Analytics Debug | how to engage. *

Enabling Debug Mode for GA4:

Individual Persistant Debug Mode

// step 1 - set up cookie 
document.cookie = "debug_mode=true;path=/;max-age=31536000;SameSite=Lax;";

//step 2 - Enable Debug Mode for GA4: In the console, run the following command to initialize GA4 with debug mode enabled:
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
gtag('js', new Date());
gtag('config', 'G-CVZ4RHQ130', { 'debug_mode': true });

Other ways


Method 2: Using URL Parameter

You can add a URL parameter to your website's URL to enable debug mode for a single session. This method is useful for testing without making permanent changes.

  1. Add ?debug_mode=true to the URL:

    Copy code
  2. Read the Parameter and Set the Cookie (Optional): If you want to persist this across sessions, you can read the URL parameter and set a cookie.

    const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(;
    if (urlParams.get('debug_mode') === 'true') {
      document.cookie = "debug_mode=true;path=/;max-age=31536000;SameSite=Lax;";

Method 3: Using Google Tag Assistant

Google Tag Assistant is a Chrome extension that helps you validate and troubleshoot your Google Analytics implementation. It can also be used to enable debug mode.

  1. Install Google Tag Assistant:

    • Download and install the Google Tag Assistant extension from the Chrome Web Store.
  2. Enable Debug Mode:

    • Open your website and click on the Tag Assistant icon in the Chrome toolbar.
    • Enable the "Record" option.
    • Reload your website.

Method 4: Using GTM Debug Mode

If you're using Google Tag Manager (GTM) to manage your GA4 tags, you can use GTM's built-in debug mode to enable debug mode for GA4.

  1. Enable Preview Mode in GTM:

    • Go to your GTM container.
    • Click on "Preview" in the top right corner.
    • Enter your website's URL and click "Start".
  2. Check GA4 Debug Mode:

    • While in preview mode, GA4 debug mode should be enabled automatically for the session.

Method 5: Directly in GA4 Configuration

When initializing GA4, you can pass the debug_mode parameter directly in your configuration. This is useful for ensuring that debug mode is always enabled during development.

window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
function gtag() { dataLayer.push(arguments); }
gtag('js', new Date());
gtag('config', 'YOUR_MEASUREMENT_ID', { 'debug_mode': true });

Verifying Debug Mode

After enabling debug mode using any of the above methods, you can verify it by:

  1. Checking Network Requests:

    • Look for GA4 collect requests in the Network tab of Developer Tools and verify the debug_mode parameter is set to true.
  2. Using DebugView in GA4:

    • Open your GA4 property and navigate to "Configure" > "DebugView".
    • Verify that events are being logged in real-time.

By using these methods, you can enable GA4 debug mode persistently and ensure that your analytics data is being sent correctly.

You want to enable GA4 debug mode just for yourself and make it persistent across multiple pages. This can be done by setting a debug cookie in your browser's console.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Open Your Website in a Browser: Open your website in Google Chrome (or any browser with a console).

  2. Open the Developer Tools Console:

    • Press F12 or Ctrl+Shift+I (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+Option+I (Mac) to open Developer Tools.
    • Navigate to the Console tab.
  3. Set the Debug Mode Cookie: In the console, run the following command to set a persistent cookie for debug mode:

    document.cookie = "debug_mode=true;path=/;max-age=31536000;SameSite=Lax;";
  4. Enable Debug Mode for GA4: In the console, run the following command to initialize GA4 with debug mode enabled:

    window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
    function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
    gtag('js', new Date());
    gtag('config', 'G-CVZ4RHQ130', { 'debug_mode': true });

    Replace YOUR_MEASUREMENT_ID with your actual GA4 measurement ID.


Here's what you would type in the console step by step:

  1. Set the Debug Mode Cookie:

    document.cookie = "debug_mode=true;path=/;max-age=31536000;SameSite=Lax;";
  2. Enable Debug Mode for GA4:

    window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
    function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
    gtag('js', new Date());
    gtag('config', 'YOUR_MEASUREMENT_ID', { 'debug_mode': true });


  • Setting the Cookie:

    • The command document.cookie = "debug_mode=true;path=/;max-age=31536000;SameSite=Lax;"; sets a cookie named debug_mode with a value of true. This cookie is set to the root path (/) and will last for one year (max-age=31536000 seconds).
  • Enabling Debug Mode:

    • The gtag initialization script with debug_mode: true ensures that debug mode is enabled for GA4.


To verify that the debug mode is enabled:

  • Reload your website and open the console.
  • You should see debug information related to GA4 in the console logs.

This approach ensures that only your browser will have GA4 debug mode enabled persistently across multiple pages and sessions.

  1. Using Query Parameters in the URL:

    • Append ?_dbg=1 to the URL in the browser to enable the debug mode for your session. This method works for web applications.
  2. Using a Browser Extension:

    • Install and activate the Google Analytics Debugger Chrome extension. This extension will enable debug mode for all sites you visit with the extension turned on. It works by automatically setting the _dbg parameter.
  3. Programmatically with gtag.js:

    • If you have direct access to the


      configuration in your code, you can enable debug mode programmatically:

      gtag('set', 'debug_mode', true);
    • This method is beneficial if you want to toggle debugging dynamically based on certain conditions, such as only for logged-in users or when a special query parameter is set.

  4. URL Parameter: Append _ga_debug=1 or _ga_debug_trace=1 to the URL query string. This method is suitable for debugging in the browser console.



    Example 2:

  5. Browser Extension: Install the Google Analytics Debugger Chrome extension. This extension automatically enables debug mode for all Google Analytics requests and logs debug messages to the browser console.

    Google Analytics Debugger Chrome Extension

  6. JavaScript Console: Manually enable debug mode using JavaScript in the browser console. This method gives you more control over debugging and allows you to toggle debug mode on and off as needed.


    // Enable debug mode
    window.ga_debug = { enabled: true };
    // Enable trace mode (detailed debug messages)
    window.ga_debug = { trace: true };
  7. Google Tag Assistant: Use the Google Tag Assistant Chrome extension. It not only helps you validate your Google Analytics implementation but also provides debug information and suggestions for improvements.

    Google Tag Assistant Chrome Extension

  1. enable on page settings

        <script async src=""></script>
            window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
            function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
            gtag('js', new Date());
            // Configure the primary GA4 Measurement ID
            gtag('config', 'G-1688HPPTWW', { 'debug_mode': true });
            // Optionally configure a secondary GA4 Measurement ID
            gtag('config', 'G-ZGSEPJTQ7G', { 'debug_mode': true });



  1. Google Analytics API: Use the Google Analytics Reporting API to fetch debug information programmatically. This method is suitable for more advanced debugging scenarios where you need to analyze data in bulk or automate the debugging process.

As of my last update in January 2022, Google Analytics 4 (GA4) has the following limits on the number of events and parameters:

  1. Event Types: GA4 supports up to 500 distinct event types per property. Each event type represents a unique action or interaction that you want to track on your website or app.
  2. Event Parameters: For each event type, GA4 allows up to 25 event parameters. Event parameters provide additional context or details about the event being tracked. These parameters can be used to segment and analyze data in more detail.

It's important to note that exceeding these limits can impact data collection and reporting accuracy. Therefore, it's essential to design your event tracking strategy carefully and prioritize the most relevant events and parameters for your analytics goals.

For the most up-to-date information on GA4 limits, it's recommended to refer to the official Google Analytics documentation or contact Google support directly, as these limits may have changed since my last update.





custom dimensions


In Google Analytics, Custom Dimensions allow you to collect and analyze additional data beyond the default dimensions (such as page views, sessions, and demographics). They provide a way to segment and analyze your data based on specific criteria that are relevant to your business or website.

Here's an overview of Custom Dimensions:

  1. Definition: Custom Dimensions are attributes that you define to collect additional information about your users or their interactions with your website or app.

  2. Scope: Custom Dimensions can be set at the hit, session, or user level, depending on how long you want the information to persist.

    • Hit-level: Applies to a single interaction (e.g., a pageview or event).
    • Session-level: Applies to all interactions within a single session.
    • User-level: Applies to all interactions by a single user across multiple sessions.
  3. Use Cases: Custom Dimensions can be used for various purposes, including:

    • Segmenting users based on user properties (e.g., membership status, subscription level).
    • Tracking specific actions or behaviors (e.g., video views, file downloads).
    • Analyzing traffic sources or marketing campaigns (e.g., campaign source, campaign medium).
  4. Implementation: Custom Dimensions are implemented using the Google Analytics tracking code (analytics.js or gtag.js). You define the dimension in your Google Analytics property settings and then include the dimension in your tracking calls.

  5. Limitations: There are limits to the number of Custom Dimensions you can create based on your Google Analytics subscription level. For free accounts, you can have up to 20 Custom Dimensions per property, while Google Analytics 360 customers have higher limits.

  6. Reporting: Once set up, Custom Dimensions can be used in Google Analytics reports and analysis tools to segment and filter data, create custom reports, and gain insights into user behavior.

Overall, Custom Dimensions are a powerful feature in Google Analytics that allow you to tailor your tracking and reporting to your specific business needs, providing deeper insights into user behavior and interactions.




limits on custom dimensions

As of my last update, here are the limits on Custom Dimensions in Google Analytics:

  1. Number of Custom Dimensions per Property:

    • Standard Google Analytics (free version): Up to 20 Custom Dimensions per property.
    • Google Analytics 360 (premium version): Up to 200 Custom Dimensions per property.
  2. Scope:

    • Custom Dimensions can be set at the hit, session, or user level. However, the choice of scope may affect the number of Custom Dimensions you can effectively use in your reports, especially for user-level scope, where there are limitations on how many can be processed per session.
  3. Index Ranges:

    • For each Custom Dimension, there are index ranges for different scopes:

      • Hit-level: Index range from 1 to 200.
      • Session-level: Index range from 201 to 250.
      • User-level: Index range from 251 to 300.
  4. Index Allocation:

    • Once you've defined Custom Dimensions and assigned them to indexes, you cannot change the index assignments. If you need to reassign indexes, you have to create new Custom Dimensions.
  5. Impact on Data Processing:

    • Using too many Custom Dimensions, especially with user-level scope, can impact data processing and may result in sampling or incomplete data in your reports, particularly for high-traffic websites.
  6. Considerations:

    • It's essential to carefully plan your Custom Dimension strategy to ensure you're collecting relevant data without exceeding the limits or negatively impacting data processing.

Please note that these limits are based on the information available up to my last update, and Google may have made changes since then. Always refer to the latest documentation or contact Google Analytics support for the most accurate and up-to-date information on Custom Dimension limits.



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