Caching | Breakdown *

Video Example

Hard Refresh

1. No Change? Try a refreshing HARD REFRESH

What is a Hard Refresh? How to do a Hard Refresh in Any Browser.
A hard refresh clears your browser cache for a specific page, which forces it to load the most recent version of that page. This could include new scripts, styles or features.

Important: Clicking the “Refresh” arrow on your browser address bar is not a hard refresh.

Here’s how you can clear your cache through a hard refresh on any browser:
Google Chrome
Windows users: hold down Ctrl and then press F5 on your keyboard
Mac users: hold down Cmd and Shift and then press R on your keyboard

For Windows users: hold down Ctrl and then press F5 on your keyboard
Mac users: hold down Cmd and Shift and then press R on your keyboard
Safari (Mac)
Go to Safari > Empty Cache, or hit Opt + Cmd + E
To refresh, click the refresh button on the address bar or press Cmd + R

Internet Explorer/Microsoft Edge (Windows)
Hold down Ctrl and then press F5 on your keyboard

2. Still No Change? Clear you entire browser cache is up next!

  • Clear you cookies – these are the settings I use in firefox – blocking trackers / cookies / third-party cookies / site data
  • THEN – you clear you IP with nats –
  • then you clear you cache (again)
  • Reestart firefox
  • Check out site

Firefox settings

If you pay attention to websites’ load speed, you must have noticed that after you open a website once, it starts to load faster all the subsequent times.

That’s because of caching. In this article we’ll discuss:

  1. What is cache?
  2. Types of Web Caching
  3. Browser Caching
  4. Server Caching
  5. Caching and CDN
  6. Common website caching issues
  7. Caching with 10Web
  8. FAQs


What is cache?

Cache (/kæʃ/ kash, or /ˈkeɪʃ/ kaysh) is a hardware or software component that stores data so that future requests for that data can be served faster.

So it’s all about storing the requested data for easier access later. Both the browser and the server make a cache for faster performance.

There are two caching techniques: full-page caching and object (fragment) caching. The names speak for themselves: you can both cache the entire page or only separate objects in it, like heavy images.

You can’t even imagine how much your website speed impacts your traffic and conversions.

If you’re using cache correctly, then your cached website will perform faster, and with higher speed come high conversion rates.

Let’s see what are the two types of cache that you should know about.

Types of Web Caching

There are two main types of website caching.

1. Browser caching

The browser cache is a temporary storage space in the hard drive of the user’s computer. The storage contains files like HTML, JavaScript, CSS, images and all kinds of media.

Once a user visits your website, the browser saves some of the data to display it later without reaching out to your server again. Thus, browser cache speeds up your website for returning visitors.

Now you must wonder what happens with cache when you update your website. Do the visitors keep seeing the older version? The answer is no; not if you’re doing it right.

To avoid this situation, most websites use ETag and Expire Tag.

The first one — ETag — is a token that compares the cached version of the website with the one on the actual server. When they vary, the browser requests the updated version of the website.

The second one — Expire Tag — is there to set up the period after which the cached version is removed from the browser.

Website owners/administrators manage this tag and pick the average time they are having between updates.

Users can also manually clear their cache to avoid unwanted issues: see the guide with all the details here. The user can also just force refresh the website with these shortcuts:

Windows: ctrl + F5 Mac/Apple: Apple + R or command + R Linux: F5 clear-browser-cache

Now let’s talk about the second type of caching,

2. Server caching

Server caching speeds up websites for anyone, not just the returning visitors. This is how it works: when browsers request a webpage, the server takes time to process those requests.

After the first request (from any user) is fulfilled, the server “remembers” it and next time it delivers the same data to anyone faster.

Lower server loads are one of the biggest benefits of caching: millions of users can open the website at the same time, and it won’t blow up.

On top of the hosting servers, there’s a caching system for DNS (domain name system).

See, DNS is often called the phonebook of the Internet. It connects web addresses like to hosting servers’ IP addresses like

The system operates through tons of servers called nameservers holding records about these addresses. Caching nameservers (also called DNS cache) store information about DNS queries for as long as the administrator decides. That period is called TTL (time to live) and is essential when you are changing your domain name or hosting.

Caching & CDN

The physical distance between a user and a server they request used to be a real issue for website load speed for a long time. Content delivery (distribution) networkCDN is the solution.

These networks consist of several servers located in different part of the world. They cache the commonly requested files of a web page (static content) and when a user enters a query, the nearest server responds with the ready-to-display content.

The servers are smart enough to recognize the device type, cookie settings, and other information about the user to cache and display the exact required pages.

CDN is also useful to deliver dynamic content — which is unique and not cached — faster.


Common website caching issues

However great the caching system is, no one is entirely safe from cache-related issues. These website caching issues can specifically be related to a user’s device, user’s network, your CMS and to the web hosting.

Let’s take a look at each.

  • User’s device

There are three common cases here.

First, the browser cache didn’t update properly, so the user keeps seeing old content. Clearing the browser cache is enough here (see Browser Caching).

You can learn how to clear the DNS cache here (Windows 10 is not mentioned but works the same way as Windows 8).

And in a rare case, the problem can be in the user’s hosts file pointing to an incorrect IP.

Hosts files point a hostname to IP addresses in the local network, so if the file is not edited manually, you should look for the issue elsewhere.

  • User’s network/connection provider

Both the user’s router and the Internet provider’s proxy server/router cache DNS records that eventually gets old. If that’s the issue, either the user has to turn off DNS caching or the provider should include the specific website in a do-not-cache list.

  • Your CMS

Many WordPress websites use a caching plugin or code to run the website faster. But these plugins can backfire. One of the common mistakes is using multiple caching plugins on one website. Most certainly, the plugins will conflict. Read more about the issue with using a lot of WP plugins here. Plus, even if there’s only one plugin/code on your WP site, make sure it updates the cached files as often as you post updates.

  • Web hosting

This is one of the most common website caching issues. Changes are made on the website but the user is not able to view them in the browser, even after clearing browser cache and making sure everything’s alright with the connection. That must be due to server-side caching: the server keeps displaying the old cached data.

If the website is hosted on 10Web, clearing the cache is a one-click job for the administrator.


Here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions related to caching:

How to clear website cache

When people ask about clearing website cache, they usually mean clearing it through their browser and the instructions vary depending on the browser you use.

For example, if you’re using Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer, you can use the keyboard shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+Del, tick the cached/temporary images and file box, and clear cache.

If you’re using Safari and are cool with also deleting your browser history and cookies, just click the “History” tab in the upper menu and then “Clear history.”

Why should you clear the cache?

  • To get the newest version of a site. One common reason why you might want to clear your cache is if a website or application has made updates but they don’t show up on your browser because of the old cached website version.
  • To be more secure. If you’re sharing a computer with other people, clearing website cache will help you protect your privacy.
  • To improve performance. Even though caching is meant to improve website performance, if you don’t clear them a while, a lot of data accumulates and has the opposite effect.
  • To fix browser errors. If you see certain sites lagging or errors popping up, better clear the cache just to be sure.

I am putting together this role stuff – I just don’t want to send them anything we aren’t ready to yet –
Let me know if this makes sense – this is what is happening currently
BASE ROLES (all users including white labels)::
AffiliateStatus: ‘TypeIn’ | ‘Affiliate’ | ‘NATS|XXX1’ | ‘NATS|XXX1, NATS|XXX2, NATS|XXX3’ (can use 1 or multiple nats codes)
CustomerProfiles: ‘SignedOut’ | ‘SignedIn’ | ‘Registered’ | ‘Member’ | ‘NonMember’ | ‘Rebill – sitewide setting that locks them out – pushes them to a join page only –
Schedules are in UTC in the followng format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS
ex: 2009-06-15T13:45:30 or empty.

Banner Controls:
These roles can work together using “banner controls” – directly on the page – that are changeable – this is an example of a control and the settings we could use – could add remove them anywhere on the site – they work with some dynamic cues in forge – or with static banner folders

ns:UserStatusContentRotator id=”targettedPanel1″ runat=”server” ShowContentVirtualFolder=”~/Debug/Snippets” FallbackContentVirtualFolder=”” ShowForAffiliateStatus=”” ShowForCustomerProfile=”NonMember” HideForAffiliateStatus=”” HideForCustomerProfile=”Member” ScheduleStart=”2015-11-21T13:45:30″ /

ns:CustomerProfileBanner id=”CustomerProfileBanner1″ CustomerProfile=”SignedIn” BannerClickUrl=”~/join” BannerImageUrl=”~/images/stuff.jpg” BannerWidth=”150″ BannerHeight=”150″ BannerImageCaption=”Join Now!” OnImageClick=”_gaq.push([‘_trackEvent’, ‘AdBanner’, ‘Click’, ‘’, 1,true]);” AffiliateStatus=”TypeIn” runat=”server” /

Example: We can add logic to check if a user is TypeIn (ie. Has no affiliate code cookie) or matches one or more affiliate codes. As you can tell affiliate codes are written in the following manner: AffiliateProgram|Code. This is because the website is designed to recognize multiple simultaneous affiliate programs.

Some Definitions –
FallbackContentVirtualFolder=”Promo Non-Member Type-in” FALLBACK LIST – (the dynamic list)
HideForAffiliateStatus=”Affiliate” – says it will NOT show special banner for sale to affiliates (affiliates will see – “Default Promo Non-Member Type-in” – dynamic banner list from forge)
ShowForAffiliateStatus=”TypeIn” – WILL show special banner to type in traffic
ShowContentVirtualFolder=”/content/special_promo/xmas2018_99Sale” – this folder holds the sale banner
ScheduleStart=”2018-12-25T09:01:00″ – time to turn on special banner
ScheduleEnd=”2018-12-26T09:01:00″ – turn off special banner

These roles can be affected further and have content hidden / displayed on each site by:
Geotargeting – can find where users are and display different content
Schedule – can be used to affect banners AND entire site areas (similiar to how the mobile switcher does below)
Desktop / Mobile – we can sniff user-agents and server up different content for them
nsf:ContentInclude runat=”server” id=”MobileHPContentSwitch” FallbackContentUrl=”~/includes/welcome/desktop_signedout_wrapper.aspx” ShowForDevice=”Mobile” ShowForCustomerProfile=”SignedOut” ShowContentUrl=”~/includes/welcome/mobile_signedout_wrapper.aspx” /

Movie Rights on sites – Each site has a different set of movie rights – which affects the banners (5 spots / ad banners) that will display on those sites through the dynamic banner cues

Banner Sets – Dynamic or Static Folder based banners – that rotate on reload –


We can override the content of ANY url on the site – mix static and dynamic content onto any page – even replace dynamic urls them with whatever we choose (promo sites) these can in turn be affected by the above metrics –

as well as control over overall site setting

also specific site copy this is in boilerplate pages – customer service numbers / addresses – a bunch of stuff that changes on each white label and is in multiple places –


Coming into the site with a specific nats code – see a “timed” event on the homepage that is accessible to affiliates – go to an overwritten dynamic page – and see some dynamic content and the appropriate dynamic banners for their Status as well as a static survey that they can fill out –

PAGE CONTROL EXAMPLE PAGES:: these may help in visualizing everything –
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