Analytics – Predefined Terms | Purchase and SIgn Up *



Standard GA4 Ecommerce Parameters for Purchase Events

  1. transaction_id (Required)

    • Description: A unique identifier for the transaction.
    • Type: String
  2. affiliation (Optional)

    • Description: The store or affiliation from which this transaction occurred.
    • Type: String
  3. value (Optional, but highly recommended)

    • Description: The total revenue or total value of the transaction.
    • Type: Numeric
  4. currency (Optional)

    • Description: The currency of the items purchased, represented as a 3-letter ISO currency code.
    • Type: String
  5. tax (Optional)

    • Description: The total tax associated with the transaction.
    • Type: Numeric
  6. shipping (Optional)

    • Description: The total shipping cost associated with the transaction.
    • Type: Numeric
  7. coupon (Optional)

    • Description: The coupon code used for the transaction.
    • Type: String
  8. items (Required for detailed product tracking)

    • Description: An array of item objects, each representing a product in the transaction.

    • Each item object can have the following properties:

      • item_id

        (Required for each item)

        • Description: The store or inventory ID associated with the item.
        • Type: String
      • item_name

        (Required for each item)

        • Description: The name of the item.
        • Type: String
      • quantity


        • Description: The number of items purchased.
        • Type: Integer
      • price


        • Description: The price of a single item.
        • Type: Numeric
      • item_brand


        • Description: The brand of the item.
        • Type: String
      • item_category


        • Description: The category of the item.
        • Type: String
      • item_variant


        • Description: The variant of the item, e.g., size or color.
        • Type: String
      • item_list_name


        • Description: The list or group to which the item belongs.
        • Type: String
      • item_list_id


        • Description: The ID of the list or group.
        • Type: String
      • promotion_id


        • Description: The ID of the promotion associated with the item.
        • Type: String
      • promotion_name


        • Description: The name of the promotion.
        • Type: String
      • creative_name


        • Description: The name of the creative involved.
        • Type: String
      • creative_slot


        • Description: The position of the creative.
        • Type: String

Make sure that your data collection setup correctly populates these parameters, particularly those marked as required, to ensure accurate tracking and reporting in your GA4 Ecommerce reports.



In Google Analytics, ecommerce is not a custom dimension itself; it’s a broader category of data collection that enables the tracking of user interactions with products on e-commerce websites. It includes various types of data, such as transactions, items purchased, revenue amounts, and so forth.

Within the e-commerce tracking setup, Google Analytics uses a set of parameters to capture detailed information about user interactions. Here are a few key terms you might encounter:

Transaction Data: This includes details like transaction ID, revenue, shipping, tax, and so on.
Item Data: For each item in a transaction, details such as the name, price, quantity, SKU, and category are captured.
This data is usually populated via the ecommerce object within the dataLayer of a website when using Google Tag Manager or through direct calls to gtag if using the Global Site Tag (gtag.js). When properly implemented, Google Analytics can produce a suite of e-commerce reports that leverage this data, without the need for custom dimensions to represent standard e-commerce data points.

However, if there are specific aspects of your e-commerce interactions that are not captured by the built-in e-commerce tracking (such as specialized metadata or user behaviors), that’s where custom dimensions could come into play. These allow you to collect and segment additional data beyond what is automatically tracked.

For example, if you want to track a specific marketing campaign identifier that isn’t part of standard e-commerce data, you could set this up as a custom dimension.

If your standard e-commerce reports aren’t filling in, it could be due to misconfiguration or a conflict between your custom dimensions and the built-in e-commerce tracking. Ensuring that you have correctly implemented the e-commerce tracking features and are not redundantly capturing this data in custom dimensions will be critical to resolving any reporting issues.




In Google Analytics 4 (GA4), the "sign_up" event is considered a standard predefined event, similar to "purchase". However, the "sign_up" event typically has fewer required parameters compared to the "purchase" event. The "sign_up" event is used to measure when a user signs up or registers on your site.

Here are the parameters associated with the "sign_up" event in GA4:

Standard GA4 Parameters for the "sign_up" Event

  1. method

    (Optional but recommended)

    • Description: The method through which the sign up was completed. For example, "Google", "Facebook", "Email", etc.
    • Type: String

This parameter helps you understand the platforms or methods users are using to sign up, which can be useful for analyzing the effectiveness of your sign-up processes and optimizing your user acquisition strategy.

Additional Parameters

While "method" is the primary parameter typically associated with the "sign_up" event, you might also consider sending custom parameters to capture more detailed insights specific to your application's context:

  • user_id (Optional)

    • Description: A unique identifier for the user who has signed up.
    • Type: String
  • success (Optional)

    • Description: Indicates whether the sign-up process was successful.
    • Type: Boolean
  • campaign (Optional)

    • Description: To capture the marketing campaign details if the sign-up was driven by specific marketing efforts.
    • Type: String

Implementing the "sign_up" Event

To implement the "sign_up" event in your website or application using Google Tag Manager (GTM), follow these steps:

  1. Configure Data Layer: Ensure that when a user signs up, the relevant information is pushed to the data layer. For example:

      'event': 'sign_up',
      'method': 'Email'
  2. Set Up GTM Tags and Triggers:

    • Create a trigger for the "sign_up" event, listening for the custom event name in the data layer.
    • Set up a GA4 event tag that fires on this trigger, mapping the data layer variables to the event parameters in GA4.
  3. Test and Debug:

    • Use GTM’s Preview mode to test the implementation.
    • Verify in GA4’s real-time reporting or DebugView that the "sign_up" event is being captured correctly with all intended parameters.

By setting up the "sign_up" event with these parameters, you can effectively track how users are registering for your service, which can be critical for optimizing user onboarding and understanding user acquisition channels.

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