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Bluehost – htaccess


.htaccess Tutorial

In this tutorial, you will find out about the .htaccess file and its power to improve your website. Bluehost supports .htaccess files; however, as a customer, you are responsible for what is in this file and how it changes your site.

Creating a .htaccess File

You can create a .htaccess file on your local computer or the server.

On your computer

Windows: Using Notepad, save the file as .htaccess

Mac OS X: Using TextEdit, save the file as ".htaccess."
Note: If you save the file as .htaccess, it will be hidden, and you will not be able to see it in the Finder.

Using your preferred FTP client, upload the file to the server. The .htaccess file will need to be in the folder where your site is located, typically the public_html folder.

On the server


  1. Log in to your Bluehost control panel.
  2. Click the Advanced tab on the left-hand side menu.
  3. Under the File section, click the File Manager icon.
  4. Look for the Settings button, located towards the upper right corner of your screen.
  5. From here, click the Preferences popup, then click the checkbox for Show Hidden Files (dotfiles).
  6. Click the Save button when finished.
  7. Click the File icon to create a new file, and name it .htaccess.


  1. Log in to your Bluehost control panel.

  2. Click the File Manager icon, located in the file section.

  3. From the file manager popup settings, choose the folder you would like to open, most often the Web Root (public_html/www).

  4. Under the Preferences, make sure the

    Show hidden files

    is checked



    Note: If you do not see this popup, you will need to click the reset all interface settings link at the bottom of the cPanel page.

  5. Click the Submit button.
    Note: If you are in the File Manager already, you can add *&showhidden=1* to the end of the URL.

  6. Click the New File icon to create a new file and name it .htaccess

Editing a .htaccess File

You may need to edit the .htaccess file at some point for various reasons. This article covers how to edit the file, but not what to change. (You may need to consult other articles and resources for that information.)

There are many ways to edit an htaccess file.

  1. Edit the file on your computer and upload it to the server via FTP.
  2. Use an FTP program's Edit Mode that allows you to edit a file remotely.
  3. Use SSH and a text editor to edit the file.
  4. Use the File Manager in cPanel to edit the file.

The fastest and easiest way to edit an .htaccess file for most people is to use the File Manager in cPanel. This article covers how to edit it using this method. Read further sections for some common .htaccess edits.

Alternative Index Files

You may not always want to use index.htm or index.html as your index file for a directory; for example, if you are using PHP files in your site, you may want index.php to be the index file for a directory. You are not limited to 'index' files, though. Using .htaccess, you can set foofoo.blah to be your index file if you want to!

Alternate index files are entered in a list. The server will work from left to right, checking to see if each file exists; if none of them exist, it will display a directory listing (unless, of course, you have turned this off).

DirectoryIndex index.php index.php3 index.html index.htm

Custom Error Pages

You can customize your personal error pages (for example, when a file is not found) instead of using Bluehost's error pages or not having an error page. This will make your site seem much more professional.

You can use custom error pages for any error as long as you know its number (like 404 for page not found) by adding the following to your .htaccess file:

ErrorDocument errornumber /file.html

For example, if I had the file notfound.html in the root directory of my site and I wanted to use it for a 404 error, I would use:

ErrorDocument 404 /notfound.html

If the error page is not in the root directory of your site, you can enter the path to the file:

ErrorDocument 500 /errorpages/500.html

These are some of the most common errors:

401 - Authorization Required
400 - Bad request
403 - Forbidden
500 - Internal Server Error
404 - Wrong page

Stop a Directory Index From Being Shown

Sometimes, for one reason or another, you will have no index file in your directory. This will, of course, mean that if someone types the directory name into their browser, a full listing of all the files in that directory will be shown. This could be a security risk for your site.

To prevent this (without creating lots of new 'index' files), you can enter a command into your .htaccess file to stop the directory list from being shown:

# disable directory browsing

Options ExecCGI Includes IncludesNOEXEC SymLinksIfOwnerMatch -Indexes

# enable directory browsing
Options All +Indexes

Deny/Allow Certain IP Addresses

Allow those people only with specific IP addresses to access your site, for example, people using a particular network to get into a specific directory. You may also ban other IP addresses, for example, keeping disruptive members out of your message boards. It will only work if you know the IP addresses you would like to ban.

Please keep in mind that most ISP's use dynamic IP addresses, so this is not always the best way to limit/grant access.

Block an IP Address

#Deny List

order allow,deny
deny from #specify a specific address
deny from #specify a subnet range
deny from 123.123.* #specify an IP address wildcard
allow from all

Allow only Certain IP Addresses

#Allow List

order deny,allow
allow from #specify a specific address
allow from #specify a subnet range
allow from 123.123.* #specify an IP address wildcard
deny from all

Note: This will still allow scripts to use the files in the directory.


There is a tool in the cPanel that can create the Redirects for you. Please see How to create a Redirect.

Redirect from a specific file to a new file


Redirect /redirect_from.html

In the above example, a file in the root directory called clickety-clack-site/april2021/redirect_example.html is redirected to the URL
If the old file were in a subdirectory, then you could use:


WildCard Redirect / Redirecting from one folder to a new folder

Redirect /redirect_from

Now any request to your site below /old directory will be redirected to the new site, with the extra information in the URL added on, for example, if someone typed in:

They would be redirected to:

Redirecting (URL Rewriting) with Joomla

To enable URL Rewriting in Joomla, you will need to copy and paste the following code into your .htaccess file.

# For security reasons, Option FollowSymlinks cannot be overridden.
#Options +FollowSymLinks
Options +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch


Mod Rewrite allows you to change the URL that everyone sees when visiting your domain or a specific address. Just add the code to your .htaccess file (typically the one inside public_html).

Please remember we do not offer support to code this, nor do we promise to make your code work. Some of these codes work in combination, and some do not.


#Specify a default home page (index page)
DirectoryIndex home.html
#Allow only specified IPs to access your site
deny from all
allow from
allow from
# Redirect all pages from
# to
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$ [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L]
#Prevent subfolder loading. This goes
# in htaccess for the primary domain
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$ [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$
RewriteRule ^*)$ "$1" [R=301,L]
#Prevent subdomain name loading.
#This goes in htaccess for the primary domain
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$ [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ "$1" [R=301,L]
# Never use www in the domain
# Replace '' with your domain name
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www.(([a-z0-9_]+.)?$ [NC]
RewriteRule .? http://%1%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L]
# Always use www in the domain
# Replace '' with your domain name
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^([a-z.]+)?$ [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www. [NC]
RewriteRule .?{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L]
# Set a default home directory, (this subfolder always loads)
# Replace 'folder' with your subfolder name
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^$ /folder/ [R=301,L]
# Rename a directory and force visitors to the new name
# Replace 'old' with your old folder name
# Replace 'new' with your new folder name
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^/?old([a-z/.]*)$ /new$1 [R=301,L]
# Always use https for secure connections
# Replace '' with your domain name
# (as it appears on your SSL certificate)
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L]
# Block traffic from multiple referrers
RewriteEngine on
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} [NC,OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} [NC,OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} [NC]
RewriteRule .* - [F]
#Do not allow these file types to be called
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule .*.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png|bmp|exe|swf)$ - [F,NC]

Guides to dot-htaccess coding:

Password Protection

One of the many uses of the .htaccess is protecting the password directories on websites reliably.
Note: If you would like to use the cPanel tool to password-protect your folders, please see our article: Password Protect a folder on your website

The .htaccess File

Adding password protection to a directory using .htaccess takes two stages. The first part is to add the appropriate lines to your .htaccess file in the directory you would like to protect. Everything below this directory will be password protected:

AuthName "Section Name"
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /home/username/.htpasswds
Require valid-user 

There are a few parts of this which you will need to change for your site. You must need to replace the Section Name with the name of the part of the site you are protecting (e.g., "Members Area").

The /home/username/.htpasswds should be changed to reflect the full server path to the .htpasswds file (more on this later). If you do not know the full path to your webspace is, check your Bluehost cPanel. Look on the left "stats" column of the cPanel.

The .htpasswds File

Password protecting a directory takes a little more work than any of the other .htaccess functions because you must also create a file to contain the usernames and passwords which are allowed to access the site. These should be placed in a file which (by default) should be called .htpasswd. This can be placed anywhere within your website (as the passwords are encrypted), but it is advisable to store it outside the web root (in your home directory) so that it is impossible to access it from the web.

Entering Usernames And Passwords

Once you have created your .htpasswd file (you can do this in a standard text editor), you must enter the usernames and passwords to access the site. They should be entered as follows:


The format of the password is encrypted. There is a recommended simulator you can use which is the KxS site. This simulator will allow you to enter the username and password. It will generate an output in the correct format.

For multiple users, just add extra lines to your .htpasswd file in the same format as the first.

Accessing The Site

When you try to access a site that has been protected by .htaccess, your browser will pop up a standard username/password dialog box. Alternatively, you can send the username and password (unencrypted) in the URL as follows:

Fix ExecCGI

Open the .htaccess file located in the public_html/addondomain/ directory in the File Manager, and enter this line:

Options ExecCGI

Click the Save button at the bottom of the screen, and you are done!

Restart Apache

You will not need to restart Apache, and then after that, you need to "hard refresh" your web page to see the changes. Browse your site and go to the page that should be affected. Then hit Ctrl + F5 to refresh everything. (Some computers require the F Lock to be on before you can use F5.) Now you should see your new .htaccess code take effect.

Alternatively, you can clear your browser's cache, close the browser, relaunch the browser, and try your web page again.

Safari users: Safari will require you to use the cmd + R hotkey for Safari 3 and below. Safari 4 and above will require that you hold shift and click the refresh icon next to your address bar.


What Is A 500 Internal Server Error? How To Fix 500 Internal Server Error

A 500 Internal Server error can be caused by many things, including but not limited to invalid permissions, invalid ownership, bad lines in your php.ini or .htaccess file, invalid requests in the script, and others not mentioned here.
Checking the Error Logs in cPanel for specific information is highly recommended.

Example of Server 500 Error

A Server 500 error will generally look something like this:

Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

Please contact the server administrator,, and inform them of the time the error occurred and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.

More information about this error may be available in the server error log.

Additionally, a 500 Internal Server Error error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

Bad permissions, Writable by group

A bad permissions error may look something like this:

[Sun Jun 05 12:03:22 2012] [error] [client]
SoftException in Application.cpp:601: Directory "/home/exampleuser/public_html" is writeable by group

In this instance, the folder had permissions for a folder set too high. The permissions need to be changed from "777" to "755" to solve it.

Directories and folders should be 755. Executable scripts within the cgi-bin folder must be 755. Images, media, and text files like HTML should be 644.

  • Files – 644
  • CGI Scripts – 755
  • Directories – 755

You can modify permissions with the File Manager, located in the "Files" category of the cPanel.


  1. Log in to your Bluehost control panel.

  2. Click the Advanced tab from the side navigation menu to the left.

  3. Under the


    section, click the

    File Manager.


  1. Log in to your Bluehost control panel.
  2. Under the files category, locate the File Manager icon.
  3. A dialogue box will appear. In the pop-up, select Web Root (public_html/www) and check the box next to Show Hidden Files (dotfiles). (this will place you in the folder for your web content and show you all the files and folders present).
  4. The File Manager will now load in a new window and show your files. Double click on a folder to open it, and click Up One Level to go back to a folder.

Other options are using an FTP client or using the chmod command in SSH/Bash.

Bad .htaccess, Invalid code, command, or syntax

In the .htaccess file ("dot htaccess"), you may have added lines that are either worded poorly or conflicting. The best way to troubleshoot this is to comment out the lines in the .htaccess.

You can comment out a line in the .htaccess by adding # to the beginning. You are wise to save an original copy of any file before you make changes.

For example, if the .htaccess looks like this:

DirectoryIndex default.html
AddType application/x-httpd-php5 php

Then try something like this:

DirectoryIndex default.html
#AddType application/x-httpd-php5 php

Broken lines and lines that start with php_flag are the most common mistakes. If you cannot determine which line is the problem, then comment on every line.

Other common .htaccess errors:

An error may look like the following:

[Sun Jun 05 12:07:10 2011] [alert] [client]
/home1/examplec/public_html/.htaccess: Option FollowSymlinks not allowed here

In this example, the error is simple to fix; in the file specified, use a permitted directive to use "SymlinksIfOwnerMatches" instead of "FollowSymlinks," or remove the line entirely.

Syntax Not Closed:

An error may look like the following:

[Sun Jun 05 12:11:38 2011] [alert] [client]
/home1/examplec/public_html/.htaccess: /home1/examplec/public_html/.htaccess:3: <IfModule>ExampleRule/Module> was not closed.

Again, the solution is to fix the syntax or remove it. In this case, close the ending ""; directive properly and put the rules on their line to resolve the problem.

These are just a few common examples that can be caused by bad .htaccess parameters. What you encounter will likely vary, however generally, the error message is descriptive enough to determine an error from it without further investigation.

Improperly configured php.ini


When you are using files with (or without) an extension different then the normal extension for that filetype, you can use ForceType in your .htaccess file, make it clear to the server how to handle that file (or all the files in the folder) (this works on servers without phpsuexec).

An example: When you have a file called "item" (like Nucleus uses for FancyURL's) and want it to be parsed by the server as PHP, you use the following code in your .htaccess file:

ForceType application/x-httpd-php

However, because our servers use phpsuexec, this will result in an internal server error. To solve this, you can use SetHandler instead of ForceType, so your .htaccess-file becomes:

SetHandler application/x-httpd-php


On a server without phpsuexec, it is possible to use the php_value statement in a .htaccess file to change the settings of php (actually overwrites the settings from php.ini). On a server with phpsuexec, this will also result in a server error. To solve this, you can use a php.ini file, which you put in the same folder to put your .htaccess file. In that php.ini file, you can change all the php values. You only have to put the values you want to modify in that file. For example, if you want to set the short_open_tag to Off, you would have used short_open_tag? = off in your .htaccess file. Using a php.ini file, this results in:

short_open_tag = Off


Please see all possible troubleshooting below how to troubleshoot or fix the 500 Internal Server Error.

Important: Before making any changes to an existing website, it is strongly recommended that you backup the Database first.

Check Error Logs

  1. Open the File Manager.

  2. Locate the error logs within the problem website's assigned folder.

    /home/cpanel_user/public_html/error_log for the Primary Domain.

Troubleshooting Index Files

If there are no error messages in the error_logs, there may be multiple index files in the domain's root folder.
Note: If the default file (index.html, index.php, default.html) is empty, the page will appear as the WSOD. It is important to check the directory index, noting file size.

  1. To check, open the file manager.
  2. Choose the folder the domain you are working on is pointed to.
  3. Locate any additional index files besides index.php.
  4. If other index files are present, temporarily rename them (so that they are not recognized as an index file).

Note: If this fixes the issue, the customer will need to move the duplicate index file(s) elsewhere.

Troubleshooting the .htaccess

If you have ruled out both the Theme and Plugins, you can move on to the .htaccess.

  1. To access this, open the file manager and add &showhidden=all to the end of the URL.
  2. Choose the folder the domain you are working on is pointed to.
  3. Rename the current .htaccess to .htaccess(currentdate). This disables the current .htaccess.
  4. Next, you will need to create a new default .htaccess file.
  5. Click New File from the main File Manager toolbar (far left-hand side).
  6. Name the new file .htaccess.
  7. Open the code editor and add the following code below:
  8. Click the Save changes button once done.
  • If the .htaccess is responsible for the error, replacing it with a generic .htaccess (code from step number 6) should bring the site back.
  • If the site is still down after replacing the .htaccess, delete the file you created, and rename the original file back to .htaccess.

CPU Performance Issues


Bluehost uses a CPU protection system on our shared servers.

What is CPU Protection?

Bluehost employs a system that monitors server resources like the CPU and memory. It makes sure that every user on a shared server gets their fair share of the system resources. It also prevents other users from causing performance issues for other accounts. This system is in place on our shared servers so that each user has the least chance of being affected by issues cause by another user. If a user is found to be abusing the server and it is somehow affecting other customers we will identify the user and take corrective action. This sometimes means suspending the user. Dedicated and VPS servers do not have this protection system.

Performance issues and Suspensions are usually caused by:

  • Poorly coded PHP scripts such as multiple nested loops, or infinite loops.
  • Themes, Addons, or Plugins (if you just added a new component to your script, you may want to remove it to see if that new component caused your site to suddenly perform slowly)
  • Queries that return inordinately large dataset results (eg: 100,000 records) in the response object of a round trip to the server.
  • Queries that take too long to execute due to heavy aggregation commands like SUM, COUNT over very large datasets without proper indexing.
  • Queries that are doing complex unoptimized nested joins.
  • Queries that execute large batch commands like INSERTS, UPDATES, OR DELETES – these types of SQL calls are 10 times more expensive and resource intensive than the SELECT query command.
  • DDoS Attacks
  • Any process that uses too much memory, like a rogue cron job
  • Too many simultaneous connections like Downloads, FTP, IMAP, or PHP

To see the status of your server, please refer to the Bluehost Server Status page.

How can you troubleshoot performance issues?

The MySQL Slow Queries log can help determine which queries or scripts are unoptimized. Login into Bluehost's cPanel. Look for the section called "Files" and click the icon called "File Manager". Start in the "Home Directory", choose Show Hidden Files, and then click Go. Once in the File Manager, look on the right side for a folder called "tmp" and navigate into that folder. Once inside the tmp folder, find a folder called "mysql_slow_queries". Navigate inside that folder.

Look for the files with recent dates and right-click on one of those files and choose "Code Edit". This will show the log details. Look for the logs where the Query_time is over 2 seconds. Queries that take over 2 seconds to execute usually need to be re-factored.

These logs are generated to help troubleshoot database programming queries that are not optimized. Locate the query and database causing the problem, then optimize the query or queries by re-writing the query, creating an appropriate Database Index, repairing any damaged databases, etc. If you are not familiar with database programming, you may need to seek help from your web developer/programmer.

We strongly recommend that you backup your databases before working on them.

What are some simple steps you can perform to try to fix your database issues?

  1. You can run a repair on all your databases. In the cPanel, click on the MySQL Databases icon and in the Repair section, choose a database to repair. You can safely run a Check and Repair routine on all of your databases.
  2. You can try to optimize all of your databases. In the cPanel, click the PHP MyAdmin icon. On the next screen, choose a database name from the left side column. When the tables appear on the main screen, scroll to the bottom and click the link "Select All". Next, use the drop-down menu, and on the bottom, choose the "Optimize" option. You can perform this optimize routine to all of the tables in all of your databases.

Performing these two simple steps will not harm your important data as these steps above are non-intrusive maintenance routines. As such, they may not fix the core issue as well. For instance, if you have severe data corruption, it can cause your queries to time out before they fully execute. Data corruption can be difficult to detect, and repair. Database corruption can occur if a database operation did not completely succeed. Partial data is a form of corruption which can break Referential Integrity, causing your web application to fail also. In short, the free Repair or Optimization routines that were just mentioned may not be sufficient to fix severe database corruption.

What are some Advanced Steps that you can perform on your databases?

  1. You can download your websites onto your own local machine and create a local web development environment to test your sites. You can then set Break Points in your scripts and watch your computer's CPU performance as you step through your stack and heap. Try to stress test your queries as well to see how they respond under a load.
  2. You can empty tables that are merely statistic tables. When viewing your tables, you can see how many entries each one has and how many KB or MB it is using. Sometimes tables get thousands or millions of entries that just log statistical type of data, like what searches people have done on your site or what people have logged in, etc. If you have very large statistic tables, it may help optimize your site if you remove the records or rows within those tables. Warning: you should always consult the vendor of your scripts, or your web developer, before you attempt this – deleting any data in your database can potentially break your web application.
  3. You can refactor your scripts so that heavy duty aggregation or crunching is not all being done server-side. For example, you can rewrite your scripts so that they use Ajax calls, where your scripts are doing some of the CPU crunching in your Javascript. This way, you are leveraging your client's CPU time instead of just your server's.
  4. You can ask our team to restore a courtesy system backup if we have one on file for you. The system backup is a snapshot of exactly how your site performed on a certain date. Doing a restore will not guarantee that your sites will be fixed, as your core issue may have existed at the time our System Backup Tool created your backup. Rolling back to a system backup will restore all of your sites, and not just a portion. Feel free to contact us to see if we have a System Backup available.
  5. You can also ask us to do a full Reset of your account. This will delete everything on your account like it was on day one when you first signed up with us. Your account would be empty, containing no files, databases, email accounts etc. This would ensure a fresh start so that you can re-install all of your scripts with clean installations and clean databases. If you think that this is an option for you, please create backups of your data first.

WordPress Pro Hosting Plans Cost Comparison

WordPress Pro

WordPress Pro allows users to monitor and manage their WordPress website promotion and performance from a single, easy-to-use dashboard. WordPress Pro provides users with elevated server resources and customer support beyond what is expected in traditional shared hosting platforms. In addition to improved performance, crucial security features have been built in to WordPress Pro like malware detection and removal, SSL certificates, and domain privacy making it one of the most secure ways to build a WordPress website in the market.

To signup for WordPress Pro, visit

Features and Pricing

Build Grow Scale
Intro Price 36 month $19.95 $29.95 $49.95
Intro Price 24 Month $22.95 $32.95 $52.95
Intro Price 12 Month $24.95 $34.95 $54.95
Intro Price 6 Month $26.95 $36.95 $56.95
Intro Price 3 Month $27.95 $37.95 $57.95
Renewal Price $29.99 $39.99 $59.99
Sites Allowed Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Domains Allowed Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Subdomains Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Parked Domains Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Performance High High High
Bandwidth Unmetered Unmetered Unmetered
Storage Unmetered Unmetered Unmetered
Max File Count 300,000 300,000 300,000
MySQL Database Unmetered Unmetered Unmetered
Max MySQL Database Size 5 GB 5 GB 5 GB
Max MySQL Database Tables 5,000 5,000 5,000
Max MySQL Database Usage 10 GB 10 GB 10 GB
Max Concurrent MySQL Database Connections 150 150 150
Email Accounts Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Email Storage Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Max Emails Sent per Hour 500 500 500
Site Analytics Included Included Included
WP Themes Free Free Premium
SSL Free AutoSSL Free AutoSSL Free AutoSSL
Global CDN Enabled Yes Yes Yes
Jetpack Basic Premium Pro
Domain Privacy Included Included Included
Google My Business Included Included Included
Site Protection SiteLock Fix Included SiteLock Fix Included SiteLock Fix Included
Back-up CodeGuard Basic CodeGuard Basic CodeGuard Pro
Basic Support 24/7/365 24/7/365 24/7/365
Auto Updates Yes Yes Yes
WP Auto- Install Yes Yes Yes
SSD Disk Space Yes Yes Yes
Multi-Layer Caching Yes Yes Yes
PHP 7.x Yes Yes Yes
Money Back Guarantee 30 Days 30 Days 30 Days
sFTP/SSH Access Yes Yes Yes
Git Repository Yes Yes Yes
WordPress Themes 100 100 200
Business Review Tools Included Included Included
Akismet Spam Protection Included Included Unlimited
Related Posts Included Included Included
Bluehost SEO Tools X Included Included
Social Network Tools X Included Included
Jetpack Ads X Included Included
Video Compression X 10GB Unlimited
PayPal Auto-Integration X X Included
Enhanced Search X X Included
BlueSky WordPress Support X Ticket Chat/Ticket

Please note that all plans are billed in full and in advance for their respective term lengths

WordPress Pro Hosting Addons

Dedicated IP

  • Shared Hosting Dedicated IP
    Renewal Price – $5.99 per month
  • VPS and Dedicated Hosting Additional Dedicated IP
    Renewal Price – $17.99 per month

Premium SSL Certificates

  • Positive SSL
    Renewal Price – $49.99 per year
  • Positive Wildcard SSL
    Renewal Price – $149.99 per year
  • Comodo SSL
    Renewal Price – $79.99 per year
  • Comodo Wildcard SSL
    Renewal Price – $299.99 per year

Spam Experts Mail Filtering

  • Renewal Price – $2.99 a month per domain name

Office 365

  • Email Essentials
    Renewal Price – $4.99 per user per month or ($59.88 per user per year)
  • Business Plus
    Renewal Price – $9.99 per user per month or ($119.88 per user per year)
  • Business Pro
    Renewal Price – $14.99 per user per month or ($179.88 per user per year)

Domain Privacy

  • Renewal Price – $14.88 per domain per year


  • SiteLock Find
    Renewal Price – $3.99 per domain per month – Billed Annually ($47.88 per domain per year)
  • SiteLock Fix
    Renewal Price – $19.99 per domain per month – Billed Annually ($239.88 per domain per year)
  • SiteLock Prevent
    Renewal Price – $29.99 per user per month – Billed Annually ($359.88 per user per year)

SEO Tools

  • SEO Tools Start
    Renewal Price – $5.95 per domain per month or ($71.40 per domain per year)
  • SEO Tools Grow
    Renewal Price – $19.95 per domain per month or ($239.40 per domain per year)

Constant Contact

Constant Contact plans are billed by number of contacts:

  • 0-500
    Renewal Price – $3 per month
  • 501-2,500
    Renewal Price – $25 per month
  • 2,501-5,000
    Renewal Price – $45 per month
  • 5,001-10,000
    Renewal Price – $75 per month
  • 10,001-25,000
    Renewal Price – $185 per month


  • CodeGuard Basic
    Renewal Price – $2.99 per domain per month or ($32.95 per domain per year)
  • CodeGuard Professional
    Renewal Price – $5.99 per domain per month or ($59.95 per domain per year)
  • CodeGuard Premium
    Renewal Price – $9.99 per domain per month or ($99.95 per domain per year)
  • CodeGuard Enterprise
    Renewal Price – $23.95 per domain per month or ($239.95 per domain per year)


Q: Is WP Pro the right plan for me?
A: Absolutely. No matter if you are brand new to WordPress or an experienced WordPress aficionado, WP Pro has everything you need to build and grow a professional WordPress website.

Q: What are the top features of WP Pro?
A: There are several useful features, including:

  • Marketing Center
    Manage your SEO, Social Media, and Email traffic channels all in one dashboard. Monitor the performance of your website and marketing efforts from the same dashboard.
  • Detailed Analytics
    Monitor your website traffic performance on a daily, weekly, or yearly basis. Already use Google Analytics? You can easily integrate your existing Google Analytics account into the Marketing Center to view your traffic channels.
  • Improved Site Speed
    All WP Pro servers are built with Solid State Drives (SSDs) meaning your website outperforms websites hosted on traditional HDD servers. We do not oversubscribe the number of users on these servers, meaning more of the serverâs resources are available to you when you need it. With WP Pro, you can enjoy the fastest WordPress hosting available.
  • Fully Managed
    Managed WordPress hosting like WordPress Pro means you enjoy automatic updates to your WordPress install as well as automatic updates to the server environment so that your website is always on the fastest and most stable technology stack available.

Q: Is WP Pro Managed?
A: Our WP Pro platform is a fully-managed WordPress hosting environment, which means you can stay focused on building your website with content that is unique to you while we handle the daily maintenance of your server and the applications that keep your website running strong.

Q: What is included in the 1-Hour Concierge Call?
A: You will work directly with a trained WordPress expert to help you navigate both the Bluehost and WordPress admin control panel. They will also assist you in selecting the right themes and plugins for your website needs. Lastly, if you are new to WordPress, the WordPress expert will also teach you how to create and edit pages on your website.

Q: Does Google Analytics work with WP Pro?
A: Yes. If you already have a Google Analytics account, you can simply enter your account key next to the traffic dashboard to link the accounts and start viewing your traffic data from a single dashboard.

Q: Can I host multiple websites on WP Pro?
A: Yes. WP Pro allows you to host multiple WordPress websites on a single account. However, only the primary website on your account will have access to all of the analytics and advanced tooling that comes with a WP Pro subscription. In order to leverage all the power of WP Pro for additional websites, you will need to purchase additional Jetpack licenses from within the Bluehost dashboard. Each license can be applied to a new website and will allow for analytics and advanced tooling to be used across multiple websites on a single account.

Q: What is Jetpack?
A: Jetpack is a feature-rich toolkit designed specifically for WordPress websites. Depending on the Jetpack package you choose to leverage alongside your WordPress website, you gain access to tools like website analytics, image CDN, malware protection, website data backups, PayPal integration, video CDN, and more.

WP Super Cache + Slow Site + Bluehost Cache + WP Optimize

  • WP Super Cache

    One way to optimize WordPress is to install WP Super Cache from within your WordPress dashboard. This article describes how to install and configure the WP Super Cache plugin for your WordPress blog.


    One way to optimize WordPress is to install WP Super Cache, which can be done from your WordPress Dashboard under Plugins.

    Suggested Settings

    Please complete all four (4) steps to use the suggested settings.

    (Click on any of the images for a larger version of the image.)

    Step 1. Set General Settings

    On "Advanced" tab:

    When selecting between "Use mod_rewrite to serve cache files" and "304 Not Modified browser caching" please note that 304 Not Modified browser caching will not be selectable as long as you have Use mod_rewrite in use. You will need to use one or the other as recent updates to the WP Super Cache Plugin have made the use of both un-accessible at this time.

    • Check box next to "Cache hits to this website…"
    • Select button next to "Use mod_rewrite to serve cache files"
    • Check box next to "Compress Pages"
    • Check box next to "304 Not Modified browser caching"
    • Check box next to "Don't cache pages for known users"
    • "Cache rebuild" & "Extra homepage checks" should already be checked, leave them that way.
    • Select "Update Status" button.

    Step 2. Set Mod_Rewrite Rules

    Then, scroll down and select "Update Mod_Rewrite Rules" in the yellow box.

    Step 3. Set Garbage Collection

    Scroll down to "Expiry Time & Garbage Collection" and enter "3600" in the box, then select "Change Expiration"

    Step 4. Set Rejected User Agents

    It is recommended that you do not remove the default user agents from the list, to prevent bots from caching content and pages not normally seen by your visitors.

    Explanation of the Options Selected

    Cache hits to this website…

    Enables caching

    Use mod_rewrite to serve cache files

    Fastest caching method, uses mod_rewrite rules in client's .htaccess file

    Compress Pages

    Super Cache files are compressed and stored that way so the heavy compression is done only once. These files are generally much smaller and are sent to a visitor's browser much more quickly than uncompressed html. As a result, the server spends less time talking over the network which saves CPU time and bandwidth, and can also serve the next request much more quickly.

    304 Not Modified browser caching

    Indicates to the client's browser whether a requested file has been modified or not (see: HTTP Status Codes or elsewhere for more info on that apache code)

    Don't cache pages for known users

    This prevents logged-in users from being served cached pages and is the default for almost every caching plugin out there.

    Expiry Time & Garbage Collection

    The default setting will allow cache files to age 1 hour (3600 seconds) prior to being removed which is ideal. This setting can be increased for sites that do not have many posts (1,000 or less ) if you do not update your content often. If you have a very large amount of posts ( 25,000+ ), a lower setting around 1800 may be more viable to prevent stat/CPU issues due to the number of files being created.

    Rejected User Agents

    It is recommended that you do not remove the default user agents from the list, to prevent bots from caching content and pages not normally seen by your visitors. (For example, if you have a calendar, a real visitor may only browse months close to now, but a bot will index every month forever as if it is a different page. Caching these pages real visitors are unlikely to visit wastes resources.)


W3 Total Cache WordPress Plugin

One way to optimize WordPress is to install W3 Total Cache (W3TC), which can be done from your WordPress Dashboard under Plugins. We recommend the following settings:

  • Page Cache: Enable
  • Page Cache Method: Disk (Enhanced)
  • Database Cache: Disabled
  • Object Cache: Disabled

Other options for optimizing WordPress include WP Super Cache.

WordPress: How to Use our Page Caching Feature

When your site gets a large number of simultaneous visitors, the site could occasionally appear down due to the overwhelming number of PHP processes running on the server.

One way to increase performance is to enable page caching. Through your Bluehost portal and Bluehost plugin, we have a caching feature to help your site performance, which is automatically enabled for all WordPress installations.

How to Enable Caching Feature

You can enable page caching in 2 different ways:

Using the Bluehost Plugin Inside WordPress Dashboard:

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Select Bluehost from the left-side menu and select Settings.
  3. Scroll down to the bottom until you see Performance.
  4. Alongside Caching, toggle the switch button to On.
  5. Under Caching Level, enable Assets & Web Pages.

Note: You may also choose other options under Caching Level depending on the length of time you prefer your site to store cache (5 mins/6 hours/1 week).

Note: You may also clear the cache under Manage Cache by clicking Clear Everything button. Clearing cache enables you to see the updates or changes that you made on the back end of your website onto the live site a lot faster compared to the regular propagation time.

By Accessing 'My Sites' Inside Bluehost Portal:

  1. Log in to your Bluehost account.
  2. Click My Sites on the left-side menu.
  3. Hover over the website in question.
  4. Click on Manage site button.
  5. Hit on Performance tab and look for Single-Server Caching Control.
  6. Under Cache Settings, by default, caching is already enabled as Blog for both Assets & Web Pages. (If not, you will be able to see the blue circle above the word Off.

Note: You may also choose other options under Cache Settings depending on the length of time you prefer your site to store cache (5 mins/6 hours/1 week)


Note: You may also remove the cache under Clear Cache for Entire Site by clicking Clear All button. Clearing cache enables you to see the updates or changes that you made on the back end of your website onto the live site a lot faster compared to the regular propagation time.

Additional Information:

How to Activate Bluehost Plugin

Want to use the Bluehost plugin? Follow the instructions below on how to install it:

  1. Log in to your Bluehost account.
  2. Click My Sites on the left-side menu.
  3. Hover over the website in question.
  4. Click on Manage site button.
  5. Hit on Settings tab and scroll down.
  6. Scroll down and look for Coming Soon Page, toggle the button to On.
  7. A pop-up window will appear, stating This requires the Bluehost Plugin.
  8. Hit on the Sounds Good button, and that will automatically install the Bluehost plugin into your site. You will be able to access it once you login to your WordPress dashboard, and it is located at the left-side menu.



My Website Is Slow

Having a slow-loading website can be frustrating, and can lead to less traffic visiting your site. If your site relies heavily on e-commerce or advertisements this could result in substantially less revenue being generated by your website.

There are many reasons a website may be slow.

  1. A huge spike in Additional Traffic.
  2. A Dynamic Site without caching.
  3. Extremely Large or non-optimized graphics.
  4. Extremely Large or non-optimized database.
  5. A large number of calls to external websites (twitter, facebook, youtube, etc…)
  6. Connectivity issues

All of these issues fall into three categories: Traffic issues, Site optimization, and configuration issues.

Traffic Issues

Traffic Density:

One common issue with websites suddenly becoming slow is traffic density. Traffic density is often the desired result of a well-created website. However, depending on the type of hosting plan you have, the type of scripts on your site, and how optimized your site is, this can have an adverse effect. There are several ways to handle a high traffic density.

  • Upgrade your hosting plan
  • Use a caching service like Cloudflare to reduce the load cost of your commonly accessed pages
  • Use the tools on this page to locate the contributing factors and manage them rather than the traffic density itself

Connectivity Issues:

Another common cause for websites to unexpectedly become slow is connectivity issues. Connectivity issues often cause sites to appear slow when they may not actually be running slow at all. Connectivity issues are typically a local issue, which means that your site may only be loading slowly for you. There are several ways in which you can diagnose connectivity issues.

  • InternetSupervision – web-based software that tests the connection to your website from several locations around the world to locate problems.
  • Traceroute – There are lots of websites offering traceroute services, and several ways to run a traceroute with a desktop application. One reliable service which also supports other connectivity tests is

Site Optimization

A large portion of the reason sites become slow is because they need to be optimized. Most websites today are dynamic sites. This means that the content of the website is at least partially generated when a visitor requests the page. Many times, the generated content is dependent on a database. If either the database or the code that interfaces with the database, and generates the page for your visitors is not optimized, it can lead to a slowdown in page load times.

There are several tools that can be used to pinpoint where a site could be better optimized.

  • Page Speed Grader – Performs speed analysis and provides a breakdown of how long it takes to load your page as well as a detailed breakdown of potential issues
  • WebPageTest – Similar to Page Speed Grader, but provides output analysis in a different format that may be more readable for some.
  • YSlow plugin – A plugin for your web browser that can analyze your speed locally
  • Google page speed – both an online service and a browser plugin that will analyze your page similar to the methods used by Page Speed Grader and WebPageTest

In addition to these tools, There are some guides that you can use to optimize your website without necessarily having to perform analysis. For WordPress website, see Wordpress Optimization. If you find that your site is still experiencing load time issues, it may be time to contact a developer to assist in optimizing your scripting. Alternatively, you may wish to upgrade your hosting account to or dedicated server to handle the extra load.

Configuration Issues

The third possibility for site load times being slow is the least common. It is possible that there is a configuration issue with the domain. The ISP your visitor is using to requesting the site, or with the server. Any issue with one of these three can cause your site to load slowly or in some cases the site will not load at all or only some of the time. These issues can often be confused with connectivity issues.

If you believe you are experiencing a configuration issue with your site, please give us a call at or visit us in live chat.

Domain Configuration Issues

Domain configuration issues are primarily issues with your DNS. These can cause site load times to be slow because the server does not have proper routing information to serve your website to the visitor requesting it. You can diagnose and repair this kind of issue by following these steps:

  1. Diagnose DNS issues using an online tool. Some reliable tools are listed below:

    • LeafDNS – Provides detailed information on potential DNS configuration issues in a user-friendly graphical format
    • – Can help you locate DNS issues by showing you your DNS configuration file or DNS zone
    • intoDNS – Another tool similar to LeafDNS that provides information on your DNS configuration in a different format
  2. Address any configuration issues reported by the above tools in your cPanel using the DNS zone editor.

ISP Configuration Issues

It is also possible that a visitor to your site may be experiencing issues with their ISP's configuration. In this rare scenario, you will want to have your visitor run a traceroute as directed above and then contact the ISP. You will want to provide the traceroute information to the ISP to assist them in resolving the configuration issue.

Server Issues

Server issues are the most rare cause for a site to experience slow load times. All servers at Bluehost are constantly monitored and tuned to ensure that they are performing at optimal speeds. However, in certain rare instances, it is possible for the server to become overloaded, and this can cause a slow down in site load times. These issues are often temporary and will resolve themselves in time. If you feel that there may be an ongoing server issue causing your site to load slowly, please perform a traceroute and contact us with this information so that we can locate and resolve the issue.


Wordpress Optimization


  • WordPress Optimization

    WordPress is currently one of the most popular blogging/CMS applications. Here are some ideas for optimizing WordPress and reducing the CPU consumption of this PHP script.

  • Image Optimization

    Are your images using too many resources? One common cause of a lagging or glitching website is heavy image load. This article will explain how to optimize your images to reduce server impact.

  • WordPress Pro: Marketing Center

    WordPress Pro will offer customers a premium hosting environment with increased functionality and advanced features, such as the Marketing Center. This article describes what features are included.

  • My Website Is Slow

    Having a slow loading website can be frustrating, and can lead to less traffic visiting your site. This article provides common causes of site slowness, as well as possible solutions to speed your site.

  • Website Builder (for WordPress) – How to Manage SEO Settings

    With Builder, you can set a page title and description, upload a social share image, or set alt text for images. Doing these things consistently will help to boost your Search Engine Optimization.

  • WordPress: How to Use our Page Caching Feature

    Occasionally when your site gets a large number of simultaneous visitors, the site could appear down due to the overwhelming number of php processes running on the server. Caching your site can help.

  • W3 Total Cache WordPress Plugin

    One way to optimize WordPress is to install W3 Total Cache (W3TC) from in the Plugins section. This articles describes how to install and configure the W3 Total Cache WordPress Plugin.

  • Shared WordPress Hosting

    Shared WordPress Hosting provides the same features and benefits as our Shared Hosting accounts with the added bonus of coming with WordPress pre-installed.

  • Rock: Manage WordPress Caching

    Caching can create static versions of your website's content, which load more quickly in browsers, resulting in faster performance for your website. This article explains how to manage caching in Rock.

  • Our Certified WordPress Themes

    There’s a wide variety of themes available within the WordPress community, and we have taken extra steps to vet our themes for high quality. This article lists some of the benefits of using certified themes.

  • My Sites: Managing WordPress Sites

    Our updated 'Rock' user interface offers a fresh new look, along with several useful tools and helpful features. One such feature is the My Sites tab, where you can easily manage your websites.

  • 9 Things to Keep in Mind When Choosing a WordPress Theme

    Whether you’re starting from scratch or updating an existing website, choosing the right theme will make it easier to create a professional-looking site and achieve your online goals.

  • WordPress: How to Clean up Meta Data

    As posts and pages are added, updated, and even removed, your wp_postmeta table may become bulky. This article will explain how to optimize site performance by cleaning up meta data in the database.

  • WordPress Pro Hosting Plans Cost Comparison

    WordPress Pro offers a valuable partnership to small business owners by providing users elevated server resources and customer support beyond what is expected in traditional shared hosting platforms.

  • How Much Traffic Can I Have?

    How much traffic can your website handle? This article will provide general ranges of hit and visit rates for each hosting plan we offer.

  • VPS & Dedicated Hosting: Site Performance Essentials & Tips

    This article will explain how to prevent your server from freezing up or fix site performance problems on a VPS or Dedicated Server.

  • Builder – How to Manage SEO Settings

    With Builder, you can set a page title and description, upload a social share image, or set alt text for images. Doing these things consistently will help to boost your Search Engine Optimization.

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