on both "All Pages" (for initial loads) and "History Changes" (for SPA navigations).
  • Preview and Test: Always use GTM's preview mode to test the setup on both React and PHP pages. This helps identify any issues with trigger configuration or tag firing.
  • Real-time Data Check: Look at the real-time reports in GA4 to confirm that data is coming through from both parts of your site.

By setting up these distinct triggers and ensuring they’re correctly configured, you should be able to effectively track user interactions across both your React application and PHP pages. This approach ensures comprehensive analytics coverage across your mixed site architecture.





now I am also using 1 tag for all white labels together – and a second for each individual white label. they have separate stream IDs and I"m uisng a lookup table to match the correct hostnamw with streamID. but it doess LOOK like duplicate evens when you look at it – but eventhoghjt there are 2 it's not duplicate since the 2 don';t shaer data?>



Handling multiple GA4 configurations for different white labels under a single GTM container is a common scenario, especially when you want to manage data from multiple domains or subdomains separately but also together in some cases. Using a lookup table to dynamically assign the correct GA4 Stream ID based on the hostname is an efficient approach, and yes, while it might appear like duplicate events are being sent, if they are going to different GA4 properties, they are indeed not duplicates in the sense that they do not interfere or overlap with each other’s data.

Here's how you can manage and optimize this setup in GTM:

Setting Up Lookup Table for GA4 Stream IDs

  1. Create a Lookup Table Variable in GTM:

    • Go to "Variables" and click "New".
    • Choose "Lookup Table" as the variable type.
    • Input the variable that reads the hostname (often {{Page Hostname}}).
    • Fill in the input values with the hostnames of your white labels and the corresponding output with the respective GA4 Stream IDs.
  2. Use the Lookup Table in Your GA4 Configuration Tags:

    • Instead of hardcoding the Measurement ID in the GA4 Configuration tag, use the lookup table variable.
    • This ensures that the correct GA4 Stream ID is used based on the hostname.

Setting Up GA4 Configuration Tags

Given your scenario, you might have:

  • One GA4 Configuration Tag for All White Labels: This tag can be used for aggregated data analysis across all white labels.
  • Individual GA4 Configuration Tags for Each White Label: Each uses the specific Stream ID from the lookup table for more granular, separate data analysis.

Considerations for Event Tracking

  • Ensure Each Event is Tagged Correctly: When setting up event tags (e.g., purchase events), ensure they are configured to fire with both the all-encompassing tag and the individual white label tags where necessary.
  • Avoid Data Contamination: Make sure that your triggers and conditions are set up so that events are only firing the respective tags meant for them. Misfiring could lead to data contamination.

Testing and Debugging

  • Preview and Debug: Use GTM’s preview mode extensively to test the configurations across different hostnames. Verify that the correct GA4 Stream ID is picked and that the tags fire as expected.
  • Real-Time Reports: Check the real-time activity in each GA4 property to ensure data is being received correctly and that it aligns with the expected white label.

Considerations to Avoid Duplicates

While the events are going to different properties and are not "duplicates" in a strict sense, it’s crucial to ensure that:

  • Data Redundancy: Even though they are not technically duplicates, sending the same data to multiple streams could be redundant unless there is a clear business need for such granularity.
  • Efficient Data Management: Evaluate if all events need to be sent to both the all-encompassing GA4 property and the individual properties, or if certain events should be exclusive to one or the other.

By carefully managing your GTM setup and ensuring each part of the configuration is tailored for its purpose, you can efficiently handle multiple white labels under a single GTM container without unnecessary duplication of data.





ok – so then tag manager preview looks odd – for the GTM contianer – there is 1 purchase event – so great – then for the streamIDs each of them shows 4 purchase evetns – but only the 1st on has data in it



It sounds like you're encountering an issue where the Google Tag Manager (GTM) Preview mode is showing multiple purchase events for each of your GA4 stream IDs, but only the first one has the relevant data, while the others appear empty or incomplete. This scenario can occur due to several reasons and may require a few adjustments to ensure that the events are firing correctly without redundancy. Here’s how you can troubleshoot and resolve this issue:

Step 1: Review GTM Tag Configuration

First, ensure that your GA4 event tags are configured correctly:

  • Check Trigger Conditions: Verify that the triggers for each of your GA4 event tags are set up correctly. There might be an issue where the trigger conditions are too broad, causing the tags to fire multiple times.
  • Inspect Tag Sequencing: If you have tag sequencing set up, make sure it’s configured correctly so that dependent tags are firing in the proper order.

Step 2: Debug Using GTM Preview Mode

GTM Preview Mode is invaluable for debugging:

  • Analyze Firing Events: Use the GTM Preview pane to observe the order and frequency of your tag firings. Look specifically at which triggers are causing the tags to fire.
  • Examine Data Layer Variables: Ensure that the dataLayer variables and values are being pushed and accessed correctly. Sometimes, incorrect or multiple pushes to the dataLayer can cause repetitive firing.

Step 3: Consolidate or Modify Triggers

Based on what you find in the Preview Mode:

  • Consolidate Triggers: If possible, consolidate triggers to minimize redundancy. If multiple tags are intended to capture the same event data for different GA4 configurations, consider using a single trigger that fires multiple tags.
  • Adjust Trigger Configuration: If tags are firing multiple times due to overlapping trigger conditions, adjust these conditions to be more specific or to ensure they only fire once per event.

Step 4: Check for Duplicate Data Layer Pushes

  • Single dataLayer.push: Ensure that the dataLayer.push event for the purchase is occurring only once per transaction. Multiple pushes with the same event name could lead to multiple firings.
  • JavaScript Errors: Look for any JavaScript errors in the browser console that might be affecting how scripts execute and interact with the dataLayer.

Step 5: Validate Data Configuration in GA4 Tags

  • Event Parameters: Ensure that all GA4 event tags have the correct parameters set up for the purchase event. Incorrect or missing parameters can result in incomplete data being sent.
  • Field Mappings: Double-check the field mappings in each GA4 tag configuration to ensure they align with the dataLayer variables.

Step 6: Review GA4 Settings

Finally, make sure that your GA4 settings in the Analytics interface are set up to correctly interpret and display the incoming data:

  • DebugView in GA4: Use GA4's DebugView to see incoming events in real-time. This can help confirm whether the data seen in GTM Preview Mode matches what GA4 receives.

By following these steps, you should be able to identify why multiple purchase events are appearing in GTM Preview Mode and ensure that only the correct, single event with data is sent to each respective GA4 stream ID. If the issue persists, you may need to further isolate the conditions or specific configurations causing the duplicates.





if I just made triggers 2 for single stream ids – page load adn history and then 2 for multi -universal sream ID – wouldn't that explmain why?



Yes, your approach of using different sets of triggers for single stream IDs and a universal stream ID could indeed explain why you're seeing multiple events in the GTM Preview mode. This setup can lead to multiple tags firing for the same event under different configurations, particularly if these tags are configured to send data to different GA4 properties or streams.

Here's a breakdown of how your setup might be causing the observed behavior:

Triggers and Their Implications

  1. Page Load and History Change Triggers for Single Stream IDs:

    • These triggers are likely set up to fire on every page load and every time there is a history change (common in single-page applications like React). If these triggers are linked to GA4 event tags that send data to individual stream IDs, they will fire every time the specified conditions are met.
  2. Separate Triggers for a Universal Stream ID:

    • If you also have triggers set up for a universal stream ID designed to capture all user interactions across the site, and these are also set on page loads and history changes, they will fire concurrently with the single stream ID triggers.

Resulting Multiple Events

  • Multiple Tags Firing: If both sets of triggers (for single stream IDs and the universal stream ID) are firing under the same conditions (like a page load or history change), and they are not configured to exclude each other, they will both send 'purchase' events.
  • First Event with Data, Others Without: The first event that fires might carry the payload of data you expect, while subsequent events might appear because they are triggered by the same user interaction but are not configured to carry the full data set or are duplicates due to overlapping trigger conditions.

How to Resolve or Optimize This Setup

  • Consolidate Triggers: If possible, reduce the number of triggers by using a single set of triggers for both your single stream IDs and the universal stream ID. You can attach multiple tags to the same trigger if they are supposed to fire under the same conditions.
  • Use Blocking Triggers or Exceptions: If there are cases where you do not want certain tags to fire concurrently, consider using blocking triggers or add exceptions to the triggers to prevent multiple firings for the same event type.
  • Adjust Tag Sequencing: If the order in which tags fire is important (e.g., ensuring that data is processed or augmented in a specific order), you can use tag sequencing in GTM to control the firing order.
  • Audit Data Layer Pushes: Ensure that your dataLayer.push calls are structured and timed correctly so that they provide the necessary data to all tags that are expected to fire, avoiding any scenarios where a tag fires without the necessary data.

By reviewing and potentially simplifying how triggers and tags are set up in GTM, you can prevent unwanted duplications of event data being sent to your GA4 properties and ensure that the data sent is accurate and as expected. This will also make your analytics setup easier to manage and debug.





ugh. this is what I was asking about from the beginnning. so I should probably block the history change trigger on any pages that contain – join (all sign up and approval pags have then you seem to be contradicing yourself. IF I have 2 streamids then it is OK to have mulitiple purchase events. yes or no?



Apologies for any confusion, and let's clarify the situation with your setup regarding triggers and multiple GA4 stream IDs.

Regarding Multiple Stream IDs and Events

  • Yes, it is acceptable to have multiple purchase events if they are intentionally sent to different GA4 stream IDs, provided each event serves a distinct analytical purpose. For example, one stream ID might be used for granular analysis at the white label level, and another might be for a more aggregated view across multiple white labels. This isn't duplication in the traditional sense but intentional segmentation of data streams for different analytical needs.

Concerning History Change Triggers on Specific Pages

Blocking the history change trigger on specific pages, such as those under, is a good approach if these pages do not need to capture navigation events because they might not be using SPA-style navigation. This strategy can prevent unnecessary or erroneous event firings:

  1. Configure Trigger Exceptions


    • Go to your history change trigger in GTM.
    • Add an exception so that this trigger does not fire on URLs that contain join.. You can use conditions like Page URL does not contain join. to set this up.

Optimizing Triggers for Different Stream IDs

If you are using different stream IDs for different purposes, consider the following setup:

  1. Dedicated Tags for Each Stream ID:

    • Create individual GA4 event tags for each stream ID.
    • Configure each tag to fire based on the specifics of what data needs to be collected for that stream.
  2. Smart Trigger Configuration:

    • Use the same trigger for multiple tags if the event is the same but directed towards different streams.
    • If the conditions under which data needs to be sent to different streams vary, set up distinct triggers according to these conditions.

General Advice

  • Review Tag and Trigger Necessity: Regularly review whether all triggers and tags are necessary or if some can be consolidated or refined to reduce complexity and potential for error.
  • Testing and Validation: Use GTM's preview mode to test different configurations and ensure that each tag fires as expected without causing unintended duplications for the same stream.
  • Clear Documentation: Keep a clear documentation of what each tag and trigger is supposed to do, especially when working with multiple stream IDs. This can help prevent confusion and simplify maintenance and updates to your tracking setup.

To summarize, having multiple purchase events for different stream IDs is okay if each serves a different analytical purpose. However, managing how and when these events fire using smart trigger configurations and exceptions is crucial to ensure data accuracy and relevance. This will help maintain the integrity of your data analysis across different segments of your site and various analytical needs.





why does an empty event matter?



An empty event in your analytics setup, particularly in a context where data-driven decision-making is crucial, can impact the effectiveness and reliability of your analytics for several reasons:

1. Data Clutter

Empty events contribute to data clutter by filling up your reports with events that hold no actionable insights. This can make it harder to quickly identify and analyze the events that do carry meaningful information, leading to inefficiencies in data analysis.

2. Increased Costs

In systems where you pay based on the volume of data processed (such as certain custom analytics setups or premium analytics services), sending empty events can unnecessarily increase your costs. This is especially relevant if you have a high volume of traffic and consequently, a high volume of such events.

3. Skewed Metrics

Empty events can skew your analytics metrics. For example, if you’re tracking user engagement through event interaction, empty events can artificially inflate engagement metrics, giving a misleading picture of user behavior and interactions on your site.

4. Trigger Misconfiguration

Frequent empty events might indicate a misconfiguration in your triggers or the tagging setup. It could mean that triggers are firing when they shouldn't be, or tags are not collecting the intended data due to issues in the setup, such as improper dataLayer implementation or timing issues in the script execution.

5. Performance Impact

While the performance impact might be minimal for each event, over time, and at scale, unnecessarily firing events can contribute to slower website performance. Each event processing involves network requests which, when accumulated, could potentially affect the load times and responsiveness of your website.

6. Complicates Debugging

If you're trying to troubleshoot your analytics or tagging setup, having a mixture of valid and empty events can complicate the debugging process. It can be challenging to determine whether a lack of data is due to an actual absence of user interaction or a problem with the analytics implementation.

7. User Trust and Data Compliance

In scenarios where data collection needs to comply with privacy regulations (like GDPR or CCPA), ensuring that every data collection point is intentional and justified is crucial. Collecting data without clear purpose or collecting empty datasets can lead to compliance issues.

How to Address Empty Events

  • Review Trigger Configuration: Make sure that triggers are configured to fire only under the correct circumstances.
  • Validate Data Layer: Ensure that the dataLayer is populated with the correct information before events are fired.
  • Implement Conditional Tag Firing: Set up your tags in GTM to fire only when necessary data is present. You can use GTM’s built-in variables and conditions to check for data presence.
  • Regular Audits: Periodically audit your analytics and tagging setup to identify and rectify any issues with empty events.

By addressing the reasons behind empty events and ensuring that your data collection is configured correctly, you can improve the quality of your analytics data and make more informed decisions based on reliable data insights.





wouldnt it just be easier to be able to TELL gtm to SEND events to streamIDS – rather than having htem sitting aroudn firing when you don't wan them to?



You raise a valid point about the simplicity of directly instructing Google Tag Manager (GTM) to send events to specific Stream IDs when needed, rather than managing multiple triggers and tags that can fire unintentionally or generate empty events. This approach could potentially simplify the setup and minimize errors, but it would require a feature that currently doesn't exist natively in GTM or Google Analytics 4 (GA4).

Why Direct Event Sending to Stream IDs Isn't Currently a Built-in Feature:

  1. Flexibility and Control: GTM is designed to offer a high degree of flexibility and control over how and when data is collected and sent. This design necessitates a setup where users specify conditions (triggers) for when data should be sent. This model supports complex tagging strategies across diverse and dynamically changing web environments.
  2. Complexity of Web Environments: Websites and apps can have complex user interactions that might require detailed tracking setups. The current model allows for detailed specifications on what to track and when, which might be oversimplified in a direct "send-to-stream-ID" approach.
  3. Analytics Integrity: The current system ensures that data sent to analytics platforms goes through a vetting process (trigger conditions) that helps maintain data quality and relevance. Without this, there's a risk of flooding analytics with irrelevant or poor-quality data.

What You Can Do to Simplify Your Setup

Although GTM doesn’t currently allow directly specifying Stream IDs in the tag itself without the associated firing rules (triggers), you can streamline your tagging setup to make it more manageable:

  1. Consolidate Tags and Triggers: Where possible, use fewer, more general tags and sophisticated triggering logic to cover multiple scenarios. This reduces the number of tags and triggers you need to manage.
  2. Use Lookup Tables: As mentioned earlier, lookup tables can be used to dynamically determine which Stream ID to send data to, based on conditions like hostname or page path. This reduces the need for multiple similar tags.
  3. Enhanced Trigger Conditions: Improve the accuracy of your trigger conditions to ensure that tags fire only when truly relevant. Utilize GTM’s built-in variables and user-defined variables to refine these conditions.
  4. Scheduled Audits and Cleanups: Regularly review your GTM setup to remove obsolete tags, triggers, and variables that are no longer needed or that contribute to clutter and confusion.
  5. Leverage Built-in GTM Features: Use features like Tag Sequencing, Blocking Triggers, and Exceptions to control exactly when each tag should fire, which can help prevent unwanted or empty events.
  6. Feedback to Google: Consider providing feedback to Google about this feature request. Google often updates its products based on user feedback, and if there's enough demand for a more straightforward way to manage data streams directly from GTM, they might consider implementing such a feature.

While GTM and GA4 require a setup that might seem complex compared to a direct send-to-stream-ID method, using the tools and strategies available within GTM can significantly simplify and automate much of the process, ensuring your data collection is both efficient and effective.





gtm produces 1 purchase event. why are the streamids each producting 4? if htey are suppose to jstu sit tere antake in data?



If Google Tag Manager (GTM) is configured to send only one purchase event, but each of the stream IDs in your Google Analytics 4 (GA4) setup is showing four events, this suggests a potential issue in the way the events are handled or reported after they're sent from GTM. Here are some possible reasons for this discrepancy and steps to troubleshoot and resolve it:

1. Multiple Firing of GA4 Event Tags

The most common reason for seeing multiple events in GA4 when only one event is sent from GTM is that the GA4 event tag might be firing multiple times. This can happen due to:

  • Duplicate Triggers: Check if the event tag in GTM has multiple triggers that could be causing it to fire more than once. Ensure that each event tag has a single trigger or that the conditions under which the triggers fire are mutually exclusive.
  • Misconfigured Trigger Conditions: If the triggers are set up based on page views or user interactions that might be occurring multiple times, this could cause the tag to fire repeatedly. Refine the trigger conditions to more accurately target the specific action (e.g., a single successful transaction).

2. Stream ID Misconfigurations

If the GA4 configuration tag or event tags are set up to use different stream IDs based on certain conditions (like hostname or path), ensure that these conditions are correctly configured:

  • Lookup Tables: If using lookup tables to dynamically assign stream IDs, verify that the lookup table is set up correctly and is not inadvertently causing the same data to be sent to multiple streams.
  • Incorrect Tag Setup: Ensure that there are no additional copies of the same tag unintentionally assigned to fire under similar conditions, leading to duplicate data being sent.

3. Browser or Network Issues

Sometimes, browser plugins, network issues, or browser behaviors (like prefetching or reloading) can cause scripts to execute multiple times:

  • Browser Extensions: Check if any browser extensions or ad blockers interfere with the script execution.
  • Network Tools: Use browser network tools to monitor how many times the GA4 event is sent. This can help determine if the duplication is happening client-side or server-side.

4. Verification via GTM Preview and Debug Mode

Utilize GTM's preview and debug mode to trace the event's journey from trigger to tag firing:

  • Monitor the Data Layer: Check the dataLayer pushes and see if multiple events are being pushed unintentionally.
  • Follow the Tag Fires: Observe how many times the GA4 event tag is triggered during a single transaction or page visit.

5. Data Reflection in GA4

In GA4, use the DebugView to see incoming events in real-time from your testing device:

  • Identify Event Batches: Look for the number of times the 'purchase' event is listed during a single transaction cycle.
  • Check Event Parameters: Verify that the event parameters match what you expect for a single event firing.

Troubleshooting Steps

  1. Simplify the Configuration: Temporarily simplify your GTM setup to have only one trigger and one tag for the purchase event to see if the issue persists.
  2. Isolate the Issue: Remove additional configurations temporarily, such as dynamic stream ID assignments, to rule out complexity as a cause.
  3. Systematic Testing: Test different configurations systematically to identify the exact setup leading to multiple event firings.

By systematically checking each part of your GTM and GA4 setup, you should be able to pinpoint why multiple events are appearing in GA4 and adjust your configuration to ensure that only the intended single purchase event is recorded per transaction.





Uploaded image

so this – I actually AM sending this data to 3 stream ids – but will GTM preview – show 3 events – in each of the stream ids – since it will fire 3 times in total?



In the GTM Preview mode, what you'll see is a reflection of what is happening on the GTM side rather than what is happening within each GA4 property. When you look at the Preview mode, you'll see the single event ('sign_up' in your case) that you've pushed to the dataLayer, and you'll also see that the event triggers the tags you've set up.

Here's how it should work:

  • The sign_up event gets pushed to the dataLayer.
  • GTM sees this event and activates the sign_up trigger.
  • This trigger then fires all the tags that are associated with it.
  • In Preview mode, you'll see one sign_up event, and under that event, you'll see the tags that fired. These tags could send data to different GA4 properties based on your setup.

In the GTM Preview mode interface, for each sign_up event, you should see the list of tags that fired as a result of that event. So if you have three tags associated with the sign_up trigger, all meant for different stream IDs, you will see all three tags fire once each (given they are all set to fire on this trigger). GTM Preview mode will not show the event multiple times; it will show the tags firing based on that single event.

In your GA4 reports, if you have set up three different tags to send the sign_up event to three different GA4 properties (each with its own Stream ID), then you should see one sign_up event in the real-time reports of each GA4 property.

However, it's important to note that GA4 processes the incoming data independently for each stream ID. So while GTM sends the data only once per trigger in its process, GA4 will receive the data as many times as you have tags configured to send that data. Each GA4 property will reflect the sign_up event once for each occurrence of the event being sent to it.

If you see the same event appearing multiple times in a single GA4 property, that could indicate an issue with how the tags or the data streams are configured. In that case, you'd need to revisit your GTM setup to ensure that each event is sent only once per user interaction to each GA4 property.





that in no way ansered my question.



I apologize for any confusion. To answer your question directly:

In GTM Preview mode, for a given event (like sign_up), you will see the event listed once





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when I look at gtm preview – I see 1 purchase event for GTM. then in one fo the streamIDs – I see 4. but only 1 has data. so that is bad correct? and I DO only have 1 trigger that I reuse for all of the stream Ids. but in order to work – that trigger would ahve to fire at LEAST3 times to move the data into each stream id – and maybe a 4th for GTM. so is something wrong or not – because it seems like it should be ok.?]



From your description and considering the GTM preview screenshots, it seems you have one trigger set up for the purchase event that's linked to multiple tags, each tag intended for a different GA4 stream ID. If in the GTM preview you see one purchase event firing multiple tags, and each of those tags corresponds to a different stream ID, this is expected and correct behavior for your setup.

Here’s a breakdown of the expected behavior and what might be happening with the "empty" events:

  • Expected Behavior:

    • When the purchase event is triggered once in GTM, all tags associated with that trigger should fire.
    • Each tag sends the data to its respective GA4 stream ID.
    • In GTM preview mode, you'll see the purchase event listed once, and underneath that, you should see each tag that fired because of that event.
  • Preview Mode Observations:

    • GTM: Shows the purchase event once because it’s triggered once by your site.
    • GA4 Stream ID: Shows the tag firing for that event, which should happen once per stream ID. However, you're observing it four times, which might indicate an issue if all instances are for the same tag/stream ID.
  • Potential Issue with "Empty" Events:

    • If you see the same tag firing multiple times for a single event occurrence, and only one has the correct data, it could be a sign of:

      • Repeated Triggers: The trigger might be firing multiple times due to repeated interactions or page content loading that mimics the trigger conditions.
      • Tag Configuration: There might be an issue with how the tag is configured to send data to GA4, leading to multiple hits being sent where some are devoid of data.
  • Why It Could Be Okay:

    • If each firing corresponds to a different tag intended for different GA4 stream IDs, then it's working as intended, with each stream receiving the event once.
    • If the multiple firings are in different GA4 properties and you’re expecting to collect data separately for different analytics purposes, it’s normal for each property's preview to show the event being sent to it.

Steps to Resolve Potential Issues

  1. Ensure Unique Tag Configurations: Each tag should have a unique configuration to ensure it doesn’t fire more than once per event occurrence. This includes checking that the tags aren’t set to fire on non-purchase events or pageviews.
  2. Validate Triggers: Ensure that the triggers are configured to fire once per transaction. If the trigger is based on a dataLayer event, make sure that the dataLayer.push call for the purchase event is happening only once per transaction.
  3. Check for Duplicate dataLayer Pushes: Verify that the code on your site is not pushing the purchase event to the dataLayer multiple times.
  4. Debug in Real-time: Use GA4's DebugView to watch the events coming in real-time. This will help you determine if each property is receiving multiple instances of the same event from the same user, which shouldn't happen.
  5. Check Tag Firing Priority: In GTM, you can set priorities for tags if you need certain tags to fire before others. Ensure there’s no conflict here causing multiple firings.
  6. Use Blocking Triggers: If needed, create blocking triggers to prevent a tag from firing in certain conditions, which can help prevent duplicate firings.

By reviewing these aspects of your GTM setup, you should be able to ensure that each purchase event is only recorded once per stream ID, avoiding any empty or duplicate events in your GA4 properties. If each stream is indeed receiving the event only once and the additional "empty" events are not being recorded in GA4, your setup may be functioning correctly. However, if the "empty" events are being recorded, further investigation into the triggers and tags would be needed.





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each streamID gets 1 purchase event – so that is ok? GTM – mabye I am sending too many there?



In the GTM preview mode, seeing one purchase event for each GA4 configuration is expected if you've set up individual tags for each stream ID to fire on the same trigger. Each tag sends data to its respective GA4 property, and if configured correctly, this will not count as duplicates since each stream ID is considered a separate data destination.

In the GTM container, if you're seeing the same purchase event being fired multiple times and only one of them contains the actual data, here's what could be happening:

  1. Duplicate Tags: There might be multiple tags configured to respond to the same trigger, but only one is correctly set up to send data. This could result from an oversight in tag management.
  2. Tag Firing Issues: The trigger might be firing multiple times due to the way the site or application is structured (for instance, if it's a Single Page Application and the URL changes without a full





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GTM Preview – 1 purchase event – the rest of the tags are the ones that tell the inidvidual stream ids to fire. unless I ahve this all backwards



From your GTM Preview screenshot, it seems that you have the setup arranged correctly for your purposes:

  1. GTM Purchase Event: This shows up once in your GTM Preview, which is expected. This is the purchase event that your site triggers, and it's being captured by GTM as it should be.
  2. Associated Tags for Individual Stream IDs: The tags listed under the purchase event are those that have been triggered by the purchase event. If these are intended to send data to individual GA4 stream IDs, then it’s correct that they're listed here. Each tag should correspond to a GA4 event that will be sent to a separate GA4 property. It seems you have one for "S" (I assume Single Site), "M" (possibly Multi-Site), and "NON-S" (maybe a Non-Specific or another categorization you've set).

When these tags fire, they should send a purchase event to their respective GA4 configurations, and you would see these as separate events in each GA4 property's real-time reporting.

In summary:

  • If each tag is configured with a unique GA4 Stream ID: Then each tag firing is sending a purchase event to a different GA4 property. In each GA4 property, you should see only one purchase event for each actual purchase that occurs.
  • If GTM Preview shows the purchase event firing multiple tags: And each tag corresponds to a different GA4 property; then this is expected and correct.
  • If a single GA4 property shows multiple purchase events for one actual purchase: Then there might be an issue, such as a tag firing multiple times or a misconfiguration in the GA4 property.
  • If each GA4 property only shows a single purchase event: Then your setup is functioning as intended.

Keep in mind that GTM Preview mode is a diagnostic tool that shows you what GTM is doing. It doesn't reflect the end data in GA4, so it's essential to check your GA4 real-time reports to confirm that the data is being received correctly. If you find that each GA4 property is receiving the correct number of events (one event per purchase), then your setup is correct. If a property is receiving more than it should, you'll need to investigate further within GTM and the setup of your GA4 properties.





Uploaded image

it's the stream ids – which alos only have 1 tag that show multiple purcahse events –







I am lookin under "summary" on theleft column.



When you're looking at the "Summary" section in the left column of GTM Preview mode, you should typically see a list of all the interactions that have occurred during the session, including page views, clicks, form submissions, etc. For each interaction, you will see the tags that were fired as a result.

For your purchase event, if you have one tag in your GTM container that is supposed to send this event to multiple GA4 properties (each with its own stream ID), you should see the purchase event listed once in the Summary with the corresponding tag that fired for that event.

However, if you see the purchase event listed multiple times under the same GA4 stream ID (and this is not intended), it could be due to several reasons:

  1. Multiple Events Pushed to the Data Layer: If your website's code pushes the purchase event to the dataLayer multiple times, GTM will register each push as a separate event. This can happen with asynchronous operations or SPA (Single Page Application) navigations that may trigger the same dataLayer.push() multiple times.
  2. Misconfigured Tag or Trigger: The tag for that stream ID might be set up to fire multiple times due to its configuration or associated trigger conditions.
  3. Repeated Interactions: If there are repeated user interactions that mimic the conditions for the purchase event trigger, the tag may fire multiple times.
  4. Preview Mode Artefacts: Sometimes, GTM Preview mode can show what seems like duplicates due to refreshing the page, navigating back and forth, or other interactions that might cause the same tags to fire repeatedly. This doesn't necessarily mean that multiple hits are being sent to GA4; Preview mode is showing you all the instances of that tag firing within the session.

If you're intending to send a single purchase event to each stream ID, then each stream ID should ideally only show one purchase event in the GA4 real-time report. If they're showing multiple, you'd need to ensure that your GTM setup is correct:

  • Check the Data Layer Pushes: Make sure that the dataLayer.push for the purchase event only happens once and at the right time during the transaction process.
  • Review Tag Configuration: Make sure that each tag is firing only once per transaction, which may involve refining your triggers to be more specific or using a blocking trigger.
  • Inspect GA4 Reports: Verify in the GA4 real-time reports for each property that you're not seeing duplicates, which would indicate that multiple hits are being sent.

The ultimate verification is in the GA4 property itself. If the GA4 real-time reports show the correct number of purchase events (one per actual purchase), your setup is functioning correctly. If there are more purchase events than there should be, then you have to troubleshoot the GTM setup to find out why the tag is firing multiple times for a single purchase event.





Uploaded image

still confused – SUMMARY shows 4 purchase events but OUTPUT only shows 1 – so what does that mean? how are the other 3 being counted if I onlysend 1 HIT in total?



The "Summary" in GTM Preview mode shows a list of events that GTM has processed, and under "Tags Fired," it lists the tags that have fired for those events. If you're seeing "purchase" four times in the "Summary" but only one "Hit Sent" in the "Output," this might suggest that GTM is processing the purchase event multiple times, but the associated tag to send the hit to GA4 is only firing once.

Here's what could be happening:

  1. Event Processing vs. Tag Firing:

    • "Summary" indicates the events GTM has detected. It's possible for the same event to be processed multiple times if GTM receives multiple dataLayer.push commands with the event purchase.
    • "Output" shows the actual network request sent to GA4, which is what "Hit Sent" represents. Only one hit sent means that despite the multiple processings of the event, only one tag fired and sent data to GA4.
  2. Preview Mode Display:

    • Each line under "Summary" does not necessarily represent a separate hit to GA4. Instead, it represents an instance where the GTM container processed an event named purchase.
    • If the GTM configuration is set up such that only one tag responds to the purchase event (or conditions are set such that the tag only fires once), only one hit will be sent, regardless of how many times GTM processes the event.
  3. Data Layer Pushes:

    • Check the implementation on the website to ensure that the dataLayer.push for purchase is only happening once per transaction. If there are multiple pushes or the push is happening in a loop, GTM will process each one.
  4. Debugging:

    • Use the GTM debug mode to inspect each purchase event listed in the "Summary" to see what triggered it and why.
    • Look at the conditions for each tag that fires on a purchase event to ensure they are set up to prevent duplicate firings.
  5. GTM Configuration:

    • Review the triggers associated with the purchase event tags to ensure they are not set up to trigger multiple times for the same user interaction.
    • Verify that your triggers and tags have appropriate conditions to ensure the correct behavior.

The key takeaway is that the presence of multiple purchase events in the "Summary" section of the GTM Preview mode does not necessarily mean multiple hits are being sent to GA4; the "Output" tab provides the actual number of hits sent to GA4. To prevent multiple events from being processed, ensure that the dataLayer.push is correctly implemented on the site, and review your GTM tag configuration for proper trigger conditions.





so do I need separate tirggers for each streamid – with somesort of controls on each that tell it to only fire for the tag it is configured for? that seems dumb but what else is there?



No, you do not need separate triggers for each Stream ID if the criteria for sending an event to all Stream IDs are the same. In GTM, a single trigger can fire multiple tags. This is actually one of GTM’s strengths, as it reduces redundancy and keeps your workspace cleaner.

What you are experiencing in the GTM Preview mode—seeing multiple instances of the 'purchase' event under "Summary"—may be caused by the dataLayer.push being executed multiple times or other events that GTM is interpreting as separate 'purchase' events.

The typical approach for sending a single event to multiple GA4 configurations would be:

  1. One Trigger: Create a single trigger for the 'purchase' event. This trigger should be based on conditions that uniquely identify a purchase event on your website (e.g., a 'Thank You' page view, a JavaScript event that signals a successful transaction, etc.).
  2. Multiple Tags Using One Trigger: Create a tag for each GA4 configuration you want to send data to. Each of these tags will use the same trigger you’ve set up for the purchase event.
  3. Configure Tags with Stream IDs: Each tag should be configured with the unique Measurement ID (Stream ID) for its respective GA4 property. This way, when the purchase event occurs, the single trigger fires all tags associated with it, and each tag sends the event to its respective GA4 property.
  4. Set Tag Firing Priorities: If you want to ensure certain tags fire before others, you can set tag firing priorities in GTM. However, for a 'purchase' event, this may not be necessary unless there's a specific reason to process data in a particular order.
  5. Debugging: Utilize the GTM Preview and Debug mode to ensure that each tag is firing as expected, and the correct data is being sent to each Stream ID.
  6. Verify in GA4: Use the DebugView in GA4 or check the real-time reports to confirm that each property is receiving the expected single 'purchase' event.
  7. Review Data Layer Implementation: Make sure the dataLayer.push for the 'purchase' event occurs only once per transaction.

This setup ensures that you are not creating unnecessary complexity with multiple triggers. It also ensures that each GA4 property receives the data it's supposed to without creating duplicate events within the same property.

Lastly, remember that the GTM Preview mode is a diagnostic tool that may show all the interactions processed within a session, not necessarily representing duplicate data being sent to GA4. Always confirm within your GA4 properties to see the actual events recorded.





how could this be sending purcase event data 4 times? it is prettysimple? {config_load file="nscash-config.txt" section="NakedSword"} {literal} {/literal} {literal} {/literal} {literal}



Your JavaScript code for sending the purchase event is straightforward indeed, and at first glance, it doesn't show an obvious reason for sending the purchase event data four times.

The sendPurchaseEvent function is called immediately at the end of the script, which should result in only one push to the dataLayer. If you're seeing the purchase event triggered four times, here are some areas to consider checking:

  1. Page Load Behavior: Make sure the page where this script resides isn't being loaded multiple times. This can happen due to redirects or refreshes that might not be immediately apparent.
  2. Single Page Application Navigation: If your site is a single-page application, ensure that the script isn't being re-executed due to navigation events within the app.
  3. Caching Issues: Browsers or intermediate proxies might cache the page improperly, causing the script to execute more than once.
  4. Event Propagation: Ensure there aren't multiple handlers or listeners elsewhere in your codebase that could be triggering the same dataLayer.push.
  5. Tag Configuration: In GTM, ensure that the tag configured to send the purchase event to GA4 is not set up to trigger multiple times for the same dataLayer event.
  6. Preview and Debug Mode: GTM's Preview and Debug mode might show multiple events due to its tracking of all the interactions within a session. This doesn't necessarily mean multiple hits are being sent to GA4.
  7. Browser Extensions or Plugins: Browser extensions or plugins that interact with page loading or JavaScript execution could cause scripts to fire multiple times.
  8. Server-Side Issues: On the server side, ensure that there's no loop or repeated action that's causing the page to send multiple dataLayer.push calls.
  9. GTM Trigger Configuration: Confirm that the GTM trigger for the purchase event is set up correctly and isn't duplicating events due to misconfiguration.

To further debug this issue, you can do the following:

  • Use Console Logs: Place console.log statements before the dataLayer.push call to verify how many times the sendPurchaseEvent function is called.
  • Network Tab: Use the browser's developer tools Network tab to see the network requests made to and count how many times the purchase event is being sent.
  • GTM Debug Mode: Use GTM's debug mode to trace the dataLayer events and tag firings to see if the purchase event is being pushed multiple times to the dataLayer.

Remember that the GA4 DebugView will show you exactly what hits are being received by GA4, which can help you confirm whether the issue is with the site's code or the GTM/GA4 configuration.





if I was tsting a page and reloaded it manytimes to check what was sent – wouldthat do it?



Yes, absolutely. Reloading the page multiple times will re-execute all the scripts on the page, including any dataLayer.push calls. If you're using GTM Preview mode to test and you reload the page, every reload will appear as a separate event in the Summary view.

Each page reload would:

  • Reinitialize the GTM container and re-trigger all tags that are set to fire on page load.
  • Push a new purchase event to the dataLayer if your sendPurchaseEvent() function is called on page load without conditions.

This would result in the purchase event being sent to GA4 as many times as you reload the page and could explain why you're seeing multiple purchase events in the Summary. Only the first event after the page load is likely to have the full set of transaction details. Subsequent page reloads might not have the complete transaction context and thus could send incomplete data, appearing as if there are "empty" events.

To prevent this, you could:

  • Add a condition to check if a purchase has genuinely occurred before pushing the event to the dataLayer.
  • Use session storage or a similar mechanism to flag when a purchase event has been sent and avoid resending it on page reload.

When testing, it's essential to clear the GTM Preview mode between page reloads or navigate away and back to reset the session if you want to test single instances of page interactions. This will ensure you are only seeing the latest and most relevant data in the Preview pane.





good grief!! ok!



I know, it can be quite a process! But it sounds like you’ve narrowed down the cause, which is great. If you need any more help smoothing things out or have other questions, feel free to ask. Happy testing!





yes – lets' set up a only 1 purchase event to be sent to google tracker / stopper – mabye tracking it in local host since it only need to be on this one page –







local storage not local host



Understood! To make sure that only one purchase event is sent per session, even if the user refreshes the page, you can use localStorage in the web browser to store a flag indicating that the event has already been sent. Here's a simple way to implement this:

Copy code
function sendPurchaseEvent(userId, hostname) {
  // Check if the purchase event has already been sent in this session
  if (localStorage.getItem('purchaseEventSent') !== 'true') {
    console.log('start purchase send');
    // ... your existing dataLayer.push code ...

    // Set a flag in localStorage to indicate the event has been sent
    localStorage.setItem('purchaseEventSent', 'true');
    console.log('Purchase event sent');
  } else {
    console.log('Purchase event already sent in this session, not sending again.');

// Call the function when you want to try sending the event

Add this script to your page in the same place where your current purchase event code is located. What this will do:

  • When the sendPurchaseEvent function is called, it first checks localStorage for a flag named purchaseEventSent.
  • If the flag is not set to 'true', it means the purchase event hasn't been sent during this browser session, and the function will send the event and set the flag.
  • If the flag is set to 'true', the function will not send the event again.

This approach uses the browser session persistence of localStorage, which remains across page reloads but not across different browsers or incognito sessions. If the user closes and reopens the browser, the localStorage will still contain the purchaseEventSent flag, preventing multiple sends in multiple tabs or after a browser restart.

Remember to clear this flag when a new purchase session starts or when the user starts a new purchase flow to allow the event to be sent for the new transaction. You can clear the localStorage item with localStorage.removeItem('purchaseEventSent') at the start of a new purchase flow.





I don't want to cuase a syntax error – so need some aid in inserting this new code into bottom of purchase evetn – 'event_category': 'membership', 'event_action': '{/literal}{transaction.biller_currency|addslashes}{literal}', 'event_value': '{/literal}{transaction.biller_currency|addslashes}{literal}' } }); console.log('Purchase event sent'); } // Call the function immediately sendPurchaseEvent(); {/literal}



Certainly! You can add the local storage check right inside your sendPurchaseEvent function. Here’s how you can modify your existing code:

Copy code
// ... Your existing code above this line ...

'currency': '{/literal}{$transaction.biller_currency|addslashes}{literal}'

// Check local storage to ensure the purchase event is sent only once
if (localStorage.getItem('purchaseEventSent') !== 'true') {
  console.log('Purchase event sent');
  // Set a flag in local storage to indicate the event has been sent
  localStorage.setItem('purchaseEventSent', 'true');
} else {
  console.log('Purchase event already sent in this session, not sending again.');

// End of your sendPurchaseEvent function

// Call the function immediately


Make sure to place the local storage check after the dataLayer.push method and before the closing of the sendPurchaseEvent function. This way, the local storage flag is set after the event is successfully pushed to the data layer.

The above code will log 'Purchase event sent' only if the event has not been previously sent during the same session. If the page is reloaded, the localStorage check will prevent the purchase event from being sent again, and 'Purchase event already sent in this session, not sending again.' will be logged to the console.





Unexpected end of input (at approved.php?memberid=511750&natssess=3b985ad46651cf1ac016df56c4e42a57&approve=1:133:3) at function sendPurchaseEvent(userId, hostname) { // Check if the purchase event has already been sent in this session if (localStorage.getItem('purchaseEventSent') !== 'true') { console.log('start purchase send'); //const transactionId = '{/literal}{$member.memberidx|addslashes}{literal}'; //if (transactionId) { window.dataLayer.push({ 'event': 'purchase', 'user_id': getOrCreateUserId(), 'hostname': window.location.hostname.toLowerCase().trim(), 'nats_member_id': '{/literal}{$member.memberid}{literal}', 'hashed_email': '{/literal}{$member.custom9}{literal}', 'ecommerce': { 'transaction_id': '{/literal}{$member.memberidx|addslashes}{literal}', 'value': '{/literal}{$member.spent/100}{literal}', 'items': [{ 'item_id': '{/literal}{$member.optionid}{literal}', 'item_name': '{/literal}{$|addslashes}{literal}', 'affiliation': '{/literal}{$member.memberid}{literal}', 'coupon': 'null', 'discount': 'null', 'item_brand': 'NS', 'item_category': 'Membership', 'price': '{/literal}{$member.spent/100}{literal}', 'quantity': 1 }], 'nats': [{ 'AffiliateID': '{/literal}{$member.loginid}{literal}', 'nats_SiteName': '{/literal}{$|addslashes}{literal}', 'nats_ProgramID': '{/literal}{$member.programid}{literal}', 'nats_SiteID': '{/literal}{$site.siteid}{literal}', 'nats_TourID': '{/literal}{$member.tourid}{literal}', 'nats_CampaignID': '{/literal}{$member.campaignid}{literal}', 'nats_AdtoolID': '{/literal}{$member.adtoolid}{literal}', 'nats_AdToolSub1ID': '{/literal}{$member.subid1}{literal}', 'nats_AdToolSub2ID': '{/literal}{$member.subid2}{literal}' }], 'event_category': 'membership', 'event_action': '{/literal}{$member.optionid}{literal}', 'event_label': document.referrer || 'Direct/No Referrer', 'event_currency': '{/literal}{$transaction.biller_currency|addslashes}{literal}', 'event_value': '{/literal}{$member.spent/100}{literal}', 'currency': '{/literal}{$transaction.biller_currency|addslashes}{literal}' } }); // Check local storage to ensure the purchase event is sent only once if (localStorage.getItem('purchaseEventSent') !== 'true') { console.log('Purchase event sent'); // Set a flag in local storage to indicate the event has been sent localStorage.setItem('purchaseEventSent', 'true'); } else { console.log('Purchase event already sent in this session, not sending again.'); } // End of your sendPurchaseEvent function } // Call the function immediately sendPurchaseEvent(); {/literal}



It appears that the error is due to an issue with the placement of your {/literal} tags, which should only be used to close a Smarty {literal} block. The {literal} tags are used in Smarty templates to tell Smarty to not parse the data between them. This is often used when you have JavaScript code that uses { or } characters, which Smarty would otherwise try to interpret as Smarty syntax.

Here’s how you can fix the code:

Copy code
{config_load file="nscash-config.txt" section="NakedSword"}
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en-US">
   <meta name="robots" content="noindex">
   <!-- Google Tag Manager -->
   <script>(function(w,d,s,l,i){w[l]=w[l]||[];w[l].push({'gtm.start': new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0], j=d.createElement(s), dl=l!='dataLayer'?'&l='+l:'';j.async=true;j.src='' + i + dl;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f);})(window, document, 'script', 'dataLayer', '{#whiteLabelGTMID#}');</script>
   <!-- End Google Tag Manager -->
// Look for user_id in cookie
function getOrCreateUserId() {
    var cookieValue = document.cookie.split('; ').find(row => row.startsWith('user_id='));
    if (cookieValue) return cookieValue.split('=')[1];

    // Create a new user_id if one does not exist
    var userId = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function(c) {
        var r = Math.random() * 16 | 0,
            v = c === 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3 | 0x8);
        return v.toString(16);

    // Set the user_id in a cookie to be used across subdomains
    document.cookie = "user_id=" + userId + ";path=/;domain=.single_whitelabel_cookie_domain;max-age=31536000;secure;SameSite=Lax";
    return userId;

// Prepare the user_id and hostname
var userId = getOrCreateUserId();
var hostname = window.location.hostname.toLowerCase().trim();
console.log('hostname: ', hostname);
console.log('user_id: ', userId);

// Define the sendPurchaseEvent function
function sendPurchaseEvent(userId, hostname) {
    // Check if the purchase event has already been sent in this session
    if (localStorage.getItem('purchaseEventSent') !== 'true') {
        console.log('start purchase send');

            'event': 'purchase',
            'user_id': userId,
            'hostname': hostname,
            //... Additional event data ...

        // Set a flag in localStorage to indicate the event has been sent
        localStorage.setItem('purchaseEventSent', 'true');
        console.log('Purchase event sent');
    } else {
        console.log('Purchase event already sent in this session, not sending again.');

// Call the function immediately to send the purchase event
sendPurchaseEvent(userId, hostname);

Make sure that {literal} is opened before any JavaScript code that contains { or } which you don't want Smarty to parse, and {/literal} is closed right after the JavaScript code ends. Don't include {literal} tags inside your JavaScript functions or other code as it can cause syntax errors.

In this corrected version, the {literal} tags properly encapsulate the entire block of JavaScript code, ensuring that Smarty doesn't try to parse anything within it as template syntax.





it was missing a "}" right beofore // CHeck local storage to ensure…. 'event_action': '{/literal}{transaction.biller_currency|addslashes}{literal}', 'event_value': '{/literal}{transaction.biller_currency|addslashes}{literal}' } }); } // Check local storage to ensure the purchase event is sent only once if (localStorage.getItem('purchaseEventSent') !== 'true') { console.log('Purchase event sent'); // Set a flag in local storage to indicate the event has been sent localStorage.setItem('purchaseEventSent', 'true'); } else { console.log('Purchase event already sent in this session, not sending again.'); } // End of your sendPurchaseEvent function } // Call the function immediately sendPurchaseEvent(); {/literal}



Great catch! Yes, you're correct. That closing curly brace } was indeed necessary to properly end the conditional block for the transactionId before starting the new conditional block for the localStorage check. With this correction, your script should work as expected now, only sending the purchase event once per session and not every time the page is reloaded. Here's the corrected part with the localStorage check, neatly placed after the dataLayer push:

Copy code
function sendPurchaseEvent(userId, hostname) {
  // Check if the purchase event has already been sent in this session
  if (localStorage.getItem('purchaseEventSent') !== 'true') {
    console.log('start purchase send');
      'event': 'purchase',
      'user_id': userId,
      'hostname': hostname,
      // ... your existing dataLayer.push code ...
    // Set a flag in localStorage to indicate the event has been sent
    localStorage.setItem('purchaseEventSent', 'true');
    console.log('Purchase event sent');
  } else {
    console.log('Purchase event already sent in this session, not sending again.');

// Call the function immediately
sendPurchaseEvent(userId, hostname);

Make sure that the {literal} tag opens before this script and closes after, to ensure Smarty does not interpret any of the JavaScript code.





Uploaded image



It looks like the local storage check is working correctly. The console message "Purchase event already sent in this session, not sending again." indicates that the check you've implemented is functioning as intended. The script recognized that the purchase event was already sent during the current session and therefore did not attempt to send it again.

This is the desired behavior to prevent duplicate purchase events from being sent if the user refreshes the page. Each session is unique to the browser tab, and as long as the tab isn't closed, the local storage value will persist and prevent multiple submissions.

If you're testing this and need to send another purchase event, you'll have to clear the local storage entry manually using your browser's Developer Tools, or by running localStorage.removeItem('purchaseEventSent'); in the console before reloading the page.





in GTM should I have paramaters for standard google pieces like "value" and item, etc. in the purchas tag for each stream ?



In Google Tag Manager (GTM), when setting up tags to send data to Google Analytics (GA4), it's beneficial to map the e-commerce parameters to the corresponding fields recognized by GA4 for purchases and other e-commerce related events. Here's what you should consider:

  1. Use GA4 E-commerce Parameters: GA4 has a specific set of parameters for e-commerce events, such as value, currency, items, and more. These parameters should be mapped correctly to ensure that GA4 can interpret and display the e-commerce data accurately.

  2. Setting Up Parameters in GTM:

    • For the purchase event, make sure to set up parameters like transaction_id, affiliation, value, currency, and items. The items parameter should be an array of objects, each representing a purchased item with properties like item_name, item_id, price, quantity, etc.
    • Use Data Layer variables in GTM to dynamically pull these values from the dataLayer if you push e-commerce details to the dataLayer.
  3. Configuring the Purchase Tag:

    • When configuring a purchase event tag for a GA4 configuration, under "Event Parameters," you will map these values. For example, {{value}} could be mapped to the Data Layer variable that captures the purchase amount.
    • It's good practice to use meaningful names for your Data Layer variables that match the expected GA4 parameters for clarity and consistency.
  4. Reusable Parameters:

    • If you're sending purchase events to multiple GA4 properties and the e-commerce data is structured the same way for each property, you can reuse the same setup for the parameters in each purchase tag. This means you won't need separate Data Layer variables for each stream unless the data structure or content differs.
  5. Preview and Testing:

    • Always use GTM’s preview mode to test that the parameters are being pulled in correctly and that the tags are firing with the correct data.
    • Check in GA4's DebugView or the real-time reports to verify that the purchase event is showing up with the correct parameters.

In summary, set up the purchase tag in GTM with appropriate mappings for the standard GA4 e-commerce parameters. You don't necessarily need different configurations for each GA4 property as long as the data being sent to each is formatted correctly and contains all the required parameters for GA4 to understand it as an e-commerce transaction.





so for example – value – does not have a built in variable?



In GTM, value is a common parameter name that corresponds to the monetary value of an event. GA4, specifically for e-commerce transactions, expects a value parameter to represent the total transaction amount. However, GTM does not have a built-in variable for value because it is typically something you will define based on your own dataLayer structure or needs.

Here's how you can set it up:

  1. Defining value in the Data Layer: When a transaction occurs, you would push transaction details to the data layer, something like this:

    Copy code
      'event': 'purchase',
      'ecommerce': {
        'value': 123.45, // The total value of the transaction
        // other transaction data
  2. Creating a Data Layer Variable in GTM: To capture this value, you would create a Data Layer Variable in GTM:

    • Go to Variables in GTM.
    • Click "New" under User-Defined Variables.
    • Choose "Data Layer Variable" as the variable type.
    • Set the Data Layer Variable Name to ecommerce.value (assuming ecommerce is the object containing value in the dataLayer push).
  3. Using the Variable in Your Tag: When setting up your GA4 event tag in GTM:

    • Under the Event Parameters, you would add value as the parameter name.
    • For the parameter value, you would use the variable you just created ({{ecommerce.value}}).

By doing this, whenever the purchase event tag fires, GTM will send the value parameter's data from your data layer to GA4. Always test your setup with the GTM preview and debug mode to ensure that the value is being pulled correctly and sent with your events in GA4.





do I need to update the custom dimension as well?

ChatGPT User


Uploaded image

can we just tell the purchase event to wait 1 second before it sends? this is ridiciousl



It looks like you








It seems like you are trying to integrate Google Tag Manager and send a purchase event in a script within a web page. You're using Smarty template engine to inject dynamic values directly in the JavaScript code.

If you're looking to delay the purchase event by 1 second, you could wrap the sendPurchaseEvent function call in a setTimeout function. Here's a modification you can make to the existing script:

Copy code
// Inside your existing script tag where the sendPurchaseEvent function is defined

// Call sendPurchaseEvent after a 1-second delay
setTimeout(function() {
    sendPurchaseEvent(userId, window.location.hostname.toLowerCase().trim());
}, 1000); // Delay in milliseconds

This will wait for 1 second before executing the sendPurchaseEvent function. You need to add this setTimeout where you're calling sendPurchaseEvent after the DOM is ready or at the appropriate place where the purchase event should be triggered.

Remember that delaying tracking events can sometimes lead to inaccurate data collection, especially if the user navigates away from the page before the timeout elapses. It's important to balance the need for the delay with the potential impact on data accuracy.





sendPurchaseEvent(userId, window.location.hostname.toLowerCase().trim()); the sendPurcahseEvent reallly doesn't need to have any dependencies'



If the sendPurchaseEvent doesn't have any dependencies and you want it to execute independently with a delay, you can indeed just use the setTimeout function to delay its execution. Here's how you could modify the code to include the delay without any dependencies:

Copy code
// ... your existing script up to where you define getOrCreateUserId function

var userId = getOrCreateUserId();  // Fetch or create user ID

// Call sendPurchaseEvent after a 1-second delay
setTimeout(function() {
    sendPurchaseEvent(userId, window.location.hostname.toLowerCase().trim());
}, 1000); // 1000 milliseconds delay

// ... rest of your script

By placing the setTimeout call directly after the userId is obtained, you ensure that the sendPurchaseEvent is called with a delay of 1 second, regardless of other conditions or events on the page. This means that even if the page continues to load other elements or if there are other scripts running, the sendPurchaseEvent function will execute after the specified delay.

Just place this code at the point in your script where you want the purchase event to be sent, considering the user flow and the points at which the data you need for the event is available.





is there an easy way to fix the code timing – without adding a ton of extra code. why won't it just go in the order written?



3 / 3





function sendPurchaseEvent(userId, hostname) { const transactionId = '{/literal}{$member.memberidx|addslashes}{literal}'; if (transactionId) { window.dataLayer.push({ this one doesn't count?



In JavaScript, particularly in web browsers, many actions are asynchronous. This means that certain operations, such as loading external resources, sending network requests, or waiting for user events (like DOMContentLoaded), do not block the execution of other scripts. They are scheduled to run once their specific conditions are met, regardless of the order in which they are written.

The window.dataLayer.push method in your sendPurchaseEvent function is synchronous and will execute in the order it's called. However, the condition if (transactionId) { checks for the presence of transactionId which is being populated by the Smarty template engine with the value of {$member.memberidx|addslashes}.

If transactionId doesn't exist or isn't set by the time this function is called, the window.dataLayer.push will not execute, regardless of whether it's synchronous or not. This could be a reason why it's not executing as expected if {$member.memberidx|addslashes} is not populated in time.

If your problem is that the purchase event is not being sent because the transaction ID isn't available yet, you need to ensure that the transaction ID is set before you try to send the event. If your code is not executing in the desired order because it's dependent on some other asynchronous operation, you may need to look into using callbacks, promises, or async/await to handle these operations in the sequence you want.

If you are trying to make sure that the sendPurchaseEvent executes only after certain conditions are met (like the DOM is fully loaded, or some external scripts have loaded), you would use event listeners or callbacks to delay the execution of your code until those conditions are true.

Without a full view of your code, these are general points on why the code might not execute in the written order. If you're facing a specific issue with timing, please provide more details so I can give you a more targeted solution.





or remove the transaction requirement for sending. it is not necessary.



If the transaction ID is not necessary for the sendPurchaseEvent function to execute, you can simply remove the conditional check for transactionId. Here’s how you could modify the sendPurchaseEvent function to always send the event without checking for a transaction ID:

Copy code
function sendPurchaseEvent(userId, hostname) {
    // Removed the transactionId check
        'event': 'purchase',
        'user_id': userId,
        'hostname': hostname,
        // ... the rest of your event data
    console.log('Purchase event sent');

By removing the if (transactionId) check, you ensure that the window.dataLayer.push will always run when sendPurchaseEvent is called.

Remember to ensure that all the necessary data the event needs is present. If you remove the transaction ID, ensure that it is not required by your data layer or any downstream analytics processing. If other properties in the event depend on the transaction ID or are only relevant when a transaction has occurred, you should review and possibly revise the event structure to reflect the removal of the transaction requirement.





wait I only have 1 sendPurchaseEvent and I don't see whrapping itin a timout being good for the code? shoudl I have another one ?



If you have only one sendPurchaseEvent and you don't want to delay it unnecessarily with setTimeout, you should ensure that it's called at the correct time in the page's lifecycle. The sendPurchaseEvent should be called when all the required data is available and ready to be sent.

To ensure that sendPurchaseEvent is called in the right order, without using setTimeout, consider the following:

  1. Asynchronous Loading: If your sendPurchaseEvent depends on asynchronously loaded data (like user information or transaction details that are fetched from a server), you should call sendPurchaseEvent in the callback or .then() chain of that data request.
  2. DOM Readiness: If you need to wait for the DOM to be fully loaded, you're already listening for DOMContentLoaded, which is good practice. Ensure that any DOM-dependent logic occurs after this event fires.
  3. Script Loading: If you are loading scripts dynamically and sendPurchaseEvent depends on those scripts, you should trigger sendPurchaseEvent in the load event handler of those scripts.

Here's an example of how you might handle the script loading dependency:

Copy code
// Assuming you have this function defined somewhere
function sendPurchaseEvent(userId, hostname) {
    // Your logic here

// Assuming gtmScript is a script you dynamically load and need to ensure is loaded before sending the purchase event
var gtmScript = document.createElement('script');
gtmScript.onload = function() {
    // Now that the script is loaded, we can safely send the purchase event
    sendPurchaseEvent(userId, window.location.hostname.toLowerCase().trim());
gtmScript.async = true;
gtmScript.src = '' + yourGTMId;

You don't need another sendPurchaseEvent; you just need to make sure the existing one is called at the correct time. If you provide more context on why the events might not be firing in the order you expect, I could give you more precise advice.





Uploaded image

this and the fact that gtm is not getting nay purchase data are wny I am suspicous



From the screenshot you've shared, it appears that the purchase event is being fired multiple times (151 purchase, 152 purchase, etc.), but there seems to be a concern that Google Tag Manager (GTM) is not receiving any purchase data.

There could be multiple reasons for GTM not capturing purchase events correctly:

  1. Timing Issue: If the purchase events are being sent before GTM is fully initialized and the dataLayer is ready, GTM will not capture those events.
  2. Event Data Issues: The data might not be structured correctly, or certain required fields might be missing when the event is pushed to the dataLayer.
  3. **Trigger Configuration





there are multiple tags on page – AND – the purchase datalayer is empty.



If you have multiple tags on the page and the dataLayer purchase event is empty, this indicates there might be an issue with how the dataLayer event is being pushed or with the configuration of the GTM triggers and tags. Here’s a checklist to troubleshoot the issue:

  1. Ensure GTM Container is Loaded: Verify that the GTM container code snippet is correctly placed (usually immediately after the opening <body> tag) and that there are no errors preventing it from loading.
  2. Check Data Layer Push Syntax: Make sure the window.dataLayer.push call is correctly formatted and contains all the necessary data for the purchase event.
  3. Inspect Data Layer Values: Before the push to the dataLayer, log the data you're about to send to the console to ensure it's correct and not empty.
Copy code
console.log('Data layer push content:', {
    'event': 'purchase',
    // ...other data
    'event': 'purchase',
    // ...other data
  1. GTM Trigger Configuration: In GTM, make sure you have a trigger set up to listen for the purchase event.
  2. GTM Tag Configuration: Ensure the tags that should fire on the purchase event are configured to do so using the correct trigger.
  3. GTM Version and Publishing: Confirm you're working with the latest published version of your GTM container.
  4. Asynchronous Execution: JavaScript executes asynchronously. If your window.dataLayer.push calls happen after GTM tries to read them, the events will not be captured. Ensure the dataLayer is available before GTM initializes.
  5. Event Duplication: If the purchase event is being pushed multiple times, make sure that it's not being accidentally duplicated due to multiple script executions.
  6. JavaScript Errors: Check the browser's console for any JavaScript errors that may be preventing the execution of your dataLayer push.
  7. Ad Blockers or Browser Extensions: Sometimes, browser extensions such as ad blockers can interfere with GTM. Test in an incognito window without extensions to rule this out.
  8. Use GTM Debug Mode: GTM's debug mode can provide detailed information on which tags are firing and which aren't, and why.
  9. Confirm Event Data Presence: In GTM’s Variables tab,





here has to be a simpler way to do this – it's sending 1 event to google. \



To simplify and ensure that you are sending a single purchase event to Google Analytics through GTM correctly, follow these steps:

  1. Verify GTM Container Installation: Ensure that the GTM container snippet is placed correctly on your site. It should be as high in the <head> tag as possible, and the optional <body> tag snippet should be immediately after the opening <body> tag.
  2. Single Data Layer Push: Modify your code to send a single data layer





snippet is placed correctly – no need to bring that up again.\



Understood, let's focus on the specifics then. If the dataLayer purchase event is empty and being sent multiple times, here’s a streamlined approach to troubleshoot:

  1. Consolidate Event Triggering: Ensure that window.dataLayer.push for the purchase event occurs in one place to avoid duplication.
  2. Data Validation: Right before the window.dataLayer.push call, add a console.log statement to check the actual data being pushed.
Copy code
console.log('Sending purchase event with data:', yourDataObject);

Replace yourDataObject with the actual data object you're pushing to the dataLayer.

  1. Use GTM Preview Mode: Activate the GTM preview mode to see in real-time what data is being sent and which tags are firing.
  2. Check Event Configuration in GTM: In GTM, check that the purchase event trigger is set to listen for the correct event name,





waht about adding this to the script {literal} {/literal} {literal} {/literal}



Adding these scripts to the page is a way to dynamically insert the Google Tag Manager (GTM) and Google Analytics (gtag.js) scripts into your web page. These scripts check if the necessary GTM and Analytics scripts are already present, and if not, they add them to the page.

This setup ensures that GTM and Analytics are loaded and configured before you start sending events like page_view and potentially purchase. The scripts are designed to run once the DOM is fully loaded (DOMContentLoaded event), which is a common and suitable point to initialize tracking setups.

However, your concern seems to be about the purchase events not being captured despite the scripts being set up correctly. To address this:

  1. Ensure the dataLayer is initialized before any GTM-related scripts are loaded and before any events are pushed to it.
  2. Verify that the purchase event data object is correctly structured and contains all necessary information.
  3. Check the console for any errors after the page loads to confirm that the scripts are loading without issues.
  4. Ensure that any purchase event is pushed to the dataLayer after the GTM script has loaded and the dataLayer is initialized.

If you're still facing issues, you might want to:

  • Simplify your implementation by removing redundant or unnecessary checks for script existence—GTM is designed to handle its own script loading and initialization efficiently.
  • Check that any conditional logic (such as hostname checks) is correctly identifying the scenarios when you want to send additional tracking data.
  • Use GTM's Preview mode to debug the tags, triggers, and dataLayer in real-time and see exactly what's happening when the page loads and events are supposed to fire.

Remember, the goal is to have a single, correct push to the dataLayer for the purchase event when all the necessary conditions are met. Over-complicating the script with multiple checks and conditions can sometimes introduce errors or timing issues that prevent data from being sent correctly.





I accidentlly hid some messages in console – how do I unhide them?



If you've hidden messages in the browser's console, here's how you can unhide them:

  1. Open the Console: Press Ctrl+Shift+J (or Cmd+Option+J on Mac) to open the Developer Tools and click on the "Console" tab.
  2. Filter Settings: Look for the "Filter" textbox at the top of the Console panel. There might be some text there that is filtering out your messages. Clear any text in that box to see if your messages reappear.
  3. Right-Click Menu: Right-click inside the console and look for any filter options that might be checked. Make sure options like "Hide warnings" or "Hide info" are unchecked.
  4. Console Settings: Click on the gear icon (or three dots in some browsers) in the top right corner of the console panel to open console settings. Here, ensure that all message types such as "Errors", "Warnings", "Info", and "Logs" are checked.
  5. Reset DevTools: Sometimes the quickest way to restore default settings is to reset the Developer Tools entirely. This can typically be done within the settings menu (gear icon) as well.

If the messages are still not showing up, there may be code in your scripts that is calling console.clear(), which clears the console. Check your code to ensure this isn't happening unintentionally.





Uploaded image

even with those – still no purcase event is sent –



The console log messages in your screenshot indicate that the scripts for Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics are being appended correctly, and a Measurement ID is displayed, suggesting that the Google Analytics setup has proceeded as expected. However, you're still not seeing the purchase event in the dataLayer, which is necessary for GTM to send that information to Google Analytics.

Here’s what you can do next:

  1. Check Event Push: Make sure that somewhere in your code, after the GTM and GA scripts are loaded, you have a dataLayer.push specifically for the purchase event. It should look something like this:
Copy code
  'event': 'purchase',
  'ecommerce': {
    'purchase': {
      'actionField': {
        'id': 'T12345', // Transaction ID. Required for purchases and refunds.
        'affiliation': 'Online Store',
        'revenue': '35.43', // Total transaction value (incl. tax and shipping)
        'shipping': '5.99',
        'coupon': 'SUMMER_SALE'
      'products': [{ // List of productFieldObjects.
        'name': 'Triblend Android T-Shirt',
        'id': '12345',
        'price': '15.25',
        'brand': 'Google',
        'category': 'Apparel',
        'variant': 'Gray',
        'quantity': 1,
        'coupon': '' // Optional fields may be omitted or set to empty string.

Make sure to replace the dummy data with actual transaction and product details.

  1. Verify Trigger Configuration: In GTM, ensure that you have a trigger set up for the purchase event. This trigger should fire the corresponding tag to send data to Google Analytics.
  2. Inspect Data Layer in GTM Preview: Use GTM's preview mode to inspect the dataLayer and see if the purchase event is being added. If it’s not there, the event isn’t being pushed correctly from your website.
  3. Check for Errors: Ensure there are no JavaScript errors that may prevent the execution of the dataLayer.push command. Even if other scripts load fine, a single error can stop the execution flow.
  4. Browser Extensions: Disable any browser extensions, such as ad blockers or script blockers, that might interfere with script execution or network requests.
  5. Review GA Configuration: Ensure that in Google Analytics, you have set up Ecommerce tracking and that your property is receiving data correctly.
  6. Network Tab: Open the Network tab in the browser's developer tools and filter by the collect endpoint to see if the browser is attempting to send the purchase event to Google Analytics.

If after checking these





function sendPurchaseEvent(userId, hostname) { console.log('start purchase send'); //const transactionId = '{/literal}{$member.memberidx|addslashes}{literal}'; //if (transactionId) { window.dataLayer.push({ 'event': 'purchase', 'user_id': userId, 'hostname': hostname, 'nats_member_id': '{/literal}{$member.memberid}{literal}', 'hashed_email': '{/literal}{$member.custom9}{literal}', 'ecommerce': { 'transaction_id': '{/literal}{$member.memberidx|addslashes}{literal}', 'value': '{/literal}{$member.spent/100}{literal}', 'items': [{ 'item_id': '{/literal}{$member.optionid}{literal}', 'item_name': '{/literal}{$|addslashes}{literal}', 'affiliation': '{/literal}{$member.memberid}{literal}', 'coupon': 'null', 'discount': 'null', 'item_brand': 'NS', 'item_category': 'Membership', 'price': '{/literal}{$member.spent/100}{literal}', 'quantity': 1 }], 'nats': [{ 'AffiliateID': '{/literal}{$member.loginid}{literal}', 'nats_SiteName': '{/literal}{$|addslashes}{literal}', 'nats_ProgramID': '{/literal}{$member.programid}{literal}', 'nats_SiteID': '{/literal}{$site.siteid}{literal}', 'nats_TourID': '{/literal}{$member.tourid}{literal}', 'nats_CampaignID': '{/literal}{$member.campaignid}{literal}', 'nats_AdtoolID': '{/literal}{$member.adtoolid}{literal}', 'nats_AdToolSub1ID': '{/literal}{$member.subid1}{literal}', 'nats_AdToolSub2ID': '{/literal}{$member.subid2}{literal}' }], 'event_category': 'membership', 'event_action': '{/literal}{$member.optionid}{literal}', 'event_label': document.referrer || 'Direct/No Referrer', 'event_currency': '{/literal}{$transaction.biller_currency|addslashes}{literal}', 'event_value': '{/literal}{$member.spent/100}{literal}', 'currency': '{/literal}{$transaction.biller_currency|addslashes}{literal}' } }); console.log('Purchase event sent'); } {/literal}



The script you've provided looks like it is structured correctly to send a purchase event to the dataLayer which Google Tag Manager (GTM) can then use to trigger tags. I see you've added some logging which is great for debugging. Let’s make sure a few things are in place for this to work:

  1. Data Population: Check that all the Smarty variables (like {$member.memberidx}) are being populated correctly. If they're not, the dataLayer will not have the correct values, which might be why the purchase event isn't showing up.
  2. Trigger Configuration in GTM: Ensure that there is a trigger configured in GTM to listen for the purchase event. This trigger should be used to fire your Analytics tag.
  3. Variable Definitions: Make sure that all the variables used in your GTM tags for the purchase event (such as user_id, transaction_id, value, etc.) are defined in GTM and correctly mapped to the fields pushed in the dataLayer.
  4. Consent Management: If there's a consent management platform in place, verify it's not blocking GTM or Analytics scripts based on user consent preferences.
  5. Tag Sequencing: If you have other tags that need to fire before the purchase event (like a page view tag), ensure they are set up with proper sequencing in GTM.
  6. Check for JavaScript Errors: Use the browser console to check for any JavaScript errors that may be occurring before or during the execution of your sendPurchaseEvent function.
  7. Test in GTM Preview Mode: GTM's preview mode allows you to test and debug your configuration. Use this to ensure the purchase event is being pushed to the dataLayer and that the corresponding GTM trigger and tag are firing as expected.
  8. GTM Tag Firing Order: In the GTM interface, check the order in which tags are firing to ensure there isn't a conflict or an order-of-operations issue.
  9. Review Analytics Configuration: In Google Analytics, make sure that you have configured Enhanced Ecommerce (if you are using it) and that the property is set up to receive and display this data correctly.
  10. Network Requests: Open the network tab in the developer tools and look for requests to or Check if the purchase event is being sent and if there are any issues with the request.
  11. Ad Blockers: Temporarily disable any ad blockers or browser extensions that could interfere with script execution or network requests.

If you've checked all the above and it's still not working, you might want to isolate the issue by simplifying the code to the most basic dataLayer.push that would still send a valid event, and then build from there.





// User ID handling function getOrCreateUserId() { const cookieValue = document.cookie.split('; ').find(row => row.startsWith('user_id=')).split('=')[1]; if (cookieValue) { return cookieValue; } const userId = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function(c) { const r = (Math.random() * 16) | 0, v = c === 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3 | 0x8); return v.toString(16); }); document.cookie = "user_id=" + userId + ";path=/;;max-age=31536000;secure;SameSite=Lax;"; return userId; } var userId = getOrCreateUserId(); // Fetch or create user ID function sendPurchaseEvent(userId, hostname) { console.log('start purchase send'); //const transactionId = 'RGNATIVE:ff3d253ec711901fef39fd99e3bea87f'; //if (transactionId) { window.dataLayer.push({ 'event': 'purchase', 'user_id': userId, 'hostname': hostname, 'nats_member_id': '511740', 'hashed_email': 'f4b36c79cd56c83f4fe4d7e91565f4c3c37156f2c44be6d72a132daa5e32e0f9', 'ecommerce': { 'transaction_id': 'RGNATIVE:ff3d253ec711901fef39fd99e3bea87f', 'value': '14.95', 'items': [{ 'item_id': '3607', 'item_name': '7-Day Trial|$|14|.95| |Try us out!', 'affiliation': '511740', 'coupon': 'null', 'discount': 'null', 'item_brand': 'NS', 'item_category': 'Membership', 'price': '14.95', 'quantity': 1 }], 'nats': [{ 'AffiliateID': '105467', 'nats_SiteName': 'NS', 'nats_ProgramID': '8', 'nats_SiteID': '1', 'nats_TourID': '1', 'nats_CampaignID': '0', 'nats_AdtoolID': '0', 'nats_AdToolSub1ID': '0', 'nats_AdToolSub2ID': '0' }], 'event_category': 'membership', 'event_action': '3607', 'event_label': document.referrer || 'Direct/No Referrer', 'event_currency': 'USD', 'event_value': '14.95', 'currency': 'USD' } }); console.log('Purchase event sent'); } all values are replaced.



Your updated sendPurchaseEvent function now includes hard-coded values, which should eliminate any issues stemming from dynamic content insertion via Smarty templating. This should help in debugging by ensuring that all necessary values are available and correctly formatted when the data layer push occurs.

Here’s what you should check now that you’ve updated the function:

  1. Console Logs: Make sure that "start purchase send" and "Purchase event sent" messages appear in the console, indicating that the function is running.
  2. Data Layer Contents: In the browser's console, you can also manually check the contents of the dataLayer after the push to see if the purchase event appears as expected:
Copy code
  1. GTM Preview Mode: Use GTM Preview Mode to confirm that the purchase event is being detected and that the associated tag is firing.
  2. Google Analytics: Verify in your Google Analytics real-time reports that the purchase event is being received. Remember, it may take up to 24 hours for events to appear in standard reports.
  3. Network Tab: In the developer tools, check the Network tab for requests to Google Analytics after the purchase event is sent. Look for the /collect endpoint and examine the query parameters to ensure that they carry the expected values.

If the event is still not being sent or captured correctly in Google Analytics:

  • Check GTM Trigger and Tag: Make sure your GTM setup has a trigger listening for the event named 'purchase' and that the tag is configured to send the correct information to Google Analytics.
  • Check Event Structure: Ensure that the structure of the data pushed to the dataLayer matches what your GTM tags and triggers are expecting. For example, if you're using Enhanced Ecommerce, the structure must adhere to its requirements.
  • Review Error Console: Make sure there are no errors in the console that might be stopping the code execution before the dataLayer.push.
  • JavaScript Execution Order: Your sendPurchaseEvent should be called after the GTM container snippet is initialized. If it's called before GTM is initialized, the event might not be captured.
  • Ad Blockers and Browser Extensions: Check whether ad blockers or browser extensions are interfering with GTM or GA.

Remember that changes to GTM configuration and Google Analytics property settings may take some time to propagate. Always test in an environment as close to production as possible to ensure accurate results.





Uploaded image

{config_load file="nscash-config.txt" section="NakedSword"} function sendPurchaseEvent() { console.log('start purchase send'); window.dataLayer.push({ 'event': 'purchase', 'nats_member_id': '511740', 'hashed_email': 'f4b36c79cd56c83f4fe4d7e91565f4c3c37156f2c44be6d72a132daa5e32e0f9', 'ecommerce': { 'transaction_id': 'RGNATIVE:ff3d253ec711901fef39fd99e3bea87f', 'value': '14.95', 'items': [{ 'item_id': '3607', 'item_name': '7-Day Trial|$|14|.95| |Try us out!', 'affiliation': '511740', 'coupon': 'null', 'discount': 'null', 'item_brand': 'NS', 'item_category': 'Membership', 'price': '14.95', 'quantity': 1 }], 'nats': [{ 'AffiliateID': '105467', 'nats_SiteName': 'NS', 'nats_ProgramID': '8', 'nats_SiteID': '1', 'nats_TourID': '1', 'nats_CampaignID': '0', 'nats_AdtoolID': '0', 'nats_AdToolSub1ID': '0', 'nats_AdToolSub2ID': '0' }], 'event_category': 'membership', 'event_action': '3607', 'event_label': document.referrer || 'Direct/No Referrer', 'event_currency': 'USD', 'event_value': '14.95', 'currency': 'USD' } }); console.log('Purchase event sent'); } {/literal} Approved – {#siteTitle#}



From the screenshot and the code snippet, it seems you've correctly placed the Google Tag Manager (GTM) initialization code in the <head> of the document and are attempting to push a purchase event to the dataLayer using a sendPurchaseEvent function.

A few observations and suggestions to ensure this is set up correctly:

  1. Script Tag Nesting: Ensure that you're not nesting <script> tags inside each other, which can invalidate your HTML and potentially prevent scripts from running correctly. The GTM snippet should be in its own separate <script> tag.
  2. GTM Container ID: Confirm that GTM-M7XV3FB is the correct container ID for your GTM setup and that the container has the necessary tags, triggers, and variables configured to handle the 'purchase' event.
  3. Function Invocation: Your sendPurchaseEvent function needs to be called for it to execute. If you want this to run as soon as possible, consider calling it immediately after defining it, or when certain conditions are met (like a successful purchase).
  4. Correct Data Layer Structure: Ensure that the structure of your dataLayer.push matches what GTM expects for the 'purchase' event. If you’re using Enhanced Ecommerce with Google Analytics, the structure you’ve used appears correct.
  5. sendPurchaseEvent Call: The sendPurchaseEvent function needs to be called after the user completes a purchase. Make sure that the function call is triggered at the appropriate time in your purchase flow.
  6. Check for Errors: Open the browser's developer tools and check the Console tab for any errors that might indicate problems with your code execution.
  7. GTM Preview Mode: Use GTM's Preview mode to verify that your purchase event is triggering the correct tag.
  8. null Values: You've set 'coupon' and 'discount' to the string 'null'. Make sure these should not be null without quotes if you intend for them to be null values instead of strings.
  9. Validate Event Values: Check the values you are passing, like event_value, to make sure they conform to the data types and formats expected by the receiving tags in GTM and Google Analytics.

Here’s how you can correct the nested script tags and call the sendPurchaseEvent function:

Copy code
<!-- Google Tag Manager -->
new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],
<!-- End Google Tag Manager -->

// Your JavaScript code here

<title>Approved - NakedSword</title>
<!-- Rest of your HTML -->

Place the sendPurchaseEvent code inside the <script> tags where it says "// Your JavaScript code here", and ensure you call that function after the GTM script, once the conditions for sending the purchase event are met (e.g., after the user confirms the purchase).





this is on the approval page – they ahve already bought – all of this is jsut to collect the values of what they bought.



Understood. If the script is on the purchase approval page, and its sole purpose is to send the purchase data to GTM, then it's essential that the sendPurchaseEvent function is called at the correct point in the page's lifecycle where the transaction details are confirmed and available. Here’s how you could structure the script to ensure it gets executed:

  1. Load GTM: First, you have the GTM container loading script in the <head>. That's standard and correct.
  2. Prepare sendPurchaseEvent Function: Then, define the sendPurchaseEvent function within a <script> tag. This function prepares the purchase data and pushes it to the dataLayer.
  3. Invoke sendPurchaseEvent: Since the user is already on the purchase approval page, the transaction has occurred, so you can invoke sendPurchaseEvent as soon as the page loads and you're sure all data needed is present.
  4. Execution: Ensure your sendPurchaseEvent function is actually called. Since you've mentioned the user has already made the purchase and this is the approval page, you can call sendPurchaseEvent immediately after you define it, assuming all the transaction data is ready.
  5. Ensure Data Availability: Verify that all the information required for the sendPurchaseEvent function is available on the page at the time of its call. If the information is dynamically loaded, you might need to wait for those asynchronous processes to complete.

Your updated code structure on the purchase approval page might look like this:

Copy code
<!-- Google Tag Manager -->





I am attempting to send a pre-filled in sevent – no dta collection necessary {config_load file="nscash-config.txt" section="NakedSword"} {literal} {/literal} Approved – {#siteTitle#}



If the goal is to send a hardcoded, pre-filled event to Google Tag Manager (GTM) as soon as the user lands on the approval page, you just need to ensure that the sendPurchaseEvent function is called at the right time. Typically, for hardcoded values that don't depend on any dynamic data loading, you'd call the function as soon as the script is loaded.

Given that you're using Smarty templates, make sure that the {literal} tags are correctly wrapping your <script> tags, and that the sendPurchaseEvent function is invoked after it's defined. Your function definition is correct; it just needs to be called.

Here's a revised version of your snippet ensuring the sendPurchaseEvent is invoked immediately:

Copy code
{config_load file="nscash-config.txt" section="NakedSword"}
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en-US">
   <meta name="robots" content="noindex">
   <!-- Google Tag Manager -->
       w[l] = w[l] || [];
           'gtm.start': new Date().getTime(),
           event: 'gtm.js'
       var f = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],
           j = d.createElement(s),
           dl = l != 'dataLayer' ? '&l=' + l : '';
       j.async = true;
       j.src = '' + i + dl;
   })(window, document, 'script', 'dataLayer', 'GTM-M7XV3FB');
   <!-- End Google Tag Manager -->

   // Your sendPurchaseEvent function
   function sendPurchaseEvent() {
       console.log('start purchase send');
           // Your dataLayer content
       console.log('Purchase event sent');

   // Call the function immediately
    <!-- Rest of the body content -->

Place your actual dataLayer object where it says // Your dataLayer content. This structure ensures that the function is called as soon as it's defined, which is appropriate for an approval page where the transaction has just been confirmed.

Remember to test the page in GTM's Preview mode to ensure that the event is firing as expected and that there are no errors in the browser console that could interfere with the function execution.








It seems like there might've been a mistake in your message. If you have any further questions or need assistance with something else, feel free to let me know!





this seesm to work fine. {config_load file="nscash-config.txt" section="NakedSword"} {literal} {/literal} {literal} {/literal} {literal}



I'm glad to hear that the setup is working for you. It appears you're using Smarty to dynamically generate parts of your JavaScript. With the sendPurchaseEvent function being called immediately after its definition, the purchase event should be pushed to the dataLayer as soon as the script runs, which is typically what you'd want on a confirmation page.

Just ensure that:

  • All the placeholders (like {#whiteLabelGTMID#}) are correctly replaced by Smarty with actual values.
  • The getOrCreateUserId function is executed before you try to use its return value to ensure the userId is available.
  • The sendPurchaseEvent function is using the correct userId and hostname values, which it seems to be, since you're calling getOrCreateUserId() and window.location.hostname.toLowerCase().trim() again inside the sendPurchaseEvent function.
  • There are no JavaScript errors in the console that could prevent the execution of the scripts.

Testing thoroughly in a staging environment with the GTM preview mode will help ensure everything is working as expected before you go live. It might also be helpful to monitor the real-time events in your Google Analytics to confirm that the purchase events are being received.





how do I move the event from the data layer to the streamIDs



To move an event from the dataLayer to the connected Stream IDs in Google Analytics 4 (GA4), you need to ensure that your Google Tag Manager (GTM) configuration is set up correctly to forward the events to your GA4 property. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Configure GA4 Settings:

    • Make sure that you have a GA4 property set up in Google Analytics.
    • Within that property, find your Measurement ID (it should look like G-XXXXXXXXXX).
  2. Set Up a GA4 Configuration Tag in GTM:

    • In GTM, create a new tag of type GA4 Configuration.
    • Enter your GA4 Measurement ID.
    • Set this tag to trigger on All Pages to initialize the GA4 base configuration across your site.
  3. Set Up a GA4 Event Tag in GTM:

    • Create another tag in GTM, this time of type GA4 Event.
    • Configure the event parameters to match the data structure you're using in your dataLayer.push. You'll use the fields you set in the dataLayer as event parameters here.
    • For the Triggering section, create a custom trigger that fires on the dataLayer event that you've pushed (purchase in your case).
  4. Create a Trigger for the Event:

    • Go to the Triggers section in GTM.
    • Create a new trigger that listens for the purchase event in the dataLayer.
    • This trigger should be set to fire on a Custom Event, where the event name matches the one you pushed to the dataLayer (i.e., purchase).
  5. Connect the Event Tag to the Trigger:

    • Assign the newly created trigger to your GA4 Event tag.
  6. Publish the Changes in GTM:

    • Save and submit your changes in GTM.
    • Publish the container to make your changes live.
  7. Test the Setup:

    • Use GTM's Preview mode to test that the GA4 Event tag fires when the purchase event occurs.
    • Check the real-time reports in your GA4 property to confirm that the event is being received.

Here's an example of what your dataLayer.push might look like:

Copy code
  event: 'purchase',
  ecommerce: {
    transaction_id: '12345',
    value: '14.95',
    currency: 'USD',
    // ... other parameters ...

And this is how your GTM setup should reflect the dataLayer event:

  • GA4 Event Tag

    • Event Name: purchase
    • Event Parameters: Use the values from ecommerce object in dataLayer
  • Trigger

    • Trigger Type: Custom Event
    • Event Name: purchase

After this setup, whenever the purchase event is pushed to the dataLayer, the GTM trigger will fire the GA4 event tag, which will send the event data to your GA4 property's associated data stream.





can I configure the stream ids on the page – but still only send the purchase data through the data layer to them? without adding more tags in GTM?



If you wish to send data directly to a Google Analytics 4 (GA4) property without using GTM, you can do so by including the GA4 gtag.js tracking code on your page and sending the purchase event directly through this script. However, this approach bypasses the flexibility GTM provides and means you need to hardcode the GA4 configuration and event data directly into your page, which is less maintainable and scalable.

Here’s how you would configure and send event data directly to a GA4 property with gtag.js:

  1. Include the GA4 Configuration Script: This initializes your GA4 property on the page by setting the config for your GA4 Measurement ID.
Copy code
<!-- Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics -->
<script async src=""></script>
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
gtag('js', new Date());

// Replace with your GA4 Measurement ID
gtag('config', 'G-XXXXXXXXXX');
  1. Send a Purchase Event to GA4: After initializing the GA4 configuration, you can send a purchase event directly through gtag.js using the data you have.
Copy code
// Use your purchase data here
gtag('event', 'purchase', {
  "transaction_id": "24.031608523954162",
  "affiliation": "Google online store",
  "value": 23.07,
  "currency": "USD",
  "tax": 1.24,
  "shipping": 0,
  "items": [
      "item_id": "P12345",
      "item_name": "Android Warhol T-Shirt",
      "quantity": 2,
      "price": '2.0'

You would need to replace the placeholders and dummy data with the actual data you want to send to GA4. Ensure that this script runs after the gtag('config', 'G-XXXXXXXXXX') line so that the GA4 library is initialized before you try to send an event.

Keep in mind that by not using GTM, you're choosing to manage this data collection manually, which can be less flexible if you need to make adjustments or add more tracking in the future. GTM provides a user-friendly interface and allows you to manage tags without altering the code on your website, which is why it's generally recommended for use.





I am using a React site – all content – and php/smarty for sign up and approval pages – I feel like I am duplicatoin tags everywhere to get data vrom both .



In a mixed environment like yours, where React and PHP/Smarty are used for different parts of the site, it's common to feel like there's redundancy, especially with tagging for analytics. However, there's a way to streamline this process to avoid duplication and ensure consistent data collection across your entire site.

Here's how you can approach this:

  1. Universal Tagging with GTM: Implement GTM universally across both the React application and the PHP/Smarty pages. This means placing the GTM container snippet in the global header or template file so it loads on every page, including both the React and PHP/Smarty parts of the site.
  2. Data Layer: Use a consistent dataLayer structure across both React and PHP/Smarty. The dataLayer is a JavaScript array that holds information that you want to pass to GTM. On the PHP/Smarty pages, you can push server-side data into the dataLayer, and in the React application, you can use dataLayer.push() in your components to send data.

Example for PHP/Smarty:

Copy code
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
  'event': 'purchase',
  // ... other purchase data ...

And in React:

Copy code
// Whenever a purchase event occurs
  'event': 'purchase',
  // ... other purchase data ...
  1. Single Source of Truth for Tags: Use GTM to manage all your tags. You configure your tags, triggers, and variables within GTM. This way, you don't hardcode any tracking tags within the React app or the PHP/Smarty templates.
  2. Event Triggers: Configure GTM to listen for events pushed to the dataLayer, like the purchase event. Then, use these triggers to fire the appropriate tags.
  3. Testing: Use GTM's Preview mode to test your setup across both the React and PHP/Smarty parts of the site to ensure that events are being captured correctly.
  4. React Integration: For the React part of your site, you can make use of the React lifecycle methods or hooks to push data to the dataLayer when specific actions occur. Libraries such as react-gtm-module can help integrate GTM into your React app more seamlessly.
  5. PHP/Smarty Integration: In the server-rendered PHP/Smarty pages, you can insert dataLayer.push() scripts within your Smarty templates, leveraging the PHP backend to populate dynamic values when the page is rendered.

By centralizing your tracking logic in GTM and keeping a consistent dataLayer implementation across both parts of your site, you minimize duplication and create a more maintainable setup. This approach also makes your tracking more adaptable to future changes, as you only need to update GTM configurations instead of changing code





it's the configuratrion part of the streamIds I don't get – that is where I am failing. so then the purcahse event doewsn't show up. which is why I wanted to put them on the page – so they would have to be initialized.



I see where the confusion might be. Let me clarify the configuration of Stream IDs and how they relate to sending purchase events.

In GA4, a "stream" corresponds to a source of data, like your website or app. Each stream has a unique Stream ID (also referred to as a Measurement ID when it comes to web data streams), which is used to send data to that particular stream in your GA4 property.

To initialize a stream and send data to it, you typically use the gtag.js library or GTM.

Here’s how you can initialize streams and send a purchase event via gtag.js and GTM:

Using gtag.js Directly:

  1. Place the GA4 configuration snippet in the <head> of your webpage (you'll need to replace G-XXXXX with your actual Measurement ID):
Copy code
<!-- Global site tag (gtag.js) for Google Analytics -->
<script async src=""></script>
  window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
  function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
  gtag('js', new Date());

  // Replace with your GA4 Measurement ID
  gtag('config', 'G-XXXXX');
  1. When a purchase occurs, you can send a purchase event using gtag:
Copy code
gtag('event', 'purchase', {
  "transaction_id": "12345",
  // ... other purchase event parameters ...

Using GTM:

  1. Configure the GA4 Data Stream in GTM:

    • Create a GA4 Configuration tag with your Measurement ID and set it to trigger on all pages.
  2. Create a Purchase Event Tag in GTM:

    • Create a GA4 Event tag to send purchase events.
    • Configure the tag to use the event parameters you want to send.
  3. Set up a Trigger for the Purchase Event:

    • Configure a trigger for the event name you’re pushing in the dataLayer (e.g., 'purchase').
  4. Publish the GTM Configuration:

    • Once you've set up the tags and triggers in GTM, publish the changes.

If the purchase event isn't showing up, here are some common issues:

  • Incorrect Measurement ID: Ensure that you're using the correct Measurement ID for your GA4 stream.
  • Data Layer Mismatch: The structure of the dataLayer.push must match the expected format in GTM.
  • Trigger Configuration: The trigger in GTM must listen for the correct event name as pushed to the dataLayer.
  • Tag Configuration: The GA4 Event tag must be set up with the correct event parameters and associated with the right trigger.

If you're unsure, you can share the configuration you've done, and I can help you troubleshoot further. Remember, changes in GTM and GA4 can take a few minutes to take effect, and using the preview/debug mode in GTM along with the real-time view in GA4 can help verify if the events are being sent and received correctly.





treigger type: pageview fires on – some pages where Event equals purchase then I have my 3 streamIDs I'm using – singular, group, and backup below



It sounds like you've set up a pageview-based trigger that is supposed to fire when a 'purchase' event occurs, which could be the source of the confusion. In GA4 and GTM, a "purchase" is typically a distinct event from a pageview, even though it occurs on a page. A pageview trigger is usually for when a page itself is loaded, not for when an event like a purchase happens on the page.

To send purchase events to your GA4 stream IDs, you should set up an "event" trigger that fires on the custom event you push to the dataLayer (which should be the 'purchase' event in your case), not a "pageview" trigger.

Here’s how you can adjust your trigger to capture purchase events:

  1. Create a Custom Event Trigger:

    • In GTM, navigate to Triggers and create a new trigger.
    • Choose "Custom Event" as the trigger type.
    • For the event name, enter "purchase" (or whatever event name you are pushing to the dataLayer when a purchase occurs).
    • Set this trigger to fire on "Some Custom Events" and specify the conditions that must be met for the event to fire, such as certain variables or conditions that match your purchase event.
  2. Associate the Trigger with Your GA4 Event Tags:

    • Navigate to your GA4 Event Tags (one for each stream ID).
    • Under "Triggering", associate the tags with the custom event trigger you created for purchases.
    • Ensure that your GA4 Configuration Tag is set to fire on all pages so that the GA4 library is initialized before any events are sent.
  3. Publish Changes in GTM:

    • After configuring your tags and triggers, make sure to publish the changes in GTM.

Remember that each GA4 Event Tag should be configured with the correct parameters for the purchase event, and the correct Measurement ID should be used to ensure the data is sent to the right GA4 property.

If you want to track the same purchase event across multiple GA4 properties (hence the multiple stream IDs), you will need to create separate GA4 Event Tags for each Measurement ID and configure them with the same trigger.

Keep in mind that in GA4, events are not limited to predefined names (like 'pageview' or 'purchase')—you can create and use custom event names. Just make sure that the name used in the dataLayer.push matches the one used in the GTM trigger configuration.





custom event – event name purchase – fires on all events



For sending a purchase event to GA4 using GTM, setting up a "Custom Event" trigger with the event name "purchase" is a good approach. This setup should trigger your GA4 event tag whenever a 'purchase' event is pushed to the dataLayer. Here's how to ensure everything is correctly configured:

Step-by-Step Setup in GTM

  1. Define the Event in the dataLayer: Ensure that when a purchase occurs, a dataLayer.push happens in the format:

    Copy code
        'event': 'purchase',
        // Add additional properties relevant to the purchase
        'ecommerce': {
            'transaction_id': '123456',  // Example transaction ID
            'value': 299.99,            // Total transaction value
            // other ecommerce details
  2. Create a Custom Event Trigger:

    • Go to the GTM dashboard and navigate to "Triggers".
    • Click "New" to create a new trigger.
    • Select "Custom Event" for the Trigger Type.
    • Set the "Event name" to "purchase" – this must exactly match the event name pushed to the dataLayer.
    • For "This trigger fires on", select "All Custom Events" if it should fire every time the event is pushed; otherwise, set conditions under "Some Custom Events" based on the requirements.
  3. Set Up GA4 Event Tags:

    • Create a new tag in GTM.

    • Choose "GA4 Event" as the tag type.

    • Configure your tag by entering the GA4 Configuration Tag settings:

      • Configuration Tag: This should point to the GA4 configuration tag that you have set up for initializing GA4 with your Measurement ID.
      • Event Name: Set this to "purchase" or use the variable that captures the custom event name if you are using one dynamically.
    • Enter the parameters and user properties as needed for the event.

    • Triggering: Associate the newly created custom event trigger with this tag.

  4. Publish Your Changes:

    • Once configured, save and publish your changes in GTM.

Debugging and Testing

  • Preview Mode: Before publishing, use GTM's preview mode to test the setup. This mode allows you to see whether the tags fire as expected when the 'purchase' event occurs.
  • GA4 Real-Time Report: Check the GA4 real-time report to verify that the purchase events are being captured. Note any discrepancies or delays.
  • Ensure No Filters: Make sure no filters are blocking the data in GA4.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Mismatch in Event Names: The event name in the trigger must exactly match the event name pushed to the dataLayer.
  • Configuration Issues: Ensure the GA4 Configuration Tag is set correctly and firing on all pages to allow for the proper functioning of event tags.
  • Data Layer Timing: Confirm that the dataLayer.push occurs before the GTM script tries to read from it. This is particularly relevant for dynamically loaded content or single-page applications.

By following these steps, you should be able to successfully capture and send purchase events to GA4 using GTM without missing data across different pages or sections of your site.





gtm configuration tag setup



Setting up a Google Tag Manager (GTM) Configuration Tag for Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is a critical step in integrating analytics on your website. This tag will ensure that the GA4 library is loaded and initialized properly on your site, enabling you to send data to your GA4 property. Here's a detailed step-by-step guide on how to set up a GA4 Configuration Tag in GTM:

Step 1: Access Your GTM Account

  • Open your Google Tag Manager dashboard.
  • Select or create a container for your website.

Step 2: Obtain Your GA4 Measurement ID

  • Navigate to your GA4 property in Google Analytics.
  • Go to "Admin" → "Data Streams" → select your web stream.
  • Copy the "Measurement ID" (looks like G-XXXXXXXXXX).

Step 3: Create the GA4 Configuration Tag in GTM

  1. Create a New Tag:

    • In your GTM container, go to the "Tags" section and click "New".
    • Name your tag descriptively, such as "GA4 – Base Configuration".
  2. Configure the Tag Type:

    • Select "Tag Configuration".
    • Choose "Google Analytics: GA4 Configuration".
    • Paste your GA4 Measurement ID into the "Measurement ID" field.
  3. Set Advanced Configuration (if needed):

    • Send a Page View: Toggle this if you want to automatically send a page view event when the tag fires. This is usually enabled by default.

    • Fields to Set

      : Add any fields you wish to set globally for all events. Commonly set fields include:

      • cookie_domain: typically set to "auto".
      • Other fields based on specific tracking needs.
    • User Properties: Set user properties if you need to send additional identifiers for segmentation or analysis.

  4. Triggering:

    • Set the trigger to "All Pages" to ensure this configuration loads on every page load.
    • Click "Triggering" and select the "All Pages" trigger.

Step 4: Save and Test Your Configuration

  • Click "Save" to keep your tag configuration.
  • Use the "Preview" mode in GTM to test the configuration. Ensure the GA4 configuration tag fires on each page load without errors.

Step 5: Publish Your Container

  • Once you confirm that the tag works correctly in preview mode, go to "Submit" in GTM to publish the changes to your live site.

Additional Considerations

  • Consent Mode: If your site operates in regions with strict privacy regulations (like the EU), consider configuring the consent mode parameters to respect user consent for analytics.
  • Cross-Domain Tracking: If your site spans multiple domains and you need to track users across these domains, configure the cross_domain parameter.
  • Debugging: You can use the "DebugView" in the GA4 interface to see events coming in real-time and ensure that your configuration is correct.

By following these steps, you'll have set up a GA4 Configuration Tag in GTM, which is crucial for any subsequent event tracking and analysis you plan to do with GA4. This setup is foundational and will support all other GA4-related tracking on your site.





creatre ga4 config tag for a react site AND additional pages only in php –



Creating a GA4 configuration tag in Google Tag Manager (GTM) for a site that includes both a React application and additional PHP pages involves a similar setup process for both environments. The key is to ensure that the GA4 configuration is consistent across all parts of the site to ensure unified data collection and analytics. Here's how you can set up a GA4 Configuration Tag in GTM to work seamlessly across your React and PHP pages:

Step 1: Set Up GTM on Your Site

Before setting up the GA4 Configuration Tag, ensure GTM is correctly integrated with both your React app and your PHP pages:

  • For React:

    • Include the GTM snippet in the index.html of your React app or integrate it directly via React components (e.g., using react-gtm-module for more dynamic insertion).
  • For PHP Pages:

    • Place the GTM container snippet in a common header file (header.php) that loads on every page or directly into the HTML structure of each page.

Step 2: Create the GA4 Configuration Tag in GTM

  1. Access Your GTM Dashboard:

    • Select the appropriate container that's linked to your website.
  2. Get Your GA4 Measurement ID:

    • Navigate to your Google Analytics 4 property.
    • Go to "Admin" → "Data Streams" → select your web stream.
    • Copy the "Measurement ID" (G-XXXXXXXXXX).
  3. Create the GA4 Configuration Tag:

    • In GTM, go to "Tags" → "New" → "Tag Configuration".
    • Choose "Google Analytics: GA4 Configuration".
    • Paste your Measurement ID into the "Measurement ID" field.
  4. Configure Tag Settings:

    • Optionally adjust settings such as cookie_domain (commonly set to auto).
    • If your site requires handling user consents (like GDPR compliance), configure the consent settings accordingly.
  5. Set the Trigger:

    • Use the "All Pages" trigger to ensure the tag fires on every page load across both your React and PHP components/pages.
    • This ensures that the GA4 base configuration loads uniformly, regardless of the technology stack of the page.

Step 3: Test and Validate the Configuration

  • Preview Mode: Before publishing changes, use GTM’s preview mode to test the tag on both your React and PHP pages. Check that the GA4 tag fires correctly on initial load and on navigations within the React app.
  • Check Data Flow: Go to GA4's "Realtime" report to verify that data is being received as expected from both parts of the site.

Step 4: Publish Your Changes

  • Once confirmed working in preview mode, publish the container in GTM to make your GA4 configuration live.

Additional Notes:

  • React Navigation: React applications often use client-side routing (e.g., React Router). Make sure that the GA4 configuration is capable of handling these route changes. You might need to implement additional event tracking to capture page views on route changes if the standard "All Pages" trigger isn't sufficient.
  • Cross-Domain Tracking: If your setup involves multiple domains, make sure to configure cross-domain tracking in GA4 settings if required.
  • Consent Management: Implement necessary consent management solutions if your audience is from regions with strict data privacy laws (e.g., EU, California).

By following these steps, you'll ensure that your GA4 Configuration Tag is correctly set up in GTM and effectively handles analytics across your mixed technology stack, providing comprehensive coverage of user interactions throughout your site.





here is where I get confused. all pages does not work for react. so then I make 1 with all pages – initialzie – and a second with history change – but then neihter of those seems to show up on the php pages.



Ah, I see where the confusion lies, especially when dealing with a single-page application like React alongside traditional server-rendered pages like PHP. Let's tackle this step-by-step to ensure both environments are correctly configured in Google Tag Manager (GTM) for Google Analytics 4 (GA4).

Setting Up GTM for Both React and PHP

You're right that the "All Pages" trigger doesn't work as expected with React because React applications don't reload the entire page when navigating between routes, which is typical behavior in single-page applications (SPAs). This necessitates a different setup for React compared to traditional PHP pages.

1. GTM Setup for React

For React, you'll need two triggers:

  • Page View Trigger: This is used for the initial page load.
  • History Change Trigger: This is used for subsequent route changes (navigations within the React app).

Here’s how to configure these triggers:

  • Page View Trigger:

    • Go to Triggers in GTM.
    • Create a new trigger.
    • Choose "Page View" as the trigger type.
    • Set it to fire on "All Page Views". This will capture the initial load of your React app.
  • History Change Trigger:

    • Create another trigger.
    • Choose "History Change" as the trigger type.
    • Set it to fire on "All History Changes". This will capture in-app navigation in React.

Each of these triggers should be attached to the GA4 Configuration Tag if you want GA4 to be re-initialized on each page view or route change, which is useful for accurately tracking user journeys in a SPA.

2. GTM Setup for PHP

For PHP, the "All Pages" trigger should typically work because each page load is a full HTTP request:

  • All Pages Trigger


    • You already have this trigger set up.
    • Ensure it’s linked to the GA4 Configuration Tag.

Why Triggers Might Not Work on PHP Pages

If neither the "All Pages" nor the "History Change" triggers seem to be working on your PHP pages, consider the following:

  • GTM Snippet: Ensure that the GTM snippet is correctly placed in the <head> (or just after the opening <body> tag) of your PHP templates or pages.
  • Trigger Configuration: Verify that there's no additional configuration or filtering set on the "All Pages" trigger that might prevent it from firing on PHP pages.
  • Debugging: Use GTM’s preview mode to see what’s happening when you navigate to the PHP pages. Check if the triggers are firing and if the tags are executing as expected.

Solution Approach

  • Consolidate Tag Configuration: You can use the same GA4 Configuration Tag for both triggers. Just make sure to add both triggers to the tag, so it fires on both "All Pages" (for initial loads) and "History Changes" (for SPA navigations).
  • Preview and Test: Always use GTM's preview mode to test the setup on both React and PHP pages. This helps identify any issues with trigger configuration or tag firing.
  • Real-time Data Check: Look at the real-time reports in GA4 to confirm that data is coming through from both parts of your site.

By setting up these distinct triggers and ensuring they’re correctly configured, you should be able to effectively track user interactions across both your React application and PHP pages. This approach ensures comprehensive analytics coverage across your mixed site architecture.





now I am also using 1 tag for all white labels together – and a second for each individual white label. they have separate stream IDs and I"m uisng a lookup table to match the correct hostnamw with streamID. but it doess LOOK like duplicate evens when you look at it – but eventhoghjt there are 2 it's not duplicate since the 2 don';t shaer data?>



Handling multiple GA4 configurations for different white labels under a single GTM container is a common scenario, especially when you want to manage data from multiple domains or subdomains separately but also together in some cases. Using a lookup table to dynamically assign the correct GA4 Stream ID based on the hostname is an efficient approach, and yes, while it might appear like duplicate events are being sent, if they are going to different GA4 properties, they are indeed not duplicates in the sense that they do not interfere or overlap with each other’s data.

Here's how you can manage and optimize this setup in GTM:

Setting Up Lookup Table for GA4 Stream IDs

  1. Create a Lookup Table Variable in GTM:

    • Go to "Variables" and click "New".
    • Choose "Lookup Table" as the variable type.
    • Input the variable that reads the hostname (often {{Page Hostname}}).
    • Fill in the input values with the hostnames of your white labels and the corresponding output with the respective GA4 Stream IDs.
  2. Use the Lookup Table in Your GA4 Configuration Tags:

    • Instead of hardcoding the Measurement ID in the GA4 Configuration tag, use the lookup table variable.
    • This ensures that the correct GA4 Stream ID is used based on the hostname.

Setting Up GA4 Configuration Tags

Given your scenario, you might have:

  • One GA4 Configuration Tag for All White Labels: This tag can be used for aggregated data analysis across all white labels.
  • Individual GA4 Configuration Tags for Each White Label: Each uses the specific Stream ID from the lookup table for more granular, separate data analysis.

Considerations for Event Tracking

  • Ensure Each Event is Tagged Correctly: When setting up event tags (e.g., purchase events), ensure they are configured to fire with both the all-encompassing tag and the individual white label tags where necessary.
  • Avoid Data Contamination: Make sure that your triggers and conditions are set up so that events are only firing the respective tags meant for them. Misfiring could lead to data contamination.

Testing and Debugging

  • Preview and Debug: Use GTM’s preview mode extensively to test the configurations across different hostnames. Verify that the correct GA4 Stream ID is picked and that the tags fire as expected.
  • Real-Time Reports: Check the real-time activity in each GA4 property to ensure data is being received correctly and that it aligns with the expected white label.

Considerations to Avoid Duplicates

While the events are going to different properties and are not "duplicates" in a strict sense, it’s crucial to ensure that:

  • Data Redundancy: Even though they are not technically duplicates, sending the same data to multiple streams could be redundant unless there is a clear business need for such granularity.
  • Efficient Data Management: Evaluate if all events need to be sent to both the all-encompassing GA4 property and the individual properties, or if certain events should be exclusive to one or the other.

By carefully managing your GTM setup and ensuring each part of the configuration is tailored for its purpose, you can efficiently handle multiple white labels under a single GTM container without unnecessary duplication of data.





ok – so then tag manager preview looks odd – for the GTM contianer – there is 1 purchase event – so great – then for the streamIDs each of them shows 4 purchase evetns – but only the 1st on has data in it



It sounds like you're encountering an issue where the Google Tag Manager (GTM) Preview mode is showing multiple purchase events for each of your GA4 stream IDs, but only the first one has the relevant data, while the others appear empty or incomplete. This scenario can occur due to several reasons and may require a few adjustments to ensure that the events are firing correctly without redundancy. Here’s how you can troubleshoot and resolve this issue:

Step 1: Review GTM Tag Configuration

First, ensure that your GA4 event tags are configured correctly:

  • Check Trigger Conditions: Verify that the triggers for each of your GA4 event tags are set up correctly. There might be an issue where the trigger conditions are too broad, causing the tags to fire multiple times.
  • Inspect Tag Sequencing: If you have tag sequencing set up, make sure it’s configured correctly so that dependent tags are firing in the proper order.

Step 2: Debug Using GTM Preview Mode

GTM Preview Mode is invaluable for debugging:

  • Analyze Firing Events: Use the GTM Preview pane to observe the order and frequency of your tag firings. Look specifically at which triggers are causing the tags to fire.
  • Examine Data Layer Variables: Ensure that the dataLayer variables and values are being pushed and accessed correctly. Sometimes, incorrect or multiple pushes to the dataLayer can cause repetitive firing.

Step 3: Consolidate or Modify Triggers

Based on what you find in the Preview Mode:

  • Consolidate Triggers: If possible, consolidate triggers to minimize redundancy. If multiple tags are intended to capture the same event data for different GA4 configurations, consider using a single trigger that fires multiple tags.
  • Adjust Trigger Configuration: If tags are firing multiple times due to overlapping trigger conditions, adjust these conditions to be more specific or to ensure they only fire once per event.

Step 4: Check for Duplicate Data Layer Pushes

  • Single dataLayer.push: Ensure that the dataLayer.push event for the purchase is occurring only once per transaction. Multiple pushes with the same event name could lead to multiple firings.
  • JavaScript Errors: Look for any JavaScript errors in the browser console that might be affecting how scripts execute and interact with the dataLayer.

Step 5: Validate Data Configuration in GA4 Tags

  • Event Parameters: Ensure that all GA4 event tags have the correct parameters set up for the purchase event. Incorrect or missing parameters can result in incomplete data being sent.
  • Field Mappings: Double-check the field mappings in each GA4 tag configuration to ensure they align with the dataLayer variables.

Step 6: Review GA4 Settings

Finally, make sure that your GA4 settings in the Analytics interface are set up to correctly interpret and display the incoming data:

  • DebugView in GA4: Use GA4's DebugView to see incoming events in real-time. This can help confirm whether the data seen in GTM Preview Mode matches what GA4 receives.

By following these steps, you should be able to identify why multiple purchase events are appearing in GTM Preview Mode and ensure that only the correct, single event with data is sent to each respective GA4 stream ID. If the issue persists, you may need to further isolate the conditions or specific configurations causing the duplicates.





if I just made triggers 2 for single stream ids – page load adn history and then 2 for multi -universal sream ID – wouldn't that explmain why?



Yes, your approach of using different sets of triggers for single stream IDs and a universal stream ID could indeed explain why you're seeing multiple events in the GTM Preview mode. This setup can lead to multiple tags firing for the same event under different configurations, particularly if these tags are configured to send data to different GA4 properties or streams.

Here's a breakdown of how your setup might be causing the observed behavior:

Triggers and Their Implications

  1. Page Load and History Change Triggers for Single Stream IDs:

    • These triggers are likely set up to fire on every page load and every time there is a history change (common in single-page applications like React). If these triggers are linked to GA4 event tags that send data to individual stream IDs, they will fire every time the specified conditions are met.
  2. Separate Triggers for a Universal Stream ID:

    • If you also have triggers set up for a universal stream ID designed to capture all user interactions across the site, and these are also set on page loads and history changes, they will fire concurrently with the single stream ID triggers.

Resulting Multiple Events

  • Multiple Tags Firing: If both sets of triggers (for single stream IDs and the universal stream ID) are firing under the same conditions (like a page load or history change), and they are not configured to exclude each other, they will both send 'purchase' events.
  • First Event with Data, Others Without: The first event that fires might carry the payload of data you expect, while subsequent events might appear because they are triggered by the same user interaction but are not configured to carry the full data set or are duplicates due to overlapping trigger conditions.

How to Resolve or Optimize This Setup

  • Consolidate Triggers: If possible, reduce the number of triggers by using a single set of triggers for both your single stream IDs and the universal stream ID. You can attach multiple tags to the same trigger if they are supposed to fire under the same conditions.
  • Use Blocking Triggers or Exceptions: If there are cases where you do not want certain tags to fire concurrently, consider using blocking triggers or add exceptions to the triggers to prevent multiple firings for the same event type.
  • Adjust Tag Sequencing: If the order in which tags fire is important (e.g., ensuring that data is processed or augmented in a specific order), you can use tag sequencing in GTM to control the firing order.
  • Audit Data Layer Pushes: Ensure that your dataLayer.push calls are structured and timed correctly so that they provide the necessary data to all tags that are expected to fire, avoiding any scenarios where a tag fires without the necessary data.

By reviewing and potentially simplifying how triggers and tags are set up in GTM, you can prevent unwanted duplications of event data being sent to your GA4 properties and ensure that the data sent is accurate and as expected. This will also make your analytics setup easier to manage and debug.





ugh. this is what I was asking about from the beginnning. so I should probably block the history change trigger on any pages that contain – join (all sign up and approval pags have then you seem to be contradicing yourself. IF I have 2 streamids then it is OK to have mulitiple purchase events. yes or no?



Apologies for any confusion, and let's clarify the situation with your setup regarding triggers and multiple GA4 stream IDs.

Regarding Multiple Stream IDs and Events

  • Yes, it is acceptable to have multiple purchase events if they are intentionally sent to different GA4 stream IDs, provided each event serves a distinct analytical purpose. For example, one stream ID might be used for granular analysis at the white label level, and another might be for a more aggregated view across multiple white labels. This isn't duplication in the traditional sense but intentional segmentation of data streams for different analytical needs.

Concerning History Change Triggers on Specific Pages

Blocking the history change trigger on specific pages, such as those under, is a good approach if these pages do not need to capture navigation events because they might not be using SPA-style navigation. This strategy can prevent unnecessary or erroneous event firings:

  1. Configure Trigger Exceptions


    • Go to your history change trigger in GTM.
    • Add an exception so that this trigger does not fire on URLs that contain join.. You can use conditions like Page URL does not contain join. to set this up.

Optimizing Triggers for Different Stream IDs

If you are using different stream IDs for different purposes, consider the following setup:

  1. Dedicated Tags for Each Stream ID:

    • Create individual GA4 event tags for each stream ID.
    • Configure each tag to fire based on the specifics of what data needs to be collected for that stream.
  2. Smart Trigger Configuration:

    • Use the same trigger for multiple tags if the event is the same but directed towards different streams.
    • If the conditions under which data needs to be sent to different streams vary, set up distinct triggers according to these conditions.

General Advice

  • Review Tag and Trigger Necessity: Regularly review whether all triggers and tags are necessary or if some can be consolidated or refined to reduce complexity and potential for error.
  • Testing and Validation: Use GTM's preview mode to test different configurations and ensure that each tag fires as expected without causing unintended duplications for the same stream.
  • Clear Documentation: Keep a clear documentation of what each tag and trigger is supposed to do, especially when working with multiple stream IDs. This can help prevent confusion and simplify maintenance and updates to your tracking setup.

To summarize, having multiple purchase events for different stream IDs is okay if each serves a different analytical purpose. However, managing how and when these events fire using smart trigger configurations and exceptions is crucial to ensure data accuracy and relevance. This will help maintain the integrity of your data analysis across different segments of your site and various analytical needs.





why does an empty event matter?



An empty event in your analytics setup, particularly in a context where data-driven decision-making is crucial, can impact the effectiveness and reliability of your analytics for several reasons:

1. Data Clutter

Empty events contribute to data clutter by filling up your reports with events that hold no actionable insights. This can make it harder to quickly identify and analyze the events that do carry meaningful information, leading to inefficiencies in data analysis.

2. Increased Costs

In systems where you pay based on the volume of data processed (such as certain custom analytics setups or premium analytics services), sending empty events can unnecessarily increase your costs. This is especially relevant if you have a high volume of traffic and consequently, a high volume of such events.

3. Skewed Metrics

Empty events can skew your analytics metrics. For example, if you’re tracking user engagement through event interaction, empty events can artificially inflate engagement metrics, giving a misleading picture of user behavior and interactions on your site.

4. Trigger Misconfiguration

Frequent empty events might indicate a misconfiguration in your triggers or the tagging setup. It could mean that triggers are firing when they shouldn't be, or tags are not collecting the intended data due to issues in the setup, such as improper dataLayer implementation or timing issues in the script execution.

5. Performance Impact

While the performance impact might be minimal for each event, over time, and at scale, unnecessarily firing events can contribute to slower website performance. Each event processing involves network requests which, when accumulated, could potentially affect the load times and responsiveness of your website.

6. Complicates Debugging

If you're trying to troubleshoot your analytics or tagging setup, having a mixture of valid and empty events can complicate the debugging process. It can be challenging to determine whether a lack of data is due to an actual absence of user interaction or a problem with the analytics implementation.

7. User Trust and Data Compliance

In scenarios where data collection needs to comply with privacy regulations (like GDPR or CCPA), ensuring that every data collection point is intentional and justified is crucial. Collecting data without clear purpose or collecting empty datasets can lead to compliance issues.

How to Address Empty Events

  • Review Trigger Configuration: Make sure that triggers are configured to fire only under the correct circumstances.
  • Validate Data Layer: Ensure that the dataLayer is populated with the correct information before events are fired.
  • Implement Conditional Tag Firing: Set up your tags in GTM to fire only when necessary data is present. You can use GTM’s built-in variables and conditions to check for data presence.
  • Regular Audits: Periodically audit your analytics and tagging setup to identify and rectify any issues with empty events.

By addressing the reasons behind empty events and ensuring that your data collection is configured correctly, you can improve the quality of your analytics data and make more informed decisions based on reliable data insights.





wouldnt it just be easier to be able to TELL gtm to SEND events to streamIDS – rather than having htem sitting aroudn firing when you don't wan them to?



You raise a valid point about the simplicity of directly instructing Google Tag Manager (GTM) to send events to specific Stream IDs when needed, rather than managing multiple triggers and tags that can fire unintentionally or generate empty events. This approach could potentially simplify the setup and minimize errors, but it would require a feature that currently doesn't exist natively in GTM or Google Analytics 4 (GA4).

Why Direct Event Sending to Stream IDs Isn't Currently a Built-in Feature:

  1. Flexibility and Control: GTM is designed to offer a high degree of flexibility and control over how and when data is collected and sent. This design necessitates a setup where users specify conditions (triggers) for when data should be sent. This model supports complex tagging strategies across diverse and dynamically changing web environments.
  2. Complexity of Web Environments: Websites and apps can have complex user interactions that might require detailed tracking setups. The current model allows for detailed specifications on what to track and when, which might be oversimplified in a direct "send-to-stream-ID" approach.
  3. Analytics Integrity: The current system ensures that data sent to analytics platforms goes through a vetting process (trigger conditions) that helps maintain data quality and relevance. Without this, there's a risk of flooding analytics with irrelevant or poor-quality data.

What You Can Do to Simplify Your Setup

Although GTM doesn’t currently allow directly specifying Stream IDs in the tag itself without the associated firing rules (triggers), you can streamline your tagging setup to make it more manageable:

  1. Consolidate Tags and Triggers: Where possible, use fewer, more general tags and sophisticated triggering logic to cover multiple scenarios. This reduces the number of tags and triggers you need to manage.
  2. Use Lookup Tables: As mentioned earlier, lookup tables can be used to dynamically determine which Stream ID to send data to, based on conditions like hostname or page path. This reduces the need for multiple similar tags.
  3. Enhanced Trigger Conditions: Improve the accuracy of your trigger conditions to ensure that tags fire only when truly relevant. Utilize GTM’s built-in variables and user-defined variables to refine these conditions.
  4. Scheduled Audits and Cleanups: Regularly review your GTM setup to remove obsolete tags, triggers, and variables that are no longer needed or that contribute to clutter and confusion.
  5. Leverage Built-in GTM Features: Use features like Tag Sequencing, Blocking Triggers, and Exceptions to control exactly when each tag should fire, which can help prevent unwanted or empty events.
  6. Feedback to Google: Consider providing feedback to Google about this feature request. Google often updates its products based on user feedback, and if there's enough demand for a more straightforward way to manage data streams directly from GTM, they might consider implementing such a feature.

While GTM and GA4 require a setup that might seem complex compared to a direct send-to-stream-ID method, using the tools and strategies available within GTM can significantly simplify and automate much of the process, ensuring your data collection is both efficient and effective.





gtm produces 1 purchase event. why are the streamids each producting 4? if htey are suppose to jstu sit tere antake in data?



If Google Tag Manager (GTM) is configured to send only one purchase event, but each of the stream IDs in your Google Analytics 4 (GA4) setup is showing four events, this suggests a potential issue in the way the events are handled or reported after they're sent from GTM. Here are some possible reasons for this discrepancy and steps to troubleshoot and resolve it:

1. Multiple Firing of GA4 Event Tags

The most common reason for seeing multiple events in GA4 when only one event is sent from GTM is that the GA4 event tag might be firing multiple times. This can happen due to:

  • Duplicate Triggers: Check if the event tag in GTM has multiple triggers that could be causing it to fire more than once. Ensure that each event tag has a single trigger or that the conditions under which the triggers fire are mutually exclusive.
  • Misconfigured Trigger Conditions: If the triggers are set up based on page views or user interactions that might be occurring multiple times, this could cause the tag to fire repeatedly. Refine the trigger conditions to more accurately target the specific action (e.g., a single successful transaction).

2. Stream ID Misconfigurations

If the GA4 configuration tag or event tags are set up to use different stream IDs based on certain conditions (like hostname or path), ensure that these conditions are correctly configured:

  • Lookup Tables: If using lookup tables to dynamically assign stream IDs, verify that the lookup table is set up correctly and is not inadvertently causing the same data to be sent to multiple streams.
  • Incorrect Tag Setup: Ensure that there are no additional copies of the same tag unintentionally assigned to fire under similar conditions, leading to duplicate data being sent.

3. Browser or Network Issues

Sometimes, browser plugins, network issues, or browser behaviors (like prefetching or reloading) can cause scripts to execute multiple times:

  • Browser Extensions: Check if any browser extensions or ad blockers interfere with the script execution.
  • Network Tools: Use browser network tools to monitor how many times the GA4 event is sent. This can help determine if the duplication is happening client-side or server-side.

4. Verification via GTM Preview and Debug Mode

Utilize GTM's preview and debug mode to trace the event's journey from trigger to tag firing:

  • Monitor the Data Layer: Check the dataLayer pushes and see if multiple events are being pushed unintentionally.
  • Follow the Tag Fires: Observe how many times the GA4 event tag is triggered during a single transaction or page visit.

5. Data Reflection in GA4

In GA4, use the DebugView to see incoming events in real-time from your testing device:

  • Identify Event Batches: Look for the number of times the 'purchase' event is listed during a single transaction cycle.
  • Check Event Parameters: Verify that the event parameters match what you expect for a single event firing.

Troubleshooting Steps

  1. Simplify the Configuration: Temporarily simplify your GTM setup to have only one trigger and one tag for the purchase event to see if the issue persists.
  2. Isolate the Issue: Remove additional configurations temporarily, such as dynamic stream ID assignments, to rule out complexity as a cause.
  3. Systematic Testing: Test different configurations systematically to identify the exact setup leading to multiple event firings.

By systematically checking each part of your GTM and GA4 setup, you should be able to pinpoint why multiple events are appearing in GA4 and adjust your configuration to ensure that only the intended single purchase event is recorded per transaction.





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so this – I actually AM sending this data to 3 stream ids – but will GTM preview – show 3 events – in each of the stream ids – since it will fire 3 times in total?



In the GTM Preview mode, what you'll see is a reflection of what is happening on the GTM side rather than what is happening within each GA4 property. When you look at the Preview mode, you'll see the single event ('sign_up' in your case) that you've pushed to the dataLayer, and you'll also see that the event triggers the tags you've set up.

Here's how it should work:

  • The sign_up event gets pushed to the dataLayer.
  • GTM sees this event and activates the sign_up trigger.
  • This trigger then fires all the tags that are associated with it.
  • In Preview mode, you'll see one sign_up event, and under that event, you'll see the tags that fired. These tags could send data to different GA4 properties based on your setup.

In the GTM Preview mode interface, for each sign_up event, you should see the list of tags that fired as a result of that event. So if you have three tags associated with the sign_up trigger, all meant for different stream IDs, you will see all three tags fire once each (given they are all set to fire on this trigger). GTM Preview mode will not show the event multiple times; it will show the tags firing based on that single event.

In your GA4 reports, if you have set up three different tags to send the sign_up event to three different GA4 properties (each with its own Stream ID), then you should see one sign_up event in the real-time reports of each GA4 property.

However, it's important to note that GA4 processes the incoming data independently for each stream ID. So while GTM sends the data only once per trigger in its process, GA4 will receive the data as many times as you have tags configured to send that data. Each GA4 property will reflect the sign_up event once for each occurrence of the event being sent to it.

If you see the same event appearing multiple times in a single GA4 property, that could indicate an issue with how the tags or the data streams are configured. In that case, you'd need to revisit your GTM setup to ensure that each event is sent only once per user interaction to each GA4 property.





that in no way ansered my question.



I apologize for any confusion. To answer your question directly:

In GTM Preview mode, for a given event (like sign_up), you will see the event listed once





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when I look at gtm preview – I see 1 purchase event for GTM. then in one fo the streamIDs – I see 4. but only 1 has data. so that is bad correct? and I DO only have 1 trigger that I reuse for all of the stream Ids. but in order to work – that trigger would ahve to fire at LEAST3 times to move the data into each stream id – and maybe a 4th for GTM. so is something wrong or not – because it seems like it should be ok.?]



From your description and considering the GTM preview screenshots, it seems you have one trigger set up for the purchase event that's linked to multiple tags, each tag intended for a different GA4 stream ID. If in the GTM preview you see one purchase event firing multiple tags, and each of those tags corresponds to a different stream ID, this is expected and correct behavior for your setup.

Here’s a breakdown of the expected behavior and what might be happening with the "empty" events:

  • Expected Behavior:

    • When the purchase event is triggered once in GTM, all tags associated with that trigger should fire.
    • Each tag sends the data to its respective GA4 stream ID.
    • In GTM preview mode, you'll see the purchase event listed once, and underneath that, you should see each tag that fired because of that event.
  • Preview Mode Observations:

    • GTM: Shows the purchase event once because it’s triggered once by your site.
    • GA4 Stream ID: Shows the tag firing for that event, which should happen once per stream ID. However, you're observing it four times, which might indicate an issue if all instances are for the same tag/stream ID.
  • Potential Issue with "Empty" Events:

    • If you see the same tag firing multiple times for a single event occurrence, and only one has the correct data, it could be a sign of:

      • Repeated Triggers: The trigger might be firing multiple times due to repeated interactions or page content loading that mimics the trigger conditions.
      • Tag Configuration: There might be an issue with how the tag is configured to send data to GA4, leading to multiple hits being sent where some are devoid of data.
  • Why It Could Be Okay:

    • If each firing corresponds to a different tag intended for different GA4 stream IDs, then it's working as intended, with each stream receiving the event once.
    • If the multiple firings are in different GA4 properties and you’re expecting to collect data separately for different analytics purposes, it’s normal for each property's preview to show the event being sent to it.

Steps to Resolve Potential Issues

  1. Ensure Unique Tag Configurations: Each tag should have a unique configuration to ensure it doesn’t fire more than once per event occurrence. This includes checking that the tags aren’t set to fire on non-purchase events or pageviews.
  2. Validate Triggers: Ensure that the triggers are configured to fire once per transaction. If the trigger is based on a dataLayer event, make sure that the dataLayer.push call for the purchase event is happening only once per transaction.
  3. Check for Duplicate dataLayer Pushes: Verify that the code on your site is not pushing the purchase event to the dataLayer multiple times.
  4. Debug in Real-time: Use GA4's DebugView to watch the events coming in real-time. This will help you determine if each property is receiving multiple instances of the same event from the same user, which shouldn't happen.
  5. Check Tag Firing Priority: In GTM, you can set priorities for tags if you need certain tags to fire before others. Ensure there’s no conflict here causing multiple firings.
  6. Use Blocking Triggers: If needed, create blocking triggers to prevent a tag from firing in certain conditions, which can help prevent duplicate firings.

By reviewing these aspects of your GTM setup, you should be able to ensure that each purchase event is only recorded once per stream ID, avoiding any empty or duplicate events in your GA4 properties. If each stream is indeed receiving the event only once and the additional "empty" events are not being recorded in GA4, your setup may be functioning correctly. However, if the "empty" events are being recorded, further investigation into the triggers and tags would be needed.





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each streamID gets 1 purchase event – so that is ok? GTM – mabye I am sending too many there?



In the GTM preview mode, seeing one purchase event for each GA4 configuration is expected if you've set up individual tags for each stream ID to fire on the same trigger. Each tag sends data to its respective GA4 property, and if configured correctly, this will not count as duplicates since each stream ID is considered a separate data destination.

In the GTM container, if you're seeing the same purchase event being fired multiple times and only one of them contains the actual data, here's what could be happening:

  1. Duplicate Tags: There might be multiple tags configured to respond to the same trigger, but only one is correctly set up to send data. This could result from an oversight in tag management.
  2. Tag Firing Issues: The trigger might be firing multiple times due to the way the site or application is structured (for instance, if it's a Single Page Application and the URL changes without a full





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GTM Preview – 1 purchase event – the rest of the tags are the ones that tell the inidvidual stream ids to fire. unless I ahve this all backwards



From your GTM Preview screenshot, it seems that you have the setup arranged correctly for your purposes:

  1. GTM Purchase Event: This shows up once in your GTM Preview, which is expected. This is the purchase event that your site triggers, and it's being captured by GTM as it should be.
  2. Associated Tags for Individual Stream IDs: The tags listed under the purchase event are those that have been triggered by the purchase event. If these are intended to send data to individual GA4 stream IDs, then it’s correct that they're listed here. Each tag should correspond to a GA4 event that will be sent to a separate GA4 property. It seems you have one for "S" (I assume Single Site), "M" (possibly Multi-Site), and "NON-S" (maybe a Non-Specific or another categorization you've set).

When these tags fire, they should send a purchase event to their respective GA4 configurations, and you would see these as separate events in each GA4 property's real-time reporting.

In summary:

  • If each tag is configured with a unique GA4 Stream ID: Then each tag firing is sending a purchase event to a different GA4 property. In each GA4 property, you should see only one purchase event for each actual purchase that occurs.
  • If GTM Preview shows the purchase event firing multiple tags: And each tag corresponds to a different GA4 property; then this is expected and correct.
  • If a single GA4 property shows multiple purchase events for one actual purchase: Then there might be an issue, such as a tag firing multiple times or a misconfiguration in the GA4 property.
  • If each GA4 property only shows a single purchase event: Then your setup is functioning as intended.

Keep in mind that GTM Preview mode is a diagnostic tool that shows you what GTM is doing. It doesn't reflect the end data in GA4, so it's essential to check your GA4 real-time reports to confirm that the data is being received correctly. If you find that each GA4 property is receiving the correct number of events (one event per purchase), then your setup is correct. If a property is receiving more than it should, you'll need to investigate further within GTM and the setup of your GA4 properties.





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it's the stream ids – which alos only have 1 tag that show multiple purcahse events –







I am lookin under "summary" on theleft column.



When you're looking at the "Summary" section in the left column of GTM Preview mode, you should typically see a list of all the interactions that have occurred during the session, including page views, clicks, form submissions, etc. For each interaction, you will see the tags that were fired as a result.

For your purchase event, if you have one tag in your GTM container that is supposed to send this event to multiple GA4 properties (each with its own stream ID), you should see the purchase event listed once in the Summary with the corresponding tag that fired for that event.

However, if you see the purchase event listed multiple times under the same GA4 stream ID (and this is not intended), it could be due to several reasons:

  1. Multiple Events Pushed to the Data Layer: If your website's code pushes the purchase event to the dataLayer multiple times, GTM will register each push as a separate event. This can happen with asynchronous operations or SPA (Single Page Application) navigations that may trigger the same dataLayer.push() multiple times.
  2. Misconfigured Tag or Trigger: The tag for that stream ID might be set up to fire multiple times due to its configuration or associated trigger conditions.
  3. Repeated Interactions: If there are repeated user interactions that mimic the conditions for the purchase event trigger, the tag may fire multiple times.
  4. Preview Mode Artefacts: Sometimes, GTM Preview mode can show what seems like duplicates due to refreshing the page, navigating back and forth, or other interactions that might cause the same tags to fire repeatedly. This doesn't necessarily mean that multiple hits are being sent to GA4; Preview mode is showing you all the instances of that tag firing within the session.

If you're intending to send a single purchase event to each stream ID, then each stream ID should ideally only show one purchase event in the GA4 real-time report. If they're showing multiple, you'd need to ensure that your GTM setup is correct:

  • Check the Data Layer Pushes: Make sure that the dataLayer.push for the purchase event only happens once and at the right time during the transaction process.
  • Review Tag Configuration: Make sure that each tag is firing only once per transaction, which may involve refining your triggers to be more specific or using a blocking trigger.
  • Inspect GA4 Reports: Verify in the GA4 real-time reports for each property that you're not seeing duplicates, which would indicate that multiple hits are being sent.

The ultimate verification is in the GA4 property itself. If the GA4 real-time reports show the correct number of purchase events (one per actual purchase), your setup is functioning correctly. If there are more purchase events than there should be, then you have to troubleshoot the GTM setup to find out why the tag is firing multiple times for a single purchase event.





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still confused – SUMMARY shows 4 purchase events but OUTPUT only shows 1 – so what does that mean? how are the other 3 being counted if I onlysend 1 HIT in total?



The "Summary" in GTM Preview mode shows a list of events that GTM has processed, and under "Tags Fired," it lists the tags that have fired for those events. If you're seeing "purchase" four times in the "Summary" but only one "Hit Sent" in the "Output," this might suggest that GTM is processing the purchase event multiple times, but the associated tag to send the hit to GA4 is only firing once.

Here's what could be happening:

  1. Event Processing vs. Tag Firing:

    • "Summary" indicates the events GTM has detected. It's possible for the same event to be processed multiple times if GTM receives multiple dataLayer.push commands with the event purchase.
    • "Output" shows the actual network request sent to GA4, which is what "Hit Sent" represents. Only one hit sent means that despite the multiple processings of the event, only one tag fired and sent data to GA4.
  2. Preview Mode Display:

    • Each line under "Summary" does not necessarily represent a separate hit to GA4. Instead, it represents an instance where the GTM container processed an event named purchase.
    • If the GTM configuration is set up such that only one tag responds to the purchase event (or conditions are set such that the tag only fires once), only one hit will be sent, regardless of how many times GTM processes the event.
  3. Data Layer Pushes:

    • Check the implementation on the website to ensure that the dataLayer.push for purchase is only happening once per transaction. If there are multiple pushes or the push is happening in a loop, GTM will process each one.
  4. Debugging:

    • Use the GTM debug mode to inspect each purchase event listed in the "Summary" to see what triggered it and why.
    • Look at the conditions for each tag that fires on a purchase event to ensure they are set up to prevent duplicate firings.
  5. GTM Configuration:

    • Review the triggers associated with the purchase event tags to ensure they are not set up to trigger multiple times for the same user interaction.
    • Verify that your triggers and tags have appropriate conditions to ensure the correct behavior.

The key takeaway is that the presence of multiple purchase events in the "Summary" section of the GTM Preview mode does not necessarily mean multiple hits are being sent to GA4; the "Output" tab provides the actual number of hits sent to GA4. To prevent multiple events from being processed, ensure that the dataLayer.push is correctly implemented on the site, and review your GTM tag configuration for proper trigger conditions.





so do I need separate tirggers for each streamid – with somesort of controls on each that tell it to only fire for the tag it is configured for? that seems dumb but what else is there?



No, you do not need separate triggers for each Stream ID if the criteria for sending an event to all Stream IDs are the same. In GTM, a single trigger can fire multiple tags. This is actually one of GTM’s strengths, as it reduces redundancy and keeps your workspace cleaner.

What you are experiencing in the GTM Preview mode—seeing multiple instances of the 'purchase' event under "Summary"—may be caused by the dataLayer.push being executed multiple times or other events that GTM is interpreting as separate 'purchase' events.

The typical approach for sending a single event to multiple GA4 configurations would be:

  1. One Trigger: Create a single trigger for the 'purchase' event. This trigger should be based on conditions that uniquely identify a purchase event on your website (e.g., a 'Thank You' page view, a JavaScript event that signals a successful transaction, etc.).
  2. Multiple Tags Using One Trigger: Create a tag for each GA4 configuration you want to send data to. Each of these tags will use the same trigger you’ve set up for the purchase event.
  3. Configure Tags with Stream IDs: Each tag should be configured with the unique Measurement ID (Stream ID) for its respective GA4 property. This way, when the purchase event occurs, the single trigger fires all tags associated with it, and each tag sends the event to its respective GA4 property.
  4. Set Tag Firing Priorities: If you want to ensure certain tags fire before others, you can set tag firing priorities in GTM. However, for a 'purchase' event, this may not be necessary unless there's a specific reason to process data in a particular order.
  5. Debugging: Utilize the GTM Preview and Debug mode to ensure that each tag is firing as expected, and the correct data is being sent to each Stream ID.
  6. Verify in GA4: Use the DebugView in GA4 or check the real-time reports to confirm that each property is receiving the expected single 'purchase' event.
  7. Review Data Layer Implementation: Make sure the dataLayer.push for the 'purchase' event occurs only once per transaction.

This setup ensures that you are not creating unnecessary complexity with multiple triggers. It also ensures that each GA4 property receives the data it's supposed to without creating duplicate events within the same property.

Lastly, remember that the GTM Preview mode is a diagnostic tool that may show all the interactions processed within a session, not necessarily representing duplicate data being sent to GA4. Always confirm within your GA4 properties to see the actual events recorded.





how could this be sending purcase event data 4 times? it is prettysimple? {config_load file="nscash-config.txt" section="NakedSword"} {literal} {/literal} {literal} {/literal} {literal}



Your JavaScript code for sending the purchase event is straightforward indeed, and at first glance, it doesn't show an obvious reason for sending the purchase event data four times.

The sendPurchaseEvent function is called immediately at the end of the script, which should result in only one push to the dataLayer. If you're seeing the purchase event triggered four times, here are some areas to consider checking:

  1. Page Load Behavior: Make sure the page where this script resides isn't being loaded multiple times. This can happen due to redirects or refreshes that might not be immediately apparent.
  2. Single Page Application Navigation: If your site is a single-page application, ensure that the script isn't being re-executed due to navigation events within the app.
  3. Caching Issues: Browsers or intermediate proxies might cache the page improperly, causing the script to execute more than once.
  4. Event Propagation: Ensure there aren't multiple handlers or listeners elsewhere in your codebase that could be triggering the same dataLayer.push.
  5. Tag Configuration: In GTM, ensure that the tag configured to send the purchase event to GA4 is not set up to trigger multiple times for the same dataLayer event.
  6. Preview and Debug Mode: GTM's Preview and Debug mode might show multiple events due to its tracking of all the interactions within a session. This doesn't necessarily mean multiple hits are being sent to GA4.
  7. Browser Extensions or Plugins: Browser extensions or plugins that interact with page loading or JavaScript execution could cause scripts to fire multiple times.
  8. Server-Side Issues: On the server side, ensure that there's no loop or repeated action that's causing the page to send multiple dataLayer.push calls.
  9. GTM Trigger Configuration: Confirm that the GTM trigger for the purchase event is set up correctly and isn't duplicating events due to misconfiguration.

To further debug this issue, you can do the following:

  • Use Console Logs: Place console.log statements before the dataLayer.push call to verify how many times the sendPurchaseEvent function is called.
  • Network Tab: Use the browser's developer tools Network tab to see the network requests made to and count how many times the purchase event is being sent.
  • GTM Debug Mode: Use GTM's debug mode to trace the dataLayer events and tag firings to see if the purchase event is being pushed multiple times to the dataLayer.

Remember that the GA4 DebugView will show you exactly what hits are being received by GA4, which can help you confirm whether the issue is with the site's code or the GTM/GA4 configuration.





if I was tsting a page and reloaded it manytimes to check what was sent – wouldthat do it?



Yes, absolutely. Reloading the page multiple times will re-execute all the scripts on the page, including any dataLayer.push calls. If you're using GTM Preview mode to test and you reload the page, every reload will appear as a separate event in the Summary view.

Each page reload would:

  • Reinitialize the GTM container and re-trigger all tags that are set to fire on page load.
  • Push a new purchase event to the dataLayer if your sendPurchaseEvent() function is called on page load without conditions.

This would result in the purchase event being sent to GA4 as many times as you reload the page and could explain why you're seeing multiple purchase events in the Summary. Only the first event after the page load is likely to have the full set of transaction details. Subsequent page reloads might not have the complete transaction context and thus could send incomplete data, appearing as if there are "empty" events.

To prevent this, you could:

  • Add a condition to check if a purchase has genuinely occurred before pushing the event to the dataLayer.
  • Use session storage or a similar mechanism to flag when a purchase event has been sent and avoid resending it on page reload.

When testing, it's essential to clear the GTM Preview mode between page reloads or navigate away and back to reset the session if you want to test single instances of page interactions. This will ensure you are only seeing the latest and most relevant data in the Preview pane.





good grief!! ok!



I know, it can be quite a process! But it sounds like you’ve narrowed down the cause, which is great. If you need any more help smoothing things out or have other questions, feel free to ask. Happy testing!





yes – lets' set up a only 1 purchase event to be sent to google tracker / stopper – mabye tracking it in local host since it only need to be on this one page –







local storage not local host



Understood! To make sure that only one purchase event is sent per session, even if the user refreshes the page, you can use localStorage in the web browser to store a flag indicating that the event has already been sent. Here's a simple way to implement this:

Copy code
function sendPurchaseEvent(userId, hostname) {
  // Check if the purchase event has already been sent in this session
  if (localStorage.getItem('purchaseEventSent') !== 'true') {
    console.log('start purchase send');
    // ... your existing dataLayer.push code ...

    // Set a flag in localStorage to indicate the event has been sent
    localStorage.setItem('purchaseEventSent', 'true');
    console.log('Purchase event sent');
  } else {
    console.log('Purchase event already sent in this session, not sending again.');

// Call the function when you want to try sending the event

Add this script to your page in the same place where your current purchase event code is located. What this will do:

  • When the sendPurchaseEvent function is called, it first checks localStorage for a flag named purchaseEventSent.
  • If the flag is not set to 'true', it means the purchase event hasn't been sent during this browser session, and the function will send the event and set the flag.
  • If the flag is set to 'true', the function will not send the event again.

This approach uses the browser session persistence of localStorage, which remains across page reloads but not across different browsers or incognito sessions. If the user closes and reopens the browser, the localStorage will still contain the purchaseEventSent flag, preventing multiple sends in multiple tabs or after a browser restart.

Remember to clear this flag when a new purchase session starts or when the user starts a new purchase flow to allow the event to be sent for the new transaction. You can clear the localStorage item with localStorage.removeItem('purchaseEventSent') at the start of a new purchase flow.





I don't want to cuase a syntax error – so need some aid in inserting this new code into bottom of purchase evetn – 'event_category': 'membership', 'event_action': '{/literal}{transaction.biller_currency|addslashes}{literal}', 'event_value': '{/literal}{transaction.biller_currency|addslashes}{literal}' } }); console.log('Purchase event sent'); } // Call the function immediately sendPurchaseEvent(); {/literal}



Certainly! You can add the local storage check right inside your sendPurchaseEvent function. Here’s how you can modify your existing code:

Copy code
// ... Your existing code above this line ...

'currency': '{/literal}{$transaction.biller_currency|addslashes}{literal}'

// Check local storage to ensure the purchase event is sent only once
if (localStorage.getItem('purchaseEventSent') !== 'true') {
  console.log('Purchase event sent');
  // Set a flag in local storage to indicate the event has been sent
  localStorage.setItem('purchaseEventSent', 'true');
} else {
  console.log('Purchase event already sent in this session, not sending again.');

// End of your sendPurchaseEvent function

// Call the function immediately


Make sure to place the local storage check after the dataLayer.push method and before the closing of the sendPurchaseEvent function. This way, the local storage flag is set after the event is successfully pushed to the data layer.

The above code will log 'Purchase event sent' only if the event has not been previously sent during the same session. If the page is reloaded, the localStorage check will prevent the purchase event from being sent again, and 'Purchase event already sent in this session, not sending again.' will be logged to the console.





Unexpected end of input (at approved.php?memberid=511750&natssess=3b985ad46651cf1ac016df56c4e42a57&approve=1:133:3) at function sendPurchaseEvent(userId, hostname) { // Check if the purchase event has already been sent in this session if (localStorage.getItem('purchaseEventSent') !== 'true') { console.log('start purchase send'); //const transactionId = '{/literal}{$member.memberidx|addslashes}{literal}'; //if (transactionId) { window.dataLayer.push({ 'event': 'purchase', 'user_id': getOrCreateUserId(), 'hostname': window.location.hostname.toLowerCase().trim(), 'nats_member_id': '{/literal}{$member.memberid}{literal}', 'hashed_email': '{/literal}{$member.custom9}{literal}', 'ecommerce': { 'transaction_id': '{/literal}{$member.memberidx|addslashes}{literal}', 'value': '{/literal}{$member.spent/100}{literal}', 'items': [{ 'item_id': '{/literal}{$member.optionid}{literal}', 'item_name': '{/literal}{$|addslashes}{literal}', 'affiliation': '{/literal}{$member.memberid}{literal}', 'coupon': 'null', 'discount': 'null', 'item_brand': 'NS', 'item_category': 'Membership', 'price': '{/literal}{$member.spent/100}{literal}', 'quantity': 1 }], 'nats': [{ 'AffiliateID': '{/literal}{$member.loginid}{literal}', 'nats_SiteName': '{/literal}{$|addslashes}{literal}', 'nats_ProgramID': '{/literal}{$member.programid}{literal}', 'nats_SiteID': '{/literal}{$site.siteid}{literal}', 'nats_TourID': '{/literal}{$member.tourid}{literal}', 'nats_CampaignID': '{/literal}{$member.campaignid}{literal}', 'nats_AdtoolID': '{/literal}{$member.adtoolid}{literal}', 'nats_AdToolSub1ID': '{/literal}{$member.subid1}{literal}', 'nats_AdToolSub2ID': '{/literal}{$member.subid2}{literal}' }], 'event_category': 'membership', 'event_action': '{/literal}{$member.optionid}{literal}', 'event_label': document.referrer || 'Direct/No Referrer', 'event_currency': '{/literal}{$transaction.biller_currency|addslashes}{literal}', 'event_value': '{/literal}{$member.spent/100}{literal}', 'currency': '{/literal}{$transaction.biller_currency|addslashes}{literal}' } }); // Check local storage to ensure the purchase event is sent only once if (localStorage.getItem('purchaseEventSent') !== 'true') { console.log('Purchase event sent'); // Set a flag in local storage to indicate the event has been sent localStorage.setItem('purchaseEventSent', 'true'); } else { console.log('Purchase event already sent in this session, not sending again.'); } // End of your sendPurchaseEvent function } // Call the function immediately sendPurchaseEvent(); {/literal}



It appears that the error is due to an issue with the placement of your {/literal} tags, which should only be used to close a Smarty {literal} block. The {literal} tags are used in Smarty templates to tell Smarty to not parse the data between them. This is often used when you have JavaScript code that uses { or } characters, which Smarty would otherwise try to interpret as Smarty syntax.

Here’s how you can fix the code:

Copy code
{config_load file="nscash-config.txt" section="NakedSword"}
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en-US">
   <meta name="robots" content="noindex">
   <!-- Google Tag Manager -->
   <script>(function(w,d,s,l,i){w[l]=w[l]||[];w[l].push({'gtm.start': new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0], j=d.createElement(s), dl=l!='dataLayer'?'&l='+l:'';j.async=true;j.src='' + i + dl;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f);})(window, document, 'script', 'dataLayer', '{#whiteLabelGTMID#}');</script>
   <!-- End Google Tag Manager -->
// Look for user_id in cookie
function getOrCreateUserId() {
    var cookieValue = document.cookie.split('; ').find(row => row.startsWith('user_id='));
    if (cookieValue) return cookieValue.split('=')[1];

    // Create a new user_id if one does not exist
    var userId = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function(c) {
        var r = Math.random() * 16 | 0,
            v = c === 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3 | 0x8);
        return v.toString(16);

    // Set the user_id in a cookie to be used across subdomains
    document.cookie = "user_id=" + userId + ";path=/;domain=.single_whitelabel_cookie_domain;max-age=31536000;secure;SameSite=Lax";
    return userId;

// Prepare the user_id and hostname
var userId = getOrCreateUserId();
var hostname = window.location.hostname.toLowerCase().trim();
console.log('hostname: ', hostname);
console.log('user_id: ', userId);

// Define the sendPurchaseEvent function
function sendPurchaseEvent(userId, hostname) {
    // Check if the purchase event has already been sent in this session
    if (localStorage.getItem('purchaseEventSent') !== 'true') {
        console.log('start purchase send');

            'event': 'purchase',
            'user_id': userId,
            'hostname': hostname,
            //... Additional event data ...

        // Set a flag in localStorage to indicate the event has been sent
        localStorage.setItem('purchaseEventSent', 'true');
        console.log('Purchase event sent');
    } else {
        console.log('Purchase event already sent in this session, not sending again.');

// Call the function immediately to send the purchase event
sendPurchaseEvent(userId, hostname);

Make sure that {literal} is opened before any JavaScript code that contains { or } which you don't want Smarty to parse, and {/literal} is closed right after the JavaScript code ends. Don't include {literal} tags inside your JavaScript functions or other code as it can cause syntax errors.

In this corrected version, the {literal} tags properly encapsulate the entire block of JavaScript code, ensuring that Smarty doesn't try to parse anything within it as template syntax.





it was missing a "}" right beofore // CHeck local storage to ensure…. 'event_action': '{/literal}{transaction.biller_currency|addslashes}{literal}', 'event_value': '{/literal}{transaction.biller_currency|addslashes}{literal}' } }); } // Check local storage to ensure the purchase event is sent only once if (localStorage.getItem('purchaseEventSent') !== 'true') { console.log('Purchase event sent'); // Set a flag in local storage to indicate the event has been sent localStorage.setItem('purchaseEventSent', 'true'); } else { console.log('Purchase event already sent in this session, not sending again.'); } // End of your sendPurchaseEvent function } // Call the function immediately sendPurchaseEvent(); {/literal}



Great catch! Yes, you're correct. That closing curly brace } was indeed necessary to properly end the conditional block for the transactionId before starting the new conditional block for the localStorage check. With this correction, your script should work as expected now, only sending the purchase event once per session and not every time the page is reloaded. Here's the corrected part with the localStorage check, neatly placed after the dataLayer push:

Copy code
function sendPurchaseEvent(userId, hostname) {
  // Check if the purchase event has already been sent in this session
  if (localStorage.getItem('purchaseEventSent') !== 'true') {
    console.log('start purchase send');
      'event': 'purchase',
      'user_id': userId,
      'hostname': hostname,
      // ... your existing dataLayer.push code ...
    // Set a flag in localStorage to indicate the event has been sent
    localStorage.setItem('purchaseEventSent', 'true');
    console.log('Purchase event sent');
  } else {
    console.log('Purchase event already sent in this session, not sending again.');

// Call the function immediately
sendPurchaseEvent(userId, hostname);

Make sure that the {literal} tag opens before this script and closes after, to ensure Smarty does not interpret any of the JavaScript code.





Uploaded image



It looks like the local storage check is working correctly. The console message "Purchase event already sent in this session, not sending again." indicates that the check you've implemented is functioning as intended. The script recognized that the purchase event was already sent during the current session and therefore did not attempt to send it again.

This is the desired behavior to prevent duplicate purchase events from being sent if the user refreshes the page. Each session is unique to the browser tab, and as long as the tab isn't closed, the local storage value will persist and prevent multiple submissions.

If you're testing this and need to send another purchase event, you'll have to clear the local storage entry manually using your browser's Developer Tools, or by running localStorage.removeItem('purchaseEventSent'); in the console before reloading the page.





in GTM should I have paramaters for standard google pieces like "value" and item, etc. in the purchas tag for each stream ?



In Google Tag Manager (GTM), when setting up tags to send data to Google Analytics (GA4), it's beneficial to map the e-commerce parameters to the corresponding fields recognized by GA4 for purchases and other e-commerce related events. Here's what you should consider:

  1. Use GA4 E-commerce Parameters: GA4 has a specific set of parameters for e-commerce events, such as value, currency, items, and more. These parameters should be mapped correctly to ensure that GA4 can interpret and display the e-commerce data accurately.

  2. Setting Up Parameters in GTM:

    • For the purchase event, make sure to set up parameters like transaction_id, affiliation, value, currency, and items. The items parameter should be an array of objects, each representing a purchased item with properties like item_name, item_id, price, quantity, etc.
    • Use Data Layer variables in GTM to dynamically pull these values from the dataLayer if you push e-commerce details to the dataLayer.
  3. Configuring the Purchase Tag:

    • When configuring a purchase event tag for a GA4 configuration, under "Event Parameters," you will map these values. For example, {{value}} could be mapped to the Data Layer variable that captures the purchase amount.
    • It's good practice to use meaningful names for your Data Layer variables that match the expected GA4 parameters for clarity and consistency.
  4. Reusable Parameters:

    • If you're sending purchase events to multiple GA4 properties and the e-commerce data is structured the same way for each property, you can reuse the same setup for the parameters in each purchase tag. This means you won't need separate Data Layer variables for each stream unless the data structure or content differs.
  5. Preview and Testing:

    • Always use GTM’s preview mode to test that the parameters are being pulled in correctly and that the tags are firing with the correct data.
    • Check in GA4's DebugView or the real-time reports to verify that the purchase event is showing up with the correct parameters.

In summary, set up the purchase tag in GTM with appropriate mappings for the standard GA4 e-commerce parameters. You don't necessarily need different configurations for each GA4 property as long as the data being sent to each is formatted correctly and contains all the required parameters for GA4 to understand it as an e-commerce transaction.





so for example – value – does not have a built in variable?



In GTM, value is a common parameter name that corresponds to the monetary value of an event. GA4, specifically for e-commerce transactions, expects a value parameter to represent the total transaction amount. However, GTM does not have a built-in variable for value because it is typically something you will define based on your own dataLayer structure or needs.

Here's how you can set it up:

  1. Defining value in the Data Layer: When a transaction occurs, you would push transaction details to the data layer, something like this:

    Copy code
      'event': 'purchase',
      'ecommerce': {
        'value': 123.45, // The total value of the transaction
        // other transaction data
  2. Creating a Data Layer Variable in GTM: To capture this value, you would create a Data Layer Variable in GTM:

    • Go to Variables in GTM.
    • Click "New" under User-Defined Variables.
    • Choose "Data Layer Variable" as the variable type.
    • Set the Data Layer Variable Name to ecommerce.value (assuming ecommerce is the object containing value in the dataLayer push).
  3. Using the Variable in Your Tag: When setting up your GA4 event tag in GTM:

    • Under the Event Parameters, you would add value as the parameter name.
    • For the parameter value, you would use the variable you just created ({{ecommerce.value}}).

By doing this, whenever the purchase event tag fires, GTM will send the value parameter's data from your data layer to GA4. Always test your setup with the GTM preview and debug mode to ensure that the value is being pulled correctly and sent with your events in GA4.





do I need to update the custom dimension as well?



Custom dimensions in Google Analytics 4 (GA4) are used for collecting and segmenting data that isn’t automatically tracked by GA4, which can include additional information about users or events that are specific to your business needs.

If you have set up custom dimensions in GA4 and you want to capture specific data related to those dimensions when a purchase event occurs, you will need to:

  1. Define the Custom Dimensions in GA4:

    • Go to the GA4 property settings.
    • Under "Custom Definitions," create custom dimensions as required (e.g., membership_type, user_tier, etc.).
  2. Update the Data Layer:

    • When the purchase occurs, ensure that your dataLayer.push includes the custom dimension values. For example:
    Copy code
      'event': 'purchase',
      // other purchase data...
      'membership_type': 'Gold', // Example of a custom dimension
  3. Create Data Layer Variables in GTM:

    • For each custom dimension, create a corresponding Data Layer Variable in GTM.
  4. Include Custom Dimensions in Your GA4 Tag:

    • When configuring your GA4 Event Tag in GTM, include the custom dimensions in the "Event Parameters" or "User Properties," depending on whether they are associated with an event or a user.
    • Use the corresponding GTM variable that you created for the custom dimension’s data layer variable.
  5. Testing:

    • Use GTM’s preview mode to test that custom dimensions are being included with the event data as expected.
    • Use GA4's DebugView to confirm that the custom dimensions are appearing as expected with your events.

If you add new custom dimensions or make changes to existing ones, you will need to update the configuration in both GA4 and GTM to ensure that the correct data is captured and sent.

Remember, for GA4, custom dimensions can either be event-scoped or user-scoped:

  • Event-scoped custom dimensions are sent as parameters with the event.
  • User-scoped custom dimensions are set as user properties. These may be set once and then apply to all subsequent events.

Ensure your custom dimensions are set up correctly in GA4 and that you are using the correct scope when sending them from GTM.





does the "value" custom dimension have to match GTM – ie. it should be called ecommerce.value


Custom dimensions in Google Analytics 4 (GA4) are used for collecting and segmenting data that isn’t automatically tracked by GA4, which can include additional information about users or events that are specific to your business needs.

If you have set up custom dimensions in GA4 and you want to capture specific data related to those dimensions when a purchase event occurs, you will need to:

  1. Define the Custom Dimensions in GA4:

    • Go to the GA4 property settings.
    • Under "Custom Definitions," create custom dimensions as required (e.g., membership_type, user_tier, etc.).
  2. Update the Data Layer:

    • When the purchase occurs, ensure that your dataLayer.push includes the custom dimension values. For example:
    Copy code
      'event': 'purchase',
      // other purchase data...
      'membership_type': 'Gold', // Example of a custom dimension
  3. Create Data Layer Variables in GTM:

    • For each custom dimension, create a corresponding Data Layer Variable in GTM.
  4. Include Custom Dimensions in Your GA4 Tag:

    • When configuring your GA4 Event Tag in GTM, include the custom dimensions in the "Event Parameters" or "User Properties," depending on whether they are associated with an event or a user.
    • Use the corresponding GTM variable that you created for the custom dimension’s data layer variable.
  5. Testing:

    • Use GTM’s preview mode to test that custom dimensions are being included with the event data as expected.
    • Use GA4's DebugView to confirm that the custom dimensions are appearing as expected with your events.

If you add new custom dimensions or make changes to existing ones, you will need to update the configuration in both GA4 and GTM to ensure that the correct data is captured and sent.

Remember, for GA4, custom dimensions can either be event-scoped or user-scoped:

  • Event-scoped custom dimensions are sent as parameters with the event.
  • User-scoped custom dimensions are set as user properties. These may be set once and then apply to all subsequent events.

Ensure your custom dimensions are set up correctly in GA4 and that you are using the correct scope when sending them from GTM.


n GA4, the value parameter is a standard parameter for certain events, especially e-commerce events, and is not a custom dimension. You do not need to create a custom dimension for value if it is being used in its standard capacity (i.e., to represent the monetary value of an event like purchase).

If you're pushing value as part of the e-commerce data in the dataLayer as shown below:

Copy code
  'event': 'purchase',
  'ecommerce': {
    'value': 123.45 // The total value of the transaction
    // Other transaction data

Then in GTM, you would create a Data Layer Variable for ecommerce.value and use it in your GA4 event tag configuration. This tells GTM to look for the value key inside the ecommerce object in the dataLayer.

If you are instead referring to a custom dimension you have set up in GA4 (which is different from the standard value parameter), then:

  1. The name you give to the custom dimension in GA4 is the name that will appear in GA4 reports and should be something descriptive and meaningful to your data analysis.
  2. In GTM, the name of the Data Layer Variable you create does not have to match the name of the custom dimension in GA4. However, it should be something that makes it clear what data it represents.
  3. When you set up your event tag in GTM and configure the event parameters, you will map the Data Layer Variable to the custom dimension by using the exact name that you’ve given the custom dimension in GA4.

For example, if you have a custom dimension in GA4 named membership_value, you would:

  • Create a Data Layer Variable in GTM that captures the corresponding value from the dataLayer.
  • When setting up the GA4 event tag, under Event Parameters, you would add membership_value as the parameter name and set the variable you created as the value.

The connection between the two (the name in GA4 and the variable in GTM) is made when you configure the tag in GTM by entering the custom dimension's name as it is defined in GA4.



does the "value" custom dimension have to match GTM – ie. it should be called ecommerce.value







Flattening the data structure to place everything at the same level in the dataLayer can simplify the variable management in Google Tag Manager (GTM), but it also has its downsides. Here's why you might want to keep a nested structure versus a flat structure:

Advantages of a Nested Structure:

  1. Organization: It keeps related data together, which can make it easier to understand and maintain. For instance, ecommerce.items logically groups all items in a purchase.
  2. Scalability: If your e-commerce events become more complex, a nested structure can handle more detailed information without becoming unwieldy.
  3. Compatibility with GA4: GA4's expected data model for e-commerce is nested. It expects an items array where each item is an object with properties such as item_id, item_name, etc.
  4. Consistency: If you're integrating with third-party systems or using standard e-commerce events, keeping the structure consistent with GA4's expectations is beneficial.

Advantages of a Flat Structure:

  1. Simplicity: It's generally easier to create Data Layer Variables for flat structures in GTM.
  2. Less Complexity in Tagging: You don't have to deal with complex variable types such as arrays or nested objects.
  3. Direct Mapping: Each piece of information has a direct 1:1 mapping with Data Layer Variables, which can simplify tag configurations.

Considerations for Flattening:

  • If you flatten the structure, you may need to create new names for what were once nested properties to avoid name collisions.
  • You must ensure that your flat structure doesn't lose the relational context that a nested structure provides.
  • A flat structure can become difficult to manage if you have many properties, leading to a long list of unrelated Data Layer Variables.

In summary, choosing between a nested and flat structure in the dataLayer depends on the complexity of your data, your specific use cases, and what you find easier to work with. The decision should be based on balancing the simplicity of implementation against the clarity and scalability of data organization. If you do decide to flatten the structure, make sure to update your GTM tags and triggers accordingly to reflect these changes.





To set up variables for ecommerce.items and its sub-items in Google Tag Manager (GTM), you will create Data Layer Variables for each item property you want to track. If you have an array of items, you might also use a Custom JavaScript variable to loop through them if needed. Here’s how you can set up these variables:

  1. For Single Item Properties:

If you are only tracking one item and you know the index of that item in the array, you can directly reference it like so:

  • Variable Name: Item ID
  • Data Layer Variable Name: ecommerce.items.0.item_id (where 0 is the index of the item in the array)

If you have an items array in the dataLayer like this:

Copy code
  'ecommerce': {
    'items': [
        'item_id': '12345',
        'item_name': 'Product Name',
        // other item properties...

You would create a Data Layer Variable for each property like so:

  • Go to Variables in GTM.
  • Click "New" under User-Defined Variables.
  • Choose "Data Layer Variable" as the variable type.
  • Enter ecommerce.items.0.item_id as the Data Layer Variable Name for item_id.
  • Repeat this process for each property you want to capture (e.g., item_name, price, quantity).
  1. For Multiple Items:

If you are tracking multiple items and you want to capture all of them, you would typically handle this in the tag configuration itself. However, if you need to do something specific with the items array in GTM, you could use a Custom JavaScript Variable:

  • Go to Variables in GTM.
  • Click "New" under User-Defined Variables.
  • Choose "Custom JavaScript" as the variable type.
  • Enter the JavaScript code that processes the ecommerce.items array.

Here’s a simple example of what the JavaScript might look like:

Copy code
function() {
  var items = {{DLV - ecommerce.items}}; // "DLV - ecommerce.items" is a Data Layer Variable for the items array
  var processedItems = [];
  if (items) {
    for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
        'id': items[i].item_id,
        'name': items[i].item_name,
        // Map other properties as needed
  return processedItems;

Remember to create a Data Layer Variable named DLV - ecommerce.items beforehand that captures the items array.

Now, whenever you use this Custom JavaScript Variable in a tag, it will return the array of processed items with the properties you have defined.

  1. Testing Your Variables:

Always test your variables using the Preview and Debug mode in GTM to ensure they are capturing data correctly before publishing your changes.

  1. Using the Variables in Your Tags:

When configuring your tags, use these variables to map to the corresponding fields in your GA4 event tag. For example, when setting up the GA4 Purchase event, you can directly assign the Custom JavaScript Variable that processes the ecommerce.items array to the items parameter in the tag configuration.

This should capture the detailed properties of each item in the purchase event sent to GA4.



To ensure you have a comprehensive setup for the items array in your GA4 e-commerce events, you'll want to include all the commonly used and relevant item-specific properties that GA4 can process. Here's a detailed example that includes typical e-commerce properties recommended by GA4:

JavaScript Function in GTM

Here’s how you might set up the Custom JavaScript variable to handle multiple items, including all essential properties:

Copy code
function() {
  var items = {{DLV - ecommerce.items}}; // This is a Data Layer Variable for the items array
  var processedItems = [];

  if (Array.isArray(items)) {
    items.forEach(function(item) {
        'item_id': item.item_id,           // Unique ID of the product
        'item_name': item.item_name,       // Name of the product
        'affiliation': item.affiliation,   // Affiliation or store name
        'coupon':,             // Coupon code used for purchasing the item
        'currency': item.currency,         // Currency of the item price
        'discount':,         // Discount applied to the item
        'item_brand': item.item_brand,     // Brand of the item
        'item_category': item.item_category, // Category of the item
        'item_category2': item.item_category2, // Optional sub-category
        'item_category3': item.item_category3, // Optional sub-category
        'item_category4': item.item_category4, // Optional sub-category
        'item_category5': item.item_category5, // Optional sub-category
        'item_variant': item.item_variant, // Variant of the item
        'price': item.price,               // Price of one unit of the item
        'quantity': item.quantity,         // Quantity of the item purchased
        'item_list_id': item.item_list_id, // ID of the item list associated
        'item_list_name': item.item_list_name, // Name of the item list
        'item_list_position': item.item_list_position, // Position of the item in the list
        'location_id': item.location_id    // Location ID if applicable
        // You can add more fields as per your data layer structure

  return processedItems;

Fields Explanation:

  • item_id: Required. The unique identifier of the product.
  • item_name: Required. The name of the product.
  • affiliation: Store or affiliation from which the item was purchased.
  • coupon: Any coupon code applied.
  • currency: Currency code for the transaction.
  • discount: Any discount applied to the item.
  • item_brand: Brand of the product.
  • item_category through item_category5: Categories and subcategories of the item.
  • item_variant: Variant of the product, such as size or color.
  • price: Price of the product.
  • quantity: Number of units purchased.
  • item_list_id, item_list_name, item_list_position: These fields are useful for tracking products in product lists (like those in a carousel or in search results).
  • location_id: Useful in identifying the physical location of a transaction in multi-location businesses.

Integration with GA4:

When setting up your GA4 event tag in GTM, map this Custom JavaScript variable to the items parameter in your event configuration. This setup will allow GA4 to receive detailed and structured data about each item in the transaction, making it ideal for detailed e-commerce analysis.

This approach ensures that you have a scalable and detailed tracking setup for handling multiple items in e-commerce transactions, aligned with GA4's capabilities and best practices.




To properly handle your scenario with GA4 and GTM, let's clarify a few points regarding your JavaScript function setup and how the dataLayer should be structured to effectively communicate with GTM and GA4:

Structuring the dataLayer.push()

  1. Improper Placement of Variables: You shouldn't declare variables like var processedItems = [] inside the dataLayer.push() object. This will lead to syntax errors. Instead, any processing or variable setup should be done outside and before the dataLayer.push() call.
  2. GA4 and GTM Expectations: GA4 and GTM expect structured data in the dataLayer that conforms to GA4's expected parameters for e-commerce or event data. For items, this would typically be an array of item objects as part of an items key.
  3. Setting Up Items Array: The processedItems array should contain objects where each object represents an item purchased. This should be correctly formatted and pushed to the dataLayer under the items key within the ecommerce object.

Here's how you could adjust your function to set up and push items correctly, assuming processedItems is prepared earlier in your code:

Copy code
function sendPurchaseEvent(userId, hostname) {
  console.log('start purchase send');

  // Prepare your items array somewhere above this code
  var processedItems = [{
    // Example item structure
    'item_id': 'P12345',
    'item_name': 'Product Name',
    'item_brand': 'Brand Name',
    'item_category': 'Category',
    'price': 100,
    'quantity': 1

    'event': 'purchase',
    'user_id': userId,
    'nats_member_id': '{$member.memberid}',
    'hashed_email': '{$member.custom9}',
    'ecommerce': {
      'transaction_id': '{$member.memberidx|addslashes}',
      'value': '{$member.spent/100}',
      'currency': '{$transaction.biller_currency|addslashes}',
      'items': processedItems, // Include the items array here
      'event_category': 'membership',
      'event_action': '{$member.optionid}',
      'event_label': document.referrer || 'Direct/No Referrer',
      'event_currency': '{$transaction.biller_currency|addslashes}',
      'event_value': '{$member.spent/100}'
  console.log('Purchase event sent');

Key Points to Remember:

  • Preparation of Items: Before you push the purchase event to the dataLayer, ensure that the processedItems array is ready with all the item details structured correctly.
  • Variable Declaration: Declare and prepare any variables (like processedItems) outside the dataLayer.push() statement.
  • Correct Syntax: Ensure your Smarty tags (like {literal} and {$variable}) are used correctly to avoid parsing errors in JavaScript.

If you want to include nats as an array or a structured object, ensure it is formatted to be compatible with GA4 if it's needed for tracking or analytics purposes. It might be simpler to handle nats as key-value pairs within an object if they represent additional metadata about the purchase.


To properly handle your scenario with GA4 and GTM, let's clarify a few points regarding your JavaScript function setup and how the dataLayer should be structured to effectively communicate with GTM and GA4:

Structuring the dataLayer.push()

  1. Improper Placement of Variables: You shouldn't declare variables like var processedItems = [] inside the dataLayer.push() object. This will lead to syntax errors. Instead, any processing or variable setup should be done outside and before the dataLayer.push() call.
  2. GA4 and GTM Expectations: GA4 and GTM expect structured data in the dataLayer that conforms to GA4's expected parameters for e-commerce or event data. For items, this would typically be an array of item objects as part of an items key.
  3. Setting Up Items Array: The processedItems array should contain objects where each object represents an item purchased. This should be correctly formatted and pushed to the dataLayer under the items key within the ecommerce object.

Here's how you could adjust your function to set up and push items correctly, assuming processedItems is prepared earlier in your code:

Copy code
function sendPurchaseEvent(userId, hostname) {
  console.log('start purchase send');

  // Prepare your items array somewhere above this code
  var processedItems = [{
    // Example item structure
    'item_id': 'P12345',
    'item_name': 'Product Name',
    'item_brand': 'Brand Name',
    'item_category': 'Category',
    'price': 100,
    'quantity': 1

    'event': 'purchase',
    'user_id': userId,
    'nats_member_id': '{$member.memberid}',
    'hashed_email': '{$member.custom9}',
    'ecommerce': {
      'transaction_id': '{$member.memberidx|addslashes}',
      'value': '{$member.spent/100}',
      'currency': '{$transaction.biller_currency|addslashes}',
      'items': processedItems, // Include the items array here
      'event_category': 'membership',
      'event_action': '{$member.optionid}',
      'event_label': document.referrer || 'Direct/No Referrer',
      'event_currency': '{$transaction.biller_currency|addslashes}',
      'event_value': '{$member.spent/100}'
  console.log('Purchase event sent');

Key Points to Remember:

  • Preparation of Items: Before you push the purchase event to the dataLayer, ensure that the processedItems array is ready with all the item details structured correctly.
  • Variable Declaration: Declare and prepare any variables (like processedItems) outside the dataLayer.push() statement.
  • Correct Syntax: Ensure your Smarty tags (like {literal} and {$variable}) are used correctly to avoid parsing errors in JavaScript.

If you want to include nats as an array or a structured object, ensure it is formatted to be compatible with GA4 if it's needed for tracking or analytics purposes. It might be simpler to handle nats as key-value pairs within an object if they represent additional metadata about the purchase.





here's part o fthe issue – I ONLY really get the approval page – and it is on a 3rd party- I cant' know – no cart etc. – what the customer actually purcashed on teh payment processing page – different 3rd party.



Given that you're dealing with a setup where the purchase happens on a third-party payment processor and the approval page is your main point of interaction post-purchase, there are a few strategies you might consider to capture and relay purchase information effectively within your constraints. Let's explore a few possibilities:

1. Passing Data through URL Parameters

If the payment processor can redirect to your approval page with URL parameters that carry transaction details (e.g., transaction ID, amount, items), you can capture these from the URL:

  • Extract URL Parameters: Use JavaScript on the approval page to parse the URL and extract needed transaction details.

    Copy code
    function getURLParameter(name) {
        return decodeURIComponent((new RegExp('[?|&]' + name + '=' + '([^&;]+?)(&|#|;|$)').exec( || [null, ''])[1].replace(/\+/g, '%20')) || null;
    var transactionId = getURLParameter('transaction_id');
    var amount = getURLParameter('amount');  // Ensure amount is formatted correctly
    // Further parameters can be added as required.
  • Push to Data Layer: After extracting, push these details to the dataLayer.

2. Server-to-Server Communication

If possible, set up a server-side mechanism where your server communicates directly with the payment processor's API to fetch transaction details:

  • API Integration: Upon receiving notification on the approval page (e.g., via a transaction ID), your server can make an API call to the payment processor to retrieve full transaction details.
  • Pass Data to Client: Once your server retrieves the data, it can render the page with the transaction details embedded in the HTML or passed through a server-generated JavaScript variable.

3. Using Cookies or Local Storage

If the payment processor allows for some level of customization, you might be able to set cookies or local storage entries before the user leaves for the payment page:

  • Set Data Before Redirection: Store anticipated transaction details in cookies or local storage.
  • Retrieve on Approval: When the user lands on the approval page, read these details from storage.

4. Using a Data Management Platform

Consider using a data management platform that integrates with multiple systems, where data can be aggregated from various sources, including payment processors:

  • Centralized Data Handling: These platforms can help pull data from third-party systems and make it available to your applications in real time.

Implementing the Changes on the Approval Page

Once you have the transaction data by any of the above means, push it to the dataLayer on the approval page:

Copy code
  'event': 'purchase',
  'transactionId': transactionId,
  'amount': amount,
  // other dynamically retrieved data

Then, in GTM, set up tags to fire on this purchase event, capturing the necessary details for GA4 or any other analytics platforms.

Final Note:

Each of these methods depends significantly on the capabilities and configurations of the third-party systems you're working with. It’s crucial to work closely with the payment processor to understand what data can be shared and how, ensuring compliance with privacy regulations and data security standards.




my issue right now if ok – we only sell 1 item at a time – but if a customer got 10 – I dont' konw how to prepare for that?



Preparing for scenarios where customers might purchase multiple quantities of an item involves setting up your dataLayer and GTM configurations to dynamically handle varying quantities. Even though you currently sell only one item at a time, setting up for scalability is a prudent approach. Here’s how you can do it:

Step 1: Structuring the dataLayer

Ensure your dataLayer push includes the quantity of the item. This means that whenever a purchase is made, the quantity should be dynamically inserted into the dataLayer object. For example:

Copy code
  'event': 'purchase',
  'ecommerce': {
    'transaction_id': 'T12345',
    'value': 150.00, // Total value of the transaction
    'currency': 'USD',
    'items': [{
      'item_id': 'P12345',
      'item_name': 'Product Name',
      'item_category': 'Product Category',
      'price': 15.00,
      'quantity': 10 // This needs to be dynamically captured

Step 2: Capture Quantity Dynamically

If you’re unsure how many items a customer might purchase at a time, your system needs to dynamically capture the quantity at the point of sale or order completion. This can often be handled by:

  • Server-side scripting: When the order is completed, have your server-side script calculate the total items and push this to the dataLayer.
  • JavaScript on the approval or confirmation page: If the information about quantity can be extracted from the URL parameters, cookies, or HTML elements (e.g., a confirmation message), use JavaScript to capture this and push it to the dataLayer.

Step 3: Setting up GTM

In GTM, ensure you have configured Data Layer Variables to capture the quantity correctly. Use these variables when setting up your tags to send data to analytics platforms. Here’s how you might set up a Data Layer Variable for quantity:

  • Go to Variables in GTM and click "New" under User-Defined Variables.
  • Choose "Data Layer Variable" as the type.
  • Set the Data Layer Variable Name to ecommerce.items.0.quantity (assuming you are dealing with a single type of item at a time).

Step 4: Configure GA4 Tags

When configuring your GA4 Purchase event tag:

  • Map the quantity field to the corresponding Data Layer Variable you created.
  • Ensure all ecommerce related fields are properly mapped and the tag is firing on the appropriate trigger (typically a page view of the confirmation page).

Step 5: Test and Debug

Make extensive use of GTM’s Preview mode to test the setup:

  • Perform test purchases with different quantities.
  • Ensure that the dataLayer is being populated correctly and that GTM is capturing the data as expected.
  • Verify in GA4’s DebugView or real-time reports that the purchase events are showing up correctly with the right quantities.


By preparing your system to dynamically handle any quantity, you ensure flexibility and scalability. Even if the business model evolves or changes occur in product offerings, your tracking infrastructure won’t need major overhauls, just minor adjustments.




It looks like you’re setting up a structured nats object within your dataLayer to capture various affiliate and campaign-related details associated with a purchase. Your approach to access these nested properties using nats.0.AffiliateID, nats.0.nats_SiteName, etc., in Google Tag Manager (GTM) is generally correct if nats is an array of objects. Here’s how you can effectively manage this setup:

1. Ensure nats is structured as an array in the dataLayer

Your current setup suggests nats is an array, which is good if you expect to track multiple sets of nats data in the future. If you only ever have one set of these details per transaction, nats could alternatively be a single object rather than an array. This would simplify the data access in GTM as nats.AffiliateID, nats.nats_SiteName, etc., without needing to index the array.

2. Creating Data Layer Variables in GTM

For your current setup with nats as an array, you’ll need to create Data Layer Variables for each of the nested properties you want to track. Here’s how to do it for an array:

  • Go to Variables in GTM and click "New" under User-Defined Variables.

  • Select "Data Layer Variable" as the type.

  • Configure the Variable


    • For AffiliateID, set the Data Layer Variable Name to nats.0.AffiliateID.
    • Repeat this for each property, adjusting the index 0 if you anticipate multiple entries in the array.

If nats should not be an array (because there’s only one set of these details per transaction), then you would simply remove the array and the index, accessing properties directly (e.g., nats.AffiliateID).

3. Using these Variables in GTM Tags

When you set up your tags that fire on the purchase event, use these Data Layer Variables to populate the tag fields or event parameters appropriately:

  • Edit your GA4 or other tracking tags to include these variables in the event parameters or fields where they are relevant.

4. Testing and Validation

Use GTM’s Preview mode to test and ensure that:

  • The dataLayer is being updated correctly as expected on the page where the purchase is confirmed.
  • The GTM variables are capturing the correct values from the dataLayer.
  • The tags are firing with the correct information.

5. Consider Simplifying the Data Structure

If managing an array adds unnecessary complexity and you’re sure you only need one set of nats data per purchase, consider restructuring it from an array to a simple object. This would simplify data handling and reduce potential errors in indexing or data retrieval.


Setting up nats properly in the dataLayer and ensuring GTM correctly captures and uses this data are crucial steps. Whether nats should be an array or a simple object depends on the expected complexity and variability of the data associated with different purchases. Simplifying the data structure where possible can reduce errors and make your tracking more robust and easier to manage.



If nats will always contain only one set of values for each transaction, it's indeed more sensible to structure it as a simple object rather than an array. This will simplify your data layer management and the corresponding variable setup in Google Tag Manager (GTM).

1. Adjusting the Data Layer Push

You should adjust your dataLayer.push to include nats as an object, not an array. Here’s an example of how it should look:

Copy code
  'event': 'purchase',
  'nats_member_id': '{/literal}{$member.memberid}{literal}',
  'hashed_email': '{/literal}{$member.custom9}{literal}',
  'ecommerce': {
      'transaction_id': '{/literal}{$member.memberidx|addslashes}{literal}',
      'value': '{/literal}{$member.spent/100}{literal}',
      // other ecommerce details
  'nats': {
    'AffiliateID': '{/literal}{$member.loginid}{literal}',
    'nats_SiteName': '{/literal}{$|addslashes}{literal}',
    'nats_ProgramID': '{/literal}{$member.programid}{literal}',
    'nats_SiteID': '{/literal}{$site.siteid}{literal}',
    'nats_TourID': '{/literal}{$member.tourid}{literal}',
    'nats_CampaignID': '{/literal}{$member.campaignid}{literal}',
    'nats_AdtoolID': '{/literal}{$member.adtoolid}{literal}',
    'nats_AdToolSub1ID': '{/literal}{$member.subid1}{literal}',
    'nats_AdToolSub2ID': '{/literal}{$member.subid2}{literal}'

2. Setting Up Data Layer Variables in GTM

Now, you can create simpler Data Layer Variables in GTM for each of the properties under nats. Here’s how you can do it for one of the properties:

  • Go to Variables in GTM and click "New" under User-Defined Variables.
  • Choose "Data Layer Variable" as the variable type.
  • Set the Data Layer Variable Name to nats.AffiliateID for the AffiliateID.
  • Repeat for each property such as nats.nats_SiteName, nats.nats_ProgramID, etc.

3. Using These Variables in Your Tags

In your GA4 event tags or any other relevant tags, use these Data Layer Variables wherever necessary. You can include these in the event parameters or user properties depending on your tracking requirements.

4. Test Your Setup

  • Activate GTM Preview Mode and navigate through the purchase process or simulate the conditions under which the dataLayer.push occurs.
  • Check that all variables are capturing the correct values and that your tags are firing with these values.

5. Document Your Data Layer and GTM Configurations

Given that nats contains several pieces of affiliate-related data, it’s a good idea to maintain documentation of what each property represents and how they are used in your analytics setups. This will help ensure consistent use and interpretation of this data across your team.

By configuring nats as a simple object and setting up corresponding variables in GTM, you streamline your data tracking and reduce the complexity of managing an array. This will help in maintaining clarity and efficiency in your data layer's use.



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