File Permissions

Understanding File Permissions


These numbers control who is able to access, change, or manipulate files. These three classes of permission are known as Owner, Group, and Others.

To understand this clearly, it’s important to know that there are three types of permission that can be assigned to these classes. These are read, write, and execute. These are normally shown as:

  • “**r” if reading is permitted, “-” if it is not**
  • “w” if writing is permitted, “-” if it is not
  • “x” if the execution is permitted, “-” if it is not

N**umerically** this translates to:

  • OWNER has permission “7” or “rwx”
  • GROUP has permission “5” or “r-x”
  • OTHERS has permission “5” or “r-x”

By using this logic**,** the file permission 755 reads as rwxr-xr-x. The first three letters show the permission for OWNER. The middle three letters show the permission for GROUP. The last three letters show the permission for OTHERS.


Wordpress, this is what your default permissions should already be set to:

  • 755 for all folders and sub-folders
  • 644 for all files
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