Git Basics | Cloud Deployment | Local to Ec2



Setup EC2 Gitlab Keys Setup Git SetupGIT Basics for GitLabAWS CLI 2Cloud Deployment Gitlab to EC2 using AWS CLI 2Deploy to AWS with GitLab


Get ssh access – create users – get current user credentials

$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/aws-xx-devteam.pem ubuntu@XX.XXX.XX.XX


update server

$ sudo apt-get update

$ sudo apt-get upgrade

install aws cli 2

$ curl "" -o ""


(you might have to install unzip at this point)

sudo ./aws/install

set up sftp on aws

user: ubuntu
for key: aws-ns-devteam.pem

How to install Git in AWS EC2

Installing Git on Linux

If you want to install the basic Git tools on Linux via a binary installer, you can generally do so through the package management tool that comes with your distribution. If you’re on Fedora (or any closely-related RPM-based distribution, such as RHEL or CentOS), you can use dnf:

$ sudo dnf install git-all

If you’re on a Debian-based distribution, such as Ubuntu, try apt:

$ sudo apt install git-all

For more options, there are instructions for installing on several different Unix distributions on the Git website, at

Installing on macOS

There are several ways to install Git on a Mac. The easiest is probably to install the Xcode Command Line Tools. On Mavericks (10.9) or above you can do this simply by trying to run git from the Terminal the very first time.

$ git --version

If you don’t have it installed already, it will prompt you to install it.

If you want a more up to date version, you can also install it via a binary installer. A macOS Git installer is maintained and available for download at the Git website, at

2. Set-up Gitlab SETUP STEPS

copy pub key to clipboard – gitlab style

result of:


ssh-rsa XXXXcRUg3KzxpIMHheSA8fASl17nJz3PCEQ0mQCd2HUbbQ8/Bn6Gz/1+lz5iVYQeot5VfLMVsHSWGLGKOlT3rgBFDBYWQJsxnUB59sfwSf6R4bjvQFBDp2fJljhJEKcAvu17KMixSaKQIcVr8jdkiU+LcuAjsOxU1z9c2qcv77tItjSCaF+cY7FTh4AujtdOOZRmKxkgx+vgrrLDXXXXXXXXX


Steps – create key – copy .pub

new key created with:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -C "comment"

new key

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -C "shaxxxxxtoec2"

then copy out the .pub

Gitlab wanted it done this way

tr -d '\n' < ~/.ssh/ | pbcopy

.pub key result

ssh-rsa XXXXXOsz9QN/ONnzqULpDMHPOM3j0ajh3P7Q3jgMn6nTADSBG0ktjz2hhNihv4yG0DuHtM7L+4lQeomzoDfPs/aFgp2hFigtqfmFWEeLGppo3JhbzgAjIPL3rURaB4qAtHdX8+ng9mBNpMoXXXXXXXX/pOVvG2ONCUfg+f XXXXXX

How to Configure Git Username and Email Address

Hopefully you have already configured a global Git user

git config --global "Your Name Here"
git config --global

Git is a distributed version control system that’s being used by most software teams today. The first thing you should do after installing Git on your system is to configure your git username and email address. Git associate your identity with every commit you make.

Git allows you to set a global and per-project username and email address. You can set or change your git identity using the git config command. Changes only affect future commits. The name and email associated with the commits you made prior to the change are not affected.

Project Based Git Permissions

You can configure an individual repo to use a specific user / email address which overrides the global configuration. From the root of the repo, run

git config "Your Name Here"
git config

so we use the info from gitlab to set it up user and email for this project

git config "SpiffyGitLab"

git config ""

Verify that the changes were made correctly:

git config --list Name

The repository-specific setting are kept in the .git/config file under the root directory of the repository.

Debug connection

ssh -Tv

Add new connection to ~/.ssh/config

  PreferredAuthentications publickey
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/aws-ns-xxxx.pem

(had to add .pem since it is part of that key name)

Verify you can connect

The instance URL of any GitLab install is basically the link to the GitLab you’re trying to connect to.

For example, if your project is hosted on then the instance URL is


$ ssh -T


The authenticity of host ‘ (XXX.XX.XX.XXX)’ can’t be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:HbW3g8zUjNSksFbqXXXXXXXrliXFzSnUw.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
Warning: Permanently added ‘,XXX.XX.XX.XXX’ (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Welcome to GitLab, @spiffydesign!


2. Set up a new project on

After it is created GitLab gives you the following info:
The repository for this project is empty

You can get started by cloning the repository or start adding files to it with one of the following options.

Command line instructions

You can also upload existing files from your computer using the instructions below.

Create a new repository
git clone
cd stagesmp
git add
git commit -m "add README"
git push -u origin master
Push an existing folder
cd existing_folder
git init
git remote add origin
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git push -u origin master
Push an existing Git repository
cd existing_repo
git remote rename origin old-origin
git remote add origin
git push -u origin --all
git push -u origin --tags

Now that the project is ready on Gitlab – let’s move it from local machine up to –

simple steps – if you have no errors

Add a remote repository

By “adding a remote repository” to your local directory you tell Git that the path to that specific project in GitLab corresponds to that specific folder you have in your computer. This way, your local folder is identified by Git as the local content for that specific remote project.

Gitlab gives you the info you need – but of course ERRORS (see below)

Push an existing folder
cd existing_folder
git init
- fatal error fix: git remote set-url origin
git remote add origin
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git push -u origin master
  1. In GitLab, create a new project to hold your files.
  2. Visit this project’s homepage, scroll down to Push an existing folder, and copy the command that starts with git remote add.
  3. On your computer, open the terminal in the directory you’ve initialized, paste the command you copied, and press enter:
    git remote add origin
    ERROR: fatal: remote origin already exists

All set – ok back to push

From Gitlab – project set up page – Push an existing Git repository
cd existing_repo
git remote rename origin old-origin
git remote add origin
git push -u origin --all
git push -u origin --tags


git push -u origin master – new error

error: src refspec master does not match any
error: failed to push some refs to ''

Project was started off a branch called: stagesmp

NOT ‘origin’ – This error means the branch you want to push in remote doesn’t exist! So trying again and using my working branch name:

git push -u origin stagesmp

Enumerating objects: 4885, done.
Counting objects: 100% (4885/4885), done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (1885/1885), done.
Writing objects: 100% (4885/4885), 54.04 MiB | 2.07 MiB/s, done.
Total 4885 (delta 2713), reused 4826 (delta 2691)
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (2713/2713), done.
 * [new branch]      stagesmp -> stagesmp
Branch 'stagesmp' set up to track remote branch 'stagesmp' from 'origin'.

so project is moved up to gitlab – next connect gitlab to ec2



3. how to get gitlab from to the ec2 instance –

(See cloud deployment tabs AWS Commands to connect Gitlab to EC2 | Deploy to AWS with GitLab )

Git authentication methods

To connect your computer with GitLab, you need to add your credentials to identify yourself. You have two options:

  • Authenticate on a project-by-project basis through HTTPS, and enter your credentials every time you perform an operation between your computer and GitLab.
  • Authenticate through SSH once and GitLab no longer requests your credentials every time you pull, push, and clone.

To start the authentication process, we’ll clone an existing repository to our computer:

  • If you want to use SSH to authenticate, follow the instructions on the SSH documentation to set it up before cloning.
  • If you want to use


    , GitLab requests your user name and password:

    • If you have 2FA enabled for your account, you must use a Personal Access Token with read_repository or write_repository permissions instead of your account’s password. Create one before cloning.
    • If you don’t have 2FA enabled, use your account’s password.

Authenticating via SSH is the GitLab recommended method. You can read more about credential storage in the Git Credentials documentation.

Git terminology

If you’re familiar with the Git terminology, you may want to jump directly into the basic commands.


A namespace is either a user name or a group name.

For example, suppose Jo is a user and they chose their user name as jo. You can see Jo’s profile at jo is a namespace.

Jo also created a group in GitLab, and chose the path test-group for their group. The group can be accessed under test-group is a namespace.


Your files in GitLab live in a repository, similar to how you have them in a folder or directory in your computer. Remote repository refers to the files in GitLab and the copy in your computer is called local copy. A project in GitLab is what holds a repository, which holds your files.

Often, the word “repository” is shortened to “repo”.


When you want to copy someone else’s repository, you the project. By forking it, you create a copy of the project into your own namespace to have read and write permissions to modify the project files and settings.

For example, if you fork this project, into your namespace, you create your own copy of the repository in your namespace ( From there, you can clone it into your computer, work on its files, and (optionally) submit proposed changes back to the original repository if you’d like.

Download vs clone

To create a copy of a remote repository’s files on your computer, you can either download or clone. If you download, you cannot sync it with the remote repository on GitLab.

Cloning a repository is the same as downloading, except it preserves the Git connection with the remote repository. This allows you to modify the files locally and upload the changes to the remote repository on GitLab.

Pull and push

After you saved a local copy of a repository and modified its files on your computer, you can upload the changes to GitLab. This is referred to as pushing to GitLab, as this is achieved by the command .

When the remote repository changes, your local copy is behind it. You can update it with the new changes in the remote repository. This is referred to as pulling from GitLab, as this is achieved by the command .

Basic Git commands

For the purposes of this guide, we use this example project on

To use it, log into and fork the example project into your namespace to have your own copy to playing with. Your sample project is available under<your-namespace>/sample-project/.

You can also choose any other project to follow this guide. Then, replace the example URLs with your own project’s.

If you want to start by copying an existing GitLab repository onto your computer, see how to clone a repository. On the other hand, if you want to start by uploading an existing folder from your computer to GitLab, see how to convert a local folder into a Git repository.

Clone a repository

To start working locally on an existing remote repository, clone it with the command git clone <repository path>. You can either clone it via HTTPS or SSH, according to your preferred authentication method.

You can find both paths (HTTPS and SSH) by navigating to your project’s landing page and clicking Clone. GitLab prompts you with both paths, from which you can copy and paste in your command line. You can also clone and open directly in Visual Studio Code.

For example, considering our sample project:

  • To clone through HTTPS, use
  • To clone through SSH, use

To get started, open a terminal window in the directory you wish to add the repository files into, and run one of the git clone commands as described below.

Both commands download a copy of the files in a folder named after the project’s name and preserve the connection with the remote repository. You can then navigate to the new directory with cd sample-project and start working on it locally.

Clone via HTTPS

To clone via HTTPS:

git clone

On Windows, if you entered incorrect passwords multiple times and GitLab is responding Access denied, you may have to add your namespace (user name or group name) to clone through HTTPS: git clone

Clone via SSH

To clone via SSH:

git clone

Convert a local directory into a repository

When you have your files in a local folder and want to convert it into a repository, you must initialize the folder through the git init command. This instructs Git to begin to track that directory as a repository. To do so, open the terminal on the directory you’d like to convert and run:

git init

This command creates a .git folder in your directory that contains Git records and configuration files. We advise against editing these files directly.

Then, on the next step, add the path to your remote repository so that Git can upload your files into the correct project.

Add a remote repository

By “adding a remote repository” to your local directory you tell Git that the path to that specific project in GitLab corresponds to that specific folder you have in your computer. This way, your local folder is identified by Git as the local content for that specific remote project.

To add a remote repository to your local copy:

  1. In GitLab, create a new project to hold your files.
  2. Visit this project’s homepage, scroll down to Push an existing folder, and copy the command that starts with git remote add.
  3. On your computer, open the terminal in the directory you’ve initialized, paste the command you copied, and press enter:
    git remote add origin

After you’ve done that, you can stage your files and upload them to GitLab.

Download the latest changes in the project

To work on an up-to-date copy of the project (it is important to do this every time you start working on a project), you pull to get all the changes made by users since the last time you cloned or pulled the project. Use master for the <name-of-branch> to get the main branch code, or the branch name of the branch you are currently working in.

git pull <REMOTE> <name-of-branch>

When you clone a repository, REMOTE is typically origin. This is where the repository was cloned from, and it indicates the SSH or HTTPS URL of the repository on the remote server. <name-of-branch> is usually master, but it may be any existing branch. You can create additional named remotes and branches as necessary.

You can learn more on how Git manages remote repositories in the Git Remote documentation.

View your remote repositories

To view your remote repositories, type:

git remote -v

The -v flag stands for verbose.


If you want to add code to a project but you’re not sure if it works properly, or you’re collaborating on the project with others, and don’t want your work to get mixed up, it’s a good idea to work on a different branch.

When you create a branch in a Git repository, you make a copy of its files at the time of branching. You’re free to do whatever you want with the code in your branch without impacting the main branch or other branches. And when you’re ready to bring your changes to the main codebase, you can merge your branch into the default branch used in your project (such as master).

A new branch is often called feature branch to differentiate from the default branch.

Create a branch

To create a new feature branch and work from without affecting the master branch:

git checkout -b <name-of-branch>

Note that Git does not accept empty spaces and special characters in branch names, so use only lowercase letters, numbers, hyphens (-), and underscores (_). Do not use capital letters, as it may cause duplications.

Switch to the master branch

You are always in a branch when working with Git. The main branch is the master branch, but you can use the same command to switch to a different branch by changing master to the branch name.

git checkout master

Work on an existing branch

To switch to an existing branch, so you can work on it:

git checkout <name-of-branch>

View the changes you’ve made

It’s important to be aware of what’s happening and the status of your changes. When you add, change, or delete files/folders, Git knows about it. To check the status of your changes:

git status

View differences

To view the differences between your local, unstaged changes and the repository versions that you cloned or pulled, type:

git diff

Add and commit local changes

Local changes are shown in red when you type git status. These changes may be new, modified, or deleted files/folders. Use git add to first stage (prepare) a local file/folder for committing. Then use git commit to commit (save) the staged files:

git add <file-name OR folder-name>

Add all changes to commit

To add and commit (save) all local changes quickly:

git add .

The . character means all file changes in the current directory and all subdirectories.

Send changes to

To push all local commits (saved changes) to the remote repository:

git push <remote> <name-of-branch>

For example, to push your local commits to the master branch of the origin remote:

git push origin master

On certain occasions, Git disallows pushes to your repository, and then you must force an update.

To create a merge request from a fork to an upstream repository, see the forking workflow.

Delete all changes in the branch

To delete all local changes in the branch that have not been added to the staging area, and leave unstaged files/folders, type:

git checkout .

Note that this removes changes to files, not the files themselves.

Unstage all changes that have been added to the staging area

To undo the most recently added, but not committed, changes to files/folders:

git reset .

Undo most recent commit

To undo the most recent commit, type:

git reset HEAD~1

This leaves the changed files and folders unstaged in your local repository.

A Git commit should not usually be reversed, particularly if you already pushed it to the remote repository. Although you can undo a commit, the best option is to avoid the situation altogether by working carefully.

Merge a branch with master branch

When you are ready to make all the changes in a branch a permanent addition to the master branch, you merge the two together:

git checkout <name-of-branch>
git merge master

Advanced use of Git through the command line

For an introduction of more advanced Git techniques, see Git rebase, force-push, and merge conflicts.

Synchronize changes in a forked repository with the upstream

Forking a repository lets you create a copy of a repository in your namespace. Changes made to your copy of the repository are not synchronized automatically with the original. Your local fork (copy) contains changes made by you only, so to keep the project in sync with the original project, you need to pull from the original repository.

You must create a link to the remote repository to pull changes from the original repository. It is common to call this remote the upstream.

You can now use the [code]<code>upstream</code>[/code] as a to[code]</code>pull<code>[/code] new updates] from the original repository, and use theorigin` to push local changes and create merge requests.

working with a bucket set up by another user

getting some info about bucket

 aws configure list
      Name                    Value             Type    Location
      ----                    -----             ----    --------
   profile                             None    None
access_key                             None    None
secret_key                             None    None
    region                us-east-1             imds

aws ec2 describe-instances
    "Reservations": []

aws ec2 describe-instances \
>     --query 'Reservations[*].Instances[*].{Instance:InstanceId,Subnet:SubnetId}' \
>     --output json
Bucket info

All we know is that it is in us-east-1 – everything else is blank.

Getting an IAM user attached and adding an Instance Profile to bucket

– so we can use it to pull gitlab

Previously created an IAM user that should be able to hop into that bucket

I also uploaded the .pub key for ns-xx-webteam – that I am trying to use everywhere to that user

(using my "web" iam user)

aws configure

AWS Secret Access Key [None]: QXXXXXXX9mof1Js1x1MCSTQm+rs
Default region name [None]: us-east-1
Default output format [None]: json


ubuntu@ip-1CX-XX-3-82:~/SmpNsDevTeamUOne$ aws configure list
      Name                    Value             Type    Location
      ----                    -----             ----    --------
   profile                             None    None
access_key     ****************IANL shared-credentials-file
secret_key     ****************m+rs shared-credentials-file
    region                us-east-1      config-file    ~/.aws/config

then add that user to ~/.aws/config – this is set up as default user
region = us-east-1
output = json

Attach an IAM user to a EC2 Instance

but make sure all of that exists first

From using : aws ec2 describe-instances / aws configure list / aws ec2 describe-instances we know that there was none of that info – so let’s add it

Set up an Instance ID on the EC2

How do I attach or replace an instance profile on an Amazon EC2 instance?

Last updated: 2021-01-12

How do I attach or replace an instance profile on an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance?


Follow these instructions to attach or replace an instance profile on an EC2 instance.


  • If you create the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role using the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), you must also create the instance profile using the AWS CLI. The IAM role name and instance profile name can be different because multiple steps are used to create and add the role to the instance profile, and then attach that role to the EC2 instance. However, if you create the role using the AWS Management Console and choose EC2 as the AWS service that the role is used for, the instance profile and IAM role names are the same.
  • If you receive errors when running AWS CLI commands, make sure that you’re using the most recent version of the AWS CLI.

AWS Management Console

  1. Open the Amazon EC2 console, and then choose Instances.
  2. Choose the instance that you want to attach an IAM role to.
  3. Check the IAM role under the Description view of the Launch Instance pane to confirm if an IAM role is attached to the Amazon EC2 instance. If an IAM role is attached, be sure that changing the role attached to this Amazon EC2 instance doesn't affect your applications or access to AWS services.
  4. Choose Actions, choose Instance Settings, and then choose Attach/Replace IAM role.
  5. On the Attach/Replace IAM role page, under IAM role, choose the instance profile that you want to attach from the drop-down list.
  6. Choose Apply.

For more information, see Creating an IAM role (Console).


Attempt to add instanceid – error

Add the role to an instance profile before attaching the instance profile to the EC2 instance.

1. If you haven't already created an instance profile, run the following AWS CLI command:

aws iam create-instance-profile --instance-profile-name EXAMPLEPROFILENAME

aws iam create-instance-profile --instance-profile-name awsnsdevteamsmpinstance


An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the CreateInstanceProfile operation: User: arn:aws:iam::910029097693:user/web-clickety is not authorized to perform: iam:CreateInstanceProfile on resource: arn:aws:iam::910029097693:instance-profile/awsnsdevteamsmpinstance

2. Run the following AWS CLI command to add the role to the instance profile:

$ aws iam add-role-to-instance-profile --instance-profile-name EXAMPLEPROFILENAME --role-name EXAMPLEROLENAME

3. Run the following AWS CLI command to attach the instance profile to the EC2 instance:

$ aws ec2 associate-iam-instance-profile --iam-instance-profile Name=EXAMPLEPROFILENAME --instance-id i-012345678910abcde

Note: If you already have an instance profile associated with the EC2 instance, then the associate-iam-instance-profile command fails. To resolve this issue, run the describe-iam-instance-profile-associations command to get the associated instance ID.

aws ec2 describe-iam-instance-profile-associations

Then, do one of the following:

Run the replace-iam-instance-profile-association command to replace the instance profile.


Run the disassociate-iam-instance-profile command to detach the instance profile, and then then rerun the associate-iam-instance-profile command.

\4. Run the following AWS CLI command to verify that the IAM role is attached to the instance:

$ aws ec2 describe-iam-instance-profile-associations --filters Name=instance-id,Values=i-012345678910abcde

Using an IAM role to grant permissions to applications running on Amazon EC2 instances
Using instance profiles
Troubleshooting Amazon EC2 and IAM

Attach an AWS IAM Role to an Existing Amazon EC2 Instance by Using the AWS CLI

Attach the IAM role to an existing EC2 instance that was originally launched without an IAM role

You are now ready to attach the IAM role, YourNewRole, to the EC2 instance, YourInstanceId. To attach the role:

  1. Call the associate-iam-instance-profile command to attach the instance profile,

    YourNewRole-Instance-Profile, for the newly created IAM role, YourNewRole, to your EC2 instance, YourInstanceId

    $aws ec2 associate-iam-instance-profile --instance-id YourInstanceId --iam-instance-profile Name=YourNewRole-Instance-Profile
  2. You can verify that the IAM role is now attached to the instance by calling the


    $aws ec2 describe-iam-instance-profile-associations
  3. Now, you can update your application to use the IAM role to access AWS resources and delete the long-term keys from your instance.

Replace the attached IAM role

If your role requirements change and you need to modify the permissions you granted your EC2 instance via the IAM role, you can replace the policy attached to the IAM role. However, this will also modify permissions for other EC2 instances that use this IAM role.

Instead, you could call replace-iam-instance-profile-association to replace the currently attached IAM role, YourNewRole, with another IAM role without terminating your EC2 instance. In the following example, I use the placeholder, YourCurrentAssociation-id, to denote the current iam-instance-profile-association instance, and the placeholder, YourReplacementRole-Instance-Profile, to denote the replacement instance profile you want to associate with that instance. Be sure to replace these placeholders with the appropriate association-id and the IAM instance profile name from your account.

$aws ec2 replace-iam-instance-profile-association --association-id YourCurrentAssociation-id --iam-instance-profile Name=YourReplacementRole-Instance-Profile 

Note: You can get YourCurrentAssociation-id by making the describe-iam-instance-profile-associations call.


As I have shown in this post, you can enable your applications to use temporary security credentials provided by AWS by attaching an IAM role to an existing EC2 instance, without relaunching the instance. You can also replace the IAM role attached to an EC2 instance, without terminating mission-critical workloads.

If you have comments about this post, submit them in the “Comments” section below. If you have questions or suggestions, please start a new thread on the IAM forum.

– Apurv

using key everywhere

ssh-rsa XXXXXXXt4cvEXNHBCvRkKfwndbGuCu4aYDN8pwEPh8PvO9iSA79jzSl/FO2aP3ik28dBLuhOFkGBjbwWo+vn8gwbe2gH/bXQbPI+I8ysga5yHo9Y1FqW00hxTXS6xO+Z+TAIcEN96kNVcRUg3KzxpIMHheSA8fAXXXXXXXXXd2HUbbQ8/Bn6Gz/1+lz5iVYQeot5VfLMVsHSWGLGKOlT3rgBFDBYWQJsxnUB59sfwSf6R4bjvQFBDp2fJljhJEKcAvu17KMixSaKQIcXXXXXXX

Run AWS commands from GitLab CI/CD

Introduced in GitLab 12.6.

The GitLab AWS Docker image provides the AWS Command Line Interface, which enables you to run aws commands. As part of your deployment strategy, you can run aws commands directly from .gitlab-ci.yml by specifying the GitLab AWS Docker image.

Some credentials are required to be able to run aws commands:

  1. Sign up for an AWS account if you don’t have one yet.
  2. Log in onto the console and create a new IAM user.
  3. Select your newly created user to access its details. Navigate to Security credentials > Create a new access key.

    A new Access key ID and Secret access key are generated. Please take a note of them right away.

  4. In your GitLab project, go to Settings > CI/CD. Set the following as CI/CD variables (see table below):
    Environment variable name Value
    AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID Your Access key ID
    AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY Your Secret access key
    AWS_DEFAULT_REGION Your region code
  5. You can now use aws commands in the .gitlab-ci.yml file of this project:
      stage: deploy
      image:  # see the note below
        - aws s3 ...
        - aws create-deployment ...

    The image used in the example above ( is hosted on the GitLab Container Registry and is ready to use. Alternatively, replace the image with one hosted on AWS ECR.

Use an AWS Elastic Container Registry (ECR) image in your CI/CD

Instead of referencing an image hosted on the GitLab Registry, you can reference an image hosted on any third-party registry, such as the Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR).

To do so, push your image into your ECR repository. Then reference it in your .gitlab-ci.yml file and replace the image path to point to your ECR image.

Deploy your application to the AWS Elastic Container Service (ECS)

Version history

GitLab provides a series of CI templates that you can include in your project. To automate deployments of your application to your Amazon Elastic Container Service (AWS ECS) cluster, you can include the AWS/Deploy-ECS.gitlab-ci.yml template in your .gitlab-ci.yml file.

GitLab also provides Docker images that can be used in your gitlab-ci.yml file to simplify working with AWS:

  • Use to use AWS CLI commands.
  • Use to deploy your application to AWS ECS.

Before getting started with this process, you need a cluster on AWS ECS, as well as related components, like an ECS service, ECS task definition, a database on AWS RDS, etc. Read more about AWS ECS.

The ECS task definition can be:

  • An existing task definition in AWS ECS
  • A JSON file containing a task definition. Create the JSON file by using the template provided in the AWS documentation. Copy the task definition into a new file in your project, for example <project-root>/ci/aws/task-definition.json. Available in GitLab 13.3 and later.

After you have these prerequisites ready, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure your AWS credentials are set up as CI/CD variables for your project. You can follow the steps above to complete this setup.
  2. Add these variables to your project’s .gitlab-ci.yml file, or in the project’s CI/CD settings:
    • CI_AWS_ECS_CLUSTER: The name of the AWS ECS cluster that you’re targeting for your deployments.
    • CI_AWS_ECS_SERVICE: The name of the targeted service tied to your AWS ECS cluster.
    • CI_AWS_ECS_TASK_DEFINITION: The name of an existing task definition in ECS tied to the service mentioned above.
      CI_AWS_ECS_CLUSTER: my-cluster
      CI_AWS_ECS_SERVICE: my-service
      CI_AWS_ECS_TASK_DEFINITION: my-task-definition

    You can find these names after selecting the targeted cluster on your AWS ECS dashboard:

    Alternatively, if you want to use a task definition defined in a JSON file, use CI_AWS_ECS_TASK_DEFINITION_FILE instead:

      CI_AWS_ECS_CLUSTER: my-cluster
      CI_AWS_ECS_SERVICE: my-service
      CI_AWS_ECS_TASK_DEFINITION_FILE: ci/aws/my_task_definition.json

    You can create your CI_AWS_ECS_TASK_DEFINITION_FILE variable as a file-typed CI/CD variable instead of a regular CI/CD variable. If you choose to do so, set the variable value to be the full contents of the JSON task definition. You can then remove the JSON file from your project.

    In both cases, make sure that the value for the containerDefinitions[].name attribute is the same as the Container name defined in your targeted ECS service.

    CI_AWS_ECS_TASK_DEFINITION_FILE takes precedence over CI_AWS_ECS_TASK_DEFINITION if both these variables are defined within your project.

    If the name of the task definition you wrote in your JSON file is the same name as an existing task definition on AWS, then a new revision is created for it. Otherwise, a brand new task definition is created, starting at revision 1.

  3. Include this template in .gitlab-ci.yml:
      - template: AWS/Deploy-ECS.gitlab-ci.yml

    The AWS/Deploy-ECS template ships with GitLab and is available on

  4. Commit and push your updated .gitlab-ci.yml to your project’s repository, and you’re done!

    Your application Docker image is rebuilt and pushed to the GitLab registry. If your image is located in a private registry, make sure your task definition is configured with a repositoryCredentials attribute.

    Then the targeted task definition is updated with the location of the new Docker image, and a new revision is created in ECS as result.

    Finally, your AWS ECS service is updated with the new revision of the task definition, making the cluster pull the newest version of your application.

The template includes both the and “sub-templates”. Do not include these “sub-templates” on their own, and only include the main AWS/Deploy-ECS.gitlab-ci.yml template. The “sub-templates” are designed to only be used along with the main template. They may move or change unexpectedly causing your pipeline to fail if you didn’t include the main template. Also, the job names within these templates may change. Do not override these jobs names in your own pipeline, as the override stops working when the name changes.

Alternatively, if you don’t wish to use the AWS/Deploy-ECS.gitlab-ci.yml template to deploy to AWS ECS, you can always use our aws-base Docker image to run your own AWS CLI commands for ECS.

  stage: deploy
    - aws ecs register-task-definition ...

Provision and deploy to your AWS Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)

Introduced in GitLab 13.5.

You can use the AWS/CF-Provision-and-Deploy-EC2 CI template to perform the following actions within the same pipeline:

  1. Create stack: Provision your own infrastructure by leveraging the AWS CloudFormation API.
  2. Push to S3: Push your previously-built artifact to an AWS S3 bucket.
  3. Deploy to EC2: Deploy this pushed content onto an AWS EC2 instance.

Run the AWS/CF-Provision-and-Deploy-EC2.gitlab-ci.yml template

To run the AWS/CF-Provision-and-Deploy-EC2.gitlab-ci.yml template, you must pass three JSON input objects, based on existing templates:

  1. The AWS documentation provides templates for the Create stack and Deploy to EC2 steps (links below). We provide the template for the remaining step, Push to S3:
  2. After you have completed these three templates based on your requirements, you have two ways to pass in these JSON objects:
    • They can be three actual files located in your project. You must specify their path relative to your project root in your .gitlab-ci.yml file, using the following CI/CD variables. For example, if your files are in a <project_root>/aws folder:
        CI_AWS_CF_CREATE_STACK_FILE: 'aws/cf_create_stack.json'
        CI_AWS_S3_PUSH_FILE: 'aws/s3_push.json'
        CI_AWS_EC2_DEPLOYMENT_FILE: 'aws/create_deployment.json'
    • Alternatively, you can provide these JSON objects as file-typed CI/CD variables. In your project, go to Settings > CI/CD > Variables and add the three variables listed above as file-typed CI/CD variables. For each variable, set the value to its corresponding JSON object.
  3. Provide the name of the stack you’re creating and/or targeting, as a CI/CD variable:
      CI_AWS_CF_STACK_NAME: 'YourStackName'
  4. Add this CI template to your .gitlab-ci.yml:
      - template: AWS/CF-Provision-and-Deploy-EC2.gitlab-ci.yml

When running your project pipeline at this point:

  • Your AWS CloudFormation stack is created based on the content of your CI_AWS_CF_CREATE_STACK_FILE file/variable. If your stack already exists, this step is skipped, but the provision job it belongs to still runs.
  • Your built application is pushed to your S3 bucket then and deployed to your EC2 instance, based on the related JSON object’s content. The deployment job finishes whenever the deployment to EC2 is done or has failed.

Custom build job for Auto DevOps

Introduced in GitLab 13.6.

To leverage Auto DevOps for your project when deploying to AWS EC2, first you must define your AWS credentials as CI/CD variables.

Next, define a job for the build stage. To do so, you must reference the Auto-DevOps.gitlab-ci.yml template and include a job named build_artifact in your .gitlab-ci.yml file. For example:

# .gitlab-ci.yml

  - template: Auto-DevOps.gitlab-ci.yml


  stage: build
    - <your build script goes here>
      - <built artifact>

For a video walkthrough of this configuration process, see Auto Deploy to EC2.

Deploy to Amazon EKS

Deploy to Google Cloud

Cloud computing services are replacing traditional hardware technologies at an extremely fast pace. The majority of businesses worldwide are already moving to the cloud or plan to in the near future. Over a short period of time, this technology took over the market as businesses preferred remote access to data as well as the cloud’s scalability, economy, and reach.

AWS Deployment: deploying to the cloud

COVID-19 and the resulting trend toward remote work forced organizations to adopt cloud technologies even if they hadn’t planned to originally. Software deployment to the cloud has also increased. Cloud is no longer just virtual machines, organizations are driving the use of Containers as a Service (CaaS) due to their growing interest in leveraging containers to ease development and testing, speed up deployment, scale operations, and increase the efficiency of workloads running in the cloud.

Since deployment to the cloud has become a standard practice, at GitLab we want to make this repeatable and boring. In this blog post, we explain how we’ve made deploying to Amazon Web Services (AWS) easier and we invite users to replicate this example to deploy to other cloud providers in a similar way.

Since we want cloud deployment to be as flexible as possible (similar to a microservices architecture), we constructed atomic Docker images that function as building blocks. Users can use these images as part of their custom gitlab-ci.yml file or use our predefined .gitlab-ci.yml templates. We also added the ability to use Auto DevOps with the new AWS deployment targets.

AWS Deployment: how to use GitLab’s official AWS Docker Images

AWS CLI Docker image

In GitLab 12.6, we provided an official GitLab AWS cloud-deploy Docker image that downloads and installs the AWS CLI. This allows users to run aws commands directly from their pipelines. For more information, see Run AWS commands from GitLab CI/CD.

Cloud Formation stack creation Docker image

In . With this type of JSON file, the command creates the infrastructure on AWS, including an EC2 instance directly from the .gitlab-ci.yml file. The script exists once we get confirmation that the stack setup is complete or has failed (through periodic polling).

Push to S3 and Deploy to EC2 Docker image

In . This code can be whatever artifact is built from a preceding build job. The gl-ec2 deploy-to-ec2 script uses aws deploy create-deployment behind the scenes to create a deployment to an EC2 instance directly from the .gitlab-ci.yml file. For an example of the JSON template to pass, see . The script ends once we get confirmation that the deployment has succeeded or failed (via polling).

AWS Deployment: using GitLab CI templates to deploy to AWS

How to deploy to Elastic Container Service (ECS) with GitLab

In that deploys to ECS and extends support for Fargate. Users can include the template in their configuration, specify a few variables, and their application will be deployed and ready to go in no time. This template can be customized for your specific needs. For example: Replacing the selected container registry, changing the path of the file location, etc.

How to deploy to Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2) with GitLab

In that provisions the infrastructure by leveraging AWS CloudFormation. It then pushes your previously-built artifact to an AWS S3 bucket and deploys the pushed content to AWS EC2.

AWS Deployment: security considerations

Predefined AWS CI/CD variables

In order to deploy to AWS, you must use AWS security keys to connect to to your AWS instance. Users can define this security keys as CI/CD environment variables that can be used by the deployment pipeline.

In GitLab 12.9, we added support for predefined AWS variables. This support function helps users know which variables are required for deploying to AWS and also prevents typos and spelling mistakes.

Env. variable name Value
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID Your Access key ID
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY Your Secret access key
AWS_DEFAULT_REGION Your region code

“Just-in-time” guidance for AWS deployments

GitLab 13.1 provides just-in-time guidance for users who wish to deploy to AWS. Setting up AWS deployments isn’t always as easy as we’d like it to be, so we’ve added in-product links to our AWS templates and documentation when you start adding AWS CI/CD variables to make it easier for you to use our AWS features. This will help you get up and running faster.

AWS guide from CI/CD variables

Added security for the GitLab’s official AWS Docker images

In GitLab 13.5, we changed the image identifier from the release version number to the Docker image digest. Docker supports immutable image identifiers and we adopted this best practice to update our cloud-deploy images. When a new image is tagged, we also programmatically retrieve the image digest upon its build and create a release note to effectively communicate this digest to users. This guarantees that every instance of the service runs exactly the same code. You can roll back to an earlier version of the image, even if that version wasn’t tagged (or is no longer tagged). This can even prevent race conditions if a new image is pushed while a deploy is in progress.

Docker image digest or release tag

AWS Deployment: auto DevOps support

GitLab already supports Kubernetes users deploying to AWS EKS cluster. Click the link to read instructions about how to deploy an application to a GitLab-managed Amazon EKS cluster with Auto DevOps.

We also expanded Auto DevOps to support non-Kubernetes users. Users can specify their deployment target by adding the AUTO_DEVOPS_PLATFORM_TARGET variable under the CI/CD variables settings. Specifying the deployment target platform builds a full CI/CD pipeline that deploys to AWS targets.

We currently support:

  • AUTO_DEVOPS_PLATFORM_TARGET: ECS (added in GitLab 13.0)
  • AUTO_DEVOPS_PLATFORM_TARGET: EC2 (added in GitLab 13.6)

For more information about Auto DevOps for AWS targets, see requirements for Auto DevOps documentation.

Here’s a quick recording for how to use Auto Deploy to ECS:

Speed run on how to use auto deploy to EC2 (animation):

AWS Deployment: Future plans to extend deployment support via GitLab

Check out some of the open issues below to see our plans are for the future of deploying to AWS using GitLab.

More material on deploying to EKS and Lambda

We invite you to contribute to our other cloud provider solutions:

At GitLab, everyone can contribute. If you want to deploy to a target that isn’t mentioned in this post, please let us know by adding an issue and linking it to our Natively support hypercloud deployments epic.

Cover image by SpaceX on Unsplash

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